At 12/3/14 11:41 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
Yeah, it was an interesting look into Vince's mind. In spite what he says, I do think he's out of touch and has his head up his own ass, but is able to justify that with umbrella terms like people not having "it".
Yeah, shifting the blame solely onto the locker room and "millenials" and saying "oh they're afraid to fail" that's true of some guys, but I can think of at least 3 or 4 examples where that just isn't true. This is the company that wouldn't push Stevie Richards, yet would run his Heat matches in the back and say "hey, this is how you should do it". Zack Ryder is told "go out there guys, get yourself over" he did it, they buried and punished him because it wasn't their idea, wasn't his time. CM PUNK, the LONGEST reigning WWE champion since Hulk Hogan's FIRST title reign. He was never even supposed to make the main roster! They saw nothing in him, signed a guy with indy buzz. So yeah, tell me again how everybody gets opportunity there. They had Colt Cabana and did nothing with him and fired him after a couple months.
He says he listens to the fans, but he only listens to them when they stop buying into the guys he's wanting to push, and usually only temporarily.
Yup, he's definitely angry with that. I think it's also telling that look of disgust he had when Austin said "it's pro-wrestling" "no, that's what my dad did". THAT is the reason that his product is failing, and why he's losing his core audience. Because he doesn't like us, because if you dare say "look, the core business is wrestling. Perfume it up all you want, but in the end, it's about two guys in a fight, in a wrestling match, in a wrestling ring". He doesn't like that, want's to transcend that and that is the long and short of the problem.
I think what he means by guys having "it" is that they came up through the old-school channels, vs the indy circuit, and that they are re-branded into names he actually owns.
I won't go that far. that "it" factor is an intangible, it's just that prescence, that look, that thing that grabs the attention, particularly the attention of someone who doesn't give a fuck. Undertaker has "it" has "it" in spades. My brother watched wrestling well before I did, I could care less. I saw Andre "ok, wow, he's huge, not enough to make me care thoug....but I'm aware now". Then I saw Ultimate Warrior "whoa, that guy is something, crazy character, real interesting....still not enough for a weekly basis". Then I saw Undertaker "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! That guy just stuffed Ultimate Warrior in a coffin! This guy is weird, he's creepy, he's something....hey, hey! Where can I get more of this? When does this show air? Is this guy on it every week?" THAT is the kind of "it" they need. Right now, I think there are guys who have "it" now it's about can it be translated. My own quick list is: Ambrose, Wyatt, Harper, Ryback (I think it'll fizzle, but he commands attention), Russev, Brock, Reigns, Rollins, Barrett. That's the guys I have off the top of my head. They grab my attention, but now it's about can that be translated?
Being huge is also a big bonus (Hence the insistence on pushing Ryback again even though he hasn't changed a bit).
He has his type, every promoter has. I don't fault him for that, but I think you have to also be able to think outside that comfort zone too.
I loved how Austin called him on not pushing Cesaro and ignoring the fans as he was getting over organically.
Yup, I felt like there might be parts where Austin held back, or treaded carefully, but that was a great one.
I do agree with Vince that a lot f the roster is just content with their spots and not stepping up. Guys like Kofi always bugged me. So much fucking talent in the ring. And if anyone remembers his brief push vs Orton, he could get it done on the mic too.
Kofi never progressed, and that is on him. He's happy being a spot machine. But there's also a lot of guys who have been pushed down, held back, they've tried to break the glass ceiling on multiple occasions they got slapped down. They watch talented guys like Punk have that happen to them, and for me the question becomes: How much shit are these guys realistically expected to eat before they can finally say "alright, enough"?