Welcome to any of the new members that have joined, its nice to see new faces, may you all make the Wi/Ht a better place for all :)
Welcome to any of the new members that have joined, its nice to see new faces, may you all make the Wi/Ht a better place for all :)
At 2/6/06 03:07 AM, ReconRebel wrote: *** Wi/Ht? Election Results ***
#26 BonusStage
#27 Afro_Stud
#28 Xiivi
Congrats guys all worthy dudes.
my question is where the fuck is absentminded ?!?!?!?
At 2/6/06 03:07 AM, ReconRebel wrote: #26 BonusStage
#27 Afro_Stud
#28 Xiivi
Congrats to all the winners! BonusStage for his wi/ht silliness and also plenty of participation in most of the bigger threads around here. He also has more character than some of the more boring people around here, ha!
Afro_stud for his never ending lurking, dedicated stat list updating, and contributions to the level up lounge as well. He has done it all folks! And in a short period of time too. Off the regulars list and on to the members. Hopefully you won't want off this one anytime soon ;)
And then Xiivi, who doesn't seem to post as much as he used to, but still runs the regulars list, which must be one of the hardest ones to update, what with all the emails and other procedures to go through.
At 2/6/06 05:40 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: my question is where the fuck is absentminded ?!?!?!?
Not on the members list for sure :p Well, I didn't make it, and I have no idea if I even came close, but assuming this isn't the last election ever, I could always come back in another six months. I should participate in the lul more, though the amount of stats being thrown around and all the generic congrats lists really get nauseating after a while of reading.
Congrats to all the new members!
At 2/6/06 03:07 AM, ReconRebel wrote: *** Wi/Ht? Election Results ***
Membership numbers will be decided by total votes. Ties will be broken by sign-up date. And the winners are...
#26 BonusStage
#27 Afro_Stud
#28 Xiivi
Congrats to Bonus, Afro_Stud and Xiivi for becoming Wi/Ht members. I had a feeling Afro_Stud would be becoming a member. Well done Afro for getting to the list, and well done to you two as well, Bonus and Xiivi! :)
At 1/21/06 03:20 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Heh, that's a sound I haven't heard since staying at a cheap motel. 0_o
So the cockroaches were enaging in rough anal sex.
As sure as the sky is blue and water is wet iscRulz.
The answer was on my tongue but I spoke so ignorantly.
Not at all, but I will admit that some Wi/Ht? members tend to look at it as a good place to start.
Now I know.
Neither am I. Believe it or not I've been winging it all these years. ^_~
Hmm first time I saw this thread I concluded the members got there based on how many questions they answered.
At 2/6/06 03:07 AM, ReconRebel wrote: *** Wi/Ht? Election Results ***
#26 BonusStage
I had a good feeling he would earn this. So congrats
#27 Afro_Stud
Very hepful guy.
#28 Xiivi
Somewhat simliar to bonusstage, plus the regular list etc. Jeez next month update two people are gone. I am at 3 when it started out at 9. and I thought it would take months and months to gain that many ranks.
Congratulations to the winners!!!
Belated congrats to them.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
I had not wanted to join the list, but all those I consulted told me to do so. Thus I guess I shall be accepting this. I hope you have elections more often, or I'll have to start making those happen at least every 3-4 months. No more of this 6 month stuff. Thanks for the votes, even though I hoped on not getting on. Whatever, I'm weird. I guess I get to be on a list and in change of the other now. Too bad I won't be voting on the other unless I change some rules...
Wi/Ht? #28
At 2/6/06 11:18 PM, Xiivi wrote: I hope you have elections more often, or I'll have to start making those happen at least every 3-4 months
I think the members have a hard time selectiong people as it is.
At 2/6/06 07:48 PM, iscrulz wrote: Hmm first time I saw this thread I concluded the members got there based on how many questions they answered.
I based my votes on helpfullness in question answering as well as adding to the forum in general, such as making/helping do lists.
At 2/6/06 11:18 PM, Xiivi wrote: I had not wanted to join the list, but all those I consulted told me to do so.
