a sort of mystical sig...red and blue...incorporate the robot from 'Walk Smash Walk' ...a bit techy-ish...don't make the border be too thick...Skinny lines or transparency is ok...I don't care for my name in it...e-mail it to me (benbenbenben.ben@gmail.com)
Hey can somebody put this in my sig, and make it look cool somehow? It would be greatly appreciated!
And if you're really up for it, my profile pic, that looks quite a bit more difficult to make it look cool though...
Pic on page 702
can someone make me a sig with a hot anime girl on it?
Hey i heard you guys make personal profile pictures too.
can i have one that has the same style as my signature pic but instead of fenrir in the backround Jormungand is there.
Thanks and her is a pic of Jormungand the midgard serphant.
Wow, is it just me or is the quality of that pic horrid?
Anwyay, this one's being fielded by Kirkus, by request.
Can one of you guys make me a Naruto sig with the character Itachi in it? Maybe with one of his Sharagain eyes spinning?
Several pics back on page 706
i was wondering if some1 could make me a sig with vegeta killing Batman thank you
Rock from Capcom Vs. Snk preferably animated. use a background from the game, i would apreciate that.
Yo Juggernaut you think you could make me a shiny metalic 3d text sig. With the NG BBS color background. I really dont care what motion it moves, spinning around would be cool though. :) If the text could be fairly large that would be cool..
Yo can anyone animate my sig plz? make a purple light(small purple light star like in the eye's) going over the red line i drew
You want a purple starburst on each side, right??
can i get a Diablo Sig. a barbarian would be great : ) dark colors. black and red or black and blue would be good. whatever matches the pic. grungy would be good but tech is fine too :P
dont forget that i would like mine changed.
for specifications, go back 2(3?) pages. thx guys, i appreciate your time.
Hi, i would like a sig to start me off in the NG BBS. Just include any of these pics please. Thanks, oh and if you would fix me up with a profile pic too, that would be cool.
Link on page 707
Can someone make me a new sig? It would be great if it had the Queen crest in it. It would be awesome if you could use the picture here.http://eva.aws-it.at/images/QueenLogoKlein4a.jpeg
At 10/19/04 10:13 PM, TattooJ2 wrote:
Oh, and War?? I would only tell the good shit about you for cash or a possible profitable trade....lol
Oh shit.....lol
At 10/19/04 05:21 PM, -Noir- wrote:
have a sig, with a bar code. ^_^
My barcode font puts the letters on the bottom. What's the name on the one you're using?
At 10/19/04 05:51 PM, --Hyde-- wrote:
i have one question for you all!
HOW DO YOU FIND SUCH COOL LOOKING PICS TO PUT IN THE SIGS! i have a lot of trouble finding evil/cool looking pictures!
I use pictures of the ex wife....
At 10/19/04 06:43 PM, -Noir- wrote:
This one was a bitch to make, because it was hard to fit inside a 400x60 pxl limit. >:(
I had the same problem with the one I did, too. 60 pixels is a pain in the ass.
At 10/19/04 10:22 PM, -Noir- wrote:
The many faces of Chromius. I smell a sitcom.