At 8/19/03 11:21 PM, War_Machine wrote: This is what I got out of the request that was made in the other topic...
Well, I guess it's only fitting that I should be the first idiot to post the wrong sig...
At 8/19/03 11:21 PM, War_Machine wrote: This is what I got out of the request that was made in the other topic...
Well, I guess it's only fitting that I should be the first idiot to post the wrong sig...
Damn, wish I could've been the first one to congratulate you.
Anyways congrats on your topic and thanks again for making me this kickass sig:D
At 8/19/03 11:42 PM, Lord_Miroku_Sama wrote: Damn, wish I could've been the first one to congratulate you.
Anyways congrats on your topic and thanks again for making me this kickass sig:D
Thank you for the kinds word, and btw, did you ever see that Onslaught sig I made you a couple of weeks ago?
Well it's official. The topic that started it all has been locked (as per my request, btw. Thanks Wade). It had a good run, and was instrumental in the creation of the SSM! One more look back at what was...
At 8/19/03 11:45 PM, War_Machine wrote: Thank you for the kinds word, and btw, did you ever see that Onslaught sig I made you a couple of weeks ago?
Nope, do you still have it?
At 8/20/03 12:21 AM, Lord_Miroku_Sama wrote: Nope, do you still have it?
I had to dig it up, but lookie what I
At 8/20/03 01:08 AM, Incitic wrote: Lookie at what i made!
Wow, that's pretty cool. Did you make that with AS, or flash?
At 8/20/03 01:10 AM, _Ranma_Saotome_ wrote: uuummm the sig you made me not long ago had a typo , it says Ramna instead of Ranma can you fix it please id appreciate it .
lol I hate when that happens... Do you remember who made it?
I used ulead cool 3D to make it.
Its not hard at all just select the font, size and effects and then work it like flash!
2 bad its a 15-day trial!
Ooops... Hehehe... :|
That was a test to see how soon my ban will end... Heh...
Well, I'm now the first idiot to post mindless spam in this topic... At least the guy who said 'yes' formed a word.
So then... HEY! Grand opening.
Should I introduce myself? Alright.
I'm the strange sig guy. I make sigs with minor head trauma, concusions, mental illness, and the et cetera.
Like this one here. :)
I think i am going to cry........I did not get a chance to say good bye to the other thread and make my peace with it........I think i am going to cry even more cause I was not added to the Sig Makers Crew........*sniff*......i dont know what i am going to do now.............i want to say great move and congrades to you on your new venture........
hey sigs cool...soz AGAIN z now that ive seen other ppl have samuri i realise they all have there own originality...soz..thanks war machine for the sig
At 8/19/03 11:09 PM, Hycran wrote: BEST ZORD EVER FEWELS
Speaking of the almighty Zord, I finished your sig the other day but I haven't spoken to you since. So I'll put it up here.
Just add ZORD!
nice sig long does it usually take u guys to make these
hey z, i dunno if u feel ambitious enough to do them banners, u never said yes or no. i ain't tryin to harrass u bout them. i was just wonderin if i gotta start lookin somewhere else. thanx, p z
I think the Shrike was the first one to offically ask and he has my vote not just because having a MOD as a member will help deter spammers but because his 3d effects are fucking awesome oh and heres one of the sigs he's done for me.
At 8/20/03 08:48 AM, DarkBlueFlame wrote: stuff
Hmmmmmmm, hes got my vote aswell. I really like the sig he made you. Speaking of making sigs heres my attempt at z4I's sig.
At 8/20/03 07:35 AM, gibbo13 wrote: nice sig long does it usually take u guys to make these
It can take anywere from 15 mintues to about 2 hours.
At 8/20/03 09:07 AM, gibbo13 wrote: 2hours wow...any way he got my vote aswell.
Lol you don't understand the evaulated are voted on by the current sig makers but thanx for your vote anyway.
At 8/19/03 05:04 PM, -Z- wrote: I was mildly bored, so I thought I'd just make a sig for the Queen of the Flame, Lawless1. Enjoy.
Wow! Thanks! That is way totally cool!
At 8/20/03 01:10 AM, _Ranma_Saotome_ wrote: uuummm the sig you made me not long ago had a typo , it says Ramna instead of Ranma can you fix it please id appreciate it .
-Bashes head against wall repeatidly until he goes unconscious - In unconscious state, mutters something about typo demons-
Could I just request to see other 3D effects by Shrike? I'm just curious.
At 8/20/03 08:34 AM, Talbain wrote: wow it seems as this forum is a hit already and have already been disruptions but that makes it even cozier well i guess i might as well ask so can i join , yay or nay?
We are working on a reasonable plan few admitting new members. We will get it straightened out and posted later on today.
At 8/20/03 09:56 AM, -Incarnation- wrote: Could I just request to see other 3D effects by Shrike? I'm just curious.
Ok in the politics forum any 3d effect done there is done by shrike.
At 8/20/03 09:29 AM, lawless1 wrote: Wow! Thanks! That is way totally cool!
Your more than welcome. Your current sig is the coolest. Cass is one hot mamma jamma.
About The Shrike. As DBF said, having a Mod on the team would be incredibly beneficial. Instead of just saying, 'Stop spam posting pics please,' we can have him say, 'Post another pic and I'll ban your ass into next week. Literally.'
Apart from the one DBF posted that The Shrike made for him, I haven't seen any other sigs he's made. I will reserve my vote until I've seen some of his other stuff, but I think it's fair to say that he has a very high chance of getting in.
ZORD... ?.. Did I miss something here?
If we consider letting Shrike in, I want to see his other sigs. I think he made Biteme's sig before he became a mod. Not sure about that, though.
I like the one he has now, but I have no clue what it is. I'm a sucker for shiny metal.
At 8/20/03 12:54 AM, War_Machine wrote: I had to dig it up, but lookie what I
Holy shit that's got to be one of the coolest sigs I've ever seen..........yoink.
At 8/20/03 12:25 PM, hatterofmad wrote: ZORD... ?.. Did I miss something here?
Nobody misses the power of the Zord. It is probably just far too great for others to understand.
Either that or it's just damn funny.