Sounds like you've been talking to some intelligent people.
Thus I guess I shall be accepting this.
Glad to hear it Xiivi. So far I don't think anyone has turned down a Wi/Ht? membership although several members chose to leave the fold years later.
I hope you have elections more often, or I'll have to start making those happen at least every 3-4 months. No more of this 6 month stuff.
Too easy. You're not the first person to disagree with the lengthy interval between elections. How about we hold the next one in three months? Does May 1st sound okay to you?
Two and a half hours left in my shift and I can barely keep my eyes open. If I drink anymore coffee I'm gonna puke.
At 2/9/06 01:09 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Glad to hear it Xiivi. So far I don't think anyone has turned down a Wi/Ht? membership although several members chose to leave the fold years later.
Didn't ramagi and TheJoe and Denvish all turn it down?
At 2/9/06 02:02 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Didn't ramagi and TheJoe and Denvish all turn it down?
All three stated on several different occasions that they didn't want to join for whatever reasons. To the best of my knowledge none of them were ever elected as a new Wi/Ht? member. So how does that three month gap between elections sound to you?
At 2/9/06 05:15 PM, ReconRebel wrote: All three stated on several different occasions that they didn't want to join for whatever reasons. To the best of my knowledge none of them were ever elected as a new Wi/Ht? member.
So they did i thought Denvish mite have. My bad.
So how does that three month gap between elections sound to you?
I said earlyer i thought it was a bad idea. Maby in a year or so if the forum gets more popular then we will have more active members.
The Wi/Ht? membership went right down hill when they accepted that ass Tom_s00 into their group :P
It's a darned shame when you visit this place and see people get brought into the folds, and you have never heard of them before.
At 2/10/06 10:40 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: The Wi/Ht? membership went right down hill when they accepted that ass Tom_s00 into their group :P
Get on your knees and like my nuts.
It's a darned shame when you visit this place and see people get brought into the folds, and you have never heard of them before.
Andy i think the main reason for that is that you never fucking post in here anymore !??!
/me awaits abuse on irc.
At 2/10/06 11:57 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
Get on your knees and like my nuts.
LIKE??? Why dear Tom, i already like your pea shaped shrivelled monkey nuts, but if you meant LICK, then no, no... i dont think so dear :D
Andy i think the main reason for that is that you never fucking post in here anymore !??!
I don't post anywhere that often anymore.
/me awaits abuse on irc.
Ask and ye shall receive.
At 2/9/06 05:20 PM, Tom_s00 wrote:At 2/9/06 05:15 PM, ReconRebel wrote: To the best of my knowledge none of them were ever elected as a new Wi/Ht? member.So they did i thought Denvish mite have. My bad.
Out of the three he came the closest to getting elected. Missed it by a single vote. Can't remember who the other nominees were during that one.
So how does that three month gap between elections sound to you?
I said earlyer i thought it was a bad idea. Maby in a year or so if the forum gets more popular then we will have more active members.
A freakin' year??? Sorry Tom, can't see it myself. I think the lack of elections was one of the reasons the forum slowed down. During the last election some of the other Wi/Ht? members mentioned how they didn't recognize a lot of the people around here anymore. Unless gfox opposes my decision we'll hold the next election in May. It's not just this forum either. I've noticed some of the mainstays on Newgrounds are posting less and less. Nothing lasts forever.
Anyway, I finally got around to e-mailing BonusStage about his Wi/Ht? membership. I assume his recent lack of posts is due to a ban. Perfect way to start (lol).
At 2/10/06 10:44 PM, PunkRockSmileyFace wrote: I'll join later when I can focus...
You can't just join.
You have to be voted on by the members.
To do that you'd have to deserve your place on the list.
In order to deserve your place on the list you'd have to help out a lot within this forum.
mmm...I see that there are lots of high level people here. I have a n00bish question: what are the standards to become a Where is/How to member? How can I qualify? Could anyone give me an answer? Thanks.
At 2/10/06 11:51 PM, hot_and_charming wrote: I have a n00bish question: what are the standards to become a Where is/How to member? How can I qualify? Could anyone give me an answer? Thanks.
