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The Sinister Sig Makers

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Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 16:55:58

i was going to request a sig but the ssm is closed .

Ssm >.>

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 17:02:31

At 10/26/04 04:25 PM, -Lain- wrote:
At 10/26/04 04:23 PM, Acid-Rain wrote: Shouldn't someone put out a goodbye ssm sig? Or has it already been done?
No-one should be posting, let it die, as it has been requested.

MMMMno stfu, all us SSM members will get our goodbyes, without you standing in there way.

I'm done witht the sig, anyone may use it

The Sinister Sig Makers

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 17:31:18

I'm done witht the sig, anyone may use it

Cool, i'll use it.

I was only a member for about a month, but this was a great club. I kinda started slacking the past 2 weeks. Sorry. Farewell SSM.


I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 17:33:05

Inspite of the iminent closing of this glorious topic, I must say I'm surprised all this didn't happen a long time ago. Although it saddens me to see the place where I grew-up with Newgrounds finally close, I have some fond memoires of this place, and the previous topic before it. Most of the people I knew from back then have disappeared from my AIM/MSN list, or have simply ceased to talk to me.

But anyway, there is too much love remaining for you people for me to remain unhappy for long. The people who I know will know who they are, and therefore I'm not going to list them all and leave messages for each of them. All I have to say is that you people are great and I hope you keep up the good work and continue being teh elite. And don't be like me and stop in the middle of something good.


Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 17:35:57

At 10/26/04 04:55 PM, Have-A-mellow-Day wrote: i was going to request a sig but the ssm is closed .

Ssm >.>

*snif... :'( R.I.P.

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 17:57:16

3 pages of farewells. Wow. Just wanted to say my goodbuy too. I'm really sorry to hear this. But thanks for doing what you did do guys. The BBS won't be the same without you.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 18:34:42

Yea well good times. i remember when i made that sig and everyone stole it #-_-. everyone said it was teh best and i got mad. well i guess this is the time to say goodbye. it was a pleasure for you to work with me. remember to keep practicing eberyday and someday you'll be a fraction of what i was a few months ago. i gtg do <3 than j00!

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 18:42:21

HAHA goodbye!


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 19:09:39

I salute you people of the SSM...Good times, good times...

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 19:39:47

The SSM was cool, sorry to see it go down like this, see all you guys around the forums i guess.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 19:51:53

i have a post at the end, long live SSM RIP, for my first professional sig


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 19:53:42

The SSM made great sigs. Like mine. Sad it's going.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 19:56:29

I -think- it's also DBF's b-day today. =/

Wow, that's a pity...
Happy b-day, Darkman.. sorry you couldn't be around to join the closing ceremonies.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 20:00:38


Thanks again to War_Machine and Bertuzzi for the sigs you both made me.

My art gallery, because I'm better than you at things.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 20:22:46

At 10/26/04 05:33 PM, -Z- wrote: Inspite of the iminent closing of this glorious topic, I must say I'm surprised all this didn't happen a long time ago.

I thought it was over when Juggernaut was going to close it a while ago. I thought we would stay back in busniess a bit longer after WM took back over, but I was wrong.

Although it saddens me to see the place where I grew-up with Newgrounds finally close, I have some fond memoires of this place, and the previous topic before it. Most of the people I knew from back then have disappeared from my AIM/MSN list, or have simply ceased to talk to me.

I get no love either from old net buddies. </3

But anyway, there is too much love remaining for you people for me to remain unhappy for long. The people who I know will know who they are, and therefore I'm not going to list them all and leave messages for each of them. All I have to say is that you people are great and I hope you keep up the good work and continue being teh elite. And don't be like me and stop in the middle of something good.

The emotion from just a sig making thread is amazing in here. War you should notice you have accomplished one of the greatest communities on the web. I have never seen any -departure- such as this before.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 20:37:58

now i cant reffer n00bs requisting sigs in general here!

WHY????? :'-( Thanks for all the sigs guys i will miss you and i will make a tribute sig despite my n00bieness at sigs :-(

Bye and R.I.P

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 20:43:31

Well, only 1 sig done by a member of SSM. Bertuzi, thanks for my current sig. It kicks ass.
R.I.P. SSM, good luck to all the members.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 20:47:18

Goodbye SSM! Good work on all of the great sigs u have created. Good luck to the majority of u! U have great talent in graphics design and hopefully u can persue a career in that if u are interested.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 20:50:40

i guess i'll keep posting 'til it's closed. stay in touch with me if you want, anyone.

aim: cocleare fuscina

farewell, SSM.


