Wow, so its all over, 719 pages worth of quality sigs.
What a run it has been.
Wow, so its all over, 719 pages worth of quality sigs.
What a run it has been.
I have changed my alias and i need a new sig, someone help me out please
can some1 fix my sig there are these black spots next to the alien heads
At 10/25/04 10:17 PM, -Avatar- wrote: can some1 fix my sig there are these black spots next to the alien heads
dude dont you get it ssm is closing you know bye bye no more they cant help you anymore.
At 10/25/04 09:33 PM, pierrot-le-fou wrote: Wow, so its all over, 719 pages worth of quality sigs.
What a run it has been.
There has to be a finish line at some point. :/
Can someone make me a siggy from the movie The Nightmare Before Christma . I want the girl sally and jack. Maybe from the seen in the graveyard or something like that. And once again in advance MUCHO GRACIAS!
Damn, I eave for a few days and this place gets closed down :(. Well, it's been good guys, you are all a great inspiration.
Chrom: Buddy, you are my mentor, and my teacher, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be as good as I am right now
Tuzzi: Hah, goodtimes buddy, flaming n00bs on MSN and just siggin....we never did get to do that colab
-Oni-:<3.You know it
W_M:I may not have been around the first time you were here, but from the last little while, I can tell you're a cool guy, and a great sigger.Seeya round man.
Jugg:I remember when you gave me the tryout for the SSM, not many members were posting, and you opened a special tryout for me and Mr.Styles.Thanks, if it wasn't for that, maybe I wouldn't even be here to post this now.
Anyone else I've forgotten, It's been great to know you all, but I'll seeya 'round.
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Kirkus | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
At 10/25/04 10:17 PM, -Avatar- wrote: can some1 fix my sig there are these black spots next to the alien heads
Those "black spots" are part of the "background."
Not left over stuff from the original pix....
Check the black parts on the right side and you'll see what I mean.
This Thread will be greatly missed... i hope to see that u guys still make sigs and hang around NG... in a way im glad this is over... soo mush shit has happend here... now its time fot this Thread to end... i hope that this is the last post.... NEWGROUND USER'S pleace go to another Thread for sigs.. this one is not running anymore... ( try the ASM and u will have you request filled) tell then next time we meet SSMer's ... Farewell and have a nice life. :'( Ex-SSM ---- Wheels-/ -Element. I <3 the SSM
Thread closed. :o(
At 10/25/04 10:24 PM, speedy1234 wrote:At 10/25/04 10:17 PM, -Avatar- wrote: can some1 fix my sig there are these black spots next to the alien headsdude dont you get it ssm is closing you know bye bye no more they cant help you anymore.
o oops umm ok..then...nevermind..
could it be possible for me to get my sig that I requested over 10 pages back? I've been patient, i knew it wouldnt pay off....
Goodbye Sinister Sig Makers. All respecting NG users will miss you alot and the n00bs, well they probably don't understand the importance of this club. You have come far and all the siggers have grown greatly in talent. I think War_Machine should make the last post before the club is closed because as he started the club it is right that he too should end it...please respect the last moments of the SSM and do not post requests. Let W_M post and then have the club locked or ended......
Thanks for all the great sigs you guys made me in the past
Wow.... So didn't see this coming.
Congratulations on keeping a legendary thread alive for this long. And just as you came to me with your words of wisdom and encouragement, I come to you with the same. Although I never actually worked as an SSM member, I can appreciate the effort that you all put into the beautiful sigs that came out of here. You are indeed an inspiration.
So much an inspiration that you are the reason that Insignia started up. You, and your talented sig making crew. Your leadership and dedication are two of your qualities I can only hope to reproduce someday. I've never seen anything like it. Congratulations again.
And just as you greeted me with open arms, I will now do the same. I know Insignia has not been running as long as the other 2 major sig making crews, but every journey starts with a single step. If you ever feel like making sigs again (which I'm sure you will.... hey, it's a lifestyle), I would be honoured for you to do so through Insignia, as a member, should you so choose. This offer is also open to all other SSM members. I can only reciprocate the generous invitation you offered to me.
You will all go down in Newgrounds history. It has been a beautiful ride, and congratulations again.
See you round.
The Drunken Penguin
R.I.P. SSM 8/20/2004-10/25/2004
Forever Elite
I know I just posted, but to ammend what I just wrote.
R.I.P. SSM 8/20/2003-10/25/2004
Forever Elite
Thanks everyone who let me in
thanks for making some great work
thanks for making an effort to keep the place alive
It had a good run
sigs should be something to do for fun not something required
I think that's where we ran into trouble
but hey this opens things up for a new sig rennisance (sp) of sorts
I had a great time I only wish I had more of it
we all have the RL kind of pulling us away
it's unfortunate but that's the way it works
Miss you luv you good luck and GOD SPEED
Hmmm and I was almost not here to say goodbye, could someone please direct me to the page this all began? I would like to read it all before I bid my farewell.
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
You made me my first sig!! I'll remember you forever!!!
Sig made by MuffDiver102
At 10/26/04 04:12 PM, Acid-Rain wrote: Hmmm and I was almost not here to say goodbye, could someone please direct me to the page this all began? I would like to read it all before I bid my farewell.
Two pages back.
At 10/26/04 04:12 PM, Acid-Rain wrote: Hmmm and I was almost not here to say goodbye, could someone please direct me to the page this all began? I would like to read it all before I bid my farewell.
this page. w_m's post.
sucks we have to say goodbye, we had some really good times.
Shouldn't someone put out a goodbye ssm sig? Or has it already been done?
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
At 10/26/04 04:23 PM, Acid-Rain wrote: Shouldn't someone put out a goodbye ssm sig? Or has it already been done?
drunken pemguin made one yesterday, you can use that one if you want.
if you wanna be original, make something yourself.
I need a sig. Can someone help me. I know what i want too, i think.
At 10/26/04 04:23 PM, Acid-Rain wrote: Shouldn't someone put out a goodbye ssm sig? Or has it already been done?
Pay attention kid, they're all over the place.
At 10/26/04 04:23 PM, Acid-Rain wrote: Shouldn't someone put out a goodbye ssm sig? Or has it already been done?
No-one should be posting, let it die, as it has been requested.
At 10/26/04 04:25 PM, kon_artis1 wrote: I need a sig. Can someone help me. I know what i want too, i think.
we're dead, so no.
you have already asked the asm for some help, they will help you.
At 10/26/04 04:25 PM, -Lain- wrote: No-one should be posting, let it die, as it has been requested.
w_m asked this thread to be locked, means we can still post here. having this thread locked is better than letting it die.
Wow, so its all over, 719 pages worth of quality sigs.
What a run it has been
At 10/26/04 04:25 AM, White_Rhyno wrote: but then I realised that I don't think there's anybody around here that was a member back when I was.
bye SSM. sprites on desktop wallpapers forever.
<3 <3 <3
yall had a good run i here well good luck 2 all of ya
props from h3llboundninja
well it has been great to get sigs from you guys, i guess i will have to get better if i want my sig, goodbye ssm, gone but not forgotton