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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 16:05:35

At 7/25/04 03:47 PM, Jujube_Lock wrote: Hey guys its nice to see John and Tim around, because my love for you guys is undying.

P.S. I made flash :D

HAHA, that was so funny. It's all true to. I fifened . Make more!

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 16:09:19

At 7/25/04 03:47 PM, Jujube_Lock wrote: P.S. I made flash :D

congratualtions, that was an awsome flash. you taught us crappy flash artists good :) LOL.
all of it was true and good :) good job, I fifend it.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 16:24:58

At 7/25/04 03:53 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I know. Hey what's the deal with you anyway bud? You're still hanging out here although not as much as you used to. Do you plan on ever rejoining or are you tired of us now? Either way it's not a problem John. You haven't split from the program yet.

Well,I've been facing some personal problems alot lately,so I doubt I'll be back in NGA anytime soon:Unless these problems 'poof', disappear I shall rejoin.

Yea,I hang around here from time and time..Even on the General section.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 16:26:35

At 7/25/04 03:47 PM, Jujube_Lock wrote: Hey guys its nice to see John and Tim around, because my love for you guys is undying.

HaHa,I got much <3 <3 <3 <3 for you as well,my good man.

P.S. I made flash :D

Yea I know,I seen it and voted on it.Ha,what a good flash.

Anyway,I'm jealous of you because you have more flashes then I d....Erm,you even have a batting average of B..Keep up the good work.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 16:36:05

Oh shit! It is everyone's favorite Fuckhead! w00t! lol. J/k I am here to say hello and answer any, and all, questions you need!

I will be here most of the rest of the day. I am housesitting now and am on my account from a computer w/ AOL. If you need me IM me on my alt account for AOL: SJPDANV. or just say it here!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 17:23:17

Sorry if I am double posting, but I can't go on NG or NGA for 3 days. Sad. I need someone with AIM or AOL to take control of My account while I am away. If you would like to do this and help me Out, please IM me at SJPDANV. I would appreciate it. And if you screw with my account or take it I will go legal on your ass. HA thought he was being nice, I won't! I am especially posed with you doing it QuikFox. Please IM me if anyone wants to help me out!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 17:34:30

At 7/25/04 05:23 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: I am especially posed with you doing it QuikFox. Please IM me if anyone wants to help me out!

Sure? I not really sure what you ment when you say that your especially POSED with me doing it. I'm guessing that it means you would like to me to watch it, haha, yeah, I'll take care of that for ya.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 17:57:59

Well I'm still trying to think up ideas for the shirt design and last night I got bored so I started to draw some shit. Now, normally I can't draw things worth shit unless I take quite a while on it. But I ended up drawing this and I thought it was kinda neat. Then I got to thinking about some things and you know how NG has Pico as its like mascot or something, well we really don't have something like that. So maybe we could have something that is kinda like Pico but for the army, so heres my attempt at something like that. Meet Erin, the Newgrounds Army Bitch.


BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 18:24:41

At 7/25/04 05:57 PM, QuikFox wrote: Bitch.

She sure does look like a bitch, lol. But I'm not sure if we should use a bitch as something representing us. Maybe something like P-bot?

Next to that I wonder who PZY and Alexsmolik are. I haven't seen them before.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 18:44:30

so damn tired, sleeping arrangement fucked me over, frying my brain infron of computer so everything can go blck with out shuttin my eyes cuz i cant.

whats new?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-25 20:36:30

At 7/25/04 02:03 PM, JohnJMangini wrote: As for the others(PZY,Alexsmolik),I had no idea they even joined here.

-PZY- joined twice, the first time before he hit elite guard private and later a few elite levels in. He never posted more than a couple of times in the cooesponding day withing each joining.

alex was critical of the ranking structure as most high levelers were at the beginning because of the easy potential for promotion. He never joined though.

Congrats to Lib for your lvl up.

