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Where is/How to? Memberlist

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-21 16:24:46

At 4/21/08 03:42 PM, Bahamut wrote: Calm down, BlueHippo. Please.

My day isn't complete till I give Life his 15 minutes of shit ;P

I hope that I'm still allowed to vote on the Regulars List, I'm actually rather sad to be leaving the Regulars List, especially due to it actually being updated monthly. Oh well, I guess this list is "cooler" or something. Anyways, as I anticipated, I'm embarrassed for my long-winded ramble, I knew it wouldn't get me anywhere (besides embarrasstown) but I'd rather look like a fool instead of keeping it bottled up. I don't even understand why we can only be on one list, especially as the Memberlist is more like, the big dogs of wi/ht, despite their activity. I know said you wanted afro wanted to be 'retired', but honestly, when was the last time you saw half of the members post in the wi/ht, with the exception of that random burst in this thread?

Dammit, I'm starting to rantramble again... The memberlist almost feels like the wi/ht hall of fame, whereas the regulars list are those who are still alive and kickin'. That being said, it makes me realize how stupid my first rantramble was. I should just try to be my happy cheery self, because my rantrambles only make me look stupid.

I'm just getting a lot of mixed feelings right now, both excited and disappointed at the same time. I suppose that mixed with some IRL drama I'm going through equals "hey bluehippo just shut up before you make yourself look even stupider"


BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-21 16:42:15

At 4/21/08 03:42 PM, Bahamut wrote: My only concern is that since the new members were announced just before the May 2008 regulars elections were about to commence (i.e. on 22nd April 7PM EST), should they still be allowed to vote for potential regulars on the next update or not?

I don't see why not Bahamut. Technically they're still Regulars until their names are removed from the list right? If so this would be their last chance to vote. Your main concern should be the other Regulars. How would they feel about this?

If this shouldn't happen, then apologises if I do that and I will make sure it doesn't happen again. All I'm doing here is making sure I don't screw up anywhere.

It's partly my fault Bahamut. I had no idea you were running the Regular's election on April 22nd. I'm sorry about that. I can assure you it won't happen again. :-(

When you update the Wi/Ht? Memberlist, could you make sure Afro_Stud is marked as retired? He has told me numerous times that he wishes to be labelled as retired and claims to have requested it (to Recon, I assume) several times.

I'm innocent Bahamut! I DID tell gfox to change Afro_Stud's status in my last PM but gfox said he would wait until after the election results were announced. This way he can update everything in one go.

At 4/21/08 01:19 PM, BlueHippo wrote: ranting
Calm down, BlueHippo. Please.

Yeah, his post caused me to raise an eyebrow too.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-21 16:54:33

At 4/21/08 04:42 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 4/21/08 03:42 PM, Bahamut wrote: My only concern is that since the new members were announced just before the May 2008 regulars elections were about to commence (i.e. on 22nd April 7PM EST), should they still be allowed to vote for potential regulars on the next update or not?
I don't see why not Bahamut. Technically they're still Regulars until their names are removed from the list right? If so this would be their last chance to vote. Your main concern should be the other Regulars. How would they feel about this?

Being one of the other regulars I think the three new members should be allowed to vote one more time.
Even though I do not quite understand why you can't vote any more when you're a Wi/Ht?-member, but that's an other topic. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-21 17:07:32

At 4/21/08 02:30 PM, kidray76 wrote: Ahhh, three e-buddies made the list at the same time.

You guys are fucking awesome though. Congrats.

Thanks kidray! <3

At 4/21/08 03:42 PM, Bahamut wrote: Huge congrats to life, BlueHippo and NEVR on becoming the three newest Wi/Ht? Members! :D You all are great new additions to the list.

Thanks man, that's very nice of you to say :)

My only concern is that since the new members were announced just before the May 2008 regulars elections were about to commence (i.e. on 22nd April 7PM EST), should they still be allowed to vote for potential regulars on the next update or not?

Well, I'd definitely be more than happy to cast my vote one last time, if you deem it prudent that we should vote. I'm of the opinion that we haven't officially left the regulars list until the next update says we have, but that's up to you!

At 4/21/08 08:12 AM, NEVR wrote: Woah, I honestly didn't expect this...
Hey, those last few months of helping out tons of users here really paid off. :)

Heh, you're telling me! I have to say I was surprised as hell when I got onto NG this morning after taking my dog for a walk, and found a comment about being voted onto the memberlist on my user page. It's been a good day!

At 4/21/08 04:24 PM, BlueHippo wrote: I'm just getting a lot of mixed feelings right now, both excited and disappointed at the same time. I suppose that mixed with some IRL drama I'm going through equals "hey bluehippo just shut up before you make yourself look even stupider"

Perhaps some e-love will make you feel better? <3

At 4/21/08 04:42 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I don't see why not Bahamut. Technically they're still Regulars until their names are removed from the list right? If so this would be their last chance to vote. Your main concern should be the other Regulars. How would they feel about this?

Yeah, I agree with this. As I said before though, it's up to the B-man.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-21 17:22:37

At 4/21/08 05:21 PM, BonusStage wrote: life and blue, good.

But NEVR? Who the fuck? new kids.

Well this just shows us how inactive you've been lately 'round these parts ;P


BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-21 21:03:10

It's okay Bh, I'm as surprised as you are. Thanks for putting me on the member's list. I actually feel like I belong there more because it seems more like a museum of wi/hters rather than the current active members. I used to spend a lot of time here in the past. Since I'm not updating a list anymore I'll defiantly go back to helping people out when I can.

