At 4/22/08 06:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Most disappointing recent development is absent already being inactive.
Or should I say.... already ABSENT.
HAhahahahaa. Oh god. :::wipes tears away:::
At 4/21/08 01:19 PM, BlueHippo wrote:
Huh? No fair, smelly life is listed before me?! Nooooooo!!!
To be honest, I'm actually a little disappointed that Life was voted in. I mean, I like the kid, but really, he barely does shit all in the wi/ht. He doesn't offer help to other users, he doesn't post in any of the threads for stats, with the exception of the short period of time he updated the 51+, which not only got him into the Regulars list, but also the Memberlist.
Um. Ideally, the candidates for membership should be contributing in multiple fronts. Be that helping out in newbie threads, running a list, modding the forum (there's one you and life could do but NEVR obviously couldn't), and just generally adding the enjoymints of LUL and other longstanding threads around here.
Adding good conversation to the forum is a valuable thing to me, because the happier we are all to be chatting with each other, the more we hang out here to answer the questions that need to be answered.
It's the reason LUL isn't one big locked topic, but is instead the "motivational center" of the forum.
But, updating a big list like that is obviously going to give a lot more exposure than posting in a thread that is only on the first page for a couple days, until it vanishes forever and is forgotten about. Those big wi/ht threads will be around forever. I understand why it happened, but it just irritates me. Also, the only reason I bitch is because it's Life, a good friend of mine... nothing quite like a little friendly competition, no? EXCEPT DAMMIT. He's #33 and I'm #34. SO DAMN HIM. DAMN HIS SMELLY FACE.
..... Yep. Those threads WILL be around forever, and he contributed time and effort towards keeping one of the lists in one of them running when no one else was doing so.
But seriously, thanks you guys for voting me in. Been one of my NG goals for quite some time. Now I will retire and never check the wi/ht again!! Naw, just kidding.
Just think, though... what if life had been voted in but NOT YOU. Think of how you'd feel then. Who'd be smellin' then!
At 4/21/08 03:42 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Hopefully I can get a response from a more experienced user than me (i.e. Recon, gfox) on what I should do when this situation happens. If I don't hear anything by tomorrow night (apologies if I sound impatient here), the three members will be allowed to vote for new regulars. If this shouldn't happen, then apologises if I do that and I will make sure it doesn't happen again. All I'm doing here is making sure I don't screw up anywhere.
Neither Recon nor myself has ever had anything to do with running or updating the Regulars list, so I don't know why you needed our imput.
Do what you and/or the other Regulars think is best. If everyone feels like Haggard, that the three of 'em should get to vote one last time if they want to, then sure, go for it.
I thought NEVR was all upset that he wasn't gonna get to pass Haggard on the list, but if they can vote and that also means they get to be ON the update one last time as well... then it sounds like NEVR's gonna get to pass him after all. Won't that make Haggard teh sad, though? ;_;
When you update the Wi/Ht? Memberlist, could you make sure Afro_Stud is marked as retired? He has told me numerous times that he wishes to be labelled as retired and claims to have requested it (to Recon, I assume) several times.
Done and done. He could have requested that to me anytime, BTW. Tell the big silly fool that.
At 4/21/08 04:24 PM, BlueHippo wrote:
I hope that I'm still allowed to vote on the Regulars List, I'm actually rather sad to be leaving the Regulars List, especially due to it actually being updated monthly. Oh well, I guess this list is "cooler" or something.
No. No it's not. #;-}>
I don't even understand why we can only be on one list, especially as the Memberlist is more like, the big dogs of wi/ht, despite their activity. I know said you wanted afro wanted to be 'retired', but honestly, when was the last time you saw half of the members post in the wi/ht, with the exception of that random burst in this thread?
Um... dude, even when there were only 12 members, we'd be lucky to have 5-6 of them active at any one time. AT MOST. So....
As people are now saying, it's more of a Hall of Fame than anything. The kind where you can still be "playing/performing/contributing," though (like the Rock 'n' Roll HOF) rather than the kind where you have to retire for 5 years before you can get in (like the Baseball HOF)... fortunately!
Anyway, if we could be on both lists, then some oldtime members such as myself would have a real bone to pick with RedCircle. WHY YOU KEEP US OFF THE LIST FOR SO LONG. #;-}>
The reason, I believe, is that the whole concept of a Regulars list was created to give those who weren't members (ever or yet) a chance to feel included. And since then it's also become a sort of training/proving ground for potential members.
The memberlist almost feels like the wi/ht hall of fame, whereas the regulars list are those who are still alive and kickin'. That being said, it makes me realize how stupid my first rantramble was. I should just try to be my happy cheery self, because my rantrambles only make me look stupid.
Heh, I forgot you were one of the people mentioning the HOF thing (I had scanned the topic before gathering quotes to reply to, of course).
Yes, you should be happy and cheery. Not so you don't look stupid, though. Just so you can get to be happy and cheery instead of bitter and emo. O_o
I'm just getting a lot of mixed feelings right now, both excited and disappointed at the same time. I suppose that mixed with some IRL drama I'm going through equals "hey bluehippo just shut up before you make yourself look even stupider"
.... Why disappointed? Because of the whole life dramas, or because of the not being a regular anymore? Or because sometimes the wanting of things is better than the having of things?
At 4/21/08 04:42 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
I'm innocent Bahamut! I DID tell gfox to change Afro_Stud's status in my last PM but gfox said he would wait until after the election results were announced. This way he can update everything in one go.
And now it is done.
But I was hoping for some input from you and others about who should be listed as what, Recon. For instance, if I've marked anyone inactive on the list who actually voted in this election, please tell me who and I'll change them back to active.
Similarly, if there's anyone who I've listed as active that you feel shouldn't be, let me know that as well.
At 4/21/08 09:03 PM, life wrote:
Thanks for putting me on the member's list. I actually feel like I belong there more because it seems more like a museum of wi/hters rather than the current active members.
Since I'm not updating a list anymore I'll defiantly go back to helping people out when I can.
Groovy. There's certainly more time for it without a list to update, isn't there?
Thanks again, and I'll gladly switch places with BH if everyone agrees. He's defiantly more active and deserving of a higher up spot. (if it matters)
The only way I will flip you and BH on the memberlist is if you love the number 34 and he loves the number 33.
Otherwise, I can see no good reason for it. You signed up 10 months before him. That's how Recon broke the tie, and it's his fault for not signing up in 2003, simple enough. #;-}>
Next election, the person with the most votes, or the person with the earliest signup date... will get the cherished #36 membership spot.
I might have to trade my #9 with that person. (wink)