Yeah. So not to be impatient. Just wondering if anyone looked at my request on the opposite page..

Yeah. So not to be impatient. Just wondering if anyone looked at my request on the opposite page..
Yay, I uploaded my Audio!
Check out: Winter (REMIXED) When it's done verifying.
A sig I made using flash. Let me know what you think
Hey guys. I just got Paint Shop Pro X, as a free trial, and I made my first sig ever! However, when I tried to post it, it came out as a psp image instead of a jpeg (jpg) or gif. How do I convert it from a pspimage to a jpeg?
Export? it. Look for an export. usually psp. dosn't allow .jpg saving on trials
I found out how to convert it, and this is it. Comments please.
At 7/19/06 07:58 PM, owTolaH wrote: I found out how to convert it, and this is it. Comments please.
bad quality, seems wierd. try again?
I was wondering if someone could make me a moving sig that is like a pulse reader and it shows a normal pulse and then the pulse says AustinR so it would go pulse pulse AustinR and reapeat with a green pulse reading and a black background ( I know it alot to ask for so only do this if your up for the task) and I'll tell you if you get it and what to cange if needed
At 7/19/06 06:58 PM, Lightningclock wrote: Oh yeah, this looks much better.
stop robbing sigs and sticking shite text over the top. and don't say you made it cause unless you show me the .psd or a layer image then go to hell.
fucking noobs.
hey lightning clock, thanks for the sig, sorry i'm a little late
At 7/19/06 08:25 PM, Lightningclock wrote: JOIN THE CLOCK CREW! As my sig says...
Atleast someone appreciates my work...and I am not a Noob dude. And I will duel you on RuneScape (lol) if you want to be owned. 3rdly, the Clock Crew is probably the best Crew EVER ASSEMBELED, so STFU!
Anyways, Check out Kingdom Hearts May Cry 10 in the portal. It's so frigging hilarous
I can't wait till my audio: Winter (REMIXED) comes out in the Audio Portal.
YES! IT'S UPLOADED! Although it is called something different...It's called Light and Earth. You may hear a familiar toon that I remixed :).
i was wondering if someone can make me a new sig. Maybe something with the sixers or Godsmack. Anything would be great.
Ok, I made a new sig for the Review Request Club, and its a lot better than the first one. Comments Please.
thanks for the sig esko_man it's not crappy at all, alot better than MS PAINT!
hint hint
i would've replied sooner but whent to bed before you uploaded it
thanks again
YES!!! I FOUND THE FILES! Now, all I need to do is upload them.
At 7/19/06 09:28 PM, owTolaH wrote: Ok, I made a new sig for the Review Request Club, and its a lot better than the first one. Comments Please.
lol now it is war!!!!!
And I am no n00b :P. By god, I am not. So stop calling me that fr00b!
...I can stop that, but you can stop calling me a n00b. It doesn't bother me, but people who say it just can't come up with any other come-back and for another it's WAY to common online. I mean god, that word doesn't make any sence...It's just a damn word someone invented when he got mad at someone. That's beside the point though, ENOUGH FLAME WAR.
At 7/19/06 09:19 PM, Sixers1fan wrote: i was wondering if someone can make me a new sig. Maybe something with the sixers or Godsmack. Anything would be great.
Here you go. First sig on NG so im not sure if all they colors are right.
At 7/19/06 10:13 PM, esko_man wrote:At 7/19/06 10:12 PM, xAsCitiesBurnx wrote:Here you go. First sig on NG so im not sure if all they colors are right.That's pretty nice! Did you make sigs in a forum some where else besides here?
Not as much signatures as 150 x 150 avatars and banners.
yea lighting clock if you want to be reviewed on your audio you can ask in the review request club (in my sig) but we mostly do flash