Lesnar and Big Show would be a great tag team.
Lesnar and Big Show would be a great tag team.
Adam Rose heel turn?
Could this mean Leo Kruger's coming back?
At 11/8/14 01:46 PM, Radaketor wrote: Adam Rose heel turn?
Could this mean Leo Kruger's coming back?
I hope I'm wrong, because I love the Leo Kruger gimmick. But instead we'll probably get angry partier Adam Rose.
At 11/8/14 01:46 PM, Radaketor wrote: Adam Rose heel turn?
Could this mean Leo Kruger's coming back?
If there is a God...and he is merciful and loves me? Then yes, yes Leo Kruger will be back. Adam Rose was a one note joke and the sooner he's gone for Leo or something like him...the better. The guy is talented, wasting him this way has been painful.
Am I the only one that is over the Bella twins?
At 11/11/14 08:13 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Am I the only one that is over the Bella twins?
I guess so. I can't even watch their segments.
At 11/14/14 12:16 PM, Radaketor wrote: WWE releases The Great Khali.
aaaaaand no one cared. He was only ever there for the Indian fans anyway. Also, yeah the Bellas stuff is garbage but they have to promote Total Divas.
Otherwise I thought RAW was a pretty good show this week and I'm loving the SS build.
Watched ECW's Heat Wave 98 PPV today on the WWE Network. Might be the greatest wrestling show ever created.
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
At 11/16/14 08:46 PM, ZJ wrote: Watched ECW's Heat Wave 98 PPV today on the WWE Network. Might be the greatest wrestling show ever created.
Definitely I think their best top to bottom PPV offering ever. They really need more of the shows from 95 and 96 up though that were released to home video. That was when the company was at it's hottest and it has some of their best angles and feuds. If not always some of the best match quality lol
At 11/16/14 08:46 PM, ZJ wrote: Watched ECW's Heat Wave 98 PPV today on the WWE Network.
Was it Hulk Hogan's endorsement or the 9.99 price that made you want to buy it?
The special guest host fell asleep mid segment and had to be shaken awake. Simply stunning.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
At 11/17/14 11:14 PM, SCTE3 wrote:At 11/17/14 10:05 PM, boloneyman wrote: The special guest host fell asleep mid segment and had to be shaken awake. Simply stunning.Lol.
On that note, Team Cena looks fucking glorious!
Erik Rowan turning face is unexpected but actually makes a lot of sense as he was having trouble standing out on his own. They had me going with Cesaro for a bit but now i'm just sad he won't be in the match or even the PPV as far as I know.
At 11/17/14 11:26 PM, SCTE3 wrote:At 11/17/14 11:18 PM, Gobblemeister wrote: Erik Rowan turning face is unexpected but actually makes a lot of sense as he was having trouble standing out on his own. They had me going with Cesaro for a bit but now i'm just sad he won't be in the match or even the PPV as far as I know.True, I'm looking forward to Erik Rowan, Luke Harper, and Bray Wyatt all being on their own now. Hopefully they all do well and stand out. Erik Rowan though gave me a near jump scare since I did NOT see the idea of him turning face tonight.
The whole point of these two teams is WWE is feeling out all the potential guys that could fill the #2 face slot while Roman Reigns and D. Bryan are on the shelf. And while I love that they are potentially putting Ziggler in that spot, the rest of the team is all just generic "big man" guys. Same goes for team Authority, with Rollins (who already has his spot) being the only exciting guy on the whole team.
It was nice to see Rowan thrown in the mix against Harper, just because they need a proper catalyst to kick off their singles careers, and going head to head is the paint-by-numbers way to do it.
It's a shame Cesaro didn't make the cut, his 3-way with Ziggler and Kidd last week was awesome. I don't know if the 2 high fliers in the SS match will be enough to overcome all the boring generic big man matchups.