Thanks again, and I'll gladly switch places with BH if everyone agrees. He's defiantly more active and deserving of a higher up spot. (if it matters)

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-21 21:44:56

At 4/21/08 09:03 PM, life wrote: It's okay Bh, I'm as surprised as you are. Thanks for putting me on the member's list. I actually feel like I belong there more because it seems more like a museum of wi/hters rather than the current active members. I used to spend a lot of time here in the past. Since I'm not updating a list anymore I'll defiantly go back to helping people out when I can.

Yeah, as I mentioned, you do belong on this list moreso than the other. Hope you actually pop in here every now and then :) I remember when you made your font image you were ready to post that everywhere, sadly I never saw you use it ;P I know you know where my post was coming from, I just gotta give you shit. Of course, jealousy had something to do with it, too ;P Bless our internet competition :P

Thanks again, and I'll gladly switch places with BH if everyone agrees. He's defiantly more active and deserving of a higher up spot. (if it matters)

Lmao, it doesn't really matter, I just wanted to be a baby about it. Also damn you for being so compassionate on this subject... where's the "in yo faic, ho!"? :P


BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 06:15:13

The Web Wi/Ht? Memberlist IS UPDATED. Click teh sig link.

Added the three new members, obviously, after getting their user ID#s from their banners (thanks to all three of you for having banners in your userpages, that makes things SO much simpler #;-}>)....

And I've made the following changes:

Marked active: Recon (you just ran an election, Recon, I know you asked me to mark you RETIRED like 1-2 years ago, but... I'm assuming this means you're BACK in black #;-}>)

Marked inactive: leeboy, Xkwizit, lightning, Mystboy, X, Qwoxy, Alkador, Tom, Mazza, absent (some of these should have been marked inactive in 2007, of course... I guess I was holding out hope that they would return to prominence)

Marked RETIRED: AfroStudly (:::salutes:::)

So as you can see, of 35 members... I consider only 9 of them... yes, NINE... to be active on Wi/Ht? currently.

Recon and I being the most senior, of course. But guess who's the next most senior after us? BONUS, who has made a comeback as of late, thanks to me harassing him on the Video Games forum about a month ago. HUZZAH. #;-}>

The other 6 active folks are three from the last election and the three from this election.

Most disappointing recent development is absent already being inactive.

At 4/21/08 12:13 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Well, the results are in and 3 more people have made the Wi/Ht member list. First of all I'd like to thank everyone that voted. Most of the nominees received votes and although I don't normally give out election info I should mention there was a 3-way tie for first. I don't think that's ever happened before. This means sign-up dates will decide the membership order. Secondly, I'd like to know when everyone would like the next election to be held. I figure within the next 2 or 3 months but we'll let majority decide. So without further adieu, here are the winners;

Looking at the Memberlist while updating it, we added 4 members in 2004, 4 members in 2005, 3 members in 2006, 4 members in 2007, and now 3 members in 2008. It seems to me that... if we really have to add multiple users again this year, we should wait until.... well, at least September. We've never added members in month #9 before. Howzabout then?

#33 life
#34 BlueHippo
#35 NEVR

Congrats, guys. I'm pretty sure there's been one or two TWO-way ties for the top spot before, but not sure about a three-way tie. Sign-up date is a fair method, to me.

Big congrats to life, BlueHippo and NEVR!!!


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 06:36:29

At 4/22/08 06:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Most disappointing recent development is absent already being inactive.

Or should I say.... already ABSENT.

HAhahahahaa. Oh god. :::wipes tears away:::

At 4/21/08 01:19 PM, BlueHippo wrote: Huh? No fair, smelly life is listed before me?! Nooooooo!!!


To be honest, I'm actually a little disappointed that Life was voted in. I mean, I like the kid, but really, he barely does shit all in the wi/ht. He doesn't offer help to other users, he doesn't post in any of the threads for stats, with the exception of the short period of time he updated the 51+, which not only got him into the Regulars list, but also the Memberlist.

Um. Ideally, the candidates for membership should be contributing in multiple fronts. Be that helping out in newbie threads, running a list, modding the forum (there's one you and life could do but NEVR obviously couldn't), and just generally adding the enjoymints of LUL and other longstanding threads around here.

Adding good conversation to the forum is a valuable thing to me, because the happier we are all to be chatting with each other, the more we hang out here to answer the questions that need to be answered.

It's the reason LUL isn't one big locked topic, but is instead the "motivational center" of the forum.

But, updating a big list like that is obviously going to give a lot more exposure than posting in a thread that is only on the first page for a couple days, until it vanishes forever and is forgotten about. Those big wi/ht threads will be around forever. I understand why it happened, but it just irritates me. Also, the only reason I bitch is because it's Life, a good friend of mine... nothing quite like a little friendly competition, no? EXCEPT DAMMIT. He's #33 and I'm #34. SO DAMN HIM. DAMN HIS SMELLY FACE.

..... Yep. Those threads WILL be around forever, and he contributed time and effort towards keeping one of the lists in one of them running when no one else was doing so.

But seriously, thanks you guys for voting me in. Been one of my NG goals for quite some time. Now I will retire and never check the wi/ht again!! Naw, just kidding.


Just think, though... what if life had been voted in but NOT YOU. Think of how you'd feel then. Who'd be smellin' then!

At 4/21/08 03:42 PM, Bahamut wrote: Hopefully I can get a response from a more experienced user than me (i.e. Recon, gfox) on what I should do when this situation happens. If I don't hear anything by tomorrow night (apologies if I sound impatient here), the three members will be allowed to vote for new regulars. If this shouldn't happen, then apologises if I do that and I will make sure it doesn't happen again. All I'm doing here is making sure I don't screw up anywhere.

Neither Recon nor myself has ever had anything to do with running or updating the Regulars list, so I don't know why you needed our imput.

