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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-19 16:40:04

At 11/19/15 05:41 AM, The-Great-One wrote: Can anyone say Mick Foley or soon enough Shawn Michaels?

Those two count as Icons, but being a legend is a totally different level.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-20 00:16:49

At 11/19/15 04:40 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Those two count as Icons, but being a legend is a totally different level.

Oh you want a legend? Yeah I guess Hogan is a household name. Even people who don't even know what wrestling is knows Hulk Hogan's name. Even fans of the newer wrestling know who Hulk Hogan is. I guess the only other legend we got would be The Rock.

Then again, when Cena retires he will be WWE's new Hogan.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-20 01:01:33

At 11/20/15 12:16 AM, The-Great-One wrote:
Oh you want a legend? Yeah I guess Hogan is a household name. Even people who don't even know what wrestling is knows Hulk Hogan's name. Even fans of the newer wrestling know who Hulk Hogan is. I guess the only other legend we got would be The Rock.

The Rock is known more for his acting career. Especially by people who do nor consider wrestling " real."

Then again, when Cena retires he will be WWE's new Hogan.

When Cena retires, it will be a great day for professional wrestling.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-20 01:03:21

At 11/20/15 01:01 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: When Cena retires, it will be a great day for professional wrestling.

Also, why all of the John Cena hatred? I get some of it is justifiable, but he's not the worst wrestler out there!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-20 01:08:28

At 11/20/15 01:03 AM, The-Great-One wrote: Also, why all of the John Cena hatred? I get some of it is justifiable, but he's not the worst wrestler out there!

John Cena is the only wrestler that I have seen and heard booed every time he comes out. They actually have to edit the house shows to remove the boos.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-20 01:12:22 (edited 2015-11-20 01:13:49)

At 11/20/15 01:08 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: John Cena is the only wrestler that I have seen and heard booed every time he comes out. They actually have to edit the house shows to remove the boos.

Yeah he is booed a lot, his "Rise Above Hate" gimmick and good guy persona has gotten old. We all know this. I don't blame John Cena for this, it's just that it has gotten dated and nobody likes it anymore. He needs a heel turn and fast. It ain't gonna happen though. Because Vince McMahon wants his version of Hulk Hogan and he's got it in John Cena. The only problem is that there will never be another Hulk Hogan. Also what was the shocking thing that Hogan did in his career? Turn heel!

I don't blame Cena for this. He works tirelessly, day in and day out. The only times we've seen him take breaks was when he got injured. There was something here that people did like, it wasn't bad, it's just gotten stale.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-20 10:12:50

At 11/20/15 01:12 AM, The-Great-One wrote:
At 11/20/15 01:08 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: John Cena is the only wrestler that I have seen and heard booed every time he comes out. They actually have to edit the house shows to remove the boos.
Yeah he is booed a lot, his "Rise Above Hate" gimmick and good guy persona has gotten old. We all know this. I don't blame John Cena for this, it's just that it has gotten dated and nobody likes it anymore. He needs a heel turn and fast. It ain't gonna happen though. Because Vince McMahon wants his version of Hulk Hogan and he's got it in John Cena. The only problem is that there will never be another Hulk Hogan. Also what was the shocking thing that Hogan did in his career? Turn heel!

I don't blame Cena for this. He works tirelessly, day in and day out. The only times we've seen him take breaks was when he got injured. There was something here that people did like, it wasn't bad, it's just gotten stale.

People tend to forget the fans started turning on Hogan too during his last run before going to WCW. When he went to work for Turner, he did help legitimize WCW a fair bit, but even then WWE was still king until the NWO angle came about and gave people something new.

They also like to ignore the fact that Cena still makes them a shit ton of money in merchandise. He's the most recognizable person on the active roster today. He puts in more work than most of the locker room and whether you're bored of him or not, he's earned his position. The fans that boo him are still showing up to live events, still paying money for merchandise and network subscriptions. There's really no reason to drop Cena to make them happy... they aren't going away. But he does cross over with other media enough to draw new fans. That alone will cement his status as the face of the company for years to come.

That said, he's also been very willing, at this point in his career, to help get the younger guys over. And he's smart about it. He sells for them, without being a jobber. His US Open Title challenge was a shot in the arm for that mid-card championship. Now that he's taking time off, it's pretty obvious nobody will care about that belt again for a while.

At this current point in time, the table is set for anyone to move up the chain. Roman is going to get more of a manufactured push and I just can't see him ever really being that top babyface that they want him to be. He just lacks that personality factor that makes me care about his victories and losses.

He said he's open to making a heel turn (which would definitely refresh his character), but he's been pretty vocal about how important it is for WWE to provide a positive role model for the kids. Until they can get someone else in that role, he's not going to join the dark side. I can't really think of any current superstar who would get over with the kids in the way Cena has.

