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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-24 01:23:24

At 11/24/14 12:17 AM, ToddM wrote: Sting has come to the WWE. It took him long enough.

I got spoiled on his appearance by all of these wrestling news websites, but I still marked out hard when he walked out! Should be cool to see where his feud with HHH goes. I'd be cool with them having a Wrestlemania match.

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-24 08:52:02

I stayed up to 4:00am (UK) to watch Survivor Series to the very end... And it was worth it! The Icon Sting! I also loved the lesbian moment between AJ and Brie :)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-24 09:35:45

At 11/24/14 09:26 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 11/24/14 08:52 AM, wolfe wrote: I stayed up to 4:00am (UK) to watch Survivor Series to the very end... And it was worth it! The Icon Sting! I also loved the lesbian moment between AJ and Brie :)
So who won the big tag team match? :o
Lesbian moment?

Team Cena won but Big Show betrayed them. Dolph Ziggler pinned Luke Harper and Kane. He also pinned Rollins, That's when Sting came out. The Diva Title, Nikki won it in like 30 seconds Because Brie kissed AJ.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-24 11:05:20

At 11/24/14 08:52 AM, wolfe wrote: I stayed up to 4:00am (UK) to watch Survivor Series to the very end...

Same here, it was a really good PPV in my opinion.
Mizdow, Ziggler, Seth and Rusev were the stars of the show.

"Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody."

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-24 16:05:35

I was really enjoying that main event until it changed from two of the most exciting young talents in the company putting on nail biting, edge of your seat match into two old fucking men staring at each other.

Can't just let Ziggler have the rub from overcoming the ridiculous odds and scraping out a victory by himself. Have to Sting steal the spotlight to set up some bullshit nostalgia run.

Fuck this company etc.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-24 18:53:57

At 11/24/14 04:05 PM, TheMaster wrote:
Fuck this company etc.

I respect your opinions, but I disagree.

Ziggler was still made to look like a true champion who outlasted the invincible John Cena. He was given a MASSIVE push in that match. It's anyone's guess where he goes from there, but last night was about him never giving up and fighting til' the end. Plus, according to kayfabe, he had Rollins pinned and beat until HHH pulled the ref and cheated, so it was justified that Sting would come out and even the odds.

The Sting thing is something that a lot of fans have wanted for a long time, so you can't fault them for doing it during a main event at a major PPV. For what it's worth, they could have handled it a lot worse. Imagine if it was Super Cena getting beat up by himself before Sting shows up.

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-24 23:09:04

Sting has arrived in WWE. It took over 20 years, but it finally happened.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-25 09:58:15

At 11/24/14 04:05 PM, TheMaster wrote: Can't just let Ziggler have the rub from overcoming the ridiculous odds and scraping out a victory by himself. Have to Sting steal the spotlight to set up some bullshit nostalgia run.

I don't think Sting stole the spotlight at all, actually. Dolph looked amazing in that match with or without Sting.

"Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody."

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-25 13:01:49

I thought the whole thing worked out brilliantly. Keep in mind, this PPV was essentially free to everyone just getting WWE Network this month.

What it showcased was the best of the active roster, showed they can still put on a hell of a show, and for some of the older fans who maybe hadn't watched WWE much since the attitude era, it ended with the promise of two huge icons clashing sometime in the future.

Then Raw came on the next night with Universe Pandering Mode cranked up a tad too high, and no sign of Stinger at all. And ending the show with the anonymous GM (who they already "identified" as fucking Hornswaggle) just killed that storytelling momentum. To their credit, HHH, Steph and Vince did their part to finish the authority story up for now, with a tease at a return, but after that it was just 100% sucking the crowd's dicks. It really killed my SS buzz.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-25 14:55:39

At 11/25/14 02:17 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Pretty much. Also had a decent laugh how when Larry came out, next to no one was cheering or very few were just booing. Adding crickets to the moment would have summed up that segment perfectly. Not found that guy entertaining for years. Nice to see Erik Rowan finally got on the mic for once. Hopefully he plays up a decent face for a good while. Was wonderful to see Daniel Bryan back for the night.

Larry was pretty bad. They should have thrown him in the ring to be squashed.

Personally, I really wasn't all that entertained by Daniel Bryan last night. Maybe it was just because he overdid the 'yes' thing, but it just felt like that's what set the tone for all the pandering.

I'm dreading the anonymous GM episode. I'm sure we'll have to suffer through all the random GMs... John Luarenitis, Vicky, Teddy Long. Stone Cold will show up at some point, at least (I hope), and who knows what the plan for Sting is. I think he'll just show up for pops here and there and end his run with a match with HHH at mania.

With the announcement that Reigns will be back in a month it feels like they aren't going to start the next big story-line until he's available, so expect most of December to be filler.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-26 00:43:14

I don't care what any of you WWE smarks/elitists have to say. That was the best fucking finish to a PPV i've ever seen.

Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation

Sig by Decky

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-26 05:16:20

At 11/24/14 11:05 AM, Radaketor wrote:
At 11/24/14 08:52 AM, wolfe wrote: I stayed up to 4:00am (UK) to watch Survivor Series to the very end...
Same here, it was a really good PPV in my opinion.
Mizdow, Ziggler, Seth and Rusev were the stars of the show.