At 11/18/14 10:10 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: The whole point of these two teams is WWE is feeling out all the potential guys that could fill the #2 face slot while Roman Reigns and D. Bryan are on the shelf. And while I love that they are potentially putting Ziggler in that spot, the rest of the team is all just generic "big man" guys. Same goes for team Authority, with Rollins (who already has his spot) being the only exciting guy on the whole team.
The roster is extremely thin and WWE HAS to build up new guys now. Cena is slowing down, he's taking more acting roles, he's banged up. There's a question mark if Bryan can be back, Reigns is ahead of schedule but is he really the guy who can carry the show? They need to use stuff like this as a petri dish to try and see what they do and don't have in terms of talent that can carry the show.
It's a shame Cesaro didn't make the cut, his 3-way with Ziggler and Kidd last week was awesome. I don't know if the 2 high fliers in the SS match will be enough to overcome all the boring generic big man matchups.
Cesaro's a jobber right now sadly. Everybody beats him, over and over. Just because the smarks like him is no reason to try to pull the "he matters and isn't a jobber now because we said so". He has to be built back up before they start trying to put him into matches where the stakes are so high. He just wouldn't be believable there now, Rowan has less stank on him since he hasn't been jobbing out for weeks on end, and Harper just got a big win and the IC title off of Ziggler.
At 11/20/14 08:36 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 11/18/14 10:10 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:The roster is extremely thin and WWE HAS to build up new guys now. Cena is slowing down, he's taking more acting roles, he's banged up. There's a question mark if Bryan can be back, Reigns is ahead of schedule but is he really the guy who can carry the show? They need to use stuff like this as a petri dish to try and see what they do and don't have in terms of talent that can carry the show.
Yeah, I totally get what they are doing. It's just sad that the only guys they have to work with right now are that old big man prototype for the most part. Not that big guys can't be awesome, but so many just rely on their physique to be their personality. I feel like that's all Ryback will ever be... and even when Reigns comes back, that's all he really is too.
What puzzles me is they actually teased a Cesaro face turn, which is a cheap and effective way to pull anyone out of a jobber spot. They could have played that out, and even had him do a double turn at the PPV to draw the Cena vs authority fued out longer, and created another top star in the process. To even tease that implies they've at least THOUGHT about using him in a bigger way.
My predictions are both Rollins and Ziggler end up as the clear top preformers of that match. In spite of that, Ryback will be the one getting all the push (taking the spot the had reserved for Reigns).. possibly going over by being the first to pin Rusev in a singles match (and sending him back to midcard). Rowan and Harper will get a feud with each other out of the dealbut never rise beyond midcard (until one or both gets away from their Wyatt family characters). Ziggler might get a short fued with Rollins but neither one will be a main-eventer until Rollins is allowed to cash in MITB.
Even worse, Bray and Ambrose will blatantly steal the show, and neither one of them will be in the main event anytime soon.
I feel like Survivor Series won't hold any big surprises or real changes to the status quo. Then again, WWE Network is free for new subscribers, so having the best possible PPV is one way to hook new customers. Maybe they WILL surprise us (but Orton showing up at the end is NOT going to be a surprise) .
At 11/20/14 10:53 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: Yeah, I totally get what they are doing. It's just sad that the only guys they have to work with right now are that old big man prototype for the most part. Not that big guys can't be awesome, but so many just rely on their physique to be their personality. I feel like that's all Ryback will ever be... and even when Reigns comes back, that's all he really is too.
When in doubt, Vince turns to the big guys. He always does.
What puzzles me is they actually teased a Cesaro face turn, which is a cheap and effective way to pull anyone out of a jobber spot. They could have played that out, and even had him do a double turn at the PPV to draw the Cena vs authority fued out longer, and created another top star in the process. To even tease that implies they've at least THOUGHT about using him in a bigger way.
I think he fell victim to that thing Vince does where if someone starts getting over organically and being turned before Vince is ready he throws a tantrum and shits on the guy till that momentum is gone and then he can try rebuilding him later so Vince can feel like it was all "his idea". That is the number 1 thing they HAVE to stop doing IMMEDIATELY because most guys can't bounce back from that sort of thing.