Do what you and/or the other Regulars think is best. If everyone feels like Haggard, that the three of 'em should get to vote one last time if they want to, then sure, go for it.

I thought NEVR was all upset that he wasn't gonna get to pass Haggard on the list, but if they can vote and that also means they get to be ON the update one last time as well... then it sounds like NEVR's gonna get to pass him after all. Won't that make Haggard teh sad, though? ;_;

When you update the Wi/Ht? Memberlist, could you make sure Afro_Stud is marked as retired? He has told me numerous times that he wishes to be labelled as retired and claims to have requested it (to Recon, I assume) several times.

Done and done. He could have requested that to me anytime, BTW. Tell the big silly fool that.

At 4/21/08 04:24 PM, BlueHippo wrote: I hope that I'm still allowed to vote on the Regulars List, I'm actually rather sad to be leaving the Regulars List, especially due to it actually being updated monthly. Oh well, I guess this list is "cooler" or something.

No. No it's not. #;-}>

I don't even understand why we can only be on one list, especially as the Memberlist is more like, the big dogs of wi/ht, despite their activity. I know said you wanted afro wanted to be 'retired', but honestly, when was the last time you saw half of the members post in the wi/ht, with the exception of that random burst in this thread?

Um... dude, even when there were only 12 members, we'd be lucky to have 5-6 of them active at any one time. AT MOST. So....

As people are now saying, it's more of a Hall of Fame than anything. The kind where you can still be "playing/performing/contributing," though (like the Rock 'n' Roll HOF) rather than the kind where you have to retire for 5 years before you can get in (like the Baseball HOF)... fortunately!

Anyway, if we could be on both lists, then some oldtime members such as myself would have a real bone to pick with RedCircle. WHY YOU KEEP US OFF THE LIST FOR SO LONG. #;-}>

The reason, I believe, is that the whole concept of a Regulars list was created to give those who weren't members (ever or yet) a chance to feel included. And since then it's also become a sort of training/proving ground for potential members.

The memberlist almost feels like the wi/ht hall of fame, whereas the regulars list are those who are still alive and kickin'. That being said, it makes me realize how stupid my first rantramble was. I should just try to be my happy cheery self, because my rantrambles only make me look stupid.

Heh, I forgot you were one of the people mentioning the HOF thing (I had scanned the topic before gathering quotes to reply to, of course).

Yes, you should be happy and cheery. Not so you don't look stupid, though. Just so you can get to be happy and cheery instead of bitter and emo. O_o

I'm just getting a lot of mixed feelings right now, both excited and disappointed at the same time. I suppose that mixed with some IRL drama I'm going through equals "hey bluehippo just shut up before you make yourself look even stupider"

.... Why disappointed? Because of the whole life dramas, or because of the not being a regular anymore? Or because sometimes the wanting of things is better than the having of things?

At 4/21/08 04:42 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I'm innocent Bahamut! I DID tell gfox to change Afro_Stud's status in my last PM but gfox said he would wait until after the election results were announced. This way he can update everything in one go.

And now it is done.

But I was hoping for some input from you and others about who should be listed as what, Recon. For instance, if I've marked anyone inactive on the list who actually voted in this election, please tell me who and I'll change them back to active.

Similarly, if there's anyone who I've listed as active that you feel shouldn't be, let me know that as well.

At 4/21/08 09:03 PM, life wrote: Thanks for putting me on the member's list. I actually feel like I belong there more because it seems more like a museum of wi/hters rather than the current active members.


Since I'm not updating a list anymore I'll defiantly go back to helping people out when I can.

Groovy. There's certainly more time for it without a list to update, isn't there?

Thanks again, and I'll gladly switch places with BH if everyone agrees. He's defiantly more active and deserving of a higher up spot. (if it matters)

The only way I will flip you and BH on the memberlist is if you love the number 34 and he loves the number 33.

Otherwise, I can see no good reason for it. You signed up 10 months before him. That's how Recon broke the tie, and it's his fault for not signing up in 2003, simple enough. #;-}>

Next election, the person with the most votes, or the person with the earliest signup date... will get the cherished #36 membership spot.

I might have to trade my #9 with that person. (wink)

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 07:05:28

At 4/22/08 06:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote: The Web Wi/Ht? Memberlist IS UPDATED. Click teh sig link.

Added the three new members, obviously, after getting their user ID#s from their banners (thanks to all three of you for having banners in your userpages, that makes things SO much simpler #;-}>)....

Wow, didn't realize you could ascertain a user ID# that way. In fact, I was wondering how you'd do it before you updated the list on your website. ALL PRAISE THE EVER-RESOURCEFUL GFOX!

So as you can see, of 35 members... I consider only 9 of them... yes, NINE... to be active on Wi/Ht? currently.

I'll second that count, on the premise that Bonus is indeed making a comeback, and his current activity isn't some crazy flash in the pan :P

Most disappointing recent development is absent already being inactive.

Excluding that one random post he made about a week ago. :(

At 4/22/08 06:36 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I thought NEVR was all upset that he wasn't gonna get to pass Haggard on the list, but if they can vote and that also means they get to be ON the update one last time as well... then it sounds like NEVR's gonna get to pass him after all. Won't that make Haggard teh sad, though? ;_;

Heh, I was actually quite pleased for Haggard that he remained un-passed by me on the regulars list.

As for the regulars list update, I was thinking that perhaps we (meaning life, BH and myself) should vote in the elections, but not appear as Regulars on the next update. I think that's a fair compromise, because in reality we should cease to be on the list by the next update, so that we're not on both lists simultaneously.

Good idea? Bad idea?

As people are now saying, it's more of a Hall of Fame than anything. The kind where you can still be "playing/performing/contributing," though (like the Rock 'n' Roll HOF) rather than the kind where you have to retire for 5 years before you can get in (like the Baseball HOF)... fortunately!

