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The Sinister Sig Makers

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Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 19:39:03

At 10/15/04 07:30 PM, -Oni- wrote:
At 10/15/04 07:03 PM, TidesOfDarkness wrote: request

Thanks Alot, looks awesome.

And...YOU TOO!!

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 19:40:29

can you guys edit my profile pic,just put a nice border around it and some transparent fire infront.If you do it

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 19:40:43

At 10/15/04 07:35 PM, -Envy- wrote: I'm seriously thinking of rejoining.


You mean like that guy.. who got a membership, and then didn't make a sig for like 2 consecutive months.. but instead spent that time flaming requesters and rejecting requests? I forgot his name.

i made sigs before those two months and i made sigs after those two months. i'm talking about those who made some sigs for a week or two then never showed up.

But you did when it was just you and Quik working in the SSM.

quikfox made some of his backgrounds and proved that he could make some of them. you know what i'm talking about and i don't think this one can prove the same.


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 19:59:40

At 10/15/04 07:05 PM, -Oni- wrote:
At 10/15/04 06:44 PM, War_Machine wrote: then download the programs and learn to do it yourself.
i'm sure you ment *buy* the programs....right?

Well of course. It would ve illegal to download to download a program without paying for it.

At 10/15/04 07:17 PM, -Kirk- wrote: today? this guys' always pissed off at people, or at least that's how it seems.

Heh, you can count on two things when you're dealing with Fusion, 1. his fuse it short, and 2, it's always lit. But that's what I like about the guy. At least you know where he's coming from. It's the perpetually shiny, happy people that I worry about.

At 10/15/04 07:30 PM, -Fusion- wrote: did you see how many member take random requests? most of the members make stuff they feel like making, not something challenging like most requests. when you make something you wanna make, you just put whatever you think should be in the sig. when someone asks for something specific in the sig, that means you have to find a pic or make some certain effect and add it. sometimes, members can't make it.

But if the person requesting the sig doesn't care enough about what's in it to make a specific request, then what's the problem? The reason that there are several members in this group is so that we DONT have to feel obligated to take on every request. It's a matter of doing the ones you're able/willing to do. Right?

why do you think he chose the last one, which surprisingly, had a random request? if someone can't hendle some certain requirements that someone else asks for, do you still think he should be a member?

If he's making a decent sig, and the person who asked for it is happy, why would I care?

and about the sigs gamewiz made for the tryout, did he make sigs for people who asked for sigs? i saw some sigs he made for members and the links he gave us to the sigs. the links had sigs he made before the tryout as you know, and counting it isn't fair since he had some more time to make them and i don't think he made them according to requests, at least not the sig he made for me.

I wasn't here for all of his tryout, but based on the sigs that I saw, I felt he was good enough to be a part of this team. Some people agreed, some didn't. That's why we vote on these things, rather than leaving it up to me.

and nothing to do with the things mentioned above, i seriously think of quiting the ssm. reasons:
1. some people just wanna get the "ssm rank" and after that, they just quit making sigs.

It's always been that way. Ever since day one. If you felt so inclined, you could follow up on the list of members from page one, and you'd see that.

2. i'm not gonna make sigs with liars and thieves.

I'm not sure where that's coming from, but if it's directed at me, I'd like some clarification. If it's directed at someone else, then it's between you, and them. Whichever is the case, however, do it via e-mail or IM. I'm not interested in sitting through several pages of bickering.

*rolls eyes*in a bit of a mood today are we? LOL I know the feeling....
well, if you don't mind making sigs for those who demend them...

Again, it's the way things have always been. I just don't sweat the small stuff. Lifes too short. If you let every litte thing wind you up, you're just gonna make yourself miserable until you give yourself a heart attack.

Bottom line, all bullshit aside. If you want out, then go. Personally, I'd hate to lose you, because you are very good at what you do, but if keeping you around means that the constant pissing, moaning, and whining is just going to persist, or continue to get worse, then we'll just have to learn to get along without you. The decision is yours to make. You just let me know what you plan to do.

Either way, this is the end of it. SDG said it best. Less arguing, more art.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 20:00:35

At 10/15/04 07:35 PM, -Envy- wrote: I'm seriously thinking of rejoining.

do it. do it now. before.....i dunno, just do it.

1. some people just wanna get the "ssm rank" and after that, they just quit making sigs.

You mean like that guy.. who got a membership, and then didn't make a sig for like 2 consecutive months.. but instead spent that time flaming requesters and rejecting requests? I forgot his name.

lol, good one.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 20:05:15

and whoever requested the profile pic. here

thx man you made my sig and my profile pic!

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 20:14:42

At 10/15/04 04:41 PM, -Kirk- wrote: Deltafox:
i want my name on the left side of the sig in a silver kind of metal font. a robot or mech thingy in the right next to my name (robot from gundam wing or something like that). and you can just pick a good background for me just make it look good.

i want 1 with dark link plz
i really need a custom sig pic

here you go halo-trooper

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 20:16:45

At 10/15/04 07:59 PM, War_Machine wrote: I wasn't here for all of his tryout, but based on the sigs that I saw, I felt he was good enough to be a part of this team. Some people agreed, some didn't. That's why we vote on these things, rather than leaving it up to me.

you had to wonder where those links came from. doesn't matter now.

