Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.
At 1/6/14 11:18 PM, ToddM wrote: Damn it missed Jake the Snake tonight.
Yeah, my DVR cut the show off before he came out and the surprise got ruined for me when I went online to look for it, but it was still awesome to see him. I miss the long hair, but you can't deny how great he looks at his age.
Fingers crossed that this means we'll see him in the Rumble later this month.
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
At 1/7/14 03:52 AM, ZJ wrote:
Yeah, my DVR cut the show off before he came out and the surprise got ruined for me when I went online to look for it, but it was still awesome to see him. I miss the long hair, but you can't deny how great he looks at his age.
Fingers crossed that this means we'll see him in the Rumble later this month.
All we need now is a Scott Hall return. It doesn't matter if it is Razor Ramon or himself.
Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.
At 1/7/14 03:52 AM, ZJ wrote:
Look how dead the crowd is. Fucking pathetic.
Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation
Sig by Decky
So, who's subscribing to the WWE network in February?
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
At 1/8/14 10:34 PM, ZJ wrote: So, who's subscribing to the WWE network in February?
I will and all of the territory footage they have I want it all.
Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.
At 1/8/14 10:56 PM, ToddM wrote:At 1/8/14 10:34 PM, ZJ wrote: So, who's subscribing to the WWE network in February?I will and all of the territory footage they have I want it all.
Notice how these posts are focused on old footage from non-WWE promotions and not the fact that people can get the current slate of PPVs and extra content for current TV? There's a message there WWE!
At 1/11/14 09:17 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
Notice how these posts are focused on old footage from non-WWE promotions and not the fact that people can get the current slate of PPVs and extra content for current TV? There's a message there WWE!
To be fair, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that:
A. ECW was just insane and the things they did COULDN'T be done by WWE since they have to answer to all of these network guys and advertisers which helps keep them in business
B. WCW just doesn't get as much attention as WWE productions, so I'm excited to be able to watch those shows alongside the WWE ones I've already seen
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
Hello ladies and gentleman
I was looking over the WWE website today and I came upon an intresting video of a dream match up between CM Punk and Shawn Michales and I was wondering what peoples opinions about this would be?
Personaly I think this is a great idea for a match especialy after Shawn super kicked Punk, and as Punk seems to be out of the title race (which is a crime if you ask me) I think its time for a new feud. I know it could be argued that Punk still has a score to settle with Brock Lesner etc but when you think about it the wwe is either heading for a bigger feud with the Authority or as we've seen in resent weeks a feud with DX.
Its clear to all im sure that there is going to be a clash either with DX or between DX soon, and I think it is going to be CM Punk right in the middle of this, as he has had the most conflicts with DX and is the most attitude era esquie superstar currently on the roster.
So im hoping a Michales Punk match does happen because they are both evenly match and have the similar fighting styles, personaly I would be hoping for a Punk victory as he is the Voice of the Voiceless.
But ladies and gentlemen what I really want to see is CM Punk vs HHH
At 1/15/14 04:47 AM, SKORGE wrote: I was looking over the WWE website today and I came upon an intresting video of a dream match up between CM Punk and Shawn Michales and I was wondering what peoples opinions about this would be?
I'm holding out for HBK vs Daniel Bryan if we get another HBK match at all. Both Punk and Bryan would be able to put on great matches with him, but Bryan has the history with him that Punk doesn't have, which would make it a bit more exciting.
But ladies and gentlemen what I really want to see is CM Punk vs HHH
That's probably what we're getting at Wrestlemania, what with the Outlaws screwing him over and that. I'm sort of indifferent to it. It'll probably be okay.
Just got back from seeing Raw, my first live event. Pretty entertaining. I got cheap seats, but the venue was small enough that I was able to see what was going on at all times. Kinda expected more build up for the Royal Rumble, but I was satistified with them dropping the bombshell that was CM Punk being the #1 entrant in the match.
Favorite match of the night was Goldust, Cody Rhodes, and Big E. Langston vs. The Shield. Everyone of those dudes has serious skills in the ring.
Can't wait to see another show. Hopefully Ohio gets a good PPV in the near future.
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
So the royal rumble is very close at hand and i am stoked for it!