I like the 'Hall of Fame' analogy :)

Next election, the person with the most votes, or the person with the earliest signup date... will get the cherished #36 membership spot.

I might have to trade my #9 with that person. (wink)

Bah, I just missed out on that spot, as I already mentioned to you. :P

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 07:17:25

At 4/22/08 07:05 AM, NEVR wrote: Wow, didn't realize you could ascertain a user ID# that way. In fact, I was wondering how you'd do it before you updated the list on your website. ALL PRAISE THE EVER-RESOURCEFUL GFOX!

Well, you can probably get the user ID# from a lot of other pics, too. Sigpics, profilepics, little minipic next to your newscomments... etc. But the banner's the first thing you can get it from on a userpage, so I always go there first. #;-}>

I'll second that count, on the premise that Bonus is indeed making a comeback, and his current activity isn't some crazy flash in the pan :P

Even if he disappears, he's posted at least 6-10 times in the past few weeks, so that to me is active.

Most disappointing recent development is absent already being inactive.
Excluding that one random post he made about a week ago. :(

But sadly, one random post in a newbie thread is not active, so... I had to GRAY HIM OUT. COME BACK, ABSENT.

Heh, I was actually quite pleased for Haggard that he remained un-passed by me on the regulars list.

Oh, really? Well... he still wanted you to be a regular one last time, so that's very sweet of both of you. #;-}> I was trying to get Haggard to pull an aboutface and say "holy shit... maybe I DON'T want that after all... I don't wanna be passed!!!" #;-}>

As for the regulars list update, I was thinking that perhaps we (meaning life, BH and myself) should vote in the elections, but not appear as Regulars on the next update. I think that's a fair compromise, because in reality we should cease to be on the list by the next update, so that we're not on both lists simultaneously.

Well, you guys were all talking like it was an all or nothing... i.e. both vote/listed or neither... type situation... but that sounds like an excellent compromise, yes. After all, you all thought you were about to be voting in the Regulars election and many may have already thought of who to vote for and on removals and so forth...

But since you're technically not Regulars anymore, not being listed on the update itself, but still getting to vote before it... does make a sort of sense.

Good idea? Bad idea?

Great idea. See what Bahamut thinks. Go post it in the Regulars thread, in fact.

Next election, the person with the most votes, or the person with the earliest signup date... will get the cherished #36 membership spot.

I might have to trade my #9 with that person. (wink)
Bah, I just missed out on that spot, as I already mentioned to you. :P

Yeah, I know it's tearing you up inside. #;-}>

35's still a good number. 7 5s or 5 7s. Either way... you know Coop (5 fan) and Bahamut (7 fan) should love 35 as a number. #;-}>

And it's one away from the HOLINESS.

And it's not 37. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 12:06:59

Congrats and welcome to the three new members! I have nothing else to say, except maybe another congrats, and uhh... Great additions =P




BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 14:59:41

At 4/22/08 06:36 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Or should I say.... already ABSENT.


HAhahahahaa. Oh god. :::wipes tears away:::

perhaps that tear on my face came from when you flicked it off :0


can't you smell him from here? He lives half way across the country and I can smell that stench.

Um. Ideally, the candidates for membership should be contributing in multiple fronts. Be that helping out in newbie threads, running a list, modding the forum (there's one you and life could do but NEVR obviously couldn't), and just generally adding the enjoymints of LUL and other longstanding threads around here.

life isn't a forum mod ;D Exactly... multiple fronts. I don't think updating the 51+ for a month counts as multiple fronts. Life was active in the wi/ht some time ago, but I guess it was his random burst of updating the list that got him here. For some reason my passion died for the LUL... perhaps it was all those super long lists I'd make, with a comment for each one... was fun for a while.

It's the reason LUL isn't one big locked topic, but is instead the "motivational center" of the forum.

it's because urfaic. I mean, sure there's a bunch of spammy chit chat, but we gotta post our level ups SOMEWHERE, amiriet?

..... Yep. Those threads WILL be around forever, and he contributed time and effort towards keeping one of the lists in one of them running when no one else was doing so.

Running a 5 minute program must be harder than it sounds ;P

Just think, though... what if life had been voted in but NOT YOU. Think of how you'd feel then. Who'd be smellin' then!

it would smell like a smoldering pile of ashes where his house once was.

Done and done. He could have requested that to me anytime, BTW. Tell the big silly fool that.

Big silly fool is an understatement.

No. No it's not. #;-}>

oh :[

Um... dude, even when there were only 12 members, we'd be lucky to have 5-6 of them active at any one time. AT MOST. So....

As people are now saying, it's more of a Hall of Fame than anything. The kind where you can still be "playing/performing/contributing," though (like the Rock 'n' Roll HOF) rather than the kind where you have to retire for 5 years before you can get in (like the Baseball HOF)... fortunately!

Forever shall we rock the wi/ht. Meedly meedly meedly meeeeeeeee.

Anyway, if we could be on both lists, then some oldtime members such as myself would have a real bone to pick with RedCircle. WHY YOU KEEP US OFF THE LIST FOR SO LONG. #;-}>

They see you blammin'. They hatin'. Patrollin' and tryina catch you ridin' durty.

The reason, I believe, is that the whole concept of a Regulars list was created to give those who weren't members (ever or yet) a chance to feel included. And since then it's also become a sort of training/proving ground for potential members.

but..but..omg teh stats!! I was enjoying the competition while it lasted, I'll just go back to being a sloth now ;P


a sloth who sits in his golden wi/ht HOF throne B-)

Heh, I forgot you were one of the people mentioning the HOF thing (I had scanned the topic before gathering quotes to reply to, of course).


