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Where is/How to? Memberlist

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-21 19:20:10

At 4/21/05 06:05 PM, fluent_fucker wrote: Hey:
I am new to this site....and have been searching for days on end to find out how to make a flash cartoon or flash game......I am very interested, and it bugs me alot when I strive to find it but have no luck.....somebuddy, plz help me to find something, if not anything that will be able to make flash cartoons and/or games!

If you've been looking for days you should have found the Flash forum by now... anyway,

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-21 19:42:13

At 4/21/05 06:26 PM, B_M_W wrote:
At 4/14/05 08:25 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I noticed jon recently removed the Wi/Ht? tag from his sig but this didn't come as a surprise to me. Who is the second member you speak of BonusStage?
anger causes problems.

Thanks for the news flash pal but that still doesn't answer my question.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-28 01:25:59

What the HELL? Check out the first post on page 2, people. If you want to see this for yourselves, that is. I was just reading the first couple of pages of this topic for old time's sake and I noticed this post right at the top of page 2:


At 4/21/03 10:12 PM, FIGMENTUM wrote: U know that membership list could grow a bit dont u think ppl

What I'm referring to is that Mr_James is keeping his FIGMENTUM name safe with that account while his main account is "BillBarnacle." But back two years ago, I thought it was just some newbie who'd stumbled into the topic... and thus my answer to him was:

"well, it did just recently when I joined up last week. And Spancker wants to add a 10th member, so we'll see.

But if you look at the dates, since February, there's only been two new members, so it's pretty much become kinda a once a month type thing."

I just find it kinda funny that I was telling FIGMENTUM's (Current? Future? which one?) alt account about the two new members to the group, one of which was me (#9)... the other of which was... FIGMENTUM (#8). Heh. Wacky.


Anyway, that aside:

Thanks to everyone who replied to my last post in here about the web version of the memberlist and all. I read all your comments and points and I would have replied one-by-one a couple weeks ago, but it seems rather pointless now. Not much more needs to be said, really. I have no idea how the most bookmarked artists list came up, though. That's all I'll add. Heh. #;-}>

At 4/21/05 07:42 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 4/21/05 06:26 PM, B_M_W wrote:
At 4/14/05 08:25 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I noticed jon recently removed the Wi/Ht? tag from his sig but this didn't come as a surprise to me. Who is the second member you speak of BonusStage?
anger causes problems.
Thanks for the news flash pal but that still doesn't answer my question.

I'm pretty sure that BonusStage thought Mystboy was quitting Wi/Ht? along with jonthomson, but if you'll look further up on page 24, you'll see that he (Myst) replied to my post about that and said that no, he's not quitting the group, he was just tired of this topic and the argument here, and he was quitting THAT, that's all.

So, IOW, there is no second member. It was just a misunderstanding on Bonus' part (but I can understand how he made it, as the way Myst made his original post, it sounded like he might have meant either of the above things--quitting the group AND/OR quitting the debate in here).

In memberlist news, I'm thinking about updating the weblist soon. I think there's some more people who need inactive or even retired next to their names (such as Dogma, who's totally MIA).

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-28 09:45:01

At 4/13/05 03:26 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 4/12/05 10:29 AM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 4/12/05 04:37 AM, RedCircle wrote: Why didn't we elect Tom_s00, Mazza, EKRegulus, Denvish, Yoink_VineS, carmelhadinosaur, BonusStage, or Kiba?


I honestly think that Denvish, carmel and Mazza are underrated. All of them are very helpful.


Carmel's not around very much.

Nah it's fine.
But I have several problems, eventhough i will probably never show anger at anyone here ever again, thanks to kung-fu :(
Whenever I see few new pages in the LUL, or even less, i just press Ctrl+f, and writes 'car' or if there's lets say lots of pionecar, than 'carm'..
Almost all the time that's what im reading. From time to time though i like swooping through some more issues and stuheff...
When replying, I mostly reply to who wrote something related to me. Mostly. (sry had to)
I notices also, lots of times when replying to other stuff, about other's stuff, im mentioning myself and my experiences too much. I hate when im doing it, like the
whole world is around me or something, that sux..

I have read what you (gfox) wrote about FIG's alt on page 2. That was quite funny, but had nothing to write more than haha, so im just kinda... not there.
Also, I have to admit that only now (yes, NOW, just NOW while typing this) I related from the thread "Rcvl - Stay Or Go?" the RCVL to RedCircle's Versus Listing, so im going to check it out now (all this time i thought it was like something going on in America or a NG or something unrelated much...). Some might have waited for a comment on me, since i am a part of it.