I'm working now so thats why i haven't been around this weekend. I have a 3 day stretch of off days starting Wed that i can work on NGAN 2 so i'll be AIMable those days for sure. Email me with problems or concerns as usual. Luckly i'm making enough $ with my new job i can pay off all my debt and can take it easy and spend more time on NG during my off hours.

Enoll, i'll try to hop on AIM tonight so we can talk, i have a really early day so i'll be brief, but i do need to have a chat with ya.


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 00:21:21

At 7/25/04 08:36 PM, paulz_69 wrote: -PZY- joined twice, the first time before he hit elite guard private and later a few elite levels in. He never posted more than a couple of times in the cooesponding day withing each joining.

Yea,I went back and found out that he did join,but only posted like 3 times and that was it.

alex was critical of the ranking structure as most high levelers were at the beginning because of the easy potential for promotion. He never joined though.

I missed this one,but oh well.I haven't really seen him lurking around in the General Section.


Anyway,I finally made it to level 11 with this account,boy did it take me such a long time to do so.
I'm already hating the fact that it's soo many points to reach level 12,and I just became level 11 today.lol.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 00:31:54

At 7/25/04 04:33 AM, SeeD419 wrote: im interested man. what do i need to do to 'enlist'?

Since no one answered your question.let me do the honors.

You need to be atleast at level 9 or higher to enroll.

When you reach level 9.click one of the members sig and apply at the website.

Also,take some time and read the rules to see how they operate.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 00:33:22

At 7/26/04 12:21 AM, SouthPhillyGangsta wrote: I'm already hating the fact that it's soo many points to reach level 12,and I just became level 11 today.lol.

Well it's only an alternate account SouthSide so I wouldn't let it bother you too much (lol). Congrats on reaching level 11, you might reach level 12 before Halloween (my favorite season).


blood...its in you to give...

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 00:38:18

At 7/26/04 12:33 AM, Bloodthorne wrote: Well it's only an alternate account SouthSide so I wouldn't let it bother you too much (lol). Congrats on reaching level 11, you might reach level 12 before Halloween (my favorite season).

Blah,atleast you're up there in high level rankins...It's gonna take me awhile to get where you are with this account.

Anyway,how are you doing?

And sorry about posting on my StickyPenisGremlin account,I forgot to log off.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 00:40:08

hey everybody. If anybody wants to talk shit to someone talk to Policebrewtality he wants everyoen to blow him that is

Policebrewtality his AIM sn

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 01:10:45

At 7/26/04 12:40 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: hey everybody. If anybody wants to talk shit to someone talk to Policebrewtality he wants everyoen to blow him that is

Policebrewtality his AIM sn

CrimsonRainNG (1:04:27 AM): ?
Policebrewtality (1:04:34 AM): ?
CrimsonRainNG (1:04:46 AM): ??
Policebrewtality (1:05:06 AM): ???
CrimsonRainNG (1:05:11 AM): So do you like grapes?
Policebrewtality (1:06:04 AM): sure
CrimsonRainNG (1:06:20 AM): How about stairs?
Policebrewtality (1:06:41 AM): i like fallin down my stairs
CrimsonRainNG (1:07:58 AM): I like it when you wall down stairs to.
Policebrewtality (1:08:44 AM): when i wall down stairs?
CrimsonRainNG (1:09:27 AM): Yes, you know, when you hit the wall when your falling.
Policebrewtality (1:10:11 AM): lol no i go straight down or bounce off tha ceiling
CrimsonRainNG (1:10:26 AM): Oh, i see.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 04:44:37

At 7/26/04 12:31 AM, StickyPenisGremlin wrote: alt account!

I haven't seen that account before... How Many alt accounts do you have :S SPG, southside, JohnJMagnini, and this one....

