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Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-03 21:30:31

At 10/3/03 09:20 PM, Atomicus wrote: Greetings sir! (salutes)

Greetings General. You have whipped the men into excellent shape. If you have it ready, send the current members to Enoll and myself so we can keep track of the troops. That way we can keep an eye out for no good n00b's that ask for a rank and don't participate.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-03 21:33:40

At 10/3/03 02:05 PM, NG-Lethal wrote: it needs a password to de-activate! I alredy tried!

just get a password cracker/ hacker.....
there are many ways to get past those pathetic anti-fun programs..

& welcome to all new recruits since my last visit....
the army is growing every day....
Atomicus.... we need a flag....
any Ideas?
everyone post your ideas for a NG ARMY flag


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-03 21:42:51

Greeting Sir!

How shall the flag designs be layed out? Is their their purpose for sig. pics or movie credits? That way the troops know how they should design them.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-03 21:46:17

At 10/3/03 09:42 PM, paulz_69 wrote: Greeting Sir!

How shall the flag designs be layed out? Is their their purpose for sig. pics or movie credits? That way the troops know how they should design them.

look at the way countries flags look... it will be used for sig pics, & everytihng to do with the army...
one day crap will fear the flag.....
just make it a 200 x 100 pic....
do it in flash so it can be changed in size with out quality lowering....


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-03 23:30:40

Just wondering, Atomicus said I could rank-up because i was 10th to sign up...early. So can I? I'm Leutient right now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-03 23:45:27

well i was the 5th to sign up and i think your alrdy ranked higher then me

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 00:26:16

who ever makes a good NG ARMY FLAG (the one we end up using)
will get a rank up


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 00:29:22

i dont even have paintshop lol so im out on that rank

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 00:50:54

At 10/4/03 12:26 AM, Enoll wrote: who ever makes a good NG ARMY FLAG (the one we end up using)
will get a rank up

Rank up please. Kthxbai. Lewl just messin' around. VOTE SSM!


BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 00:51:11

At 10/4/03 12:29 AM, MozzManson wrote: i dont even have paintshop lol so im out on that rank

I said to use flash....
but you can use any program u want... just as long as it's good


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 00:52:43

bah i dont even have any of that crap and by the time i get it someoen would have alrdy made one

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 02:20:47

Greetings, General Enoll, sir! (salutes with vigor)
I think we owe SSM a thank you for Hycran's creation of a pic. I'll take care of that asap. As for the ranking system, I have it worked out currently so that when a soldier has sufficient status to have a promotion, he must be reviewed by a superior officer. Of course, for now, I can handle this personally, but once our numbers grow, this task will need to be delegated. Also, I believe our current count is 20, we have no allies, but it seems as though we have already started making enemies. Much to my dismay, I am attempting to contact the insulted parties to make ammends with them. I hope that drastic action is not necessary (glares at roster). All in all, we're on our way, but we've hit some "snags". Nothing I don't think we can handle though.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 02:31:28

Allright, cool. I think that I am advancing pretty quickly through the ranks. Hopefully, I will someday be a General. Hopefully...

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 03:14:02

Here's a flag...


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 11:06:37

Does anyone like my flag design? First time using a brick wall layer...personally i like it but i dunno if it can compete w/ AK's flag.Huh.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 12:14:58

At 10/4/03 06:49 AM, -Sphere- wrote:
wait a sec, isn't my voting power close enough to 6.oo to count me as a major?

Just to let you know, in here, they don't count close. It has to either be on it or above, but getting close to it isn't going to change much.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 12:18:15

At 10/4/03 11:06 AM, Unchain wrote: Does anyone like my flag design? First time using a brick wall layer...personally i like it but i dunno if it can compete w/ AK's flag.Huh.

I think that your flag is pretty good. I don't understand why there is light emanating from StrawberryClock though. AK's flag seems to be better because when the General said that everyone will fear the NG Army soon, is just makes sense. It has the StrawberryClock running away. Your doesn't have anything like that on it. Maybe if you modified it a little bit to fit the purpose of the crew, it would be a lot better. I still think it is good though...

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 12:58:46

i want to know how to join this sounds prtty cool

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 13:03:22

At 10/4/03 12:58 PM, heckballs wrote: i want to know how to join this sounds prtty cool

You have to speak directly with one of the Generals. They will review your stats and decide if you can join. From looking at your stats right now, I think that you will be able to join with no trouble. If you make it, there is a post on page 5 at the bottom that will tell you how to figure out your rank based on your voting power.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 13:24:26

so what rank would i start off with if i was a member of the ng army

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 13:39:53

ask enoll or someone, atomicus or paul

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 15:16:46

Hey! I have a suggestion for a movie that someone could make for NG Army. (cuz i dont make flash)

Very simple... Make a Army of all kinds of fighters killing other peoples anamations or helping good animations!

If not a good idea dont reply to this!

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 15:20:21

Sir may i join The NG Army i can make logos and other crap.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 18:29:13

First the two new recruits:

heckballs - interesting name and (1st) Lieutenant

Thug0r - 1st Sergeant

Next - DMX, I like your idea, we need to find someone who can make a really good flash.

Lastly, I've come up with a sig system (not required) that has NG Army, name and rank with symbol (example below)


It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 18:57:33

I think your sig is nice... a little messy though.

I'm gonna keep mine...! =)

So who are we gonna find to make the movie ? hopefully someone good ...lol

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 19:14:28

*starts singing*


Come on everybody, keep it going ! Sing the chorus with me !

I play lottery. I always lose.


BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 19:15:31

never! and i like my sig also

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-04 19:40:50


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 00:32:54

oh boi! i like to whip people

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 00:44:37

First... welocme new recruits

second.. you dont HAVE to change your sig picture
for the army.. but it would be good if you put it in your signature message..

if you want to know your rank just go to page 5 of the army thread & read the ranking system by Atomicus

Still waiting for more flags.... Unchain
is the only to make one so far..
I'll make one myself too just to see how it turns out.. but I'm shure most of you can do better than me..