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 20:55:37

At 10/26/04 08:50 PM, madhatt3r wrote: i guess i'll keep posting 'til it's closed. stay in touch with me if you want, anyone.

aim: cocleare fuscina

farewell, SSM.

I know alot of members here who have deviantart accounts. Sign up!

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 21:18:17

Wow.Thanks again for all the kind words, folks. I suppose I should go ahead and make this official. There are a few people that I'd like to mention, though.

First, I need to apologize to Juggernaut. He and I decided to come back here together, yet I didn't take the time to let him know what I had in mind yesterday, when I decided to pull the plug. In hindsight, I think I should have at least e-mailed him beforehand. I didn't, and for that, I'm sorry, Sir.

I'd also like to say thanks to a few people, without whom, this little adventure would have been doomed from the start.

-Z- & Dark Blue Flame: We were the original three. Without you guys stepping up and joining me in the "anybody want a sig" thread, I never would have considered such a group. Thanks for your frinedship, and conrtibuting your amazing talents to this club.

Chromius: You have always been the one to redefine what we were doing here. Just about the time we'd settle into a groove, and get comfortable with a style, you'd step up, and raise the bar; forcing all of us to pick up our games, just to keep up. You've never ceased to amaze me with your talent. Thanks for keeping us honest, and for stepping up and standing in with me when things started going south.

Hatter: For being yourself, and keeping things real; and reminding us that this is supposed to be fun, via your quirky sigs, and sense of humor. Even now, the "carnation" sig makes me chuckle. Thanks.

Juggernaut: Oh boy, did I blindside you, or what? Despite that, though, you handled this club with class, and dignity. I couldn't have asked for anyone to do the job better. You always kept the clubs "mission" in sight. Thank you.

IAmNone: You inherited a bit of a mess, yet still managed to hold things together. It was a thankless job, yet you did what needed to be done. Thank you.

Hycran: Just for being you. No matter how ugly things turned, you always had a way of making it a riot. Thanks.

Lawless1: For putting up with my spending hours at a time making sigs when I should have been curled up with you.

SSM'ers, past and present: Each and every opne of you has brought something special to this group. No matter what I was doing, I've always been proud to have my name associated with you all.

Drunken Penguin: Thanks for the offer. I can't guarantee that I'll be much more than a part time member, but if that'll work for you, then you're on.

Finally, the NG users. You people are the ones who kept us in business. Thanks for everything.

I'm sure I've forgotten someone...so whoever that might be; sorry.

I guess there's only one thing left to do.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Sinishter Sig Makers are officially closed.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 21:36:03

Damn. You guys ruled. Sad to see you go. Good bye.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 21:59:37

At 10/26/04 09:36 PM, -Ender- wrote: Damn. You guys ruled. Sad to see you go. Good bye.

Damn you sure live up to your Alias, LOL.

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 22:12:58

At 10/26/04 09:18 PM, War_Machine wrote: Drunken Penguin: Thanks for the offer. I can't guarantee that I'll be much more than a part time member, but if that'll work for you, then you're on.

Just drop in whenever you want to.
It would be an honour.

You're on.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 22:29:15

House, nice sig with the d2 barb. Anways, i was wondering if someone could possibly make me a drumkit sig.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-26 22:46:20

At 10/26/04 08:55 PM, -Noir- wrote: I know alot of members here who have deviantart accounts. Sign up!

~hatterofmad :)

i think i might just start using deviant art again.


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-27 00:59:25

Hard to say Goodbye to a place i held dear.........

Rest in Peace Sinister Sig Makers...............You'll surely be missed.........

One love you ya...........

Be good out there War_Machine.......

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-27 01:43:28

Althought pages and pages went by and I never recieved my last request, I'm still going to miss this damn thread.

Wow, I remember my first sig...being a noob and rushing to SSM.

I guess all good things must come to an end, farewell SSM.

Rest in peace...

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-27 10:40:30

Hello, I would like a siggy with the same template as the one now, but instead of kakashi`s head put in the picture included, and I would like the name to say Krosork, not Will124.

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-27 10:47:18

At 10/27/04 10:40 AM, Krosork wrote: ~Will

Its sad when people don't read posts and make themselves look like idiots.

I would just like to say that this place was awesome and it will greatly be missed. Thank you -Noir- for your thoughtful words, it means a lot ot me.

Goodbye SSM.

Best of luck to all the other sig makers who were in here.

BBS Signature