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Where is/How to? Memberlist

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-19 21:32:48

Not a huge deal but when the member list is updated tonight it would be fantastic if you could update my name on it to MPA, as I haven't used Mr_Pop_Alot in a good 3 months. Thanks

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-19 22:57:56

At 8/19/04 09:32 PM, MPA wrote: Not a huge deal but when the member list is updated tonight it would be fantastic if you could update my name on it to MPA, as I haven't used Mr_Pop_Alot in a good 3 months.

Awesome! The next time you're not on-line and someone asks me what your acronym stands for I can say his name is... Mr_Poop_Alot :-)


Don't mention it buddy. Always happy to help.

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Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-19 23:21:44

At 8/19/04 10:57 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Awesome! The next time you're not on-line and someone asks me what your acronym stands for I can say his name is... Mr_Poop_Alot :-)

Oh Recon, your endless wit is infinitely hilarious.

Don't mention it buddy. Always happy to help.

Without your help we'd all be lost.


Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 00:32:43

how do you add members?

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 01:13:12

At 8/20/04 12:32 AM, Steve_the_Scorpion wrote: how do you add members?

Every 2-6 months, an election is held, the members nominate a few people (usually those who post in this forum regularly and are helpful) and make one of them a member (through votes by e-mail). Since the new member is going to be announced tonight, you don't have to worry about this for a few months, when another election might happen.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 16:42:37

I mean if you just made a group

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 16:46:54

At 8/20/04 04:42 PM, Steve_the_Scorpion wrote: I mean if you just made a group

Well, if you are thinking about starting your own group, cool!

The way you remember who is a member is by posting the list of members in the thread of your group. You can post updates to the list as your member list grows. Nothing magical here.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 16:52:07

At 8/20/04 04:42 PM, Steve_the_Scorpion wrote: I mean if you just made a group.

Please direct further Where is/How to inquiries over to our lounge (the 600+ page one), thanks.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 16:54:51

At 8/20/04 04:46 PM, RedCircle wrote: Well, if you are thinking about starting your own group, cool!

The way you remember who is a member is by posting the list of members in the thread of your group. You can post updates to the list as your member list grows. Nothing magical here.

sorry one last thing wat do you mean when you say (you can remember who is a member is by posting them in the thread of your group)

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 17:11:13

At 8/20/04 04:54 PM, Steve_the_Scorpion wrote: sorry one last thing wat do you mean when you say (you can remember who is a member is by posting them in the thread of your group)

Well, you just posted here, right?

Instead of saying what you just said, you could type:

Member #1: Steve_the_Scorpion
Member #2: RedCircle
Member #3: SomeOtherGuy

and so forth...and as long as your thread isn't locked, or dies (nobody posts in it) then those posts will be there forever.

Just like this thread.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 17:16:30

I hope this is the last time I have to ask you somthing but I already made the group a long time ago but i don't know what you mean by thread

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 17:21:13

At 8/20/04 05:16 PM, Steve_the_Scorpion wrote: I hope this is the last time I have to ask you somthing but I already made the group a long time ago but i don't know what you mean by thread

It's real easy.

I am "posting" in this "thread."

Threads are topics.

Last one....then thank me, and go start up your group, promise?

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 17:26:09

so all you have to do is post them in the topic?I've had this group for a long time if I post it in the group it wouldn't make sence to have the member list inbetween posts but if its ture then thanx

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-20 20:58:12

thanx for giving me all that info

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-21 05:35:08

Welcome aboard, Qwoxyl, FKA MrX2003. :::salutes:::

To finish "reporting in," as it were, please e-mail me your e-mail addy (ha ha), so that I might add it to the e-mail list so that it, too, might achieve completion.

