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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-02 10:38:00

6-Man tag match on Smackdown was pretty interesting. Lots of things were going on at once and it was cool.
It's nice to see Cena back in the Blue Brand.

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-05 22:55:00

Well looks like Kane has a new look.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-09 19:30:58

At 11/5/13 10:55 PM, ToddM wrote: Well looks like Kane has a new look.

And here's an on air authority figure...hey WWE, how about Undertaker loses the streak to Heath Slater so you can finally prove once and for all that you CAN ruin anything and nothing is fuck up proof in your world? Good god...

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-10 23:17:46

Do any of you guys own WWE2K14? Thoughts on it? Anyone play it online for the Xbox?

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-13 07:39:23

At 11/10/13 11:17 PM, ZJ wrote: Do any of you guys own WWE2K14? Thoughts on it? Anyone play it online for the Xbox?

I have WWE' 13, it's an amazing game.
They have an Attitude Era story where it's just like story mode for each superstar who was in the attitude era.

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-15 10:25:15

I heard that Hulk Hogan might come back to WWE. Since its WrestleMania 30 next year who do you guys want?

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-15 11:06:40

At 11/15/13 10:25 AM, ToddM wrote: I heard that Hulk Hogan might come back to WWE. Since its WrestleMania 30 next year who do you guys want?

My big WM30 wish was The Shield vs The Wyatts, but it looks like we'll probably be getting that before then, maybe even as soon as TLC.

Other than that I just don't want a card full of guys in their 40s or even 50s trying to relive their glory days. There's a ton of great talent on WWE who are there every week, we don't need The Rock to come back and steal the spotlight from them every year.

Just for fun, here's a dream card that will never happen.

Triple Threat Match for US Championship
Dean Ambrose (c) vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns

Tag Team Championship
Big Show and Mark Henry (c) vs The Usos

Singles Match
Cody Rhodes vs Goldust

Intercontinental Championship
Big E Langston (c) vs Antonio Cesaro

Streak Match
The Undertaker vs John Cena

Diva's Championship
AJ Lee (c) vs Tamina Snuka

World Heavyweight Championship
Damien Sandow (c) vs Dolph Ziggler

Singles Match
Daniel Bryan vs Shawn Michaels

WWE Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs CM Punk

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-19 15:25:42


Y'know, I was behind the Bryan angle where many others here weren't, at the risk of pissing off people here I respect, and I still stand by what I said then.

......Then this happens.

If there's 3 things you should never do to me, they are:

(1) Never accuse me of stealing.

(2) Never call me a liar.


And thus the WWE is now guilty of that 3rd thing.


And this is nothing against Show whatsoever; I've always liked the guy, and I still do, and he's always been entertaining. This entirely comes down to HOW he got this push. Last I checked, iirc, Show actually LIKES putting over other people - WHICH IS WHAT HE WAS ORIGINALLY DOING; if that's the case, then I can't see this two-steps-backward-and-pants-on-head-stupid decision sittin' well with him......which leads me to wonder if this push was an attempt to quiet him down about it?

Please correct any of that if wrong.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-19 15:48:54

At 11/19/13 03:25 PM, Swackman wrote: Please correct any of that if wrong.

I'm just praying it's the greatest work of all time. Like, WWE MUST know that everyone thinks they always shit on their smaller guys, so maybe they're putting out misinformation to make us think they're being as retarded as we'd expect, when in reality this is all building up to Daniel Bryan tapping out Triple H clean at Wrestlemania to win the title.

Obviously this is fantasy, and they're actually just this retarded.

Can't wait to see how they explain the inevitable shit Survivor Series buy rates. I've bought everything since Summerslam, won't be buying any more until they start putting out something decent. The card is dire, there's not a single match I'm interested in. I'm sure the Survivor Series match itself will be okay, but it's not enough to sell the PPV on.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-20 19:06:29

At 11/19/13 03:48 PM, TheMaster wrote:
At 11/19/13 03:25 PM, Swackman wrote: Please correct any of that if wrong.
I'm just praying it's the greatest work of all time. Like, WWE MUST know that everyone thinks they always shit on their smaller guys, so maybe they're putting out misinformation to make us think they're being as retarded as we'd expect, when in reality this is all building up to Daniel Bryan tapping out Triple H clean at Wrestlemania to win the title.

Obviously this is fantasy, and they're actually just this retarded.

Actually, that crossed my mind, too; time will only tell if this was really an idiotic move on their part, or the single greatest trolling in professional wrestling.