Mainly because CM Punk is the first one into the match, so i really hope this means he is going to win it! as it will be the first time he ever has done and as you know if he wins then he gets a title shot and im hoping that will be against cena so Punk can prove that he is still better than cena!
At 1/21/14 01:15 AM, ZJ wrote: Can't wait to see another show. Hopefully Ohio gets a good PPV in the near future.
Possibly, Ohio is a bigger contender for shows than where I'm at. The live events are a lot of fun, especially if you can get a chant started.
At 1/22/14 03:57 AM, SKORGE wrote: ROYAL RUMBLE!
Batista is going to come into the Cena vs. Orton match and fuck up everything like a badass.
At 1/22/14 03:57 AM, SKORGE wrote: ROYAL RUMBLE!
So the royal rumble is very close at hand and i am stoked for it!
Mainly because CM Punk is the first one into the match, so i really hope this means he is going to win it! as it will be the first time he ever has done and as you know if he wins then he gets a title shot and im hoping that will be against cena so Punk can prove that he is still better than cena!
I'm pretty excited for the Royal Rumble. I'm really hoping that Jake "The Snake" Roberts makes a surprise entry into the contest because he's been talking about wanting to do it for a while now and I think it'd be badass to see him come into a ring one more time and hit the DDT.
I'm also guessing that either Hogan and/or Rob Van Dam will be there. Those predictions might be totally wrong, though.
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
At 1/25/14 01:34 PM, ZJ wrote: I'm also guessing that either Hogan and/or Rob Van Dam will be there. Those predictions might be totally wrong, though.
I think it works out as being about 5 places left after all the announced guys, so there's definitely room for some surprises. Wouldn't be surprised if Sheamus returns. RVD and Jericho are possibilities too.
Oh man, that crowd.
Just buried it. Everything I thought they were angry during Cena vs Orton, but the Rumble match itself was hard to watch. Worst PPV in a while.
Bray vs Bryan was excellent, and the preshow was okay. Rest was a train wreck.
I thought it was an okay Rumble match. I had come to terms that Bryan wasn't going to be in the Rumble beforehand so I wasn't so mad about it.
Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.
Even Mick Foley hated that. You think when your audience is literally telling you "yes" or "no" to the stuff you are doing, screwing up would be pretty difficult right?
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
What irritates me is it's not the fault of the guys in the ring. The matches we're getting just aren't the matches people want to see. Look at the hate that washed over Mysterio when he came out. That's not on him, he's just not Daniel Bryan.
At 1/27/14 05:41 AM, TheMaster wrote: What irritates me is it's not the fault of the guys in the ring. The matches we're getting just aren't the matches people want to see. Look at the hate that washed over Mysterio when he came out. That's not on him, he's just not Daniel Bryan.
Yeah, I felt bad for Rey because of that, but honestly, why are you giving the #30 spot to just some random expected guy on your roster? Wouldn't it have made more sense to have Batista come out at that point or put one of your surprise entrants in? Just seemed like bad booking.
I hated this event and it wasn't just because my hero, Jake "The Snake" Roberts wasn't in it. This company is clearly killing the momentum that CM Punk and Daniel Bryan have and unless there's some type of official wresting angle where the Authority is trying to keep them down, I'm about to be done watching this product actively for a while.
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
At 1/27/14 11:55 AM, ZJ wrote:
I hated this event and it wasn't just because my hero, Jake "The Snake" Roberts wasn't in it. This company is clearly killing the momentum that CM Punk and Daniel Bryan have and unless there's some type of official wresting angle where the Authority is trying to keep them down, I'm about to be done watching this product actively for a while.
I'm with you there. At least we got a Match of the Year contender with Bryan vs Wyatt.
Also, after the Rumble Batista could be seen flipping off fans on his way up the ramp. If he is going against Orton, he should be acting like a face. So not only is he a part time act, he is really screwing with WWE's plans for him. Seems like he hasn't changed at all, he is still upset that the fans want to see other people and not him.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
Jake "The Snake" Roberts is going into the WWE Hall of Fame!
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
Why do people like Bryan so much? I like him but than again I like the whole roster which makes me a minority within the fanbase.
Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.