Yes, you should be happy and cheery. Not so you don't look stupid, though. Just so you can get to be happy and cheery instead of bitter and emo. O_o

My angst is what drives my stat whoreism. Omg teh no one loves me I'm gonna go vote on some UJ movies and cut myself.

.... Why disappointed? Because of the whole life dramas, or because of the not being a regular anymore? Or because sometimes the wanting of things is better than the having of things?

Because a couple months ago was the first time I felt the urge to statwhore in quite a while. Probably best I stay calmed down like I was before ;P Also, what you said in that last line. I was expecting myself to be filled with glee, instead I stunk of crab.


Hall of LIES!!

Groovy. There's certainly more time for it without a list to update, isn't there?

I hope he uses his 10 minutes and helps out everyone he can ;D

The only way I will flip you and BH on the memberlist is if you love the number 34 and he loves the number 33.

Well I mean, 33 is the same number twice, and is also a palindrome. It's also divisible by 3. Plus this nonsense!

Otherwise, I can see no good reason for it. You signed up 10 months before him. That's how Recon broke the tie, and it's his fault for not signing up in 2003, simple enough. #;-}>

Naw, then I would have joined and made a bunch of embarrassing crappy first posts, and submit a bunch of crappy flash to the portal. I think it balances out ;P

Next election, the person with the most votes, or the person with the earliest signup date... will get the cherished #36 membership spot.

I might have to trade my #9 with that person. (wink)

*removes dust from your eye*

At 4/22/08 07:05 AM, NEVR wrote: Excluding that one random post he made about a week ago. :(

I probably shouldn't be saying anything but I've seen him lurking around more than just his one post. Absent, please come out of your hole, we love you.

Heh, I was actually quite pleased for Haggard that he remained un-passed by me on the regulars list.

As for the regulars list update, I was thinking that perhaps we (meaning life, BH and myself) should vote in the elections, but not appear as Regulars on the next update. I think that's a fair compromise, because in reality we should cease to be on the list by the next update, so that we're not on both lists simultaneously.

Good idea? Bad idea?

Sounds swell to me, amigo.

I like the 'Hall of Fame' analogy :)

Rock on B-)

At 4/22/08 07:17 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, you can probably get the user ID# from a lot of other pics, too. Sigpics, profilepics, little minipic next to your newscomments... etc. But the banner's the first thing you can get it from on a userpage, so I always go there first. #;-}>

Old news is old ;D

Even if he disappears, he's posted at least 6-10 times in the past few weeks, so that to me is active.

At least he's not gone forever, roight?

But sadly, one random post in a newbie thread is not active, so... I had to GRAY HIM OUT. COME BACK, ABSENT.


Great idea. See what Bahamut thinks. Go post it in the Regulars thread, in fact.

Bahamut is a good boy and will probably see this ;) But, couldn't hurt.

At 4/22/08 09:24 AM, BonusStage wrote: I'M THE THIRDEDED OLDEST ^-^

Firstestest gayest, though ^-^

At 4/22/08 12:06 PM, Casualty wrote: Congrats and welcome to the three new members! I have nothing else to say, except maybe another congrats, and uhh... Great additions =P



BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 15:26:10

Alright, no objections towards life, BlueHippo and NEVR being able to vote for the regulars election, even if they're now members. While I do run the Regulars list now and have been given permission to do so by Xiivi, one of the things I wish to do to is to keep the updates with little to no changes from when Xiivi did the updates. Sure, I change a few things here and there, but besides them, I wish to have the regulars list remain as unchanged as possible.

So thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on my concern. :) life, BlueHippo and NEVR will be allowed to vote for the May 2008 Regulars List update.

At 4/21/08 12:13 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Secondly, I'd like to know when everyone would like the next election to be held. I figure within the next 2 or 3 months but we'll let majority decide.

I thought you said this in the Regulars List thread, but didn't realise you said it here until after I made my last post here. Oh well.

So anyway, I think another election in 3 or 4 months time would be appropriate. :)

At 4/21/08 04:24 PM, BlueHippo wrote:
At 4/21/08 03:42 PM, Bahamut wrote: Calm down, BlueHippo. Please.
more ranting

Alright, alright! Calm down! Calm down!

At 4/21/08 04:42 PM, ReconRebel wrote: It's partly my fault Bahamut. I had no idea you were running the Regular's election on April 22nd. I'm sorry about that. I can assure you it won't happen again. :-(

It's alright. Just take a look at the election dates seen on the first page to know when I start the elections. Note that since I live in the UK, I follow GMT time zone and not EST time zone.

At 4/22/08 06:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote: The Web Wi/Ht? Memberlist IS UPDATED. Click teh sig link.

You know, I was about to say "No it's not", but then Ctrl + F5 to see if they showed up then and surprisingly, they did. I was surprised at that since I didn't expect a few more rows added to a table would need a clear cache trick to see the new members on the list.

At 4/22/08 06:36 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 4/22/08 06:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Most disappointing recent development is absent already being inactive.
Or should I say.... already ABSENT.

Change his status to absent. XD

It's the reason LUL isn't one big locked topic, but is instead the "motivational center" of the forum.

Recently, I thought that there could be a good chance of the LUL going for good now that we have news posts. However, I oppose to that since in the LUL, you've got better exposure to mentioning stat achievements than on news posts. Also, the LUL is a lounge and just like lounges in C&C and the other forums, so we can discuss all sorts of stuff in there. :)

Neither Recon nor myself has ever had anything to do with running or updating the Regulars list, so I don't know why you needed our imput.

True, but you are the senior W/Ht'ers here and even though neither of you had anything to do with the Regulars List, I still feel one of you should have said something. That's all.

At 4/21/08 09:03 PM, life wrote: Thanks for putting me on the member's list. I actually feel like I belong there more because it seems more like a museum of wi/hters rather than the current active members.

Haha, that gave me a funny idea.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 17:42:03

We have new members uh ? Well congrats for the lucky winners.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 18:18:21

At 4/22/08 09:24 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 4/22/08 06:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Recon and I being the most senior, of course. But guess who's the next most senior after us? BONUS, who has made a comeback as of late, thanks to me harassing him on the Video Games forum about a month ago. HUZZAH. #;-}>

Are you? I could probably scrunge your age out of your 23,500+ posts (Futurama gag for all those who missed it there :P), but I just can't be arsed right now... You've got to be kidding me about being third oldest in the memberlist... at least amongst those active account holders.

At 4/22/08 02:59 PM, BlueHippo wrote:
At 4/22/08 09:24 AM, BonusStage wrote: I'M THE THIRDEDED OLDEST ^-^
Firstestest gayest, though ^-^


At 4/22/08 05:42 PM, Myst wrote: We have new members uh ? Well congrats for the lucky winners.

Ooh, an appearance from the lesser spotted Myst. Maybe he'll even get up to the top 100 saves list for the next update :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 20:43:22

At 4/22/08 09:24 AM, BonusStage wrote: I'M THE THIRDEDED OLDEST ^-^

Of the actives, yes. For what it's worth.

Hmmm... Recon and I should designate you the new elections-runner. YOU CAN HOLD THE NEXT ONE. #;-}>

At 4/22/08 02:59 PM, BlueHippo wrote:
HAhahahahaa. Oh god. :::wipes tears away:::
perhaps that tear on my face came from when you flicked it off :0

Yes, but were they tears from laughing or crying. OR BOTH.

can't you smell him from here? He lives half way across the country and I can smell that stench.

I can't honestly say I've ever noticed life's odour. Sorry. ;_;

life isn't a forum mod ;D

Eh, someone was talking about 2 out of 3 new members having teh mod aura, and I guess I just assumed. I'm kinda outta the loop, yanno, having requested my final demodding over a year ago now, April of 2007.

Exactly... multiple fronts. I don't think updating the 51+ for a month counts as multiple fronts. Life was active in the wi/ht some time ago, but I guess it was his random burst of updating the list that got him here. For some reason my passion died for the LUL... perhaps it was all those super long lists I'd make, with a comment for each one... was fun for a while.

Yes, well.... he got it for multiple reasons is all I'm saying. You may think his participation was too little and too long ago... and that his list updating wasn't enough effort/work to be deserving... but he did contribute on two fronts. This isn't a contest, anyway, so I don't know why I'm justifying the election of life to you. ;_;

it's because urfaic. I mean, sure there's a bunch of spammy chit chat, but we gotta post our level ups SOMEWHERE, amiriet?

I actually prefer the spammy chit chat to the level ups. I just wish there was a bit less of both so the topic didn't move so damned fast.

Running a 5 minute program must be harder than it sounds ;P

Even if it only takes 5 minutes for he and Afro's program to pull the data, he's still got to interpret it, list it, and do all the other things involved with making a list update.

Granted, the statpull is the toughest part, but just ask people like myself and Dogma, probably the best two examples... we have updated lists for months and months and months TOTALLY MANUALLY... and we have updated lists for months and months and months with the aid of ShittyKitty's program.

Either way is work. If it wasn't work to update a list with an auto-statpull program, then Dogma and I would have updated our lists daily.

It's still work.

it would smell like a smoldering pile of ashes where his house once was.

Well, I guess it's a good thing both you guyz got in together, then.

Big silly fool is an understatement.

How would YOU describe Afro, then? #;-}>

No. No it's not. #;-}>
oh :[

Sorry to have been the one to break it to you, but the Wi/Ht? membership is not about being cool, it's about... uh... being on this forum for a long time. Which is probably pretty uncool. #;-}>

Forever shall we rock the wi/ht. Meedly meedly meedly meeeeeeeee.


They see you blammin'. They hatin'. Patrollin' and tryina catch you ridin' durty.

No one be hatin' on my blammin', because I don't be DOIN' any blammin', foo'!


This is way too many apostrophes for any sane mind to handle, BTW...

but..but..omg teh stats!! I was enjoying the competition while it lasted, I'll just go back to being a sloth now ;P

Someone... Don't remember if it was RedCircle or Kiba or who... used to do a list of all the Wi/Ht? members together, just like the Regulars list. Petition Bahamut to start doing that list update, and then you and life can compete again, OMGZ.

a sloth who sits in his golden wi/ht HOF throne B-)

Membership has its perks? O_O

My angst is what drives my stat whoreism. Omg teh no one loves me I'm gonna go vote on some UJ movies and cut myself.

Boy am I glad you and I have VERY different varieties of statwhorism, then. o_o

Groovy. There's certainly more time for it without a list to update, isn't there?
I hope he uses his 10 minutes and helps out everyone he can ;D


Again, even if the stat pull took him 5 minutes each week, I suspect it took him a looooooooooooot longer than 5 more minutes to get the list ready to post.

Well I mean, 33 is the same number twice, and is also a palindrome. It's also divisible by 3. Plus this nonsense!

33 is nice, but it's no 36.

Next election, the person with the most votes, or the person with the earliest signup date... will get the cherished #36 membership spot.

I might have to trade my #9 with that person. (wink)
*removes dust from your eye*

That's not why I winked. ;_;

I probably shouldn't be saying anything but I've seen him lurking around more than just his one post. Absent, please come out of your hole, we love you.


Still, only posting once since he "left" is just not good enough. We do loves him, yes. My precious....