Can't wait to see how they explain the inevitable shit Survivor Series buy rates. I've bought everything since Summerslam, won't be buying any more until they start putting out something decent. The card is dire, there's not a single match I'm interested in. I'm sure the Survivor Series match itself will be okay, but it's not enough to sell the PPV on.

Eh, I've ever only bought WM for the past 5-6 years, so I've not really cared much anyway when it comes to all the other PPVs.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-28 11:48:24

Unification for the world titles at TLC in a tlc match. I think they will just swap the titles.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-11-28 12:29:57

At 11/28/13 11:48 AM, ToddM wrote: Unification for the world titles at TLC in a tlc match. I think they will just swap the titles.

Seems the most likely outcome.

It would mean SIX pay per views in a row without a proper finish.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-01 14:29:14

I met Mick Foley today. Really nice guy. He signed my copy of WWE2K14 and told me a cool story Dudelove.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-02 05:59:09

At 12/1/13 02:29 PM, ZJ wrote: I met Mick Foley today. Really nice guy. He signed my copy of WWE2K14 and told me a cool story Dudelove.

That sounds awesome! Foley's monicker Dude Love debuted in the WWE on my birthday.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-05 07:33:19

At 12/1/13 02:29 PM, ZJ wrote: I met Mick Foley today. Really nice guy. He signed my copy of WWE2K14 and told me a cool story Dudelove.

Wow! That's freaking awesome!
I remember when Mick Foley a story to JR and he just said "So the guy threw dodgeball at my face, it hurt a lot and I loved the pain".

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-06 23:41:06

At 12/1/13 02:29 PM, ZJ wrote: I met Mick Foley today. Really nice guy. He signed my copy of WWE2K14 and told me a cool story Dudelove.

That's awesome, man. I heard he's a really nice guy too. The only superstar I ever met was Zack Ryder, and that was December last year. lol

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-07 20:28:44

All I can say is, ya lucky bastard. ^_^

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-15 23:27:10

Well Orton won the titles.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-16 10:50:43

I watched some of TLC.

Skipped preshow.

Punk vs The Shield was good. Nothing amazing, but a good match. Good storytelling in terms of the inevitable Shield breakup, and with 4 of the best guys in the company right now in the ring the actual wrestling was great too.

AJ and Natalya was pretty good too. They're probably the two best Divas in the company, which isn't saying a whole lot, but it was a hell of a lot better than most Diva's matches. Glad AJ retained, since she's still carrying the entire division and needs that belt to do so.

Skipped Big E vs Sandow, entirely unsurprised but pleased that Big E retained. Hopefully he'll get into a proper feud now that he's established himself as a real champion. I think he's excellent, so I really hope they make the most of this title reign.

The big tag match was great. Ryback and Axel are a step down from the other teams, but on the whole the match was really good. The stuff Goldust is doing in the ring at his age is crazy, that frankensteiner was ridiculous. Cody still looking great too, the ending sequence with Rey was really fun to watch. Glad they retained. Fingers crossed they stick around long enough for Cody vs Goldust at Wrestlemania.

Skipped the R-Truth vs Brodus Clay match. Heel Brodus is silly.

Skipped Kofi and Miz, because I'm so fucking sick of that match.

Wyatts vs Bryan was okay. I'm really getting into the story after being irritated it'd taken Bryan out of the main event at first, but the actual wrestling isn't particularly great. Bryan doesn't work as well with massive guys like Harper and Rowan.

Only watched the finish of the main event, and I'm amazed at how clean it was. Yeah, Orton was sneaky with the handcuffs, but he still played by the rules and got a pretty fair win over Cena. Very surprised. Also, that table Cena fell onto was supposed to break, yeah?

Also, why are they ignoring Chris Jericho in all this? He unified the belts before when he beat Rock and Austin, didn't he?

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-16 11:30:15

At 12/16/13 10:50 AM, TheMaster wrote:
Also, why are they ignoring Chris Jericho in all this? He unified the belts before when he beat Rock and Austin, didn't he?

He only unified the WCW belt with the WWF belt. The WHC belt came in 2002 when Bischoff gave it to Triple H.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-16 11:42:14

At 12/16/13 11:30 AM, ToddM wrote: He only unified the WCW belt with the WWF belt. The WHC belt came in 2002 when Bischoff gave it to Triple H.

WCW belt was the WHC before it came to WWE, though, they just renamed it. It came from the old NWA WHC, which is what they're claiming the current/just retired WHC also came from.