My predictions are both Rollins and Ziggler end up as the clear top preformers of that match. In spite of that, Ryback will be the one getting all the push (taking the spot the had reserved for Reigns).. possibly going over by being the first to pin Rusev in a singles match (and sending him back to midcard).
I'm not so sure, Ryback has proven he's not really a good guy with appearances and such and that was the reason for the depush into Rybaxel to begin with. I think he's at best going to be an upper mid-card or 1A type of guy. Not somebody they'll strap the big rocket to.
Rowan and Harper will get a feud with each other out of the dealbut never rise beyond midcard (until one or both gets away from their Wyatt family characters). Ziggler might get a short fued with Rollins but neither one will be a main-eventer until Rollins is allowed to cash in MITB.
I'd be more of the idea of keeping Ziggler with Rowan and Harper in a 3 way feud for the IC belt at least to start with, maybe throw Rollins in there too. Harper is further along then Rowan, but I'd still keep him with good workers so as not to expose any issues or defects with his ring work.
Even worse, Bray and Ambrose will blatantly steal the show, and neither one of them will be in the main event anytime soon.
I'm afraid you're 100% right on that.
I feel like Survivor Series won't hold any big surprises or real changes to the status quo. Then again, WWE Network is free for new subscribers, so having the best possible PPV is one way to hook new customers. Maybe they WILL surprise us (but Orton showing up at the end is NOT going to be a surprise) .
They really need a good show here and they need it to be ground zero to freshen up the product because that is the only way to sell subs. If people feel like they're getting enough from the TVs, they won't fork out for the Network. With the stip about Team Cena being fired if they lose, it's pretty much a lock that Team Authority is gonna lose this one.
I am tired of WWE having a PPV every month. I would prefer them occur once every four months, so they have more time for building up the matches.
At 11/21/14 01:00 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I am tired of WWE having a PPV every month. I would prefer them occur once every four months, so they have more time for building up the matches.
I hate being the one to say in the old days it was better, but that's just it. In the old days it was better. They could build up great matches for all PPV stuff. It was just amazing the writing, performances, and the matches were all just so amazing. That is all gone though. The main event in WWE PPV are not main events.
At 11/20/14 11:14 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: With the stip about Team Cena being fired if they lose, it's pretty much a lock that Team Authority is gonna lose this one.
It wouldn't be the first time Cena was "fired" and then came right back the next night. The "if Wade loses to Orton Cena will be fired" ordeal and the "if CM Punk walks out of here with the title you're fired" stipulations come to mind.
Here's the thing with WWE. Vince does hold guys back who organically get over with the fans. But of they STAY over in spite of that because of their tenacity and hunger (CM Punk, Daniel Bryan did it, and I feel like Ziggler is on the cusp), then he eventually gives them the ball. The problem with the current roster is that it's just super full of really talented guys that are completely happy to just collect a paycheck and never rise above the lower midcard.
So the question is going to be... how bad do Ryback, Rowan and Harper want to impress the "Universe". From what they've shown with their run in the Wyatt family, I think Harper has the in-ring skills to get over for sure. We have yet to see what their mic skills will become, so they could actually be great if they take full advantage of this push.
As for the ending resulting in the Authority or team Cena being fired... I'm more of the belief that there's going to be some kind of run-in that causes the match to either get thrown out, or at the least result in the Authority winning on a technicality, then on Raw, Vince will come in and pull some shit like he doesn't feel like the authority proved themselves and make them work with another power figure, possibly Stone Cold.
One of my biggest pet peeves with WWE PPVs is just how often the main event is really undecided and ruined with a stupid run-in. I know that shit keeps stories evolving and draws out feuds, but people pay good money to watch a PPV and deserve better finishes. They can always continue the feud on TV the following Monday. If they expect people to actually pay for PPVs they need to quit booking them to where you could skip watching them and not miss any real story progression or conclusions.
