you see guys, I call it LOIS(Lack Of Intelligence Syndrome)
Kirk- Kristy says:
Kirk- Kristy says:
teach yourself
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
ill out teach u
Kirk- Kristy says:
I'll be waiting
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
ill beconme more smarter than u in photoshop
Kirk- Kristy says:
okay, please, have mercy, I'm so scared that you might become better than me at photoshop
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
lol i will
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
and ill rember that u didnt help me so when u come begging for help in photoshop then ill just say no
Kirk- Kristy says:
Kirk- Kristy says:
don't kid yourself
4 minutes later
scott says:
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
do u know anything about photoshop?
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
cuz i do!
Kirk- Kristy says:
Kirk- Kristy says:
he has the MS paint upgrade
Kirk- Kristy says:
it owns ps
scott says:
Kirk- Kristy says:
it's like...WOW
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
i no more than u kirk and quikfox and any1 in ssm all put together!
Kirk- Kristy says:
scott says:
amazing shit comes out of it
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
im proud of my self
Kirk- Kristy says:
please....please...don't own us mr.stfufag
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
wth is the ms upgrade?
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
where can i get it?
Kirk- Kristy says:
scott says:
youll have to search for it
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
scott says:
or go buy it at like staples or something
scott says:
expensive as hell though, and hard to find
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
u have to buy it!
scott says:
so id suggest downloading it
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
im not wasting my money!
scott says:
if you download its free
scott says:
there are some sites that pirate it for you.
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
scott says:
i dunno, i forget whereabouts i got mine
scott says:
just searched for a bit and found it
scott says:
you can animate and everything it is. really kickass.
Kirk- Kristy says:
here is someone else that uses the MS paint upgrade
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
ya but i know nothing about photoshop
scott says:
i bet you will own kirk and i and quikfox and even chromius with it
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
i was jkin i have no clue how to do anything in adobe
metaphor for a missing moment, pull me into your perfect circle has been added to the conversation.
Kirk- Kristy says:
this guy is teh master of MS paint upgrade
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
metaphor for a missing moment, pull me into your perfect circle says:
scott says:
he taught me how
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
wat site?
metaphor for a missing moment, pull me into your perfect circle says:
yea, i love that shit
scott says:
renesis, i bet youll get better than me in like a day.. i suck
metaphor for a missing moment, pull me into your perfect circle says:
took me a while to get used to it
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
what site??!?!?!?
metaphor for a missing moment, pull me into your perfect circle says:
ren will you you teach me?
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
teach u what
-«¦[ r.e.n.e.s.i.s ]¦»- booored [stupid RO isnt working] says:
i kno nothing about ps!
metaphor for a missing moment, pull me into your perfect circle says:
i'm talking about ms paint
scott says:
ps skill doesnt matter
metaphor for a missing moment, pull me into your perfect circle says:
thats all i got
scott says:
yeah, fuck ps
metaphor for a missing moment, pull me into your perfect circle says:
scott says:
paint for life.
metaphor for a missing moment, pull me into your perfect circle says: