At 1/4/05 10:35 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 1/4/05 10:22 PM, -Gooch- wrote:
I think gfox summed it up best at the beginning of this thread when he said that they are "a brotherhood of question answerers". I think this means that they are some of the more helpful people in the Where is/How to? forums. It's somewhat of an elite list, not to mention a rarity to be apart of. :)
You are right but once they are in the list, they are there until the whole list disappears which could happen for different reasons (I don't need to name these reasons, the list could be enormous anyway) but most of them won't happen soon or they are too weird/extreme to seem possible so anyone that entered this list in the past could simply never come back and he still would be part of that list.
The list will never become that big. It's grown from 10 people to 20 people in like... 1.5 years. That's not very rapid expansion.
What do you mean by "to seem possible so anyone that entered this list in the past could simply never come back"?
There's one member I can think of that probably is never coming back. He got grounded by his parents, and hasn't been back in almost TWO years now. By the time he can't be grounded by his parents anymore, I'd bet he won't even remember what it was like to be addicted to Newgrounds. #;-}>
So anyway... the point of the list is not to show who's currently being helpful. That's pretty much what the D list in the RCVL is about. The list is simply a variant of the everpopular NG clubs, but one that serves a useful purpose. If someone leaves and never returns, or comes around and posts very rarely and isn't helpful anymore... they don't suddenly get bumped from the list. It's like a hall of fame. You're in forever.
Why should it be any other way? I wouldn't want us to start some participation/helpfulness ranking that boots people out.
Now, maybe some people who'd like to be asked to join think that if such a system were in place, they'd be more likely to get in because there will be vacancies... but much like with the mod list, there is no required maximum OR minimum member count here.
So it really wouldn't.
Yes, all of them were very helpful in the past but some aren't helpful anymore :( probably because the whereis/howto forum isn't the most important part of our life, right?
Again... that's got nothing to do with being on the memberlist, really.
We shall also remember that some regulars (denvish, sk, etc.) were (and still are) very helpful during a long period and they aren't include in this list.
But of course. See below for more on that:
At 1/4/05 10:37 PM, -Gooch- wrote:
Yes indeed. Denvish, SK, TheJoe, Ramagi, and everyone in the gang. Everybody's willing to help with what knowledge they possess. It's great to see, too. :)
Denvish and SK may very well become members if they don't mind being so and if they are voted in, as seems likely sooner or later.
TheJoe and ramagi and NGling would have long ago been voted in, but they wished to remain outside the group and so their wishes were respected. Of course people who aren't IN the official membership can be helpful, BTW... how else would people become noticed for their helpfulness and asked to join the group? #;-}> You don't suddenly BECOME helpful when you're added. You have to BE helpful to be added.
Chicken and the egg this is not. Helpfulness comes first and foremost. #;-}>