When applying to the ng do you find out if you haventbeen acepted? Its been around a week since i aplied, not that im impatient or anything, its just right now ive not got much to do and would be able to do many missions if required of me.
This is a spam thread,therefor I spam.
Spam anyone?
At 7/26/04 01:04 PM, _Ghost_ wrote: I'm mexican and impatient, what do you expect? (no offense to other mexicans) good to see you have extra time, what are you doin these days?
Lol...I have been doing a lot these days, actually. I just got done with my portfolio, so I have even more time until my friend finishes his. I like the new alias, I can't wait to get my post count going again. That was a fun time, I had so many clubs to post in. What have you been doing all this time, and how many ranks have you gained since I haven't been here?
At 7/26/04 02:56 PM, -Axe- wrote: What have you been doing all this time, and how many ranks have you gained since I haven't been here?
i've been working on sigs and PPs as well as keeping the mafia under control. and ranks... here i've been the same and experience raised one and is about raise another in a couple of days...
Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.
At 7/26/04 03:22 PM, _Ghost_ wrote: i've been working on sigs and PPs as well as keeping the mafia under control. and ranks... here i've been the same and experience raised one and is about raise another in a couple of days...
I haven't done anything with graphics for a long time, I have just been playing with Photoshop a bit, but not really tried to create anything. You have definitely gotten better with your sigs and profile pics, they are coming along a LOT better than the last time I saw them. Future congrats on reaching lvl 10, that's a major turning point. I can't wait till I get to lvl 12, though I can't remember what the lvl pic is.
At 7/26/04 03:45 PM, -Axe- wrote: You have definitely gotten better with your sigs and profile pics
i only got you to thank for that.
Future congrats on reaching lvl 10, that's a major turning point.
i can't wait i will finally get my glove.
I can't wait till I get to lvl 12, though I can't remember what the lvl pic is.
i i think it's the boxing glove with barbed wire.
Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.
Well this may be my last post here in the army, a decision i hvae been thinking over the last month or so, while i said in the past i would never leave, i feel it is time for me to make my way out of this club, while it was fun at the start and in the middle of my time here, it also seems that in thease times i just get a bad taste from many things, I defended the army with my heart and soul at times it seemed like no others would back me up in defending the army, The NG Army has done lots of great things but has also tainted its own name/club with lack of command in this topic, it also seemed that i was kept out of certain decisions and so-on, While the army was fun, it seems to have slacked off into lots madness, and things that i wish to not have my name along with, i met most of my friends here, infact i met my good friend Onic, im sure whoever runs the review div will be just fine, if anything onic would be my choice, but im not in charge of thease duties, Ill miss many of you most of all Paulz_69 who is good people, and glad to have known you...
Some didnt like me, and thats ok, some did and thats even better, ill remember my time here, it was fun, i just cant be in the army any longer my decision is final, i wont be saying i made a mistake and come back, i dont play games like that, I also hope that none of the higher command will hate me for this, its just something that needs to be done...
So I bid you all farewell, with the best of luck to you all...
At 7/26/04 05:55 PM, -LoveKills- wrote: So I bid you all farewell, with the best of luck to you all...
you don't want drama so i'll give you no drama, on with buisness.
I'm requesting a mission of any size. i am bored and guarentee it shall be completed.
Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.
Well goodbye ~X~ you will be greatly missed. Hope I am one of your new friends.
See ya ~X~. You were the fist post i saw when i came to the BBS. Good luck! You will be missed.
I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.
At 7/26/04 05:55 PM, -LoveKills- wrote: So I bid you all farewell, with the best of luck to you all...
Wow, quite a loss with you leaving ~X~. You'll be missed quite a bit and there wont be anybody that'll be able to get the job done quite as good as you could. I hope you'll still check in on us once in a while and hopefuly I'll still see you around.
At 7/26/04 04:26 PM, -VaLo- wrote: 2nd Lieutenant -VaLo- reporting for duty... again
Does anyone have a mission for me THIS time?