And about Alkador. Im not sure i understand it all.
But let me get it straight.
First of all, I have nothing against him; but tell me if that's correct:
Are people angry at him being elected because there were better than him (he can still be good) or because he wasn't good?

EK and RC wrote good things about me, but i'm not expecting to be elected, since I see alot who spends more time bothering reading long posts and all, so naturaly, they deserves it more..
A regular here, that is only considered by who sees everyone, if you're here enough, should not srtaven for any list beside stat lists. Straving for member list is lame, and I'd like to know if Alkador did so, and that's why alot are angry...?

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-28 09:58:20

At 4/28/05 09:45 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: And about Alkador. Im not sure i understand it all.
Are people angry at him being elected because there were better than him (he can still be good) or because he wasn't good?

Huh, what about me? People were angry at me because they felt that there were more worthy NG users of becoming a Wi/Ht? more than me. I admit I was shocked and did not expect anything of the such to happen, but most of the people started complaining as to how I got in, then moved on to the structure of the list, which gfoxcook will not change (as in removing names) and how to prevent such an unsual occurance in the future. I think.

A regular here, that is only considered by who sees everyone, if you're here enough, should not srtaven for any list beside stat lists. Straving for member list is lame, and I'd like to know if Alkador did so, and that's why alot are angry...?

I was accused by some users of doing so, but I would never ever do that. I am the type of person that likes to get to know people, but I am not a user that uses power to advantage. Anyway, I'm not angry you asked those questions, but rather calm.

I think the issue of discussion was the status of the memberlist and a prevention of someone like me (who wasn't worthy of becoming a member in some people's eyes [not blaming me]) being voted in the future.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-28 10:19:54

I was about to write something worthy, and then accidently pressed with the mouse on the NG page and then backspace for deletion. So now i don't know what I was gonna say. I remmeber though:

You began your LUL visitation from the 20.3.2004. 2 months & 28 days before Bonus, and 3 months & 7 days before I did. Im sure you could have helped alot through this time, I mean, were you here alot?

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-29 04:57:47

At 4/28/05 09:45 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: I have read what you (gfox) wrote about FIG's alt on page 2. That was quite funny, but had nothing to write more than haha, so im just kinda... not there.

That account was not under my control when that was posted. You can thank my less-than-subtle friend for that effort. : P

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-30 04:53:00

At 4/28/05 10:19 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: You began your LUL visitation from the 20.3.2004. 2 months & 28 days before Bonus, and 3 months & 7 days before I did. Im sure you could have helped alot through this time, I mean, were you here alot?

Wait...are you talking about me as I don't really understand who that is directed to. I have made many posts in Wi/Ht? in the past, in regards to two questions from memory. I think one of them was based on publishing and the other was copyright issues. Unless that is what you meant, my first appearance in the Wi/Ht? Level Up! Lounge was in December 16, 2004 (Thanks RedCircle).

Can you please rephrase?

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-05-14 21:27:54

At 4/29/05 04:57 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:
At 4/28/05 09:45 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: I have read what you (gfox) wrote about FIG's alt on page 2. That was quite funny, but had nothing to write more than haha, so im just kinda... not there.
That account was not under my control when that was posted. You can thank my less-than-subtle friend for that effort. : P


Ha ha ha. #;-}>

Anyway, good to see that this topic is back to being dead and no longer serving as Wi/Ht?'s primary flamewar source.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-05-16 04:18:35


At 5/16/05 02:38 AM, Dobio wrote: I didn't even realize that I was being talked about in this thread, about my membership on Where Is/How To.

I believe 'twas *I* who first brought you up in conversation back in April. But mostly to counter charges that Alkador was the FIRST controversial Wi/Ht? member to be voted in. It wasn't really about YOU, mind you...

I was reading a few archived posts about me, mostly about certain users complaining that I had once been a member of this club, and now don't 'deserve' it or whatever.

Well, maybe you have indeed been just now seeing some complaints from people re: you in the membership, but all my mentions of you in here were about was to show that though SOME people perhaps thought you weren't the best choice for a new member when you were voted in almost 2 years ago (and BTW, I never named names, nor can I even think of any offhand)... and I don't think anyone jumped on those comments by me to bash you right off the bat or anything, Dobs.

So... maybe you're referring to something else. But if you were talking about the early-mid April conversations/arguments in here that had your name in it, the main reason your name was in it was to contrast the reaction of people over Alkador's election at the beginning of April 2005 and your election at the end of July 2003 to try and make a point.