Wi/Ht? #1 ... 12/22/01 .. 02/11/03 .. 251796 .. the_phantom_spancker
Wi/Ht? #2 ... 10/05/02 .. 02/11/03 .. 376145 .. Drimarki
Wi/Ht? #3 ... 06/23/02 .. 02/14/03 .. 324621 .. Recon_Rebel
Wi/Ht? #4 ... 01/24/02 .. 02/15/03 .. 263431 .. leeboy105
Wi/Ht? #5 ... 06/10/01 .. 02/22/03 .. 174015 .. Transformers
Wi/Ht? #6 ... 09/16/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 368382 .. XkwiziTOnE
Wi/Ht? #7 ... 04/12/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 294191 .. _lightning_
Wi/Ht? #8 ... 02/20/03 .. 03/28/03 .. 457815 .. Mr_James
Wi/Ht? #9 ... 02/18/00 .. 04/18/03 .. __7941 .. gfoxcook
Wi/Ht? #10 . 01/29/03 .. 04/27/03 .. 442572 .. _redruM_
Wi/Ht? #11 . 06/29/02 .. 07/19/03 .. 327836 .. Afterburner
Wi/Ht? #12 . 11/18/02 .. 07/20/03 .. 397797 .. D0GMA
Wi/Ht? #13 . 07/07/02 .. 07/29/03 .. 332379 .. Dobio
Wi/Ht? #14 . 07/27/02 .. 07/30/03 .. 343163 .. Crono-
Wi/Ht? #15 . 09/12/01 .. 08/09/03 .. 214132 .. Mystboy
Wi/Ht? #16 . 03/29/01 .. 11/15/03 .. 145633 .. MacBeth-
Wi/Ht? #17 . 05/18/00 .. 12/31/03 .. _37436 .. jonthomson
Wi/Ht? #18 . 01/17/01 .. 03/10/04 .. 119768 .. XwaynecoltX
Wi/Ht? #19 . 04/15/01 .. 06/14/04 .. 150818 .. MPA
Wi/Ht? #20 . 11/27/03 .. 08/20/04 .. 681791 .. Qwoxyl

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-21 14:29:16

At 8/21/04 01:29 PM, NameChangeWhatsThat wrote:
1. When people come in here and ask their questions, EVEN if it has been asked a million times before, try to give them the best answer you can

1a) Smacking around the 8th person that day to ask that very same question, with thread names indicating the question has been asked readily visible on the forum list, does not disqualify you.

2. In those question threads, if an answer has already been posted, make sure you only provide information that expands on the previous answer, don't come in a say the exact same thing AGAIN, because that is looked down upon.

2a) Check time stamps on on answers. Tease the person who responded immediately after you (especially if their reply is posted the same minute as yours) about how they type too slowly.

3. Post in the big Wi/Ht threads, and try to become part of the conversations and debates that occur every so often, and make sure to try to congratulate everyone you can ^_^

3a) Learn to multi-reply early *cough*Recon*cough* so that you don't get nailed with the 4/30min spam limit.

4. Heh according to RedCircle's Mod vs Members list, make sure your level and b/s rank is impressive, nah that one is sort of a joke, but it may just be true :o

4a) Whatever rank or level you achieve, don't let it go to your head. People who are on either (or both) side of RC's comparitive simply happen to have been around long enough to have been noticed, and noticed doing good things, by the people responsible for each group. Being around long enough to accomplish that typically means you've been voting along the way, tucking in experience and BPs as you go. The Wi/Ht? Club just happens to have more people who are interested in BPs, while the Mods are drawn from the full gamut of forums. Someone who frequents only the Politics forum may have the same level of interest in the NG community, but not as much in BPs.

5. Always try to be as nice as you can, i mean you are likely not to be elected even if you have all the knowledge in the world, if you always brag about your own achievments only and are an asshole to members :(

5a) Always is a bit much. Use your common sense. If it's not something you would say or do IRL, it shouldn't be here either. I pitch out the occasional rant with no apologies. If it were RL, I'd be yelling at them and poking them in the chest instead of using bold.

At 8/21/04 02:04 PM, NameChangeWhatsThat wrote: they are ordered in order of being indited

Heh ... indicted? Heck of a way to put that ;)

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-21 16:15:58

Dang Mang Yo! I think anyone can do what a "where is/How to? member" can do if they just put their mind to it and provide enough of their free time to answer questions in the best possible way they can.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-21 16:16:38

how can you lock clubs or is it locked atomatikley?

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-21 16:27:11

clubs get locked by moderators. NG useres dont get a say in the matter.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-22 23:22:08

At 8/21/04 05:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote: To finish "reporting in," as it were, please e-mail me your e-mail addy (ha ha),

I'll just post it here.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-23 08:46:14

Reposting the memberlist as a new page has begun, and I like to keep the current version near the top of each page whenever possible:

