At 8/19/07 11:06 AM, Casualty wrote:
At 8/18/07 11:48 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Do we need a membership at all? #;-}>
Well, it is awesome to be part of this group, so I do think we should go on with it :P
Well then, we need to keep having elections every now and then, don't we? Otherwise we'll have 5 active members and the rest will be retired and/or inactive, eh? #;-}>
Yeah, that's true... I was thinking we could wait for a moment on which there are really "special" deserving people around to hold elections, but then I figured there wouldn't be many elections anymore.
You can't just suddenly hold an election because there are "special" people helping out on Wi/Ht?. If we were going to time elections like that, then me and Recon and spancker should just say "hey, you're helpful... you're member #33!"
We'd be running it like a dictatorship then.
Elections should be held because they're held, not because of who might be running. Imagine if Bush wanted to change things because there's no "good candidates" on either the Republican or Democratic side .... so that there would be no new presidential election in November 2008, and instead we'd have to "wait until some good candidates" came along... catch my drift? #;-}>
Also it's quite funny how I had never heard of the Wi/Ht? Regulars until yesterday when Frostbreath told me about it. I probably saw the topic before, back when I was still what they call a "n00b", but then I was stunned by the number of lists and such going around, so I just ignored them. It's great to be part of the Wi/Ht? Members, though!
The Regulars, once upon a time, were a much more major (and active) thing than the membership. It was a golden time of Wi/Ht? activity.
Yeah, that's kinda how I feel about it. and who knows, maybe there is a distant future in which the Wi/Ht? Members will have special functions on Newgrounds, or anything like that... But that future is quite distant indeed, I think :P
Various members have been or are now moderators, if that's what you mean. Helpful people are helpful people, admins notice just the same as regular users. But that's not what we're here for.
I was a Wi/Ht? member long before I was modded (well, 6 months or so, but... back then when I posted every single freaking day, it felt like forever)... and I'm still a member now that I'm no longer a mod. Et cetera, et cetera...
Talking about that, here comes PureLionHeart... Coincidence? ;)
That'd be a good example, yes.
Oh, and just to let you know, I made a script that auto-pulls all the members' stats and makes a nice list out of it... PM me if you want to see it in action, because I'm not going to throw the link around :P
Just PM me the link, I'll check it out when I get the chance, but a busy 5-day workweek coming up for me, so... no time to worry about such things right now. #;-}>