At 7/19/06 04:18 PM, slicky_boy wrote: yourwas great tho hppie but yea heskos was but keep up the great work
and the one I made you back on page 2296 was crap?
At 7/19/06 04:18 PM, slicky_boy wrote: yourwas great tho hppie but yea heskos was but keep up the great work
and the one I made you back on page 2296 was crap?
Size: 400x60
Style: (Shown Below)
Image: Ghetto Blaster (Boom Box)
Text: Allias, in red text aswell
Time Needed: Take your time
Thanks: In advanced :)
I'm not trying to spam but does anyonone want this sig I asked before but it was late at night
my name is just an example of where your name will go
so if anyone wants to make me an animated sig (alot like the one i have now, and it'd be pretty cool if u used it) with zombies (of course) and my name somewhere
pardon but let me get this straight because i decided to skip the 2000+ pages you guys are actually making sigs for people? would I be able to get one?
And for you Bojangles8u, another Clock Crew Mangled Sig.
lightning clocl your sigs are amazing but i think you should choose a font for writing the names, the wasy u do it makes it look very MS paintish, but otherwise it's awesome
thats because his wrting IS paint he uses the same sig's just edits them with paint for names
At 7/19/06 05:32 PM, Lemonhead7t7 wrote: lightning clocl your sigs are amazing but i think you should choose a font for writing the names, the wasy u do it makes it look very MS paintish, but otherwise it's awesome
Funny, i'm downloading a Photoshop right now, so i can make even better sigs. Thanks :). The Clock Crew is ALWAYS awesome.
Happie lil hippie can you please make this make me a sig PSP size what I want on it is master cheif with a shotgun if you can find a pink master cheif it would be better but whatever and for the background I want it to be pink and for the name x FBI FRENZY x thank y
it's alright but again the font is terrible, have u downloaded photoshop yet?
On and off. Zebra_man are you going to get your sig?
At 7/19/06 06:25 PM, Dark-Silence wrote: any one know a good site for sig tourtials?
just pm people like turkey bean and ask him how he does it!
At 7/19/06 06:32 PM, Lemonhead7t7 wrote: it's alright but again the font is terrible, have u downloaded photoshop yet?
No! One of the Damn files is missing! So, I could either spend my whole Sig Making time looking for the file AGAIN, or find a way to make other fonts.
Hey all, my former alias was sid-vicious but i needed something a BIT more original.
Hah, can anyone kindly make me a sig with a piece of burnt toast, and a toaster? Thanks.
can somone please answer my question, does anyone know a good sig tourtial site.