At 5/4/07 10:45 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
If you don't know what I'm getting at, every single post by D-o-D in here is either him wondering about updates, asking for updates, or insisting updates need to come more often...
... or else it's a post about his own progress and b/p adventures and misfortunes.
And I forgot perhaps the most important part of all! The one thing both types of posts from October to January had in common was...
Not once did he actually thank the list updater for making the list. That's... really poor form, man.
But anyway, moving on to more interesting things...
At 10/29/06 01:58 AM, Major-punk wrote:
Update #8 - Top 100 Protectors
Ok so I'm a really big rush to get this posted and get my ass into bed. I have a big day tommorow and I have to wake up at 7. If I didn't get this done tonight then I wouldn't have time until sometime next weekend which is way too long to wait between updates...
Boy do I know that feeling.
2685 - Toocool100
2678 - ramagi
2641 - AfroUnderscoreStud
2572 - pepeatumi
2523 - Wylo
Wow... you guys blow my mind. 5 over 2500.
01. 44,352 // 2685 // Toocool100
02. 33,278 // 2678 // ramagi
03. 30,000 // 1309 // Denvish
04. 27,466 // 0052 // bila
05. 26,688 // 1512 // MultiGemini
06. 26,651 // 2523 // Wylo
07. 25,988 // 1130 // ReconRebel
08. 24,000 // 0000 // gfoxcook
09. 22,772 // 0001 // MPA
10. 22,015 // 2264 // AZPunisher
Ohhh... the bygone days when I was still in fairly decent shape on this list! #;-}>
hope this looks ok
Looks fine. Thanks for all the updates, even though I missed seeing 'em sooner. I'm enjoying 'em all at once tonight, lemme tell yas.
At 11/20/06 04:41 PM, Major-punk wrote:
Update #09 - Top 100 Protectors!
Next update will be between Dec 25th and Jan 1st.
We should have advertised our final 2006 updates together, seeing as how my final two pentalist updates lined up fairly close to your updates #9 and #10. #;-}>
08. 24,000 // 0000 // gfoxcook
09. 23,229 // 1214 // Punisher +1
10. 22,784 // 0012 // MPA -1
11. 22,264 // 0920 // BonusStage +1
12. 22,055 // 0516 // XwaynecoltX -1
13. 20,871 // 1301 // AfroUnderScoreStud +2
14. 20,392 // 1216 // DonDoli +3
At 12/31/06 03:26 AM, Major-punk wrote:
Top 100 Protectors! - Update #10
Data pull was 3 days ago. Or possibly 4.. I can't remember exactly but you get the idea.
Heh. Been there... wish I hadn't done that... so many times.
Also I would be very surprised if there were no mistakes here, specifically with the rank changes after #64.
I don't know if I ever offered it, but I can give you the Excel spreadsheet formulas that Newgrundling used in his Top Voting Power List that I took over and then adapted for my pentalist as well. Rank changes = automatically update.
01. 48,256 // 2569 // Toocool100
02. 36,000 // 1550 // ramagi
MMMmmmm... 36k. Now that looks sweet.
04. 30,000 // 0000 // Denvish -1
Mmmm.... 30k even... not bad, either.
08. 25,549 // 2320 // Punisher +1
09. 24,000 // 0000 // gfoxcook -1
10. 23,450 // 2579 // AfroUnderScoreStud +3
*ooomph* :::takes a hit to the gut:::
At 2/2/07 11:16 AM, Major-punk wrote:
Top 100 Protectors - Update # 11
I've been gradually working on this for the past few days so the people at the end of the list have a little advantage. But since it's been a month since the last update a couple extra days doesn't make a huge difference.
That'll happen, yeah. And that's true, too. Plus, better they have an advantage than the people at the top of the list anyway, eh? #;-}>
Congrats to Toocool100 for reaching 50k saves! I doubt anyone can ever pass him.
Unless he retires, of course.
01. 50,123 // 1867 // Toocool100
02. 36,008 // 0008 // ramagi
Oh, ramagi... how could you ruin your perfect even 000-ness with yer 36? ;_;
09. 25,436 // 1986 // AfroUnderScoreStud +1
10. 24,000 // 0000 // gfoxcook -1
11. 23,738 // 1140 // DonDoli +2
Ohhhh... :::reeling:::
At 3/17/07 03:19 PM, Major-punk wrote:
Top 100 Protectors - Update # 12
The data pull was done 6 days ago on sunday so it is a little out of date but not a significant difference. Found a missing person, Crolpa. Welcome to all the new joiners.
6 days ago? Pffft. That's still a current event.
There are now over 100 members on Newgrounds with 10,000 saves or more. Congrats.
WOWZA. Damn straight. Congrats, all. Way to go!
When I last posted in this thread, there were only around 60 members with that... what an explosion. What a revolution of savedom.
02. 36,037 // 0029 // ramagi
05. 30,000 // 0000 // Denvish
Ahhhhhh... much better. :::shudders:::
10. 24,467 // 1340 // schneelocke +3
11. 24,375 // 1630 // Rule +4
12. 24,069 // 0678 // BonusStage
13. 24,000 // 0000 // gfoxcook -3
14. 23,911 // 0173 // DonDoli -3
And that'll pretty much do it, folks.
I'm like the Rockets when they go down by 10 points with a few minutes left in the 4th quarter. I'm done. For good. IT'S OVAH.
Thanks again, MajorPunk. Rockin' updates filled with much tasty saveness.