Got bored, said "why not?" Didn't spend hours on it, not enough time in the world to do that anymore. A few pictures, text, few lines, lots of blending and adjusting and some coloring. And...bah, tired of explaining.
Got bored, said "why not?" Didn't spend hours on it, not enough time in the world to do that anymore. A few pictures, text, few lines, lots of blending and adjusting and some coloring. And...bah, tired of explaining.
Quick Fix-up with some advice from Fusion. :D
Can anyone make me a sig? Make it somewhat gothic and grungy. Mainly red and black in colour. Put Distilled Trinity as the name. Put whatever you want in it, as long as the sig look GREAT!
*grabs dick*
a sig for axe. hope you like soul calibur or at least have no problems with it.
Oo, that's badass! You even used my favorite Soul Caliber character! Astaroth is a true badass in that game, though he is kind of slow....still my favorite though!
Hi I need a profile pic editing for the PP below. Can someone please put a SHINEY silver (not ugly dark greyish silver) border around my profile pic that is jazzed up a bit? I would like the border to be slightly thick I really don’t want a boring straight edged dark grey thin border, id like it to have effects INSIDE the border (not in the actual pic) such as maybe shadows or anything else, oh and curvy edges would be very cool. The border around Quikfox’s border is the kind of thing I am looking for.
Anyway here’s the pic if someone could edit it as described above as soon as possible I’d be very grateful. Thanks :)
At 10/16/04 06:03 AM, Tiger_Chick wrote:
Anyway here’s the pic if someone could edit it as described above as soon as possible I’d be very grateful. Thanks :)
How's this?
I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.
At 10/16/04 07:22 AM, Dave wrote:At 10/16/04 06:03 AM, Tiger_Chick wrote:Anyway here’s the pic if someone could edit it as described above as soon as possible I’d be very grateful. Thanks :)How's this?
Perfect, thats exactly the kind of thing I Was looking for! Thanks Dave :D
At 10/15/04 09:23 PM, War_Machine wrote:
Can somebody please make me a AC/DC sig. Have it be an album cover. Please put my name in the corner
I'll get this one...
Went for a collage of pix of the band, rather than an album cover. Most covers had pix that were too spread out to do any good.
This is probably the biggest animation I've ever done...44 frames!
That much animation did knock the quality done a bit though, but I think it turned out ok. Let me know if this suits you....
At 10/16/04 08:30 AM, -Juggernaut- wrote: Went for a collage of pix of the band, rather than an album cover. Most covers had pix that were too spread out to do any good.
This is probably the biggest animation I've ever done...44 frames!
That much animation did knock the quality done a bit though, but I think it turned out ok. Let me know if this suits you....
hmm that ball looks alittle too shiny haha, for some reason it just doesn't look rihgt
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
i need u guys to make me a sig with a nice background with a picture of raiden off of mk, i want my name how ever you can do it with a lightning like font
what the hell is this guy doing didnt you guys say that you wont remake random sigs?
Can u make me a sig with raiden or mazengerZ on it with a tight background with my name
At 10/16/04 10:51 AM, MakotoX wrote: no i dont care
You posted exactly one minute after. WTF? Do you think were on 24/7?
I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.
no i messed up with what i said i just want to know if u can make a similer profile pic as the sidg i requested with mazengerZ or raiden
At 10/16/04 10:59 AM, MakotoX wrote:
Can you be fucking patient! Give it a break, and check back LATER. Not a minute after your original post.
At 10/16/04 11:23 AM, MakotoX wrote: no i messed up with what i said i just want to know if u can make a similer profile pic as the sidg i requested with mazengerZ or raiden
Okay. Just wait a while, and your request will be filled. We have othe requests to fill too.
For many moons i have searched the ng bbs for the greatest sig makers of all time. So far the legendary logo makers are winning but i believe the sinister sig makers can thrash them if they tried. So Anyone reckon they can do me a sig. Nothing special, just a black/dark background w/ a celtic or tribal pattern, i dunno. I the fore ground can you put an aargragargle (Make up what 1 looks like, just keep it weird and tentacles, there must be tentacles, lol) And next to that the word aargragargle in Red sinister looking writing.
Cheers, Aargragargle.
At 10/16/04 11:32 AM, Aargragargle wrote: stuff
if they're so good, why don't you ask them for a sig? if you're trying to get yours faster just because of that excuse, you failed.
besides, we're not in a competition or some shit like that, we don't have to prove how good we really are.
if they're so good, why don't you ask them for a sig? if you're trying to get yours faster just because of that excuse, you failed.
besides, we're not in a competition or some shit like that, we don't have to prove how good we really are.
I didn't meen it to seem like a cometition. As you can see i did ask them for a sig, its is below. I was simply requesting a sig. If i prefer the ssm (which i think i will) then i can promote them. Soz for offending.
At 10/16/04 11:32 AM, Aargragargle wrote: For many moons i have searched the ng bbs for the greatest sig makers of all time. So far the legendary logo makers are winning but i believe the sinister sig makers can thrash them if they tried. So Anyone reckon they can do me a sig. Nothing special, just a black/dark background w/ a celtic or tribal pattern, i dunno. I the fore ground can you put an aargragargle (Make up what 1 looks like, just keep it weird and tentacles, there must be tentacles, lol) And next to that the word aargragargle in Red sinister looking writing.
