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Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 00:40:50

Thanks for voting, Kid_Davis!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 4.05 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 6% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 4.29 votes!

The more experience points you have combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 4.09!
You have voted on 5 entries and can now deposit your experience points for the day!

I voted on the movie again, General. Didn't make a bit of a difference..I don't think.

Oh yeah..4 more days to level 8!! Yeah!

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 00:42:06

At 10/8/03 11:52 PM, Enoll wrote: I think if a movie gets past judgment it cant get blammed...

So you know, General..it does work. LOL. I have blammed quite a few movies that have been on here for a while actually. I don't know how they stayed on for so long..

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 00:44:47

At 10/10/03 12:42 AM, Kid_Davis wrote:
At 10/8/03 11:52 PM, Enoll wrote: I think if a movie gets past judgment it cant get blammed...
So you know, General..it does work. LOL. I have blammed quite a few movies that have been on here for a while actually. I don't know how they stayed on for so long..

YOU blammed the movies. You hit the little "0" button for vote didn't you? Did you get the movie that says "this movie has been deleted"? I can guarantee that those movies are probably still there. Unless it is in light gray and is on the 50 most recent list... it's not going to be deleted. That or enough people (they're too lazy) go and complain about it, and admins agree.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 00:48:37

on the NGA website there should be a list of people you can ask to help you with anything or work on you with something. you could list animators, programers, web designers, and voice acters. it would be a good resorce for NGA members.

what do the generals think of my idea?

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 00:54:22

At 10/10/03 12:48 AM, Weaksauce wrote: on the NGA website there should be a list of people you can ask to help you with anything or work on you with something. you could list animators, programers, web designers, and voice acters. it would be a good resorce for NGA members.

what do the generals think of my idea?

That's a great idea, but we'd have to contact them first to get permission to place their e-mail addresses on the site.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 00:55:43

i think it would help alot, i can't count how many times i needed the advice of a good programer.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 00:58:02

At 10/10/03 12:41 AM, Hycran wrote: wow
i'd be important
but i have to worry about lulu because she essentially ruined my life
in a good way
(go figure)
i'll want to talk to enoll before i join

What happened Hycran??? I'm curious.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:01:56

I have blammed a couple of movies that were not on the portal fresh entry list. They had a very low rating...I watched the movie..it was horrible..and then I voted 0. Then this little clip came up that showed a floating..something..and shot it with a cannon. then said "You just destroyed someone else's hard work!"

The movie that I voted on has not been on Newgrounds for a while.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:02:21

At 10/10/03 12:41 AM, Hycran wrote: i'll want to talk to enoll before i join

shure, what do you want?
it would be good to have you actually in the army instead of you just hanging around


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:16:31

Do any of My fellow soldiers (and officers alike) have accounts on Battle.net? in particular WarcraftIII? i would be honered to fight by you side.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:19:12

I used to have a diablo 2 account with a badarse
lvl 80 necromancer..

I haven't got around to playing warcraft 3 online..
I only just recently got cable, which means I can now... butI'm doing more important things than games..

I'll wait for "word of warcraft" to come out


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:19:57

At 10/10/03 01:16 AM, Hycran wrote: im just concerned about the future of the club
other than blamming movies and doing some other raising things what else do u plan on doing?
do u plan on taking the army outside of NG?
Questions questions

Blam, save, help out struggling groups, website,...I'll let Enoll take it from there

sorry atom, i cant tell yah man
"bad bitch" obie trice

Understood, I won't ask again.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:20:13

At 10/10/03 01:02 AM, Enoll wrote: it would be good to have you actually in the army instead of you just hanging around

I was wondering when Hycran was going to join, he's been hanging out for a while giving us all a good laugh. We should put the "commodore" to work. :)

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:20:30

At 10/10/03 01:16 AM, Hycran wrote:

:some questions

right now it's just NG and focsuing on getting memebers?
where were you thinking of taking it?


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:21:10

At 10/10/03 01:16 AM, Weaksauce wrote: Do any of My fellow soldiers (and officers alike) have accounts on Battle.net? in particular WarcraftIII? i would be honered to fight by you side.