Be a helpful and active poster in the wi/ht forum. If you're noticed you can be become a member through elections. This works similar to the way you get on the regular's list.
At 2/10/06 11:55 PM, -absentminded- wrote:
Be a helpful and active poster in the wi/ht forum. If you're noticed you can be become a member through elections. This works similar to the way you get on the regular's list.
You also have to rub my golden nut sack thrice, and make your wish for the good of mankind, if you do these things, you will be bestowed the almighty title of KNOB SHINER.
Memories time....
I remember back in the day, when people who posted here where fucking ace, and cool beans to chat with. Now i look around and i dont even want to post, because quite frankly, the place is getting worse, and i can't tell the good from bad posters anymore, because, im not around enough obviously.... Still, i get to chat with the older people, who i 'looked' upto when i was a noobling. People like Recon, D0GMA, MPA, Shitty_Kitty even figmentum and RedCircle, but they have moved to pastures new i guess. Now it's people like Tom_s00 (MY MAN BITCH) who help look after the forum, which is cool, because these are the people you need to trust now forum wise.
Also, i shouldnt drink in the early AM's after work, because i post shit like this.
PS, The dingleberry diner opened up today, they sell some MEAN ASS shit steaks, btwfyilolbbq.
At 2/11/06 05:39 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: figmentum and RedCircle, but they have moved to pastures new i guess.
I live in a giant bucket.
At 2/11/06 05:39 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: You also have to rub my golden nut sack thrice, and make your wish for the good of mankind, if you do these things, you will be bestowed the almighty title of KNOB SHINER.
Haha! You know SCD, if a jinni gave me three wishes I'd use one of them to spend the day drinking with you. Something tells me we'd paint the town red before nightfall. Also, you could finally try that raspberry cider I've always been talking about. ^_~
Memberlist website... UPDATED. Please let me know (via e-mail, preferably, or in my pentalist topic) if there are any retired/inactive/active markers that should be changed/shifted around. I've already shifted SK from inactive to active but that's about it in 2006 so far:
At 2/6/06 03:07 AM, ReconRebel wrote: *** Wi/Ht? Election Results ***
OGM. I had checked my mail during the week once and didn't get any mails about this, but... somehow wasn't soooooooooo needing to know that I'd bother going on the BBS to waste time on a day that wasn't named Saturday or Sunday. Big surprise there, I know. #;-}>
However, when the second phase finally rolled around most of the members started to crawl out of the woodwork and vote.
Good good good. How many total votes (or how many total voters) were there? Sounds like the participation was better than last July's vote, at least.
#26 BonusStage
#27 Afro_Stud
#28 Xiivi
Ahhhh... congrats to Afro_Stud. I don't know ya half as well as I probably should because I'm not around here enough, but I like what I've seen. Also, it's damned cool that your membership happened on your account's 4th birthday here on NG. That's great timing. #;-}> Welcome aboard.
And the other two... heh. Since I first noticed your wacky antics around the same time when you'd come post in my list topics or other topics I'd frequent in my (slightly more) active days here on Wi/Ht?.... I find it quite fitting that TEH BONUS and TEH KIBA are inducted into the membership at the same exact moment. That just seems right, yanno?
Congrats to all threes of ya.
At 2/6/06 05:40 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: my question is where the fuck is absentminded ?!?!?!?
He was kinda my 4th choice when I cast my votes. I'll bet the same thing happened with other voters... I know it sounds cliche, but.... "next time."
I'll say this for him... at least he's only been snubbed (or barely edged out) once or twice. Poor ol' Toocool's been 2nd (or next to the final slot elected) in at least 3 elections, IIRC. He's been on the ballot for 5 elections or so, I believe.
And I voted for him, futilely, of course... yet again this time. Bleh!
And yeah, I know he's not as deserving as other peoples, including abs, but my votes for him are more of a "he shoulda been in by late 2004, so I'm trying to make up for the past" thing. Maybe not valid to some people, but it's valid to me.