Let me tell you all something. Regardless of how little I post in this section (even though, quite frankly, the only reason I don't post here that much anymore, is because most of you are so hung up on stats, you make regular conversation quite boring. [Mind you, the ones who are exempt from that should know who they are]) I still pride myself on being as imformative and helpful to anyone who comes to me with a legitimate question or concern.

Dude, even your end-of-year NG BBS awards are useful and helpful and informative, in my mind. I don't believe anyone truly believes you're the most unhelpful, least friendly, yadda yadda yadda member of Wi/Ht? or anything. If anything, you're just MIA most of the time on THIS forum, but yes, everyone knows you're just over in General instead or just busy. O_o

Now, even though some members may be under the impression that I'm just a spammer who abuses his power, the fact is, I care a great deal about the success of this site, and I don't like being placed in the same catergory as the users that I abhore and ban quite frequently. I don't think it is right, and I think that is very biased for you to only look at one aspect of everything.

Oy vey. Come on, dude. Who said any of that?

Very few of you know what I do on AIM, who I ban, what I delete, what I moderate, because you are too busy complaining about how much of a bad example I am to the n00berts. Of course, once again, I may be completely off base in my comments, because I was reading things that were said a few months ago, for the first time, and I guess I'm somewhat addressing them at this point in time on this thread.

I have no idea.

Now whether or not you want to retire me, that's completely fine and dandy, but I don't feel that the WI/HT club, and the thought of helping people should be completely excluded just to this forum. To be quite honest, I find this section of the forum nauseating to read, because of the obsession over numbers in your profile. I stopped all that fuzzing, more or less, after I closed the top posters list.

No one's getting retired, damnit. Read the past 5 pages of the topic, post-for-post, if you somehow missed my stance on retiring members of the Wi/Ht? membership. IT AIN'T HAPPENING (over my alive body). Unless a huge majority wants it to or something. But that isn't going to happen.

And stop it with the stat-obsession bashing, man. I suppose you haven't noticed because you haven't been around much lately, but the events of mid-March have totally crippled the stathappiness in here. The shit that turns you off is nowhere near as prevalent as it once was, and some, such as myself and RC, are trying to encourage people to post more conversationally and less stat-boastfully in the level up! lounge, though that's a sloooooooooooow evolutionary process.

As for helpfulness not being restricted to this forum, I find it hard to believe that you've never noticed any Wi/Ht?ers (members or otherwise) answering newbie questions in General, Flash, C&C, etc. etc. Denvish, RC, ramagi, etc. etc... so many Wi/Ht? regulars help out all over the forum.

Following in the grand tradition of Newgrundling, you might say. Heh.

Making that list, for however long it ran for, should kill any notion that I do not belong in the Where Is/How To club. Bottom line. Any list maker, no matter what it is about, if it is a well maintained, and well put together list, they should be considered a good, efficent member.

In all honesty, the membership was never called the Listmakers Club or anything, but yes, you were once a super-contributive and hands on guy around here, and anyone with a memory and a history here knows that, so there's no real need to feel you have to defend your record or whatever. o_o

As I said before, I don't mind if you want to consider me retired, but let it be known that although I don't post links to FAQs all the time, yadda yadda yadda, I still constantly help people who come to me for help, if they seem to be 'for real'.

Anyway, I just needed to get that off my chest, sorry for the excessively long windedness.

Well, a rant's never a bad thing, especially when it's a reasonable one, and yours was, but... I really don't understand what set you off unless I missed (or forgot) something that you recently read.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-05-16 04:24:44

At 4/29/05 04:57 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: That account was not under my control when that was posted. You can thank my less-than-subtle friend for that effort. : P

Indeed problem solved :D

At 4/30/05 04:53 AM, Alkador wrote: Wait...are you talking about me as I don't really understand who that is directed to.

ooh yes, to you, sorry about that..

I have made many posts in Wi/Ht? in the past, in regards to two questions from memory. I think one of them was based on publishing and the other was copyright issues. Unless that is what you meant, my first appearance in the Wi/Ht? Level Up! Lounge was in December 16, 2004 (Thanks RedCircle).

Can you please rephrase?

