At 5/16/05 02:38 AM, Dobio wrote:
I didn't even realize that I was being talked about in this thread, about my membership on Where Is/How To.
I believe 'twas *I* who first brought you up in conversation back in April. But mostly to counter charges that Alkador was the FIRST controversial Wi/Ht? member to be voted in. It wasn't really about YOU, mind you...
I was reading a few archived posts about me, mostly about certain users complaining that I had once been a member of this club, and now don't 'deserve' it or whatever.
Well, maybe you have indeed been just now seeing some complaints from people re: you in the membership, but all my mentions of you in here were about was to show that though SOME people perhaps thought you weren't the best choice for a new member when you were voted in almost 2 years ago (and BTW, I never named names, nor can I even think of any offhand)... and I don't think anyone jumped on those comments by me to bash you right off the bat or anything, Dobs.
So... maybe you're referring to something else. But if you were talking about the early-mid April conversations/arguments in here that had your name in it, the main reason your name was in it was to contrast the reaction of people over Alkador's election at the beginning of April 2005 and your election at the end of July 2003 to try and make a point.
Let me tell you all something. Regardless of how little I post in this section (even though, quite frankly, the only reason I don't post here that much anymore, is because most of you are so hung up on stats, you make regular conversation quite boring. [Mind you, the ones who are exempt from that should know who they are]) I still pride myself on being as imformative and helpful to anyone who comes to me with a legitimate question or concern.
Dude, even your end-of-year NG BBS awards are useful and helpful and informative, in my mind. I don't believe anyone truly believes you're the most unhelpful, least friendly, yadda yadda yadda member of Wi/Ht? or anything. If anything, you're just MIA most of the time on THIS forum, but yes, everyone knows you're just over in General instead or just busy. O_o
Now, even though some members may be under the impression that I'm just a spammer who abuses his power, the fact is, I care a great deal about the success of this site, and I don't like being placed in the same catergory as the users that I abhore and ban quite frequently. I don't think it is right, and I think that is very biased for you to only look at one aspect of everything.
Oy vey. Come on, dude. Who said any of that?
Very few of you know what I do on AIM, who I ban, what I delete, what I moderate, because you are too busy complaining about how much of a bad example I am to the n00berts. Of course, once again, I may be completely off base in my comments, because I was reading things that were said a few months ago, for the first time, and I guess I'm somewhat addressing them at this point in time on this thread.
I have no idea.
Now whether or not you want to retire me, that's completely fine and dandy, but I don't feel that the WI/HT club, and the thought of helping people should be completely excluded just to this forum. To be quite honest, I find this section of the forum nauseating to read, because of the obsession over numbers in your profile. I stopped all that fuzzing, more or less, after I closed the top posters list.
No one's getting retired, damnit. Read the past 5 pages of the topic, post-for-post, if you somehow missed my stance on retiring members of the Wi/Ht? membership. IT AIN'T HAPPENING (over my alive body). Unless a huge majority wants it to or something. But that isn't going to happen.
And stop it with the stat-obsession bashing, man. I suppose you haven't noticed because you haven't been around much lately, but the events of mid-March have totally crippled the stathappiness in here. The shit that turns you off is nowhere near as prevalent as it once was, and some, such as myself and RC, are trying to encourage people to post more conversationally and less stat-boastfully in the level up! lounge, though that's a sloooooooooooow evolutionary process.
As for helpfulness not being restricted to this forum, I find it hard to believe that you've never noticed any Wi/Ht?ers (members or otherwise) answering newbie questions in General, Flash, C&C, etc. etc. Denvish, RC, ramagi, etc. etc... so many Wi/Ht? regulars help out all over the forum.
Following in the grand tradition of Newgrundling, you might say. Heh.
Making that list, for however long it ran for, should kill any notion that I do not belong in the Where Is/How To club. Bottom line. Any list maker, no matter what it is about, if it is a well maintained, and well put together list, they should be considered a good, efficent member.
In all honesty, the membership was never called the Listmakers Club or anything, but yes, you were once a super-contributive and hands on guy around here, and anyone with a memory and a history here knows that, so there's no real need to feel you have to defend your record or whatever. o_o
As I said before, I don't mind if you want to consider me retired, but let it be known that although I don't post links to FAQs all the time, yadda yadda yadda, I still constantly help people who come to me for help, if they seem to be 'for real'.
Anyway, I just needed to get that off my chest, sorry for the excessively long windedness.
Well, a rant's never a bad thing, especially when it's a reasonable one, and yours was, but... I really don't understand what set you off unless I missed (or forgot) something that you recently read.