I'm not sure where that's coming from, but if it's directed at me, I'd like some clarification. If it's directed at someone else, then it's between you, and them. Whichever is the case, however, do it via e-mail or IM. I'm not interested in sitting through several pages of bickering.

totaly nothing to do with you. why don't you ask chrom about this? he's the one who discovered it.

Again, it's the way things have always been. I just don't sweat the small stuff. Lifes too short. If you let every litte thing wind you up, you're just gonna make yourself miserable until you give yourself a heart attack.

those people treat us like shit, did you notice? asking them to fuck off or whatever is the way we should treat them. when i ask someone to request the sig he asked for, is just another way to not ask them to fuck off. if you think the way is making their sig, then suit yourself.

Bottom line, all bullshit aside. If you want out, then go. Personally, I'd hate to lose you, because you are very good at what you do, but if keeping you around means that the constant pissing, moaning, and whining is just going to persist, or continue to get worse, then we'll just have to learn to get along without you. The decision is yours to make. You just let me know what you plan to do.

again, i said i'll think about it, means i might not leave today or ever.

Either way, this is the end of it. SDG said it best. Less arguing, more art.



BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 20:36:43

here you go darklink

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 20:38:17

At 10/15/04 08:20 PM, G4m3w1z wrote: I didn't just join to get the rank, and I just wanted to take that one sig, I'm sorry if they was bad. I really didn't mean to upset you dude.

you didn't upset me, and there's no need to apologize, I was just sayin, it's first come, first serve. and I beat you to it :P

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 20:40:47

At 10/15/04 08:16 PM, -Fusion- wrote: again, i said i'll think about it, means i might not leave today or ever.

Fair enough. At least we both know where the other stands.

Now that everyone has had the chance to make their point, it's over.

*Doing my best Officer Barbrady imitation*
Nothing to see here, move along...That's right...return to your simple lives...just forget this ever happened. Forget...forget....

Here's the sig for twistedangel:

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 21:02:50

Here's the sig for twistedangel:

thanks man, I love it :)

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 21:23:47

I've got another migraine coming on, so I'm gonna medicate, and call it a day. I'll be back tomorrow morning, provided this thing isn't any worse than it is now, but if I vanish for a day or two, that's why.

Here's a new T.D.L.:

uhh..still waiting on mine. it was brought up twice but no progress was ever made i guess. ill re post my request..
Being fielded by Kirk.

can some one make me a sig with daumer or elten johns head facing right above a conveyer belt and on the belt is babys going into his mouth?

I want a better NG style sig.

- Red text: "Erich Honecker" on corner
-Factories in horizon
-East German hammer and pair of compasses fills the sky
clouds too and smoke from the factories chimney)
-Overall style should be old fashioned.
You can add some things if you wan´t to, but keep the original idea of socialistic sig in your mind.
Here´s the East German flag with hammer and pair of compasses.
Pic on page 687.

Anyone reckon they can do me a sig. Nothing special, just a black/dark background w/ a celtic or tribal pattern, i dunno. I the fore ground can you put an aargragargle (Make up what 1 looks like, just keep it weird and tentacles, there must be tentacles, lol) And next to that the word aargragargle in Red sinister looking writing.

Hi, i would like a sig. All i want is a pic of Mario,Sonic, megaman sprites chilling out playing snes in mario land. Thanks

my name vertically on the left side, and a sweet pic of alien hominid and one of the communists dudes i saw in a couple trailers of that game? If u could add more enemies from that game itd be pretty sweet, thanks

Can somebody please make me a AC/DC sig. Have it be an album cover. Please put my name in the corner

I'd like to request a sig. I want it to have fire and a Maltese cross and effects like this

i want my name on the left side of the sig in a silver kind of metal font. a robot or mech thingy in the right next to my name (robot from gundam wing or something like that). and you can just pick a good background for me just make it look good.
Being fielded by Kirk.

Umm can I have a sig I want a hand drawn panda with the word panda next to it that would be realy cool.

i really need a custom sig pic
Being fielded by Kirk.