Cheers, Aargragargle.
I'll take that bet...hmm...LLM wasn't supposed to be a sig topic...they were supposed to do logos
Check back in a bit
At 10/16/04 12:40 AM, resignedfromtheworld wrote: Just to let everyone know. I've changed my name. I think I will keep it. Sorry if you got going on anything. I would still appreciate a sig, this name might help more with the randomness. Whatever you could think of would by nice.
Names go with your mood, and those can change. If anyone is up to it, I would be grateful.
Who were you before?
If you're going to make frequent name changes, I'd recommend a sig pic that doesn't have your name in it.
At 10/16/04 12:16 PM, MakotoX wrote: i like mortal kombat raiden
K. Check back soon. Unless you wanted to take this request Oni?
OK, I'm just waiting for the meds to kick in so I can go back to bed, but here's an updated To Do list: I'll grab whatever I can today between naps, but I probably won't be around much.
uhh..still waiting on mine. it was brought up twice but no progress was ever made i guess. ill re post my request..
Being fielded by Kirk.
can some one make me a sig with daumer or elten johns head facing right above a conveyer belt and on the belt is babys going into his mouth?
I want a better NG style sig.
- Red text: "Erich Honecker" on corner
-Factories in horizon
-East German hammer and pair of compasses fills the sky
clouds too and smoke from the factories chimney)
-Overall style should be old fashioned.
You can add some things if you wan´t to, but keep the original idea of socialistic sig in your mind.
Here´s the East German flag with hammer and pair of compasses.
Pic on page 687.
Hi, i would like a sig. All i want is a pic of Mario,Sonic, megaman sprites chilling out playing snes in mario land. Thanks
my name vertically on the left side, and a sweet pic of alien hominid and one of the communists dudes i saw in a couple trailers of that game? If u could add more enemies from that game itd be pretty sweet, thanks
I'd like to request a sig. I want it to have fire and a Maltese cross and effects like this
i want my name on the left side of the sig in a silver kind of metal font. a robot or mech thingy in the right next to my name (robot from gundam wing or something like that). and you can just pick a good background for me just make it look good.
Being fielded by Kirk.
Umm can I have a sig I want a hand drawn panda with the word panda next to it that would be realy cool.
i really need a custom sig pic
Being fielded by Kirk.
Text - |DPG|M@ndr@ke [ The soldier from HELL ]
Font- a type of letter very mean
Colours- i like very much datk ambient, try too think in the subject of the text [ The soldier from HELL ].
Style- Like a WW2 soldier appearing in the sig
Theme- Call of duty
Border- no
Animation- Yes please [Very cool] ;-)
well, it's me again.
here to give one more request.
can someone plz animate the flag in my sig?
i want it waiving.
*walks away, shaking head*
I've got the original PSP file for this one, with the flag on it's own layer (somehow, I knew this was coming)
You can choose to make a theme based on my name or something random. Something unique. The more offensive people find it, the better.
can you guys make me a sig with a picture of a mech like mech assualt or mazinger z with my name vertically along the left side
if not how about a picture of ironman instead with everything else from before.
The maximum file size is 60 pixels in height. that's not going to allow anyone to stack a 9 digit name vertically.
a tree on the right, a pic of kerry to the left and i want "intelligence" in the middle and the little meters beside there pics and i was the one with the tree to be i say around 3' oclock (so it gives you a good idea where to but the hand for the meter) and i want kerrys to be at 8' oclock and a white background and i dont want mine name on it, thanks
So just to make sure we're on the same page, You want the tree to read as more intelligent than Kerry. Correct?
I'd like to request a profile pic like the one I have now only not cheap looking :) Maybe a more metalic feel to it and a little more depth.
Pic posted on page 694
Artist_A wrote:
Can I get one of light some sweet light effects anything basically int he background just nothing sexual or girly anyway My name In weird letters with a spraycan next to it please?
I asked for a pp pic a couple pages ago. Sry to be a pain in the ass but can i plz get a animated pp. Thank you so much.
I must have missed it when I did yesterdays TDL. Sorry.
somewhat gothic and grungy. Mainly red and black in colour. Put Distilled Trinity as the name. Put whatever you want in it, as long as the sig look GREAT!
"Great" costs extra
i need u guys to make me a sig with a nice background with a picture of raiden off of mk, or mazengerZ . i want my name how ever you can do it with a lightning like font
For many moons...
Wow. They posted that sig for you a mere 13 hours ago. To make matters worse, you just grabbed the sig without so much as a 'thank you', 'have a nice day', or 'kiss my ass'...not even a word of credit for him on your sig text. Way to crap all over someones act of kindness.
I couldn't find any great pics either. Oh well. I tried.
At 10/16/04 12:50 PM, -Noir- wrote: I couldn't find any great pics either. Oh well. I tried.
not trying to be on your tail but you spelled his name wrong man