Greetings, General Enoll, sir! (salutes with vigor)
I think we owe SSM a thank you for Hycran's creation of a pic. I'll take care of that asap. As for the ranking system, I have it worked out currently so that when a soldier has sufficient status to have a promotion, he must be reviewed by a superior officer. Of course, for now, I can handle this personally, but once our numbers grow, this task will need to be delegated. Also, I believe our current count is 20, we have no allies, but it seems as though we have already started making enemies. Much to my dismay, I am attempting to contact the insulted parties to make ammends with them. I hope that drastic action is not necessary (glares at roster). All in all, we're on our way, but we've hit some "snags". Nothing I don't think we can handle though.