At 7/25/04 02:03 PM, JohnJMangini wrote:
As for the others(PZY,Alexsmolik),I had no idea they even joined here.
-PZY- joined twice, the first time before he hit elite guard private and later a few elite levels in. He never posted more than a couple of times in the cooesponding day withing each joining.
alex was critical of the ranking structure as most high levelers were at the beginning because of the easy potential for promotion. He never joined though.
Congrats to Lib for your lvl up.
I'm working now so thats why i haven't been around this weekend. I have a 3 day stretch of off days starting Wed that i can work on NGAN 2 so i'll be AIMable those days for sure. Email me with problems or concerns as usual. Luckly i'm making enough $ with my new job i can pay off all my debt and can take it easy and spend more time on NG during my off hours.
Enoll, i'll try to hop on AIM tonight so we can talk, i have a really early day so i'll be brief, but i do need to have a chat with ya.