Text - |DPG|M@ndr@ke [ The soldier from HELL ]
Font- a type of letter very mean
Colours- i like very much datk ambient, try too think in the subject of the text [ The soldier from HELL ].
Style- Like a WW2 soldier appearing in the sig
Theme- Call of duty
Border- no
Animation- Yes please [Very cool] ;-)

well, it's me again.
here to give one more request.
can someone plz animate the flag in my sig?
i want it waiving.
*walks away, shaking head*

You can choose to make a theme based on my name or something random. Something unique. The more offensive people find it, the better.

can you guys make me a sig with a picture of a mech like mech assualt or mazinger z with my name vertically along the left side

if not how about a picture of ironman instead with everything else from before.
The maximum file size is 60 pixels in height. that's not going to allow anyone to stack a 9 digit name vertically.

a tree on the right, a pic of kerry to the left and i want "intelligence" in the middle and the little meters beside there pics and i was the one with the tree to be i say around 3' oclock (so it gives you a good idea where to but the hand for the meter) and i want kerrys to be at 8' oclock and a white background and i dont want mine name on it, thanks
So just to make sure we're on the same page, You want the tree to read as more intelligent than Kerry. Correct?

can someone just make me an insanely evil incorporating this into it. thanks to whoever makes it

Not counting the sigs that Kirk has grabbed, I think that leaves fifteen open requests. That's smaller than the one I put up earlier today!! Nice job, gang. Let's all one or two (or 13) and knock this puppy out ASAP.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 21:29:10

can someone just make me an insanely evil incorporating this into it. thanks to whoever makes it

I'll take Hyde's request. Im in an evil mood.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 22:13:55

Hello, I would like to request a sig if its not to much trouble? I would like this picture in it with a blue background and of course my name in a lighter blue color. I want it to look simple bt still look nice so not too much other things going on in it.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 22:31:23

I'd like to request a profile pic if thats ok? I'd like it if it can be like the one I have now only not cheap looking :) Maybe a more metalic feel to it and a little more depth. Thanks

The Sinister Sig Makers

Does anyone read these anymore?

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 22:32:06

Thanks man! Much appreciated for the Greenmask Sig, Keep on rockin'

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 22:39:55

At 10/15/04 10:13 PM, Mojimbo wrote: Hello, I would like to request a sig if its not to much trouble? I would like this picture in it with a blue background and of course my name in a lighter blue color. I want it to look simple bt still look nice so not too much other things going on in it.

Simple and blue... The picture was hard to put on becuase his head was cut off.

The Sinister Sig Makers

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 22:41:14

At 10/15/04 10:39 PM, Dave wrote:

Simple and blue... The picture was hard to put on becuase his head was cut off.

Fixed the border...

The Sinister Sig Makers

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 22:51:53

At 10/15/04 10:39 PM, Dave wrote: Simple and blue... The picture was hard to put on becuase his head was cut off.

Its not bad, but the picture looks a little squished. I dont need the whole picture in it so its ok if some parts arent in it. You can just minimize it.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 22:52:49

im not making anymore sigs tonight....something important came up.fuck..i hate weed.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 22:55:31

At 10/15/04 10:51 PM, Mojimbo wrote: Its not bad, but the picture looks a little squished. I dont need the whole picture in it so its ok if some parts arent in it. You can just minimize it.

Or you can just make the picture a little bigger. And I liked the border in the first one.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 23:02:47

At 10/15/04 10:55 PM, Mojimbo wrote:
At 10/15/04 10:51 PM, Mojimbo wrote: Its not bad, but the picture looks a little squished. I dont need the whole picture in it so its ok if some parts arent in it. You can just minimize it.
Or you can just make the picture a little bigger. And I liked the border in the first one.

Oh hey and can you add this picture too? I'm really sorry if I'm being to needy.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 23:05:04

Can I get one of light some sweet light effects anything basically int he background just nothing sexual or girly anyway My name In weird letters with a spraycan next to it please?

Gooch for MOD 09'

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 23:19:00

hmm... about this said tryout... may i join [the tryout]? or is it too late (i have a tendency for poping up too late)


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-15 23:44:44

I asked for a pp pic a couple pages ago. Sry to be a pain in the ass but can i plz get a animated pp. Thank you so much.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-16 00:08:21

At 10/15/04 11:02 PM, Mojimbo wrote:
At 10/15/04 10:55 PM, Mojimbo wrote:
At 10/15/04 10:51 PM, Mojimbo wrote: Its not bad, but the picture looks a little squished. I dont need the whole picture in it so its ok if some parts arent in it. You can just minimize it.
Or you can just make the picture a little bigger. And I liked the border in the first one.
Oh hey and can you add this picture too? I'm really sorry if I'm being to needy.

Ok I :

1) Put the border back.
2) Made his face not squished and focused on his eyes.
3) added other picture.
4) added lots of glows and finishing touches.

Is this good, or anything else?

The Sinister Sig Makers

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-16 00:09:16

At 10/16/04 12:08 AM, Dave wrote: Is this good, or anything else?

Nope, perfect. Thanks dude.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-16 00:22:41

At 10/15/04 07:35 PM, -Envy- wrote:


Get your ass back in here!
I've seen your new DA work enough to know you still love 'shopping!
How many original members do ya need to see before you get the itch?

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-16 00:40:46

Just to let everyone know. I've changed my name. I think I will keep it. Sorry if you got going on anything. I would still appreciate a sig, this name might help more with the randomness. Whatever you could think of would by nice.

Names go with your mood, and those can change. If anyone is up to it, I would be grateful.