His career is SO parallel with Hogan's that I can't fathom how fanboys can love the Hulkster so much while despising John Cena. Rose colored glasses I suppose...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-20 15:08:07

I've far more respect for Cena than I do Hogan.

I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a fan, but he doesn't come across as an egomaniac like Hogan does (he comes across as an extremely odd man outside of the ring, but that's another matter all together), and he can actually work a good match which is something Hogan has never done in his life. He's not one of these guys who could wrestle a broom to a 5 star classic like Bryan or Cesaro, but put him in the ring with someone vaguely competent and he'll deliver.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-21 21:22:22 (edited 2015-11-21 21:22:35)

So, Survivor Series is allegedly being threatened by ISIS now. Measures are being taken to prevent an attack.

Good Lord. Can the terrorists just leave our fake sport alone? I don't want to worry about bombers while I'm watching Roman Reigns become WWE Champion...

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-21 23:32:08

At 11/20/15 01:12 AM, The-Great-One wrote: The only problem is that there will never be another Hulk Hogan. Also what was the shocking thing that Hogan did in his career? Turn heel!

The Hogan heel turn was outstanding. Probably the best heel turn of all time.

A large issue today is the undefined roles of wrestlers today. John Cena and Dolph Ziggler are both examples of wrestlers that do unhanded moves , but are considered faces for some reason. If Cena ever tried to turn heel, the fans would hardly notice and definitely not care.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-22 05:23:36

At 11/21/15 11:32 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: A large issue today is the undefined roles of wrestlers today. John Cena and Dolph Ziggler are both examples of wrestlers that do unhanded moves , but are considered faces for some reason. If Cena ever tried to turn heel, the fans would hardly notice and definitely not care.

I feel that it could've been done. Too bad there was a missed opportunity for this. The best way they could have turned John Cena heel was if they had him end The Undertaker's Streak. That would have been a great starting place.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-22 12:19:51

At 11/22/15 05:23 AM, The-Great-One wrote: I feel that it could've been done. Too bad there was a missed opportunity for this. The best way they could have turned John Cena heel was if they had him end The Undertaker's Streak. That would have been a great starting place.

That idea could or worked. Vince would have to be somewhat creative in booking that event.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-22 21:09:51

Survivor Series has been okay so far, everything going as expected.

Roman Reigns beat Alberto Del Rio.

Dean Ambrose beat Kevin Owens.

We all knew it would come down to Reigns vs. Ambrose.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-22 21:42:44

At 11/22/15 09:09 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Survivor Series has been okay so far, everything going as expected.

Roman Reigns beat Alberto Del Rio.

Dean Ambrose beat Kevin Owens.

We all knew it would come down to Reigns vs. Ambrose.

It actually doesn't matter who wins now, the table is set for Ambrose heel turn and a Dean/Roman feud that can use the same storyline they had planned for Seth/Roman.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-22 22:07:20

Was it just me or did Bray have a little tear or two falling down his cheek right after Undertaker got into the ring?

"Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody."

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-22 22:28:40

After all the Undertaker clips and ass kissing you would think he would retire tonight. Just imagine how dragged out his retirement will be.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-22 22:39:01 (edited 2015-11-22 22:49:46)


EDIT: Well at least they went with the Sheamus route, better than nothing, i guess.

EDIT 2: Also, tell me you didn't have a mini heart attack when he kicked out for the first time.

"Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody."

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-22 22:56:36 (edited 2015-11-22 22:56:58)

At 11/22/15 10:39 PM, Radaketor wrote: Fuck.

EDIT: Well at least they went with the Sheamus route, better than nothing, i guess.

EDIT 2: Also, tell me you didn't have a mini heart attack when he kicked out for the first time.

They did a damn good job sneaking the mitb cash in this year. I didn't expect it tonight.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-22 23:02:30

At 11/22/15 10:56 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: They did a damn good job sneaking the mitb cash in this year. I didn't expect it tonight.

How would they've played the cash-in if Seth hadn't injured himself?

I'm guessing that Roman would've won the match tonight anyway against Rollins and either Sheamus cashed-in then or they'd wait until the Royal Rumble.

"Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody."

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-22 23:02:55

Sheamus wins. Reigns is punked out for a second time. Well, he actually won for a few minutes this time before getting screwed again.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-23 17:32:49

Can't believe I'm glad to see fucking Sheamus as champion.

The product is dire. Don't even watch Raw any more, just read the recaps and watch any segments which sound interesting, which is frequently none of them.

Worst it's been since I started watching again at the start of 2013.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-23 20:27:47

At 11/23/15 05:32 PM, TheMaster wrote: Can't believe I'm glad to see fucking Sheamus as champion.