You forgot sting.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-26 07:13:12

At 11/25/14 02:17 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Also had a decent laugh how when Larry came out, next to no one was cheering or very few were just booing. Adding crickets to the moment would have summed up that segment perfectly. Not found that guy entertaining for years.

They need to get rid of the guest host gimmick, it's getting worse every week, or at least they could have former WWE wrestlers as guests.

At 11/26/14 05:16 AM, wolfe wrote:
At 11/24/14 11:05 AM, Radaketor wrote: Mizdow, Ziggler, Seth and Rusev were the stars of the show.
You forgot sting.

Sting did pretty much nothing, he just came out, beat up Triple H and left.

"Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody."

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-26 10:54:51

At 11/26/14 07:13 AM, Radaketor wrote: They need to get rid of the guest host gimmick, it's getting worse every week, or at least they could have former WWE wrestlers as guests.

I think they deserve some props for that. It's tough to find a guest host that's actually worse than Grumpy Cat, but WWE pulled it off!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-27 19:19:22

So Punk went on Colt Cabana's podcast and opened up about his leaving WWE. The link to the podcast can be found in my link here, but if you don't have time to listen, the article breaks it down to bullet points of the most important things to walk away with.


I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-29 00:54:38

At 11/27/14 07:19 PM, boloneyman wrote: Punk went on Colt Cabana's podcast

Best listen I've had all year. Or maybe all my life.

Holy shit. I always think how heartless the bosses are at my job, but when I hear this, I truly have no idea what being fucked over, beaten on, walked on, stepped on, shit on, pissed on, and thrown away in the fucking trash feels like.

And for everyone in WWE saying that Punk is lying about a number of things, take that with a very fine grain of salt. I work for a corporation and I can tell you that they are mindless businesspeople that will do anything in their path to squeeze out short term profits at the expense of all of its subordinates.

Also, lol at the 400,000,000 times he said fuck

Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation

Sig by Decky

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-29 00:57:28

Also, to add on, I found it hilarious that Punk is ten trillion times more knowledgeable than anyone in that company. Fuck, man. He must have been around people who had absolutely no head on their shoulders. And WWE fans don't help that cause.

Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation

Sig by Decky

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-29 13:12:00

At 11/27/14 07:19 PM, boloneyman wrote: So Punk went on Colt Cabana's podcast and opened up about his leaving WWE.

I don't know if any of you guys have been watching the Monday Night Wars on the Network, but if you have, you may have had the same observations I have made.

In MNW, they proudly document how the attitude era was so great it not only saved the company, but propelled wrestling into a massive global phenomenon. Each episode really focuses on one of the specific creative directions that led them there.

They proudly explain how after all their huge names like Hogan left, they started pushing new talent (albeit big guys like Luger and Nash). Of course WCW poached those guys and the whole nWO thing happened, and WWE started losing it's ratings, (much like it is currently experinecing now) because fans weren't interested in the old program anymore.

So, in their wisdom they pushed their young talent. Not only pushed them, but let them be very free creatively. This creative freedom gave us DX, The Rock and Stone Cold, arguably the most entertaining preformers of that generation.

Today, there is really no fresh young talent that has been given that level of creative freedom, in spite the fans clamoring for exactly that.

Next, they go on to talk about how important the cruiser weights were to getting WCW's momentum started, and how WCW ignoring and mis-handling those amazing in-ring talents was part of their ultimate demise. They pat themselves on the back for taking guys like Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho and making them massive stars, in spite the fact they were smaller.

Today, the smaller guys with the most interesting in-ring skills get very short matches with very weak storylines, and the midcard titles are just meaningless.

They even had an episode of MNW where they showcase the rise of the Divas. They talked about how they had strong women who could not only look good and bring sex appeal, but could really get it done in the ring. They were proud of how they took women and made them athletes and real personalities, not just eye candy. They talked about how epic it was that Trish and Lita were so good they even main evented ONE episode of Raw.

Today... the diva's are just eye candy (and worse... reality TV trash). And Vince doesn't thing women should fight for real.

They also talk a bit about how WCW became a boys club, where all the big names and egos had all the control, and that stifling environment just killed the promotion long-term.

And today....

How can a company that has so clearly identified what made them so successful in the past, suddenly ignore those elements today and wonder at why their ratings have fallen, their PPV sales have dropped, and their Network isn't selling as well as they hoped. It blows my mind.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-30 06:11:56

At 11/29/14 11:05 PM, vixuzar wrote: can i join ?

Welcome to the club, mate!

"Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody."

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-30 12:28:30

At 11/29/14 01:12 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: Today... the diva's are just eye candy (and worse... reality TV trash). And Vince doesn't thing women should fight for real.

Just have to look at NXT to see how night and day it is.

The womens' roster isn't anything special, but they have actual characters, interesting feuds and get to have matches that go longer then 4 minutes.