It's really convoluted, and you can definitely argue this is a different thing to Jericho's, but I think they should at least acknowledge his unification.

Wikipedia has a ridiculous flowchart showing the lineage.


Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-17 01:24:07

At 12/16/13 10:50 AM, TheMaster wrote: Only watched the finish of the main event, and I'm amazed at how clean it was. Yeah, Orton was sneaky with the handcuffs, but he still played by the rules and got a pretty fair win over Cena. Very surprised. Also, that table Cena fell onto was supposed to break, yeah?

I watched all of TLC except for the Pre-Show and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I liked most of the matches. The bouts between Miz and Kofi and R-Truth and Brodus were lame, but they weren't scheduled, so whatever.

Would have liked to see Natalya beat AJ because of the Hart family thing, but oh well.

Big E is awesome and I liked his match. Hope he gets much bigger.

Also, the main event was really good. Loved the handcuff finish. Pretty awesome storytelling and was glad that they didn't go for the expected "Cena prevails!!!" finish.

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-17 20:52:31

At 12/17/13 01:24 AM, ZJ wrote: Big E is awesome and I liked his match. Hope he gets much bigger.

This sentence can be used in two ways.

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-19 19:50:17

Do any of you guys have the Mid South DVD that came out recently? I have it and its great. Just wish they put other territory promotions on DVD besides WCW.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-19 22:18:36

At 12/19/13 07:50 PM, ToddM wrote: Do any of you guys have the Mid South DVD that came out recently? I have it and its great. Just wish they put other territory promotions on DVD besides WCW.

They did one on WCCCW a little while back, and the AWA before that. Neither sold great, which made them gun shy for more. The footage they have from old territories will be a key part in their Network programming.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-23 23:21:50

Well Batista is coming back. They said on Raw he'll be on the Jan 20th show.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-24 00:23:05

At 12/23/13 11:21 PM, ToddM wrote: Well Batista is coming back. They said on Raw he'll be on the Jan 20th show.

Even though I knew he was coming back before they officially announced it I think they kind of ruined it. As much as I hate his guts it would be cool if he came back unexpectedly as the 30th entry of the Rumble. Even though they felt the need to announce it since it was leaking so bad I still think it would've been cooler.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-24 18:04:49

At 12/24/13 12:23 AM, mothballs wrote:
At 12/23/13 11:21 PM, ToddM wrote: Well Batista is coming back. They said on Raw he'll be on the Jan 20th show.
Even though I knew he was coming back before they officially announced it I think they kind of ruined it. As much as I hate his guts it would be cool if he came back unexpectedly as the 30th entry of the Rumble. Even though they felt the need to announce it since it was leaking so bad I still think it would've been cooler.

IKR its better if they didn't say anything that way it would be a surprise when he just comes back and people are like

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-27 01:30:35

At 12/24/13 06:04 PM, Akombi123 wrote:
At 12/24/13 12:23 AM, mothballs wrote:
At 12/23/13 11:21 PM, ToddM wrote: Well Batista is coming back. They said on Raw he'll be on the Jan 20th show.
Even though I knew he was coming back before they officially announced it I think they kind of ruined it. As much as I hate his guts it would be cool if he came back unexpectedly as the 30th entry of the Rumble. Even though they felt the need to announce it since it was leaking so bad I still think it would've been cooler.
IKR its better if they didn't say anything that way it would be a surprise when he just comes back and people are like

I mean I kind of understand because it was getting leaked so bad to the point where everyone except the little kids knew he was coming back, and the little kids don't even know who Batista is. But there were always rumors about his return so there is always a little doubt anyway

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-12-30 23:37:16

In 20 years of watching I have never seen so many bad decision from the writing department in one single year. Losing momentum with Ziggler is understandable, but TURNING DANIEL BRYAN HEEL? You have got to be fucking kidding me, he has the most crowd support out of anyone right now, he is a proven main event all star, and his matches are actually fun to watch because he puts work into making them entertaining.

This is the worst thing that creative could have done to him and I believe that it will bury him, joining a faction that isn't over, let alone the same alignment as he was is completely fucking retarded; I expect this in mid card TNA writing, but not in main event caliber writing in WWE, did you hire Jim Cornette back or something?

Guess what new popular faces that turn heel don't do? Sell merchandise; which he was doing very well as a face, go fuck yourself WWE creative department, this is the biggest mistake you have made since turning the show PG.

Sincerely, a watcher of 20 years considering never watching again.

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