The product is dire. Don't even watch Raw any more, just read the recaps and watch any segments which sound interesting, which is frequently none of them.

Worst it's been since I started watching again at the start of 2013.

Let me lay out the next few months for you:

- Roman and Sheamus wrestle at TLC. Sheamus retains through fuckery.

-Roman somehow earns another title shot at the Rumble. He finally wins against the devious Irishman and gets the title.

-Brock Lesnar returns in the Rumble match and wins it, giving him a title shot at Mania.

-Brock and Roman have their rematch. Roman wins cleanly against the Beast proving he's a real champion. No MITB shenanigans this time around.


Screenshot this so I can prove I called this shit when it happens next year.

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-24 12:44:27

At 11/22/15 11:02 PM, Radaketor wrote:
At 11/22/15 10:56 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: They did a damn good job sneaking the mitb cash in this year. I didn't expect it tonight.
How would they've played the cash-in if Seth hadn't injured himself?

I get the impression plan A was to go from a simple Rollins/Reigns feud to a full Authority/Reigns feud, culminating in HHH vs Roman.

The whole point of the MITB contract is to act as an emergency script flip if a top card storyline gets stale too fast, or in this case, the champion or #1 contender get hurt. Booking the cash in for a night the title scene was guaranteed to be fresh anyway could be considered a waste of that card in the sleeve if they pulled the trigger on an Ambrose heel turn.

I think a LOT of fans were expecting that turn, which helped make the cash in a surprise.

In retrospect, it was wise to keep Ambrose as a babyface given the thin roster right now. They are going to need him.

I think they are still planning on having Reigns go through HHH because that's really the guy you have to beat right now to be the top babyface. Shaemus is definitely going to be a temporary/transitional champ, but I think he may come out on top at TLC just because of the no-DQ environment. They need time to try out the new all-euro authority stable and maybe even get Wade Barret over as a long-overdue top heel.

One thing we know is Vince's mission is to outsell last year's mania.

He knows people will pay to see Lesnar fight just about anyone, even if it's not for a title.

Undertaker is also a decent draw for his 25th anniversary year, and obviously has many more dates in his current contract.

And Cena is going to be back before Mania.

Cena has the a US title rematch due, so there's a good chance he'll be defending that belt at mania... maybe even against Taker.

Again, Lesnar can fight damn near anyone and draw money.

So from a booking standpoint, they need to keep pushing Roman as the top babyface. But they have to keep the brass ring JUST out of reach until mania. People will pay to see if he can FINALLY grab it. And that means he has to be #1 contender by then.

So my prediction is he wins the rumble again. Then they use that to compare him to other guys who have won multiple rumbles. He'll be feuding with the authority this whole time, so the parallels to Austin will be easy to make, and WWE Creative LOVES recycling the same stories over and over.

Fastlane is the perfect point for Reigns to finally go one-on-one with HHH. Some conditional match that sets the tone for the mania match. But someone would come out and help Roman win.... whoever that is gets HHH at Mania adding another big draw match.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-24 12:55:57

I was actually surprised by the Paige and Charlotte match. I knew Paige was good, but I really enjoyed watching her beat up David, I mean Charlotte, Flair. lol
I think we have not seen the last of those two going at it.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-24 15:45:55

Sheamus.. Really?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-25 13:18:25

At 11/24/15 03:45 PM, wolfe wrote: Sheamus.. Really?

He has been the champion before. WWE loves to trade the belt around ,so wrestlers can have it multiple times. Everybody just needs to compete with Flair's 16 time record.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-25 14:28:58

At 11/25/15 01:18 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
At 11/24/15 03:45 PM, wolfe wrote: Sheamus.. Really?
He has been the champion before. WWE loves to trade the belt around ,so wrestlers can have it multiple times. Everybody just needs to compete with Flair's 16 time record.

It should help that he's apparently in a faction now. Shaemus isn't the antagonist, the overall group is. Plus it's easy for him to draw heat, so people will pay money to see him lose the strap, as long as they don't milk it for too long.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-25 15:35:19

At 11/25/15 01:18 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
At 11/24/15 03:45 PM, wolfe wrote: Sheamus.. Really?
He has been the champion before. WWE loves to trade the belt around ,so wrestlers can have it multiple times. Everybody just needs to compete with Flair's 16 time record.

I just want to see the title on Ambrose. Is that to much to ask for?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-25 16:39:12

At 11/25/15 03:35 PM, wolfe wrote: I just want to see the title on Ambrose. Is that to much to ask for?

They are going to turn him heel and thing will go down from there. Seth Rollins will return and regain the title.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2015-11-26 11:35:22

Glad to see this place kicking around after all these years, its not as fun as the hulk Hogan days but still pretty good.



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