At 1/27/14 10:34 PM, ZJ wrote: Jake "The Snake" Roberts is going into the WWE Hall of Fame!
Yes! I am extremely excited for that! The inventor of the DDT!
At 1/27/14 11:55 AM, ZJ wrote: I hated this event and it wasn't just because my hero, Jake "The Snake" Roberts wasn't in it. This company is clearly killing the momentum that CM Punk and Daniel Bryan have and unless there's some type of official wresting angle where the Authority is trying to keep them down, I'm about to be done watching this product actively for a while.
I haven't watched for a couple of months now for this reason. I actually tried to convince myself that the company was doing the right thing and was working on some sort of thing to make us happy. Then I just came to terms with myself that the WWE sucks now because they're literally doing everything the fans don't want. Why I have no fucking clue but it's the way it is and they really haven't given me a reason to watch for the past few months (and a "few months" is being generous. REALLY generous).
Congrats to Jake makin' it in!
Oh, btw, TheMaster, WE WERE RIGHT!!!! It IS all part of the plan!
There's just one problem that's now become too difficult to ignore (and I feel sorry for everyone that got caught in the crossfire, so to speak, as a result, regardless of how good they may be): The plan has become a sinking ship due to the fans being TOO outraged, and WWE needs to abort the fucking ship NOW before they sink.
Its taken me a couple of days for me to get my thoughts in order after sunday, as I live in the UK i stayed up till four am to watch the complete PPV and god was I angry after what i watched.
So this is my rundown of my feelings on the Royal Rumble.
1. The tag team title match ending was just stupid how the hell does it make sense for the new age outlaws to win? WTF?
2. I did enjoy the Wyatt Brian match, I was glad to see that Wyatt can handle himself in a PPV singles match and I was glad that Brian lost, not for any other reason than he is not being built into another John Cena invincible wrestler.
3. I was gutted that there was not a divas match, because im loving what AJ is doing at the moment, she really is the kind of diva that the wwe needs.
4. Lesner vs Show WTF!!!!!
5. Cena vs Orton, yet again wow, im supprised that Cena didnt win, but the wwe has given him three reasons to claim he was cheated out of a win, firstly when the referee was K.O, Orton tapped out, Orton hit Cena with a weapon and later on the Wyatts interfeared, please tell me that isnt going to be a feud ugh, even the Crowd HATED that match, I like the Universe want new matches not old ones rehashed.
6. The rumble match itself, there are a number of things that were wrong with this match, first off who's idea was it to have that midget in there!? Efectively costing a superstar is entrance and then letting him eliminate Fandago WTF!!! Next a number of the eliminations looked like they shouldnt have happened or did to soon, like Damian Sandow. My main two grivensess with this match though were CM Punk's elimination and the winner of the rumble and these two points need seperate explanations.
7. So once again CM Punk was cheated out of a main event win, I am a self confesed Punk fan I am in the cult of personality so this is going to be biased but come on, who can denie that he was cheated, Im not saying that Punk diserved to win in all honesty it wasnt his best showing but then again he had been in from number 1. I would have been less upset if Punk had been eliminated by a legal competator, but no Kane has to hide under the ring and then drag Punk out! even though Kane had been eliminated by Punk and im sure I have read that you can not be eliminated by someone who already has been. What would have been a more exciting moment in my opinion would be if Kane had draged Punk out but for Punk to somehow rejoin the match in a Kofi Kingston inspired moment as the two of them have been friends for ages so im sure they have picked up a few tricks from each other.
8. Moving past the point that CM Punk did not win the Rumble why the flip did they let Batista win!? when you still had Roman Reigns in the match who was undoubtabley the star of the whole PPV form his entrance to the finish he was a dominate force in that ring, braking Kane's record for eliminations, granted only by one but still that record has stood for how many YEARS? This guy is the future of the WWE and he was cheaply eliminated.
In conclusion this PPV like the other resent PPVs has been a bitter dissapointment, I echo Mick Foley in thinking that the WWE must hate its audience, I hope that soon the WWE will get some new writers to save this show or it is going to go the way of the Titanic......and I am sick of giving the WWE second chances ive been hurt to many times now i think im through.......but I still believe in CM Punk
Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.