At 7/25/04 08:36 PM, paulz_69 wrote: -PZY- & alex......
Congrats to Lib for your lvl up.

thank you thats what I wanted to know. Also thanks for depositing for me : )

Next to that if anyone wants a mission they ought to knock on the door of the review crew, we've got 100+ new missions waiting for you.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 05:04:51

Ok now I know theere has been some safety messurements being put in place at HQ, but I dont know why I get this message:
"Sorry, but only moderators can read topics in this forum"
When I try to access the NGA main forum; I am a mod!?!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 05:49:35

can i join?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 05:52:48

At 7/26/04 05:04 AM, Libidinor wrote: Ok now I know theere has been some safety messurements being put in place at HQ, but I dont know why I get this message:
"Sorry, but only moderators can read topics in this forum"
When I try to access the NGA main forum; I am a mod!?!

i was going to sugguest that they were having some kind of forum meeting in the main section but that wouldnt be the case cause you are a mod and were denied access, which is very unusual...besides, they would just go on AIM or something if they wanted a meeting.

and i think if anyone was to know what is going on you would certainly get the heads up before i would, you being a mod of course

whatever it is im sure it will be explained soon enough, but its late and i still need a few more bong rips before i can get some sleep, i guess ill find out what the reasons for all this were when i wake up tomorow round lunch time


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 06:37:00

At 7/26/04 05:49 AM, 375black_bird wrote: can i join?

please come back when you're a little more experienced, say lvl9.

At 7/26/04 05:52 AM, HeinousAnus wrote: and i think if anyone was to know what is going on you would certainly get the heads up before i would, you being a mod of course

Actually I rarely get the heads up, I've got to read it in here. (nothing wrong with that though)

whatever it is im sure it will be explained soon enough, but its late and i still need a few more bong rips before i can get some sleep, i guess ill find out what the reasons for all this were when i wake up tomorow round lunch time

Just saw that it still says: "viewable to all" as a subtitle..?!
anyways good thinking about lunchtime. I haven't eaten yet and its lunchtime up here, I think I'll go grab a sandwich.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 11:25:54

Hey guys gfoxcook just updated the top blam list and protect list. Go check it out!

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 11:27:58

Whats the requirements to join, and what do you do primarily?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 11:44:57

At 7/25/04 03:47 PM, Jujube_Lock wrote: Hey guys its nice to see John and Tim around, because my love for you guys is undying.

Thanks for the sentiment.

P.S. I made flash :D

And made a flash you did, congrats on the daily feature award!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 11:53:43

I and hokage have the same problem as Libi. We just can't get into the main forums.

And as Heinous said, we (Libi and I) are both mods so why is this?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 12:01:43

Just letting you guys know, i might not be able to get on for as long as i want, i got in some trouble after coming home from the mall. Damn my obsession for shiny metal and watches. no, i didn't steal. i got a ecko togtag watch thing and it was *cough*over $90*cough* but it's all good. all i gotta do is pay it off. thanks to God for my job.

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 12:49:19

At 7/26/04 12:01 PM, _Ghost_ wrote: Just letting you guys know, i might not be able to get on for as long as i want, i got in some trouble after coming home from the mall. Damn my obsession for shiny metal and watches. no, i didn't steal. i got a ecko togtag watch thing and it was *cough*over $90*cough* but it's all good. all i gotta do is pay it off. thanks to God for my job.

I always knew that you were a shoplifter...I could just sense it, since we live so close...2000 miles isn't too far. Haha, too bad you got caught. I found some extra time to be on, since I'm waiting for someone. How goes the NG Site, anyways? Did it get fixed back up afterwards, or no? I forgot to ask that before, and I forgot the site address so I couldn't go there myself and check.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 12:53:02

At 7/26/04 04:44 AM, Libidinor wrote: I haven't seen that account before... How Many alt accounts do you have :S SPG, southside, JohnJMagnini, and this one....

Hmmmm,the world may never know how many alt accounts I have.

It really doesn't matter because atleast 85% of the people using this site has an alt account.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-26 13:04:52

At 7/26/04 12:49 PM, -Axe- wrote: I always knew that you were a shoplifter...

I'm mexican and impatient, what do you expect? (no offense to other mexicans) good to see you have extra time, what are you doin these days?

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature