HI all. Just a remeinder that today and tomorrow I'll be with the better half most of the time, but I should be able to take a couple of requests later tonight.
Here's an updated TDL:
a sort of mystical sig...red and blue...incorporate the robot from 'Walk Smash Walk' ...a bit techy-ish...don't make the border be too thick...Skinny lines or transparency is ok...I don't care for my name in it...e-mail it to me (benbenbenben.ben@gmail.com)
Hey can somebody put this in my sig, and make it look cool somehow? It would be greatly appreciated!
And if you're really up for it, my profile pic, that looks quite a bit more difficult to make it look cool though...
Pic on page 702
can someone make me a sig with a hot anime girl on it?
Hey i heard you guys make personal profile pictures too.
can i have one that has the same style as my signature pic but instead of fenrir in the backround Jormungand is there.
Thanks and her is a pic of Jormungand the midgard serphant.
Requested Kirkus.
Can one of you guys make me a Naruto sig with the character Itachi in it? Maybe with one of his Sharagain eyes spinning?
Several pics back on page 706.
i was wondering if some1 could make me a sig with vegeta killing Batman thank you
Yo can anyone animate my sig plz? make a purple light(small purple light star like in the eye's) going over the red line i drew
dont forget that i would like mine changed.
for specifications, go back 2(3?) pages. thx guys, i appreciate your time.
Could some1 make me a sig that is dull pink and has
-PelvicThrust- In brown letters and throw in some crazy random stuff. i dunno
hi, could u make me a sig with an AK-47 incorporated into it, and gun loving criminal, written on it.
The whole club might use it so make it gud please.
I think there's some mistake, we only do crap sigs here. If you want it to be good, you need to go to someone else....lol
I need a sig with frog (from chrono trigger) on it and a pic of both masa and mune (also from chrono trigger) on it with my name if you wouldent mind.
Aahhhhh!!! this guys using sinedots!!! Oh the horror...
I'd like to see if anyone can make me a superb madness apotheosis sig with my name RockAgainstBush9 in it. Thanks.
At 10/19/04 04:49 PM, War_Machine wrote:
paintshop pro 8 / animation shop 3
thanks in advance, i'v always liked the northern lights. :)
The easiest thing to do would be to add a new layer, set the blend mode to color, and paint in one section or color. Then merge it, and take that frame into AS.
Now go back to PSP, undo the merge, delete the color layer, and redo it with a different color, then paste that into your animataion. Once you have the frames you want, go to AS, highlight frame one, click on effects, and do a merge effect (only one frame) between frames one and two, then three and four, and so on. Finally, set your frame rates to 5 or 10 on the transition frames.
Sometimes that gets a little jumpy, so you might also blend the opactiy on the color layersto achieve the same effect, but that's a lot more work.
Take the picture, go to AS, chick on effects, and rotate colors. It won't look as authentic, but it's a whole lot easier, and a lot more likely to come in below 40k.
At 10/20/04 02:24 AM, _Zero_ wrote:
check this site there is a pic of a rotating deck but i would like it horizontal not vertical. if there is any way to make it that way i
Cool pic, but the image is protected, so I can't copy it.
At 10/20/04 03:47 PM, Rancorman wrote:
Oh, shit. I forgot how to upload a new sig. It's been so freakin' long since the last time I did... This is pretty embarrasing.
No prob. Right click and save the sig, then sign in (top right corner), click on signature picture, browse & find the sig on your hard drive, and click "ok".
At 10/20/04 06:16 PM, LinkStrife wrote:
Ok, after about three months of leave and looking back, YOU DID MY SIG WRONG! I wantedhayabusa running,then stops, slashed, and my name zooms out from the middle, thats all, but thx for the try!
Sorry....wth are you talking about?