Be prepared everyone... I have...
Rankings (lowest to highest)
1. Private (lvl 1)
2. Private 2nd Class (lvl 2)
3. Private 1st Class (lvl 3)
4. Corporal (any with vote power above 2.50 i.e. lvl 4 or those with a high enough Blam/Save lvl to have 2.5)
5. Sergeant (any with vote power above 2.75)
6. Staff Sergeant (v.p. above 3.00)
7. Sergeant 1st Class (3.25)
8. Master Sergeant (3.5)
9. First Sergeant (3.75)
10. Sergeant Major (4.00)
11. Command Sergeant Major (4.25)
12. Chief Sergeant Major (4.5)
13. Second Lieutenant (4.75)
14. First Lieutenant (5)
15. Captain (5.5)
16. Major (6)
17. Lieutenant Colonel (6.5)
18. Colonel (7)
19. Brigadier General (one star) (7.5)
20. Major General (two stars ) (8)
21. Lieutenant General (three stars – limit to a few more than rank #22 (8-10), rank can be taken away by Enoll or #22 with consultation to Enoll, or Paulz and other rank #22 (9)
22. General (four stars) (limit to so many = X amount most likely four (or five), rank can only be taken away by Enoll) (10)
23. General of the Army (only one of these with five stars – Enoll, ranking can only be removed if Enoll retires at which point Enoll appoints new General of NG Army with approval of Army Advisor [assigned by Enoll with approval of rank #22])
All rankings can be removed by retirement. All rankings (exception of #23) can be assigned by Enoll as seen fit. Demotion also applies the same way.
Several branches should be formed with each having it’s own priority, but not limiting “enlistees” to those branches… each branch should have it’s own 4 star general. (i.e. Save, Blam, Defense (aiding allies), Offense (attacking enemies))
(Every 10 experience points brings voting score up by 0.1 vote pwr. Every Blam/Save Lvl adds 2% voting power on)
Also note that Enoll has given me power to give out rankings and make postings so long as I think he would approve... that said members who HAVE ALREADY BEEN ACCEPTED can use this given list to find their ranking. If there are any questions... this is a BBS please use it wisely.
That is all.