Wi/Ht? ID ... NG date .. Wi/Ht? date .. user ID .. NG username

Wi/Ht? #1 ... 12/22/01 .. 02/11/03 .. 251796 .. the_phantom_spancker
Wi/Ht? #2 ... 10/05/02 .. 02/11/03 .. 376145 .. Drimarki
Wi/Ht? #3 ... 06/23/02 .. 02/14/03 .. 324621 .. Recon_Rebel
Wi/Ht? #4 ... 01/24/02 .. 02/15/03 .. 263431 .. leeboy105
Wi/Ht? #5 ... 06/10/01 .. 02/22/03 .. 174015 .. Transformers
Wi/Ht? #6 ... 09/16/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 368382 .. XkwiziTOnE
Wi/Ht? #7 ... 04/12/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 294191 .. _lightning_
Wi/Ht? #8 ... 02/20/03 .. 03/28/03 .. 457815 .. Mr_James
Wi/Ht? #9 ... 02/18/00 .. 04/18/03 .. __7941 .. gfoxcook
Wi/Ht? #10 . 01/29/03 .. 04/27/03 .. 442572 .. _redruM_
Wi/Ht? #11 . 06/29/02 .. 07/19/03 .. 327836 .. Afterburner
Wi/Ht? #12 . 11/18/02 .. 07/20/03 .. 397797 .. D0GMA
Wi/Ht? #13 . 07/07/02 .. 07/29/03 .. 332379 .. Dobio
Wi/Ht? #14 . 07/27/02 .. 07/30/03 .. 343163 .. Crono-
Wi/Ht? #15 . 09/12/01 .. 08/09/03 .. 214132 .. Mystboy
Wi/Ht? #16 . 03/29/01 .. 11/15/03 .. 145633 .. MacBeth-
Wi/Ht? #17 . 05/18/00 .. 12/31/03 .. _37436 .. jonthomson
Wi/Ht? #18 . 01/17/01 .. 03/10/04 .. 119768 .. XwaynecoltX
Wi/Ht? #19 . 04/15/01 .. 06/14/04 .. 150818 .. MPA
Wi/Ht? #20 . 11/27/03 .. 08/20/04 .. 681791 .. Qwoxyl

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-23 08:46:54

At 8/21/04 02:29 PM, D0GMA wrote: 3a) Learn to multi-reply early *cough*Recon*cough* so that you don't get nailed with the 4/30min spam limit.


5a) Always is a bit much. Use your common sense. If it's not something you would say or do IRL, it shouldn't be here either. I pitch out the occasional rant with no apologies. If it were RL, I'd be yelling at them and poking them in the chest instead of using bold.

!!! You only WISH you could yell AND poke those Verizon bastards, dontcha. #;-}>

At 8/21/04 02:04 PM, NameChangeWhatsThat wrote: they are ordered in order of being indited
Heh ... indicted? Heck of a way to put that ;)

I'm gonna take a wild guess here and postulate that Bonus meant INDUCTED. #;-}>

At 8/21/04 02:40 PM, BonusStage wrote: Well i guess that makes sense, and of course the mods have all those special powers to mess around with, so that may take up a bit more of their time, than just being a Wi/Ht member, but again 3 are both HOW DO THEY DO IT heh

We're just that cool. Well, okay, jon and I are just that cool. Dobio just sleeps with everyone in power to get ahead. :::nods:::

At 8/21/04 04:15 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Dang Mang Yo! I think anyone can do what a "where is/How to? member" can do if they just put their mind to it and provide enough of their free time to answer questions in the best possible way they can.

No one said that anyone COULDN'T do the same thing, you know. As has been discussed in level up! for the past few pages, Joe, ramagi, and Newgrundling are prime examples of people who didn't want to join the official memberlist, but still hang/hung out on this board and helped a lot (or MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE COULD POSSIBLY HELP, in the case of Joe, of course! #;-}>).

There's no rule that you have to be in the membership to hang out here, post here, help newbies here, or anything. It just so happens that a collective formed around those principles, and has slowly grown. It's not like most clubs in the C&C where members and numbers are thrown out by the barrelful, but it also doesn't discourage people from being here if they're not in the club, as a lot of clubs also do. In fact, I don't even like to CALL it a club. You'll notice I normally refer to it as the Wi/Ht? membership.

At 8/22/04 11:22 PM, Qwoxyl wrote:
At 8/21/04 05:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote: To finish "reporting in," as it were, please e-mail me your e-mail addy (ha ha),
I'll just post it here.

Wheee. Okay, Mr. Paranoid... now let's see about decoding it...