At 11/21/14 10:02 AM, Radaketor wrote: It wouldn't be the first time Cena was "fired" and then came right back the next night. The "if Wade loses to Orton Cena will be fired" ordeal and the "if CM Punk walks out of here with the title you're fired" stipulations come to mind.
One guy is easier to explain coming back then taking 5 off TV for any length of time and then trying to explain why The Authority would ever hire them back.
At 11/21/14 10:55 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: Here's the thing with WWE. Vince does hold guys back who organically get over with the fans. But of they STAY over in spite of that because of their tenacity and hunger (CM Punk, Daniel Bryan did it, and I feel like Ziggler is on the cusp), then he eventually gives them the ball. The problem with the current roster is that it's just super full of really talented guys that are completely happy to just collect a paycheck and never rise above the lower midcard.
I think it's also that beyond the guys you mentioned, and dudes like Cesaro, those indy guys they shit on....you have guys that don't KNOW how to overcome the bad booking. They just know what they're WWE masters taught them to do. Plus it's just STUPID to be throwing buckets of cold water on guys that are over simply because Vince wants to be a fucking child and say "oh no, no getting over unless I let you! My sandbox, mine!"
So the question is going to be... how bad do Ryback, Rowan and Harper want to impress the "Universe". From what they've shown with their run in the Wyatt family, I think Harper has the in-ring skills to get over for sure. We have yet to see what their mic skills will become, so they could actually be great if they take full advantage of this push.
Harper is very reminiscent of that Bruiser Brody style monster....plus he just has that special something that just looking at him he holds your attention and you want to see what he'll do. I was against the Wyatts breaking up because I thought there was way more money there, and because I really fear Rowan will quickly get lost in the shuffle.
As for the ending resulting in the Authority or team Cena being fired... I'm more of the belief that there's going to be some kind of run-in that causes the match to either get thrown out, or at the least result in the Authority winning on a technicality, then on Raw, Vince will come in and pull some shit like he doesn't feel like the authority proved themselves and make them work with another power figure, possibly Stone Cold.
God no, no no no no no. Yes, it's a free show if you go through the Network, but you're trying to sell subs, and that to me means EVERY match but ESPECIALLY the main event needs to have some kind of a finish, no non finishes here. You can do interference or some such, but I would not be throwing matches out or doing fuck finishes when I'm trying to convince people not to uncheck the renewal box a week from the big show I'm giving them for free.
One of my biggest pet peeves with WWE PPVs is just how often the main event is really undecided and ruined with a stupid run-in. I know that shit keeps stories evolving and draws out feuds, but people pay good money to watch a PPV and deserve better finishes. They can always continue the feud on TV the following Monday. If they expect people to actually pay for PPVs they need to quit booking them to where you could skip watching them and not miss any real story progression or conclusions.
Yup, that's why if they do fuck finishes, especially in the main, they are going to completely defeat the purpose of the free month.
Survivor Series will be interesting. I recon that somebody will intervine but who?
I have been interested in seeing Sting ever since he left TNA. They told me it would never happen. Will Sting actually wrestle in WWE?
At 11/23/14 02:24 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I have been interested in seeing Sting ever since he left TNA. They told me it would never happen. Will Sting actually wrestle in WWE?
Maybe, he's said he'd be willing to wrestle Taker. I think it's a case where he'd do a one and done because he doesn't want to put himself in the position of other WCW talents where he'd get jobbed out and his legacy be tarnished
I love hearing the crowd chant for Mizdow.
At 11/23/14 01:27 PM, wolfe wrote: Survivor Series will be interesting. I recon that somebody will intervine but who?
My money's on Sting, he can have a GM role.
At 11/23/14 08:14 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 11/23/14 02:24 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I have been interested in seeing Sting ever since he left TNA. They told me it would never happen. Will Sting actually wrestle in WWE?Maybe, he's said he'd be willing to wrestle Taker.
The Undertaker needs to get fit by then though.
Sting has come to the WWE. It took him long enough.
Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.
Sting vs Hogan. Either in the ring , or as rival GMs.