Let me guess, you have to have the game first before you can join don't you? Or at least before you can play...?

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:23:33

just to add to my last post...
I'm thinking one day we may try to bring together
the other clubs lie "the blam club" & "whislte club"
Into one great force...
the ultimate weapon of anti-crap


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:28:46

At 10/10/03 01:23 AM, Enoll wrote: I'm thinking one day we may try to bring together
the other clubs lie "the blam club" & "whislte club"
Into one great force...
the ultimate weapon of anti-crap

We'll call it, the "Death-Star". lol

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 01:45:30

you are a
Major ... rank #16 (i think)


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 02:05:01

At 10/10/03 01:55 AM, Hycran wrote: uh sir
not to make assumptions but since im a higher lvl than u and have more voting power wouldnt that make me some cool as rank
or the new owner of this topic?
since youre the maker of teh topic youre #1
im some high number k thnx sir

General Enoll, sir. I would like to personally recommend Hycran for promotion to Colonel (rank #18). His NG experience and knowledge are no doubt well worth it. I am in need of another high ranking officer that is not an advisor. Thank you.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 02:18:57

At 10/10/03 02:07 AM, Hycran wrote: what is teh highest rank sirs
i thought that 16 or 18 was bad cuz the top guy would be number 1
so if atomicus recommends me from 16 to 18 that must mean im going up unless he wants me to go down which would be more funny
thnx for the props atom sir u teh man... man
what rank are you sirs

I am a 4-star General (rank #22)... the next is #23 which is Enoll's rank or 5-star General. paulz is Enoll's advisor, but he doesn't have a number. He is technically higher rank than me, but only Enoll can change anything with 4-stars... paulz has a lot of pull though. Also, go to the website when you get a chance. It's the homepage link in my sig.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 03:49:10

any new assingmants sir?

I don't take revenue from my profile.

TV Tropes Wiki

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 04:59:52

At 10/10/03 02:05 AM, Atomicus wrote:

:I would like to personally recommend Hycran for promotion to Colonel

I was thinking of a promotion for him..
ok Hycran you are now a Colonel
keep the title with pride


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 06:13:39

At 10/9/03 06:06 PM, Atomicus wrote: NG-Lethal changed his alias to... something. Don't worry about it for now. Try to see if you can find other MIA's to see if they are going to continue contributions. If not I'm going to honorably discharge them without option of return.

ok i will get on that today.damn theres alot of members.this is going to take a while.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 06:19:54

Darkn3ss ( atomicus's assistant) is on at the moment... he was wondering where he was


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 06:24:28

At 10/10/03 06:19 AM, Enoll wrote: Darkn3ss ( atomicus's assistant) is on at the moment... he was wondering where he was

i dont think hes a mia hes not been off for too long.so i guess hes ok.the people who are mia are only those who havent posted for 5 days or more.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 07:14:57

At 10/10/03 04:59 AM, Enoll wrote:
At 10/10/03 02:05 AM, Atomicus wrote: I would like to personally recommend Hycran for promotion to Colonel
I was thinking of a promotion for him..
ok Hycran you are now a Colonel
keep the title with pride

Congratulations to sir on his recent promotion! Are there any new assignments sirs? Or should I wait until my rank gets higher first.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 07:37:02

ok all emails are sent.heres a list of the mia's

(cannot email all i got was error message)
(cannot email)
(ng-lethal i think)

other members i cant contact
(no email given)

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 07:38:24

no assignments at the moment either than go to the Ng Army page & sign up in the memebers only section


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 08:03:26

i signed up, but its lame... it needs sections for threads.... not like Newgrounds though http://www.darknessundressed.com/forum is an example of a good style for a BBS

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-10 08:06:35

At 10/10/03 08:03 AM, MozzManson wrote: i signed up, but its lame... it needs sections for threads.... not like Newgrounds though http://www.darknessundressed.com/forum is an example of a good style for a BBS

I wouldn't know.... my password / username havent come in my e-mail yet....
and I applied for it 2 days ago
I'm the bloody leader.....
enough to make you go out & get a life!!!!!

just kidding