Cool. What I ment was to ask if since you came here for the first time you did a long break or were you here pretty oftenly.. ?
Or just vistied here alot..
But by your post I guess you were here so that's kinda answering my question :P

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-05-16 04:54:33

Egad. I did a buncha cropping of crap in my reply, but the characters remaining is still 0, so... I gotta break this up into two chunks. If you want to hack and slash the hell out of my reply while replying, Dobio, that's fine with me. I already edited this down once, though, so I'm not going to try to do so again... eh:

At 5/16/05 04:33 AM, Dobio wrote:
At 5/16/05 04:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote: JUST WHEN I THINK I GOTS OUT... THEY PULLS ME BACK INS.
It's like a magnet or something dude. :P

Well, I was mostly referring to the fact that I thought this topic was finally going to die again as it tends to between elections when I made that post 2 days ago, but then you had to go and revive it. Heh. #;-}>

Yeah. I know, it's kinda funny actually, cause no one really had any complaints about me becoming a member at the time, I think it's more of a retrospect type dealio.

Maybe so. Time's passing has strange effects on things...

Greg, you aren't one of the people I'm talking about, I'm just saying in general, there has always been a few people who regularly post in this forum that have held grudges,...

No, I knew you weren't accusing ME of anything, but I DID bring your name up just a few pages back in here, and I wanted to make sure this post of yours tonight wasn't a result of that whole mess in here in April.

It's possible, for instance, that someone, in replying to my mention of you at that point, had some shit to say about you, and thus... that's what got your attention (and thus I was indirectly responsible). I can't recall any such thing, so that's why I am mostly seeking clarity now. :::nods:::

It just doesn't seem fair that people can make assumptions about my membership, or whatever, and even though it's apparent I don't post or read this forum enough, I still should be able to address things that need to be addressed.

A lot of people who only know you as a mod (IOW, they've only become regulars on the BBS in general or here in Wi/Ht? particularly since May 2004 a year ago)... probably wonder why Dobio is on the Wi/Ht? memberlist. And a whole lot of people (probably due to the fact that most clubs on NG don't operate like Wi/Ht? does) just kinda assume you don't deserve to remain in this membership due to your lack of participation on this forum in the past year.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'd love for you to be around here more often, and maybe now that most of the lists are gone (at least the on-BBS lists), you'll consider hanging out here more often, but... the only thing you've ever done (or not done, for that matter) with regard to Wi/Ht? that I haven't appreciated is when you (perhaps half-jokingly) said you didn't care about being in Wi/Ht? shortly after you were elected into it. Kinda like how you joined OCP early on and later bashed it around the time of its lockage. Heh.

That goes for everyone, if you have a complaint about me, tell it to my face, and if it is actually a legit complaint, I will not 'blow up' or anything, I will listen and consider it. I'm not unreasonable.

The only complaint I've ever had is the one I just mentioned, and I'm pretty sure you already knew that one. You've got a very good point: honesty (and open communication) is teh pathway to satisfaction and resolution of difficulties.

I read some 04 posts which made me a little chapped, and I read some posts within the last few pages, that although weren't really derogatory, still made me feel as if I should address them.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh. 2004 posts. Well, that explains a little of my confusion. The only stuff fresh in my mind re: you in this thread is all from April, so, I clearly only had part of the picture. Anyway, unless you want to link me (or anyone else) to specific pages or quote some stuff or whatnot, I'll just drop it here.

I don't exactly feel like hunting down Dobio-bashing comments from months and months and months ago just to satisfy my small amount of curiosity on this matter. Heh. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-05-16 04:55:40


I've just been reading some, "OMFG WTF DOBIO IS ON THE LIST" bullshit, and I assumed to appease the masses, you were considering doing some member list revamping. Sorry, reading into shit too much, or whatever.

All I did was add [RETIRED] and [inactive] next to people's names on the new web-version of the memberlist (link's in my sig). That's the extent of the revamping, I won't remove anyone from the list, and no one in the membership has pushed for removal of anyone from the actual group (the two things are separate issues, of course, which was the main thing I personally got worked up about back in April).

Incidentally, I have you down as retired simply because you're hardly ever here. If you'd like me to mark ya as inactive instead, let me know.

K, fair enough. I haven't read this section for a bit, so I don't know. I just remember a few people telling me how spammy the lounge has gotten, because of all the stat whores, but yeah, I'll chill a bit.

It's more that some/many of the stat lovers, which most of us are at heart here, have kinda lost their control when posting about things. And that many posts now contain nothing but one or two lines of simply "jesus, how long does level 9 take to get through?!!?" or "I HAVE 499 b/p TILL POLICE CAPTAIN?! WTF?!" and things along those lines. Heh.

Like I said, we're trying to change or at least tone down that sort of stuff...

