At 7/20/06 08:50 AM, Liamski_Noir wrote:
(this being the biggest reson i've not been botherd to fill out any requests for a couple of weeks)
I am happy to hear that I am not the only one that feels that way. Believe me, you have been missed around here, but I understand the reason behind it. We just do not have anywhere to makequality sigs. They are always pilled under crap. We will have to try and get somthing going becasue I am tired of loosing good sig makers to spam.
I do beleive we should start a new sig making club somewhat like the old SSM were sig makers are invited in (NOT an open club), it sounds extreme but i beleive it would be the only way to tackle the majour n00b problem here in the ASM=[
This is not that extreme of an idea. It needs to be done. When Jugg's closed the SSMR he knew that somone would eventually re-open one. The largest downfall of the SSMR was the members. People would gain status and then never show up. The activity level witll need to be regulated.We should really talk more about this on a serious note.
At 7/20/06 10:17 AM, Shyne-Bryght wrote:
... I did mention my leaving but I guess it was covered up by spam...
That is just it, we lost a lot of great people all to the same thing. I had no idea you said you would be leaving. I try to read everything, but a day goes by and we clear ten pages of spam. It is getting too difficult to keep tabs on everyone with the current state of this place. You were very active in your prime, and pumped good sigs. It's sad.
At 7/20/06 12:00 PM, Jonas wrote:
Just so everyone knows, I am around and about.
This is very much appreciated. You do not know how much this would help if we could actually get a mod to help us here. I have not bothered t contact mods in the past due to the simple fact that I did not want to bother them, and that I thought my requests would be ignored. I will be sure to not abuse your aid. Thank you for the help.
At 7/20/06 12:19 PM, -tkinney- wrote:
Yeah, and the requesters take the crappy sig before they see yours >:( And also all the sig trends. I'm not sure if they have died yet, but I still don't like them. That might actually be the problem. Hmmmm...
Drumroll please...give that man a klondike bar! You just hit it on the head my friend. I get so sick of ms paint sigs being taken over the ones we spend a good chunk of time on. That or our sigs being burrried so deep that no one can even bother to look through the pages. It is so bad that we havn't had a to-do list for about a month. And the sig trneds were a very large problem forquite some tme. I think they are done.
Sorry I wasn't on last night to fill requests... Halo 2 live is addicting o_0
Yes, yes it is.
<A new sig thread>
I completely agree that we need one. A coupleof us need to get togetherand really talk about this. We could all benifit from the fresh start. Liam and -thinney- we need to try and bang some things out if we are really going to give this a try. There will be a lot of ground work to be done. I do not feel this should be laid out in a day. I do think it can be done. I will just have to bribe a mod to let it live.
I think between a handfull of us here, we can do this. We can base it around the SSMR. It would be able to survive and strive due to our loyality to the task and the need for us to have it. I really want to see this happen. It may be an extreme measure, but not so much that is is past the point of reason. I am full in on the project if you all would like me to help. Just let me know.
<To everyone else>
Regarding te new sig topic, I would greatly appreciate it if you would refrain from talking to mods aboutthe new thread. I would also like you all to not try and make new topics about sigs. The more they hear and see about it, the less likelythey will be to allow us to do it. So please just leave it up to the select few. After completion of our goal then we will decide who is in and who is out.
So please do your best to just not talk about it unless you know that you should be. No mods, minimal posts, and no starting one on your own! If any of you truely care about seeing a new sig topic then you will leave it to those of us trying to do so. Too lareg of a group effort is a bad thing and will eventually crush the hope of ever getting anywhere. I appreciate those of you willing to help. Thank you for that.
I apologize if I have come off as an asshole over the last couple pages. I am not doing to just to be mean, or single anyone out. I am just getting tired, as are your fellow sig makers. I applaud those that have held on. I know it is not easy to do through all of this. So a thank you to all of you trying to do your part. Now, let's see if we can fill some requests, have some fun, and get some quality work pumped out. Good luck everyone.