At 8/15/07 05:14 PM, LockClock wrote:
I got about 3 and a half hours of sleep today, from about 2 AM to 5:30 AM, still missed nearly 200 entries for some reason >:(
Wow. Now that's dedication. Well done!
And yeah, that'll happen. Super-high-volume portal all night long last night, eh?
The page views listing is not accurate since there are so many people on the site right now, it lags. One minute, an entry has 3 views, then jumps to about 150 2 seconds later. When it says like 190 views, chances are it's already reached the 200 vote mark.
I noticed. A few flashes would have around 90-110 views, but for the most part, they'd jump from 1, 2, 7, 9, some small number like that... I'd view and vote... then hit refresh to see how many views, and it'd be like 160, yeah.
Wild stuff.
And stuff was getting protected with 200 votes and 183 views, too. WTF?
You have to go to this page instead of the main portal page. If it still says Under Judgement, you can still get the point. p?which=mr&order=date
Screw that. I was using Shitty Kitty's Next Flash javascript, modified to work with the current portal system. Works great with the no "thanks for voting" screen redesigned NG. Just click... boom, next flash. Watch, vote, click boom... next flash.
At 8/15/07 05:22 PM, Coop83 wrote:
I've been online since 0730 local time (About 0330, EST) and I had my first hundred points within the first 90 minutes. Since then I've been back and forth to the portal and have something around 400-450 saves so far today.
Schweet. How many did you end up with? I'm sure ya beat me. I'm sure jonthomson ended up with 800 points and the real X-Naut with like 1200+ points. UNGODLY!
I'm closing in on the magic 30k, but more importantly to this topic, I managed to blow by the milestone of 15k Saves :)
NIIIIIIIIIIICE! 29k+ points, eh? EGSC, here ya come. I wonder if any of the people jockeying with you to hit 30k soon pulled a huge pointgrab today as well, though.
Now it's time for.... the third and FINAL installment of... gfox's ClockDay 2007 journal!
As of 6:30PM ET:
Voted on entries 394442 to 394600... And hey, I just noticed this (8.15 base VP on 8/15! How cool is that? And I just got +0.01 to go from 8.14 to 8.15 today, yes... NGLog confirms it):
"Your experience gave you a voting power of 8.15 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 60% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 13.03 votes!"
As of 6:30PM ET:
@ entry # 394600
@ 24504 saves (+315 since pre-CD07)
@ 60504 total b/p
As of 12:00AM ET 8/16/2007:
Voted on entries 394600 to 394953... That was the last entry from Clock Day, technically speaking, meaning 1638 entries were submitted on Clock Day 2007. Yep, the portal agrees with me. The below is just an estimate since there's like 50 UJ stuff in the portal right now, and I've gotten plenty of saves, including FOUR MORE final vote saves (four now in 8/16 along with 10... TEN of 'em... on 8/15... that would be a personal record for me, yes):
As of 12:00AM ET:
@ entry # 394953
@ 24654 saves (+465 since pre-CD07)
@ 60654 total b/p
As of 1:30AM ET:
Voted on entries 394953 to 395100... calling it quits here. I've voted on 1250 entries out of the past 1800 entries on the portal. INCREDIBLES. Of course... nowhere near 1250 of my votes were case on UJ entries, unfortunately. In fact, a great many of them... a couple hundred, at least, were cast on movies that were still SHOWING as UJ, but were actually in the 200-225 vote range already. I kinda wish the redesigned NG had a better method for dealing with this (you can't even tell whether the movie you just voted on was still UJ when you voted or not when you vote... unless you're the 200th save, then you get the nifty final save vote message confirming you got the point, and the last one that was there to be got!). But ah well:
As of 1:30AM ET:
@ entry # 395100
@ 24731 saves (+542 since pre-CD07)
@ 60731 total b/p
I went out for some late night foods with my gf from around 1:30AM ET to 2:30AM ET... and for the past hour we've been watching Futurama and Venture Brothers.
I think... I think I'm coming down from the massive-saving high. Finally. #;-}>
542 saves.... 1250 votes... 1800 total movies... what a day.
Oh, and I reviewed 5 flashes, moving up from 649 to 654 reviews. Rockin'. ... AND... I had planned on posting some today... too bad Clock Day had to go and be all insane. #;-}>