All mods dude. I notice a lot of people seem to think that you can only truly help people in THIS forum. (Hence people posting, THIS BELONGS IN WHERE IS/HOW TO)

All mods NOW, but not always. RC was helpful everywhere I saw him, at least, prior to being modded fairly recently. Same with Denvish and his audio/flash helpfulness. And of course ramagi was helpful long before she was BBS modded.

That all three are mods is a coincidence, though I suppose they do lock threads in a whole lot of forums, and as a result end up providing helpful info along the way. I could list off some regulars who aren't mods who do similar things, though, but I AM TEH LAZY.

Also, regarding this forum... well, this is where helpful shit about NG BELONGS, just like helpful shit about flash belongs in the Flash forum and helpful shit about programming belongs in the programming forum.

Just as flash questions get directed out of this forum and into the appropriate one, general NG questions get directed out of whatever forum they're posted in and directed here. Some of the time, at least. There's no harm in that, is there? Most people DO tend to answer the question AND advise the newbie to try the other forum NEXT TIME (or for additional, more detailed help this time), after all.

Haha, and yet, here I am defending it. :P I still think the Where Is/How To section is more of a list section, less of a 'help' section, but that's a personal opinion, not fact.

I know. You STAT LIST HYPOCRITE. #;-}>

It was, man. It was. No longer. ;_;

On the up-side, the help section part has been reemphasised, and that's not a bad thing. There's always a balance between both, IMO.

I was reading some of the older posts, (I do that sometimes when I'm bored) and found a whole slew of bashing, and I wanted to address it, and give some input. Although it may be debating an old issue, I felt that if I didn't mention it, it would just be something that would always be there.

Well, if you really want to have anything productive come of it beyond just getting your emotions out, provide teh LINKS to the old clump of bashing you encountered. Cause otherwise, you're the only one who knows SPECIFICALLY what the bashing was all about. #;-}>

Otherwise, like I said, at least you vented some and let teh Dobio-bashers know where you stand, if they read this page.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-16 19:32:22

Aaaaaand... 2 months later, TO THE DAY, gfox bumps teh topic (I was quite glad it died, BTW, don't get me wrong... just gotta bump it now to attend to membership business).


Okay, folks. I told Recon I'd run the next election for him, he's been doin' 'em for awhile now and presumably wants a break. I believe the last one was the first week or April (or so), and I was going to run the next one around June 20th-30th (week or so leading up to my birthday, which was supposed to help me remember to run it... plus have some sort of link to the 4 3-month-long seasons the votes were going to be tied to, so...)

But it just so happened I got into a temp agency in mid-June, and by 24th was hired to a full-time position with a Fortune 500 company, and... well, clearly the 40 hours a week + 10 hours a week of commute time really kills things you had planned in your personal life, eh?

And thus the election was a (temporary) casuality of the job. In fact, I completely FORGOT about the election from around June 15th to... oh, July 5th or so. Then I realised I was going to run it, and... well, just been waiting till I had the time to post on the BBS a lot on one day to initiate. And this weekend is finally somewhat free, so...


I am sending out teh Wi/Ht? mass mailing in a few minutes here, but I just wanted to alert you all here on the BBS as well... for those of you who, like me, don't check your e-mail accounts very often.

There's no rush to get someone elected, BTW (I'm thinking the actual election might be around... oh... for about a 7-day period within the next 14 days or so timespan... IOW, by the end of July... but it depends on how quickly the nomination/rulesdiscussion process goes).

Sooo... I am going to ask for nominations in that e-mail I'm about to send... and I am going to discuss some of the potential voting method changes we talked about for a couple weeks (and like 5 pages of this topic) back in April after the last election's results went over so smoothly. O_o

So... yeah. Here we go.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-17 10:19:06

I have a couple ideas of who I think will/should get in. I like these ellections.

Thanks gfox for taking the time to do this, and congrast on the job!