At 4/22/08 09:24 AM, BonusStage wrote: I'M THE THIRDEDED OLDEST ^-^
Firstestest gayest, though ^-^

Oh snap.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-22 20:56:17

At 4/22/08 03:26 PM, Bahamut wrote: Alright, no objections towards life, BlueHippo and NEVR being able to vote for the regulars election, even if they're now members. While I do run the Regulars list now and have been given permission to do so by Xiivi, one of the things I wish to do to is to keep the updates with little to no changes from when Xiivi did the updates. Sure, I change a few things here and there, but besides them, I wish to have the regulars list remain as unchanged as possible.

So thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on my concern. :) life, BlueHippo and NEVR will be allowed to vote for the May 2008 Regulars List update.


At 4/22/08 06:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote: The Web Wi/Ht? Memberlist IS UPDATED. Click teh sig link.
You know, I was about to say "No it's not", but then Ctrl + F5 to see if they showed up then and surprisingly, they did. I was surprised at that since I didn't expect a few more rows added to a table would need a clear cache trick to see the new members on the list.

Depends on your browser. I find that while firefox always grabs a new version of a changed page, Opera usually doesn't.

Though recent updates of opera have made it OCCASIONALLY do so more than it used to.

So... :::shrugs:::

When in doubt... ctrl-F5 instead of just F5, of course.

Change his status to absent. XD


Recently, I thought that there could be a good chance of the LUL going for good now that we have news posts. However, I oppose to that since in the LUL, you've got better exposure to mentioning stat achievements than on news posts. Also, the LUL is a lounge and just like lounges in C&C and the other forums, so we can discuss all sorts of stuff in there. :)

Everyone's news posts are not one central location where no one gets left out. If news posts were supposed to replace the forum... they failed.

True, but you are the senior W/Ht'ers here and even though neither of you had anything to do with the Regulars List, I still feel one of you should have said something. That's all.

Well, you got to hear from both he AND me, so I hope you're happy. #;-}>

At 4/21/08 09:03 PM, life wrote: Thanks for putting me on the member's list. I actually feel like I belong there more because it seems more like a museum of wi/hters rather than the current active members.
Haha, that gave me a funny idea.

Are you going to put my damned smiley in a freakin' flash... in a museum setting?!!?!? Nooooooooooooooo.

At 4/22/08 05:42 PM, Myst wrote: We have new members uh ? Well congrats for the lucky winners.


Should I take you off the inactives list, or is this a one-off drop-by?

Either way, welcome back! Good to see you.

At 4/22/08 06:18 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 4/22/08 09:24 AM, BonusStage wrote: I'M THE THIRDEDED OLDEST ^-^
Are you? I could probably scrunge your age out of your 23,500+ posts (Futurama gag for all those who missed it there :P), but I just can't be arsed right now... You've got to be kidding me about being third oldest in the memberlist... at least amongst those active account holders.

I assume you assumed that since I mentioned Recon and myself being the oldest, you thought I meant age?

Look at the memberlist. Notice how in the sea of RETIRED and inactive members, the first three members that have a "..." for active next to their lines are...




That is what I was referring to, ya big silly.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-23 09:44:08

At 4/21/08 12:13 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
#33 life

congrats lass, well with him quitting the b/p 300 list I guess I wont see him around any stat threads

#34 BlueHippo

hooray finally BH is in so uh can I suck your cock, now, agian

#35 NEVR

hmm this guy is too new ( Wi/Ht posting or my 2008 return) for me to judge or make a smart ass comment.

Big congrats to life, BlueHippo and NEVR!!!

A bigger congrats for not nominating me or and voting for me. I love the RCVL aka Wi/Ht Regulars list.

oh and the next update will have #36, #37... I will envy whoever gets #37.

At 4/21/08 04:24 PM, BlueHippo wrote: I hope that I'm still allowed to vote on the Regulars List, I'm actually rather sad to be leaving the Regulars List, especially due to it actually being updated monthly.

I hope Wylo becomes a Member, then I will pass fake X-naut it stats and be first yeahs. So if I am ever nominated pass your vote on to the next person like Wylo. You ( whoever is voting) wont regret it, I guarantee it.

At 4/21/08 05:07 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 4/21/08 04:42 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I don't see why not Bahamut. Technically they're still Regulars until their names are removed from the list right? If so this would be their last chance to vote. Your main concern should be the other Regulars. How would they feel about this?
Yeah, I agree with this. As I said before though, it's up to the B-man.

I third this act. or its too late acck they should Ex-vote the inactivers though.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-23 09:50:41

Still inactive, sorry. I'm just passing by from time to time.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-23 10:30:35

At 4/23/08 09:44 AM, iscrulz wrote:
#35 NEVR
hmm this guy is too new ( Wi/Ht posting or my 2008 return) for me to judge or make a smart ass comment.

Haha, I guess I am somewhat new in terms of Wi/Ht? posting. I've been posting here for just over a year now, which isn't very long in relation to some of you old-timers.

Still, don't hold back on the smart-ass comments if it makes you happy, scrulz. :P

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-23 10:36:24

Ive had a look through this topic, but I have a question.

Is there some limit of having to answer Wi/Ht questions? (E.G: having to answer 100 Wi/Ht forum questions) to get onto this list? Or do you just have to be quite mature, helpful around other places or so?

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-23 11:45:01

At 4/23/08 10:36 AM, authorized wrote: Ive had a look through this topic, but I have a question.

Is there some limit of having to answer Wi/Ht questions? (E.G: having to answer 100 Wi/Ht forum questions) to get onto this list? Or do you just have to be quite mature, helpful around other places or so?

