At 5/6/08 03:56 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/2/08 07:30 PM, BonusStage wrote:
You WERE here when it was good, most of the good users are gone and replaced with utterly shit ones
Does that mean I'm an utterly shit user? :'(
He did say "MOST of" the good users left, Bahamut. Maybe he meant after you got here, and you're one of the few who remained? After all, that's what he was saying about the likes of me, no doubt. :::noddles:::
At 5/5/08 08:18 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Well, Bahamut could always run an election. He's already running the regular elections, so he's getting plenty o' practice, anyway.
Perhaps I could, but I still feel that I should wait until a later time. I don't feel veteran enough to take care of anything to do with the Wi/Ht? Memberlist right now. :P If there was an election in 2009, however, I wouldn't mind handling a member election then. :)
At 5/5/08 04:55 PM, Coop83 wrote:
I've just realised the main problem of trying to use a WACOM tablet to browse teh internets. No right click button, so I'm buggered if I want to multi-quote. Curse my girlfriend's brothers for fucking off on WoW while stealing this computer's mouse for their own use.
I never right click to multi-quote.
Well, for Coop, he does need to right-click if he's on World of Warcraft. I know that since I've played WoW before and used the right-click button a lot. However, besides that, I hardly right click. The only times when I seem to use it is when keyboard shortcuts don't seem to work.
He said his gf's bro is playing WoW on another computer and stole his mouse to do so. Meaning he had to post without a mouse, and he said he needed the mouse for multi-quote replying. But I was saying he doesn't need a mouse. Since he obviously has a WACOM at least, using the pen to get into this post window is easy enough (technically, you could do it without a mouse/tablet/touchscreen/anything, by using the "tab" key a whole shitload, but that would be a pain in the ass.
Anyway, the point is he was saying he needed to right-click to reply in topics on NG BBS, he isn't the one playing WoW. #;-}>
Left-click inside the post area, hit ctrl-A to select all, hit ctrl-X to cut all... then switch to notepad... then hit ctrl-V to paste it... and repeat with the next tab. When all done, ctrl-X and ctrl-V again.
Indeed, that's what I do. It even amazes people who see me working on the computer. :)
Those people need some rudimentary Windows lessons, clearly. I've known this shit since the early 1990s.
At 5/6/08 04:09 PM, Haggard wrote:
Me neither. I just press the quote button with the middle mouse button to open a new tab.
Yep. Same first step here.
Then I write the response and everything, cut out anything I don't need to quote, triple-clicking in the post body to select all, press the first mouse button (yes, I have a 5-button-mouse :P ) to copy,
In some situations I do triple-click (mostly on URLs), but I don't like triple clicking in huge text fields. For some reason, it doesn't... "convince" me that everything truly is selected reliably. That's why I use ctrl-A. I trust ctrl-A implicitly. #;-}>
I've had multi-button mice before, but I don't think I ever assigned any button (let alone the first!) to the ctrl-C function. O_O
And finally, while I sometimes (like right now, due to only replying to you + Bahamut) type inside the post window, if I'm doing a REAL multi-quote reply, i.e. LUL-style... I cut and paste the text chunks to a notepad window first, no typing inside the posting text box.
clicking somewhere else on the page to get the focus out of the text field, pressing '1' on my keyboard to switch to the previous tab, pressing the 5th mouse button to paste... rinse and repeat until I'm done.
THAT'S how cool kids do it these days! 8)
The 1 key is "previous tab" on your computer? That's freaking weird, man. O_o
I dunno why you rely on mouse buttons so much. To me, the more I use my keyboard and the less I use my mouse, the better. Then again, I'm typing on a laptop on my couch, meaning it's above the end of the right armrest, at an angle, I have a ergo-keyboard on my lap in front of me, and the mouse is on top of the flat area of the laptop in front of the keyboard forward and to the right of me.... not a very great place to use a mouse a lot, but then... I never liked using mice much, even at a desktop. I'm a command line man, I guess.
Anyway, I prefer ctrl-? shortcuts to any mousework is all I'm saying. Even mouse shortcuts/programmed buttons. About the only thing I do let my mouse do besides moving, dragging, and clicking... is I do have the ONE programmable button on it (besides the left, right, and wheel buttons) set to ctrl-W (close window), and I use that a lot when I'm just browsing but not typing... through many tabs, so I can close them without moving the mouse cursor or reaching for the keyboard (which is usally not on my lap when I'm just browsing).
Also there's the "context menu"-button on the keyboard, which brings up... well the context menu... ^^
Yeah, but I just don't like context/right-click menus. NEIN! #;-}>
Alt+F or Alt+E FTW. #;-}>
I use the right mouse button a lot, because of mouse gestures in opera. "Right click, hold, move mouse down, let go of the right button" brings up a new tab. "Right click, hold, move mouse down, then right" closes the tab... it's much faster if you're used to it.
Also my favorites: "Right click, hold, press left mouse button" moves back in the browser history. "Left click, hold, press right mouse button" moves forward in the browser history. Nifteh!
Ewwwww.... gestures.... so.... dependent on having your mouse on a really good surface where it moves the cursor VERY reliably. #;-}>