Alllll righty. CALL TO ALL MEMBERS:
Recon said I should run the next election after he posted the results of the last one. I've got an idea of how to run one a bit differently this time. Actually, I haven't even really decided on how to run the election itself. i.e. how many new folks to induct, whether to have a hard limit on the number of users or just do it by who gets over a certain vote threshold or what... and of course there's the whole "how many votes does each voting member get to cast and how should each of those be weighted" and all those sorts of issues.
We'll deal with that later. I'll probably decide on Clock Day.
Because, you see, with it being 1 month and 1 day until Clock Day this very day, 7/14.... I've decied to put out a call to all of you to begin a month-long NOMINATIONS PROCESS.
From now until 8/15, I will be accepting any and all nominations for the next round of membership elections. These nominations must come from current members (active, inactive, or... IMO just as much a member... retired, though their status might be).
Again, I can't say this enough, as I will be ignoring the nominations of any non-members unless of course a member nominates them as well:
ONLY MEMBERS NOMINATING POTENTIAL NEW MEMBERS WILL BE PAID ATTENTION TO. Don't spam me with nominations if you're not a member, damnit. I will so block you. And I haven't blocked ANYONE yet, so you'll be among the first, if not the first. And don't you DARE do it just to BE the first, you freakin' morons. #;-}>
So... if you hadn't guessed yet, what I'd like you all to do is:
PM me your nominations.
PM them to me even if you think someone else has already sent the same people. If you all think that way, I'll get nominations from like three of you. Let's all try to think of at least one person to nominate and send it my way, eh? Nice and easy. Much easier than the actual vote, right? So please, do try.
Please include something along the line of Wi/Ht? nominations or something like that in the subject of your PM... just... make it have "nominate" in some form in the subject line, please. That'll make it stand out and make it easy to comb through the list o' PMs on 8/14-8/15 when I'm assembling the voting list for the e-mail I'll be sending non-retired members to vote on.