Charlotte is still super green, but she's had great matches with Natalya and Bayley and I'm hyped for her match with Sasha Banks at Takeover: R Evolution.

I'm dreading Bayley going up to the main roster. She's got exactly the sort of gimmick they'll grind into the dirt in a week like they did with Emma. Seeing Emma go from putting on MOTN contenders with Paige on shows that featured Zayn vs Cesaro to fucking about with Santino then showing up in the occasional multi-diva match was heartbreaking.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-30 13:50:17

At 11/30/14 12:28 PM, TheMaster wrote: I'm dreading Bayley going up to the main roster. She's got exactly the sort of gimmick they'll grind into the dirt in a week like they did with Emma.

Or like they did with Adam Rose.
Or Xavier Woods.

Honestly, The Wyatt Family is the only gimmick that ever remained relevant and kept the same attitude after moving up to the main roster.

"Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody."

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-30 14:28:19

At 11/30/14 01:50 PM, Radaketor wrote: Or like they did with Adam Rose.
Or Xavier Woods.

Rose and Woods were never good gimmicks though. Bayley is amazing.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-11-30 21:14:50

At 11/30/14 02:28 PM, TheMaster wrote:
At 11/30/14 01:50 PM, Radaketor wrote: Or like they did with Adam Rose.
Or Xavier Woods.
Rose and Woods were never good gimmicks though. Bayley is amazing.

I think the return of the blatant gimmick is a big part of why people aren't behind so many of those characters. One thing you kept hearing guys like Stone Cold, Jericho, HHH and the Rock say about why they got so big in the attitude era was that creative basically just let them be themselves.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-12-01 01:41:41

Sting's appearance on camera has been the biggest WWE thing in 2014.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-12-01 04:54:19

I'm so annoyed with TNA! They are moving to a different channel in January (Luckily it's staying on challenge for UK fans.) It's because there are no more tapings till January. So instead of watching the weekly storyline, I have to wait 4 weeks and what specials instead!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-12-01 16:47:59

When you watch wrestling... do you think to yourself...

"This is totally fake why am I watching this?"

Or do you think...

"I know this is fake but I just can't get enough of it. Yay wrestling!"

Just curious, seriously not flaming the thread or whatever if it appears as such.

I really never understood the appeal, and my cousin is one of the head honchos at WWE too. I really think he took the job just because he was qualified enough. He didn't have any interest in Wrestling until... the job I guess.

Never stop creating.



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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-12-01 19:38:44

At 12/1/14 04:47 PM, frootza wrote: When you watch wrestling... do you think to yourself...

"This is totally fake why am I watching this?"

Or do you think...

"I know this is fake but I just can't get enough of it. Yay wrestling!"

It is fictional just like every tv show and movie I watch, just a very unique flavor you can't find any where else. I always describe it as a blend of sports, live theatre and comic books.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-12-01 19:40:02

At 12/1/14 04:47 PM, frootza wrote: When you watch wrestling... do you think to yourself...

"This is totally fake why am I watching this?"

Or do you think...

"I know this is fake but I just can't get enough of it. Yay wrestling!"

Just curious, seriously not flaming the thread or whatever if it appears as such.

I really never understood the appeal, and my cousin is one of the head honchos at WWE too. I really think he took the job just because he was qualified enough. He didn't have any interest in Wrestling until... the job I guess.

It depends on what you mean by fake, first of all. Re the performers really fighting and trying to beat each other like UFC fighters? Of course not. Are they real athletes? Absolutely.

Wrestling is really the last truly great travelling show. It's a fun hybrid of theater, with all the stars playing a role, mixed with the physical feats you would find in a circus or stunt show. The characters are larger than life, so it appeals to a lot of the same people that love super heroes and things of that nature. The action is (usually) engaging like the best fight scenes in any movie. And it's all preformed on a live stage where anything can go wrong.

Because of the nature of professional wrestling there are several different types of fans. You have the kids who see these guys as real super heroes and just get hyped about the whole thing. You have the bloodthirsty crowd that likes seeing these guys hurt each other (and they do a lot of that) and walking away from it only to do it all again a few days later. You have the purists that love to watch the guys tell a story in the ring by preforming the best live fight choreography you'll likely ever see, or will pick up on every single mistake the athletes make. Then you have the fans that like to follow what goes on behind the scenes more than anything and love to predict all the story-lines before they unfold, and dream up better storylines that SHOULD be happening.

Most of us fall in to 2 or more of those types and can at least appreciate all the others. It's a form of entertainment that's easiest to like if you know what's all involved in it beyond the surface absurdity. It's a lot like comic books or science fiction... it attracts a huge subset of nerds.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-12-02 00:36:21

At 12/1/14 04:54 AM, wolfe wrote: I'm so annoyed with TNA! They are moving to a different channel in January (Luckily it's staying on challenge for UK fans.)

I was annoyed when TNA they went from Thursday to Wednesday night. Some weeks I almost forget which night to watch it.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2014-12-02 11:18:28

At 12/1/14 04:47 PM, frootza wrote:

It's the same as watching a certain TV show or a movie, some people like it and some people don't.

"Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody."

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