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-17 10:51:50

Just the thought of Mazza not winning sends chills down my spine.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-17 20:48:17

pre-elections update (lots of inactivity/retired labels to change, so I figured I should post the changes here and on the webpage):

Wi/Ht? ID ... NG date .. Wi/Ht? date .. user ID .. NG username

Wi/Ht? #1 ... 12/22/01 .. 02/11/03 .. 251796 .. spancker (inactive)
Wi/Ht? #2 ... 10/05/02 .. 02/11/03 .. 376145 .. Drimarki [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #3 ... 06/23/02 .. 02/14/03 .. 324621 .. ReconRebel
Wi/Ht? #4 ... 01/24/02 .. 02/15/03 .. 263431 .. leeboy105
Wi/Ht? #5 ... 06/10/01 .. 02/22/03 .. 174015 .. Transformers [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #6 ... 09/16/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 368382 .. XkwiziTOnE (inactive)
Wi/Ht? #7 ... 04/12/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 294191 .. _lightning_
Wi/Ht? #8 ... 02/20/03 .. 03/28/03 .. 457815 .. FIGMENTUM [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #9 ... 02/18/00 .. 04/18/03 .. __7941 .. gfoxcook
Wi/Ht? #10 . 01/29/03 .. 04/27/03 .. 442572 .. _redruM_ (inactive)
Wi/Ht? #11 . 06/29/02 .. 07/19/03 .. 327836 .. Afterburner
Wi/Ht? #12 . 11/18/02 .. 07/20/03 .. 397797 .. D0GMA (inactive)
Wi/Ht? #13 . 07/07/02 .. 07/29/03 .. 332379 .. Dobio [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #14 . 07/27/02 .. 07/30/03 .. 343163 .. Crono-
Wi/Ht? #15 . 09/12/01 .. 08/09/03 .. 214132 .. Mystboy
Wi/Ht? #16 . 03/29/01 .. 11/15/03 .. 145633 .. MacBeth- [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #17 . 05/18/00 .. 12/31/03 .. _37436 .. jonthomson
Wi/Ht? #18 . 01/17/01 .. 03/10/04 .. 119768 .. XwaynecoltX
Wi/Ht? #19 . 04/15/01 .. 06/14/04 .. 150818 .. MPA
Wi/Ht? #20 . 11/27/03 .. 08/20/04 .. 681791 .. Qwoxyl
Wi/Ht? #21 . 10/06/03 .. 11/01/04 .. 635433 .. RedCircle
Wi/Ht? #22 . 02/06/02 .. 04/09/05 .. 267310 .. ShittyKitty (inactive)
Wi/Ht? #23 . 08/10/03 .. 04/09/05 .. 590813 .. Alkador


At 7/16/05 09:38 PM, sketch0587 wrote: Well ok gfox, I hope that there isn't so much ... controversy this time around ;)

We can hope, yes.

At 7/17/05 10:19 AM, Myst_Williams wrote: I have a couple ideas of who I think will/should get in. I like these ellections.

Thanks gfox for taking the time to do this, and congrast on the job!

The job IRL, you mean, not the job of running the election, right? (I've had that one before, anyway, so this is nothing new #;-}>) Thanks!

At 7/17/05 10:51 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Just the thought of Mazza not winning sends chills down my spine.

All of the users who got votes (and he was amongst them) are automatic nominees this time around.

And all members can vote for 0 or 1 or 2 of them. One new member WILL be added. A second one will only be added if enough votes are cast for him/her.

So we'll see how things go, but... I wouldn't be surprised if Mazza is one of the two possible new entrants... I'm not sure how good the turnout is going to be, though, as only three people have responded via e-mail so far, and none had any additions nominations to suggest nor any opinion on the voting process changes I've run up the flagpole.

But the election will carry on regardless, even if I'm electing a single new member by myself. #;-}> I hope we'll get enough people voting to not only vote one new member in with a large majority but also a second new member with enough votes for the optional slot as well.

Anyway, I'm starting the pentalist updating NOW. It's a bit later than I wanted to do it (in the afternoon), but at least it's not at 10 PM this time. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-17 21:59:48

At 7/17/05 08:48 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/17/05 10:19 AM, Myst_Williams wrote: Thanks gfox for taking the time to do this, and congrast on the job!
The job IRL, you mean, not the job of running the election, right? (I've had that one before, anyway, so this is nothing new #;-}>) Thanks!

The thanks was for helping out on the list, and the congrats was on your new employment at a fortune 500 company. Sorry for the confusion.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-17 23:44:05

Very big congratulations to our boy Gooch, but im kinda shocked to see absentminded didnt get any votes. I guess there aren't many underdog fans here.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-18 00:03:36

At 7/17/05 11:44 PM, Nike_Dunk wrote: Very big congratulations to our boy Gooch, but im kinda shocked to see absentminded didnt get any votes. I guess there aren't many underdog fans here.

Whoops wrong thread. Thats what happens when you're not a reg.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-18 00:31:16

At 7/17/05 11:44 PM, Nike_Dunk wrote: Very big congratulations to our boy Gooch, but im kinda shocked to see absentminded didnt get any votes. I guess there aren't many underdog fans here.