At 2/6/06 07:48 PM, iscrulz wrote: Hmm first time I saw this thread I concluded the members got there based on how many questions they answered.
Then you didn't read my posts on page 1 very closely, since I never said any such thing. O_o
Somewhat simliar to bonusstage, plus the regular list etc. Jeez next month update two people are gone. I am at 3 when it started out at 9. and I thought it would take months and months to gain that many ranks.
Gaining ranks on the regulars list by attrition, eh? No better way to get ahead, I guess!
Certainly must feel more morally okay than getting ahead due to account deletions, at least. #;-}>
At 2/9/06 05:15 PM, ReconRebel wrote:At 2/9/06 02:02 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Didn't ramagi and TheJoe and Denvish all turn it down?All three stated on several different occasions that they didn't want to join for whatever reasons. To the best of my knowledge none of them were ever elected as a new Wi/Ht? member.
I don't believe ramagi and TheJoe ever got votes for it because we knew they didn't want to join. Denvish, we kinda found out he didn't want to join DURING an election when he was getting votes, IIRC, so... a bit closer but still no cigar.
And we're forgetting one other: Newgrundling didn't want to join either, so he was never voted upon as well.
And I believe that's the full list. ramagi, TheJoe, Newgrundling (interesting how they've all had damned awesome whistles, eh? FASCINATING COINCIDENCE? #;-}>), and Denvish in a slightly different category.
At 2/10/06 10:40 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: The Wi/Ht? membership went right down hill when they accepted that ass Tom_s00 into their group :P
Damn straight, man. Whoever voted for that unworthy bastard should be shot on sight!
It's a darned shame when you visit this place and see people get brought into the folds, and you have never heard of them before.
At 2/10/06 10:37 PM, ReconRebel wrote: A freakin' year??? Sorry Tom, can't see it myself. I think the lack of elections was one of the reasons the forum slowed down. During the last election some of the other Wi/Ht? members mentioned how they didn't recognize a lot of the people around here anymore. Unless gfox opposes my decision we'll hold the next election in May. It's not just this forum either. I've noticed some of the mainstays on Newgrounds are posting less and less. Nothing lasts forever.
Fine by me. There are both pros and cons to electing super-often and not-very-often at all.
We had agreed to the once every 3 months cycle early in 2005, and I believe we had a winter 2005, spring 2005, and summer 2005 election, right? ... we just didn't have a fall 2005 one, so the 3 month gap turned to 6 months instead. I think anywhere in the 2-6 month range is acceptable, and it doesn't really HAVE to be the same gap every time.
It's just that I thought tying it to the seasons turning would make it easier to remember when it was time for a new election, 'tis all.
Anyway, I finally got around to e-mailing BonusStage about his Wi/Ht? membership. I assume his recent lack of posts is due to a ban. Perfect way to start (lol).
He got a 3-to-30 day ban extension in late January, yes. I've spoken to him about it via e-mail. Hilarious timing, yes. #;-}>
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 2/7/06 12:00 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: I based my votes on helpfullness in question answering as well as adding to the forum in general, such as making/helping do lists.
I assumed thats what they based the voting on.
At 2/12/06 09:01 PM, gfoxcook wrote:At 2/6/06 07:48 PM, iscrulz wrote: Hmm first time I saw this thread I concluded the members got there based on how many questions they answered.Then you didn't read my posts on page 1 very closely, since I never said any such thing. O_o
Your right I didnt read it. Nor will I. But now that I said that, I will damn self-reverse phycology.
Somewhat simliar to bonusstage, plus the regular list etc. Jeez next month update two people are gone. I am at 3 when it started out at 9. and I thought it would take months and months to gain that many ranks.Gaining ranks on the regulars list by attrition, eh? No better way to get ahead, I guess!
It isn't. I would say.
Certainly must feel more morally okay than getting ahead due to account deletions, at least. #;-}>
yeah thats true, But I wouldnt think they would be deleted or thought about getting ahead via deletions :0_]
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 2/11/06 05:59 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:
I live in a giant bucket.