Have you joined the review crew yet? If you have you can do the missions listed in there, marking the abusive reviews. There are quite a bit of missions listed there for you to do so just do as many as you can to keep you occupied. I'm not saying go thru them all, just try and do most of them, they help quite a bit.
At 7/26/04 05:55 PM, -LoveKills- wrote: ~NEWS~
Thats not very nice to hear. But if you feel like leaving you should just do what you want to do. I'll miss you, I never said it out loud but I always thought you were the most righteous of all generals in here. farewell, ~X~. I hope to see you around.
At 7/26/04 06:49 PM, CommunistLock wrote: I can see his viewpoints, that this place has gone to shit, but leaving doesn't help, but it is your decision. Bye.
yes, bye it is. i'm sorry i couldn't see you in action here...
so how about that mission? or maybe a spitshine for your shoes?
Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.
Wow,almost all the Generals are gone.
Hopefully when I get back,things will change,and I mean that for in a good way.
I also noticed how you guys raised the level marker to join,that's a plus.
But I'd still recommend a post background check for each new joining member,it's only fair to see who we let join in this army.
Until then
At 7/27/04 01:15 AM, Atomicus wrote: Wow,almost all the Generals are gone.
Im afraid I may have to add to that list. I dont really get involved in posting anymore, and the club isnt that fun anymore. I kinda feel like I'm babysitting this place trying to defend for another attack. I think I could have warded one off this time, but I just dont feel the fun anymore. Ill be around NG ocasionally, maybe back someday...
Oh well, It was fun while it lasted, but too bad thats not now.
Thats not good. Another General is leaving. Even worse two in the same day. Well goodbye and hope to see you every once in awhile on NG>
I dont really know whats going on, by previous posts it seems like the army is breaking up or somethin, but if im wrong id like to know how i can join.
At 7/27/04 01:37 AM, SeeD419 wrote: I dont really know whats going on, by previous posts it seems like the army is breaking up or somethin, but if im wrong id like to know how i can join.
Well,you can start by depositing everyday until you reach level 9,then you can visit their website(located in one of the members sig pic) and apply away.
Is that understandable,my good man?
Damn dude, another really good general is leaving. Again, its someone who will be missed. Haha, I remember when I first joined back on page 350ish and I saw that sig. All I could think was what the hell? Ahhh, you'll be missed Jimong5. Hope to see you around later.
At 7/27/04 01:37 AM, SeeD419 wrote: I dont really know whats going on, by previous posts it seems like the army is breaking up or somethin, but if im wrong id like to know how i can join.
I was going to say when you get a few more BBS posts come back and try to join then. But I saw you have quite a bit of reviews and a lot of them are pretty decent. So you can follow the link in my sig and go to the NG Army site and register. Then, you just gotta wait for someone to active your account.
Haha, I see you used the sig I made for you. I drew that girl on the right originally made for the army, thought it would look good on it. But, you know I could make you a better one now, I was kinda off when I made that.
At 7/27/04 01:41 AM, JohnJMangini wrote: Well,you can start by depositing everyday until you reach level 9,
Haha, dammit, forgot that one. Yeah, you need to be at level 9 or above. Thanks for the reminder SPG. For some reason I thought that he was already a level 9, I dunno.
At 7/27/04 01:48 AM, QuikFox wrote: Haha, dammit, forgot that one. Yeah, you need to be at level 9 or above. Thanks for the reminder SPG. For some reason I thought that he was already a level 9, I dunno.
No problem,I may no longer be a member,but I still watch over this thread and follow up on everything that goes on in here.
I've been through all my personal problems,and seems like there's no way in hell they'll be catching back up to me in a long run,so maybe I'll rejoin or not..
At 7/27/04 02:57 PM, Mr_Flame wrote: can i join?
Yeah, sure I've seen you around and your pretty decent most of the time, haha, no offence. Just follow the link to the NGA site forums and then register. You won't be able to post until it gets activated so you'll just have to wait a bit. But once its activted be sure to read the rules and the FAQ and post here and at that site regularly. Welcome to the army.