Oh well :) I guess I hadn't been active enough in the other areas of wi/ht like the level up lounge until now really, and I don't have huge stats or a whole lot of posts like a lot of the members currently. That's what makes me the underdog. Plus, I was reading that not everyone voted in this election, so I might have got some if more people voted. Maybe. Gooch is not unexcepted, and I'm sure many other 'higher stat' people will be voted in long before me. Doesn't matter to me, I'm not bitter about it, I'll just keep a helpin' and a blamin' and postin.' I think you have to have some credit to your name before you become a reg here, like more posts or stats, because looking at the list, all of those people have much higher stats.
Since Xiivi said he's shortening the list of people to be voted in, I might not even be voted on next time but we'll see.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-18 00:44:04

At 7/17/05 09:59 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
At 7/17/05 08:48 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/17/05 10:19 AM, Myst_Williams wrote: Thanks gfox for taking the time to do this, and congrast on the job!
The job IRL, you mean, not the job of running the election, right? (I've had that one before, anyway, so this is nothing new #;-}>) Thanks!
The thanks was for helping out on the list,

I know that. And you're quite welcome, I suppose. Do you really enjoy the Wi/Ht? memberlist/elections you're not part of that much? #;-}>

and the congrats was on your new employment at a fortune 500 company. Sorry for the confusion.

I figured as much, but just wanted to make sure. Running a Wi/Ht? election is a job as well, after all... and I thought perhaps you mistakenly believed that this was the first time Recon asked me to do one or something.

But yeah, I was pretty sure you meant the REAL job. The one I spend 50+ hours of my week on, as opposed to the one I do every few months at most. #;-}>

At 7/18/05 12:31 AM, -absentminded- wrote:
At 7/17/05 11:44 PM, Nike_Dunk wrote: Very big congratulations to our boy Gooch, but im kinda shocked to see absentminded didnt get any votes. I guess there aren't many underdog fans here.
Oh well :) I guess I hadn't been active enough in the other areas of wi/ht like the level up lounge until now really, and I don't have huge stats or a whole lot of posts like a lot of the members currently. That's what makes me the underdog. Plus, I was reading that not everyone voted in this election, so I might have got some if more people voted. Maybe. Gooch is not unexcepted, and I'm sure many other 'higher stat' people will be voted in long before me. Doesn't matter to me, I'm not bitter about it, I'll just keep a helpin' and a blamin' and postin.' I think you have to have some credit to your name before you become a reg here, like more posts or stats, because looking at the list, all of those people have much higher stats.
Since Xiivi said he's shortening the list of people to be voted in, I might not even be voted on next time but we'll see.


An alternate dimension rift has been torn in the fabric of space-time and a conversation from RCVL is happening in the Wi/Ht? memberlist thread.

This is super-trippy. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-18 08:10:52

At 7/17/05 08:48 PM, gfoxcook wrote: pre-elections update (lots of inactivity/retired labels to change, so I figured I should post the changes here and on the webpage):

Yeah, it looks like a fair few are going to need the inactive next to their name. Anouther reason why having 2 members eleted would be a positive thing.

And all members can vote for 0 or 1 or 2 of them. One new member WILL be added. A second one will only be added if enough votes are cast for him/her.

I see so it's not the same as the RCVL, i like this method it seems, fair apart from the potential lack of voting (all the inactive members) could leave the ammount of votes for a second member inachievable?

So we'll see how things go, but... I wouldn't be surprised if Mazza is one of the two possible new entrants...

Heh, i'd be suprised if he isn't ^_~

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-18 08:58:23

At 7/18/05 12:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I know that. And you're quite welcome, I suppose. Do you really enjoy the Wi/Ht? memberlist/elections you're not part of that much? #;-}>

Well, being honest - I dont care too, too much. But, as a frequent poster in this forum, I appreciate your dedicated time no matter if I am involved or not, because you help keep the community going and are taking the time to help people who do have a part in this thread.

I figured as much, but just wanted to make sure. Running a Wi/Ht? election is a job as well, after all... and I thought perhaps you mistakenly believed that this was the first time Recon asked me to do one or something.

Ahh, understood.

But yeah, I was pretty sure you meant the REAL job. The one I spend 50+ hours of my week on, as opposed to the one I do every few months at most. #;-}>

Well, that sure sounds like a busy work week, but hopefully it leads to a better stage in your life in some way shape or form. Congrats once more.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-22 18:47:57

When does the voting end gfox?