A bucket full of awesome?!? Or just a bucket? because if it's not full of awesome i hate you, also, lucozade is great for a hangover :)
At 2/11/06 05:17 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
Haha! You know SCD, if a jinni gave me three wishes I'd use one of them to spend the day drinking with you. Something tells me we'd paint the town red before nightfall. Also, you could finally try that raspberry cider I've always been talking about. ^_~
Damn you and your cider dude, i cant get it anywhere, which is driving me insane with jealousy. I can imagine it being like soda and i could drink it till i was rolling down hills in the nude covered in feathers.
I'm pretty sure we would paint the town not only red, but various other colours aswell, and people would remember the day when they saw two steaming drunk guys stumbling down the street talking shit about turtles and apricot juice. Ah what a swell day that would be. The hangover though..... hahaha.
At 2/12/06 09:01 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Damn straight, man. Whoever voted for that unworthy bastard should be shot on sight!
I second this motion, also, he is english, no one likes the english, they are all ponybiters ;)
At 2/24/06 06:31 AM, BonusStage wrote: GOOD IT TOOK LONG ENOUGH
I mean thank you.
Congrats Bonus.
I remeber when i first posted in the wi/ht, people were talking about you being a candidate, And that was over a year ago.
At 2/24/06 06:31 AM, BonusStage wrote: There's the thread.
Mother of God!!! BonusStage is finally back from vacation! I was beginning to think we'd never see you again buddy. Yeah I know. You don't break the rules, you merely test their elasticity. ^_~
I mean thank you.
You're more than welcome and thanks for joining.
So like... if you pulled the wings off of a fly, would it still be called a fly or would it be called a walk?
*** Wi/Ht? Election Results ***
Another odd election. First of all I should mention only four Wi/Ht? members participated in this election and there's a good reason why. Most of the older members have all but disappeared so I placed the bulk of the voting on the forum regulars. They've stuck it out longer than most so it was only fair to involve them in the election process. I also consulted with another member on the matter (thanks Afro_Stud) before a decision was made. Nobody was shooting from the hip. Immediately after counting the first group of votes I thought "Okay, I see where this one is headed." Then bam! The second group of votes is tallied and the election does a 180 on me. LOL! I like surprises. Anyway, I'd like to congratulate and welcome the newest Wi/Ht? members to the fold. It was a VERY long time between elections so maybe we should step things up around here lest we slip back into complacency. Also gfox, if you're reading this how about running the next one? When did you hold an election last?
Membership numbers will be decided by total votes. Ties will be broken by sign-up date. And the winners are...
#29 Casualty
#30 Coop83
#31 Bahamut
#32 absent
If for some reason any of you don't want to join please let us know as soon as possible. The ranks will be adjusted accordingly.
Once again, congrats to the winners!!!
At 5/7/07 01:51 AM, ReconRebel wrote: *** Wi/Ht? Election Results ***
Another odd election. First of all I should mention only four Wi/Ht? members participated in this election and there's a good reason why. Most of the older members have all but disappeared so I placed the bulk of the voting on the forum regulars. They've stuck it out longer than most so it was only fair to involve them in the election process.
Hey, I've been back for 3 weeks, yanno. #;-}>
I also consulted with another member on the matter (thanks Afro_Stud) before a decision was made. Nobody was shooting from the hip. Immediately after counting the first group of votes I thought "Okay, I see where this one is headed." Then bam! The second group of votes is tallied and the election does a 180 on me. LOL! I like surprises. Anyway, I'd like to congratulate and welcome the newest Wi/Ht? members to the fold. It was a VERY long time between elections so maybe we should step things up around here lest we slip back into complacency. Also gfox, if you're reading this how about running the next one? When did you hold an election last?
2005, IIRC.
But the last one you held was apparently February 2006, so... looks like neither of us had held one for quite the bit of time.
Membership numbers will be decided by total votes. Ties will be broken by sign-up date. And the winners are...
#29 Casualty
#30 Coop83
#31 Bahamut
#32 absent
All great additions, welcome aboard folks.
I ain't updating the list tonight due to needing to get some sleep before work on Monday morning, but I'll update it this week, no worries.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)