Heh. Good ol' ROT13. Thanks muchly, you've been added to the e-mail list as well now!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-08-26 21:17:14

At 8/23/04 01:53 PM, Dobio wrote:
At 8/21/04 01:29 PM, BonusStage wrote: 1. When people come in here and ask their questions, EVEN if it has been asked a million times before, try to give them the best answer you can
WRONG. You link them to the search engine, and hope that they will stop asking questions that have already been answered. Most of the time, being snide and arrogant will make them stop posting threads asking questions.

Everyone on this forum, wiht member or not, has a different style and approach to most questions. I personally would rather answer a question or ignore it than say to search. Besides, others (like Joe) have often already said to search.

2. In those question threads, if an answer has already been posted, make sure you only provide information that expands on the previous answer, don't come in a say the exact same thing AGAIN, because that is looked down upon.
WRONG again. All WI/HT wannabe members must increase their post count, and show that they are responsible enough to know the answer, even though the answer was posted TEN MINUTES before someone else posted. Hence why all threads have to be locked in this stupid forum, because all the wannabes are like, "OMG I'M GOING TO SAY EXACTLY WHAT WAS SAID ABOVE ME, BECAUSE I WANT TO SHOW THAT I'M ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING IN THIS FORUM SO I GET NOMINATED!!!!"

Yeah, now there you have a good point, and it's kinda sad.

Most fucking annoying thing. Personally, WI/HT Lounge should be locked, because it's the same people posting in it, congratulating everyone, even though it's just a big plea, with the exception of a few, to continue to raise post count and raise page numbers. WI/HT Level up Lounge is just as bad as the Muffin Club, IMO.

The Muffin Club, AFAIK, isn't a group of people sitting in a huge lounge amidst a ton of noob question threads and trying to keep sane between rounds of the 1000th time a b/p question and the 5000th time a "HOW DO I DEPOSIT" question are asked.

level up! serves a greater purpose than the Muffin Club. No offense to the Muffin Club. And thus, that's why it's not locked. Without it, I suspect a lot of the regular users who come here and often DO help with new users' questions would stop hanging around, and would that be good or bad for NG? I dunno, you probably have your own view on that, but this forum was CREATED to field such newbie questions, and thus it's good to have many regulars here to answer them, now isn't it? Therefore, it's the site's best interest.

Now, if liljim or Wade decides the "cost" of another huge-ass thread is not worth it, then so be it. I can't speak for everyone else, but this would still be my home on NG BBS, primarily. Even if the list threads were all gone AND level up! as well. But it's much more enjoyable with them here. I think your entire perspective on Wi/Ht? has been soured by your experience with your own top posters topic here and high-rate posters like Pure.

Some of us have lives. Sorry, but I find nothing entertaining with sitting on the portal all day and waiting for movies to come through. I'd rather post, and even then, I'd rather do other stuff.

Says the man nearing 12,000 posts. O_o

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-10-03 04:14:07

*Joins because he can't join through the actual lounge.* >=(

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-10-03 04:18:26

At 10/3/04 04:14 AM, Wades_Alt_Account wrote: *Joins because he can't join through the actual lounge.* >=(

Heh, heh...ever heard of an election? Be patient...

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-10-03 12:23:10

that's great.. o.0
I am trying to join lol


only one guy from there knows me.. >.<
keep it that way!

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-10-03 19:05:54

I have heard through the grapevine that the next election will be held around the end of October. You can't just "make" yourself a member, you must be elected. Oh, and by the way, I'll be running for membership in the next election ;-)

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-10-03 19:27:15

At 10/3/04 07:05 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: I have heard through the grapevine that the next election will be held around the end of October. You can't just "make" yourself a member, you must be elected. Oh, and by the way, I'll be running for membership in the next election ;-)

Will you now? TBH you'll probably get in cos your lists pwn and lists are what Wi/Ht are all about... That said, I thought you had to be nominated - you couldn't just "run for membership"

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-10-03 19:28:54

At 10/3/04 07:27 PM, --delteated-- wrote: Will you now? TBH you'll probably get in cos your lists pwn and lists are what Wi/Ht are all about... That said, I thought you had to be nominated - you couldn't just "run for membership"

Ah. Well, then make that "I'll be asking to be nominated to run for membership in the next election". Heh.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2004-10-05 20:50:46

At 10/3/04 07:28 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Ah. Well, then make that "I'll be asking to be nominated to run for membership in the next election". Heh.

Even at that its a bold move. I dont think the members would like it. Consider everyone thats visited the lounge regularly for the last few months asking to be nominated, it would be chaos. Sure, youve done quite a bit on NG since you came back, but that shouldnt really favour you instead of others, meh maybe im just being a dick.