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-22 19:45:53

At 7/17/05 08:48 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Wi/Ht? ID ... NG date .. Wi/Ht? date .. user ID .. NG username

Wi/Ht? #1 ... 12/22/01 .. 02/11/03 .. 251796 .. spancker (inactive)
Wi/Ht? #2 ... 10/05/02 .. 02/11/03 .. 376145 .. Drimarki [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #3 ... 06/23/02 .. 02/14/03 .. 324621 .. ReconRebel
Wi/Ht? #4 ... 01/24/02 .. 02/15/03 .. 263431 .. leeboy105
Wi/Ht? #5 ... 06/10/01 .. 02/22/03 .. 174015 .. Transformers [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #6 ... 09/16/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 368382 .. XkwiziTOnE (inactive)
Wi/Ht? #7 ... 04/12/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 294191 .. _lightning_
Wi/Ht? #8 ... 02/20/03 .. 03/28/03 .. 457815 .. FIGMENTUM [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #9 ... 02/18/00 .. 04/18/03 .. __7941 .. gfoxcook
Wi/Ht? #10 . 01/29/03 .. 04/27/03 .. 442572 .. _redruM_ (inactive)
Wi/Ht? #11 . 06/29/02 .. 07/19/03 .. 327836 .. Afterburner
Wi/Ht? #12 . 11/18/02 .. 07/20/03 .. 397797 .. D0GMA (inactive)
Wi/Ht? #13 . 07/07/02 .. 07/29/03 .. 332379 .. Dobio [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #14 . 07/27/02 .. 07/30/03 .. 343163 .. Crono-
Wi/Ht? #15 . 09/12/01 .. 08/09/03 .. 214132 .. Mystboy
Wi/Ht? #16 . 03/29/01 .. 11/15/03 .. 145633 .. MacBeth- [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #17 . 05/18/00 .. 12/31/03 .. _37436 .. jonthomson [RETIRED]
Wi/Ht? #18 . 01/17/01 .. 03/10/04 .. 119768 .. XwaynecoltX
Wi/Ht? #19 . 04/15/01 .. 06/14/04 .. 150818 .. MPA
Wi/Ht? #20 . 11/27/03 .. 08/20/04 .. 681791 .. Qwoxyl
Wi/Ht? #21 . 10/06/03 .. 11/01/04 .. 635433 .. RedCircle
Wi/Ht? #22 . 02/06/02 .. 04/09/05 .. 267310 .. ShittyKitty (inactive)
Wi/Ht? #23 . 08/10/03 .. 04/09/05 .. 590813 .. Alkador

Fixed, and now to post something to take it up to the minimum reply quote percentage thingy:

The following is a list of Contra's power-ups as featured in the original game. Every power-ups are represented by letter-based icons (with the exception of the Machine Gun and Laser Gun in the arcade version):

* Machine Gun: This weapon allows players to hold the fire button to fire repeatedly, rather than pressing the button constantly as the default weapon requires. In the Arcade version, it is reprensed by an

* Spread Gun: Firing 5 shots in an arc, this power-up is useful for large groups of enemies.

* Laser Gun: This shoots a long laser that can take out many enemies in a row. However, only one laser can be on the screen at a time (the first will disappear when a new one is fired).

* Fire Ball: A gun which fires small fireballs in a corkscrew pattern..

* Rapid Fire: Increases the firing rate of the player's currently equipped weapon.

* Barrier: This makes the player invincible for a few seconds, though he can still lose a life by falling into pits.

Er, yes, quite.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-23 01:34:01

I see the voting process has been distrubuted now. I have cast my vote and eagerly await the result. (Hi Dobio).

But as _lightning_ asked, when does the voting process finish?

Some interesting e-mails you've got there gfoxcook.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-23 02:06:40

shouldn't this be in the club section

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-23 02:22:57

At 7/23/05 02:06 AM, PlayaDirtyDog wrote: shouldn't this be in the club section

No, don't think so. I haven't been around since its creation, but I think this place was set up before the rules you see now were made. This list above isn't really a group of members in a club, but more of a group of users that have spent their time and dedication towards the Wi/Ht? forum and been able to be a strong contributor towards this place. That's how I see it anyway.

Jonthomson, I may be slow, but what does your post mean?

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-07-23 08:27:54

At 7/23/05 02:22 AM, Alkador wrote:
Jonthomson, I may be slow, but what does your post mean?

gfox forgot to note retired next to my name. So I reposted the entire list rather than just one line and needed to pad to dodge the reply %age limit.