This question was asked a few pages back, so I'll simply quote Coop's very apt answer:

"It's an invitation only club, this one.

You help out around the Wi/Ht forum, occasionally posting in stat topics and being helpful in the How to questions threads.

Then the members will vote for people to add to the list periodically."

Basically, help around here enough to be voted onto the regulars list, and then in time you may be lucky enough to be voted onto this list.

On a side note, I thought you were an alt? At least, I'm sure I remember reading somewhere that you were. If you are, and wanted to be voted onto the Regulars list/Memberlist, surely it would be best to do help out on your main, so that the credit goes to that account?

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-23 11:53:58

At 4/23/08 11:45 AM, NEVR wrote: On a side note, I thought you were an alt?

Im not an alt.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-23 12:00:02

At 4/23/08 11:53 AM, authorized wrote:
At 4/23/08 11:45 AM, NEVR wrote: On a side note, I thought you were an alt?
Im not an alt.

Interesting. You must have been here for a time before you signed up with that account, then, either under a different alias or as a non-member.

Besides, I wasn't passing judgment on you with the 'alt' comment. You're a reasonably helpful user from what I've seen, and it simply makes a lot of sense that you would have a more established account, which would explain your knowledge of the site. I guess I was wrong in my recollections there, so sorry if I caused you any offense.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-23 12:14:22

At 4/23/08 12:00 PM, NEVR wrote: Besides, I wasn't passing judgment on you with the 'alt' comment. You're a reasonably helpful user from what I've seen, and it simply makes a lot of sense that you would have a more established account, which would explain your knowledge of the site. I guess I was wrong in my recollections there, so sorry if I caused you any offense.

Dont worry, it wasnt offence.

I have been here for a while, probably around 2005, I never made an account during the time, But I did take a bit of an interest with the forum.

I did read some of the topics, mostly in the general forum, and then noticed the Where is/How to forum. I took an interest with it, but after a while, I eventually got bored of newgrounds, and decided to use other game sites (etc) I came back to see newgrounds around december 2007, then, decided to sign up after a while on 2/13/08 (My sign-up date)

So pretty much, Ive been here since around 2005, just without signing up, thats all.

I hope Ive cleared everything up to you, NEVR.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-23 12:46:50

At 4/23/08 12:14 PM, authorized wrote: I hope Ive cleared everything up to you, NEVR.

More or less - I suspected that might have been the other option, although of course it's a common thing these days that newer users claim to have been here for years and years before signing up. In your case, I don't have any qualms about believing it, as like I said before, you've displayed a good knowledge of the site during your time here.

Also, as something of a post-script, with regards to the Memberlist link in your sig: if you want to keep it in your sig text, you might be better advised to change the link from this thread to gfox's up-to-date list, which resides here. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-23 12:57:47

At 4/23/08 12:46 PM, NEVR wrote: as like I said before, you've displayed a good knowledge of the site during your time here.

Okay, well thanks.

Also, as something of a post-script, with regards to the Memberlist link in your sig: if you want to keep it in your sig text, you might be better advised to change the link from this thread to gfox's up-to-date list, which resides here. ;)

Alright, I`ll be changing it, thank you for the link.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-24 07:23:36

At 4/23/08 09:44 AM, iscrulz wrote: congrats lass, well with him quitting the b/p 300 list I guess I wont see him around any stat threads

Eh, you never know.

hooray finally BH is in so uh can I suck your cock, now, agian


hmm this guy is too new ( Wi/Ht posting or my 2008 return) for me to judge or make a smart ass comment.

Hey now. NEVR is teh man.

A bigger congrats for not nominating me or and voting for me. I love the RCVL aka Wi/Ht Regulars list.

You were #4 or #5 on my list of preferences, man. ;_;

oh and the next update will have #36, #37... I will envy whoever gets #37.

Maybe you! :::turns::: Maybe you! :::turns::: Maybe you!..... maybe me, maybe me, maybe me!!!! </Newsradio reference>

Wylo #36, iscrulz #37... bad.... ASS.

At 4/21/08 04:24 PM, BlueHippo wrote: I hope that I'm still allowed to vote on the Regulars List, I'm actually rather sad to be leaving the Regulars List, especially due to it actually being updated monthly.
I hope Wylo becomes a Member, then I will pass fake X-naut it stats and be first yeahs. So if I am ever nominated pass your vote on to the next person like Wylo. You ( whoever is voting) wont regret it, I guarantee it.

Sorry dude. We're gonna elect ya both like I just said. YOU WILL FAIL. #;-}>

At 4/23/08 09:50 AM, Myst wrote: Still inactive, sorry. I'm just passing by from time to time.

Ah well. Thanks for dropping by nonetheless. Two random posts after an election is more than we get from most inactive members and retired members. ;_;

At 4/23/08 10:36 AM, authorized wrote: Is there some limit of having to answer Wi/Ht questions? (E.G: having to answer 100 Wi/Ht forum questions) to get onto this list? Or do you just have to be quite mature, helpful around other places or so?

The latter.

Having a sigpic that looks like a tribute to mine... certainly can't hurt, either. (wink)

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-04-24 14:05:40

At 4/24/08 07:23 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
hmm this guy is too new ( Wi/Ht posting or my 2008 return) for me to judge or make a smart ass comment.
Hey now. NEVR is teh man.

Heh, thanks gfox :)

I was speaking to life yesterday on AIM, though, and he seemed to be under the impression that I was an '07 user! >:( Just because I missed a load of deposits since 2005... pfft. How dare he make such a miscalculation!

I now agree with BH that life is indeed smelly :P

Having a sigpic that looks like a tribute to mine... certainly can't hurt, either. (wink)

Heh, he's already aspiring to be a mini-gfox.

BBS Signature