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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-08-13 06:14:08

At 8/12/13 12:44 AM, ToddM wrote:
At 8/12/13 12:19 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 8/11/13 11:45 PM, ToddM wrote: So who will win Summerslam?
Which match?
Cena and Bryan

You can quote me on this. I firmly believe Daniel Bryan will win.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-08-18 21:24:00

Ryback promo was based on the premise of an old Red Dwarf joke. Crying with laughter.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-08-19 01:13:13

Well at least Bryan won clean over Cena. Though heel Triple H and Orton is going to be fun.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-08-19 20:47:30

This SummerSlam was spectacular, it had everything that makes it great; the build up for all the matches was very well done, especially in the case of Sandow vs. Rhodes and Bryan vs. Cena.

The CM Punk vs. Lesnar match was good, it had a lot of tributes to high profile MMA fights in it (looking at you Rampage).

Mt favorite match was Rhodes vs. Sandow though, in my mind that was the main event as I'm so glad they're using Cody in a promising fashion.

What's everyone's thoughts on the Triple H heel turn at the end of it?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-08-26 14:01:03

At 8/11/13 11:45 PM, ToddM wrote:
At 8/11/13 12:39 PM, Stan-Marsh wrote: If Cena Wins At Summerslam We Riot.

Albeit on Newgrounds!

ECW ONS 2006 - Crowd Chants during M.E: "Fuck you Cena, Fuck you Cena"
That was a fun match to watch.

So who will win Summerslam?

Apologies for the delayed response.

What a great PPV and Bryan was put over by Cena clean.

Who says Cena doesn't do a job??

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-08-31 22:50:20

There's one issue I have with Trips & Steph's sudden heel turns and this whole Corporation 2.0 story: Said heel turns are basically out of left-field. If it were all a ruse, the way it happened still ends up making little sense at all....unless Trips & Steph are Dangerously Genre Savvy & knew the cameras were on them - although the company has a tendency to play dumb & pretend they don't exist....despite that being what the BIG FUCKING TV SCREEN IS FOR when it's not helpin' with entrances or 'satellite' calls. One thing I have to give to TNA - they always are aware of the cameras at all times, and use that to their advantage.

AJ's 'Pipe-Bombshell' was the greatest thing to happen to the Divas Division in forever. ^_^ As if I hadn't fallen for her enough already.....

Ted DiBiase, Jr. finally had enough of the bullshit, and left WWE; hey, TNA, YA WANT A DIBIASE ON YOUR ROSTER? (In 3 months, mind you, but yeah.)


The promo that Styles did was apparently his own idea, and the latest contract he signed was only for 3 months; makes ya wonder if he's really gotten sick of, in real life, indeed being one of the guys to hold up that company during long periods of pure facepalm-worthy idiocy. :/ He'd be great for ROH, y'know.

Bully Ray's douchiness is finally backfiring, and it looks like the original 4 remaining members are gonna unceremoniously boot him & Tito out of the gang, and have Anderson promoted to president. Chances are that Bully picks Anderson to take the fall next week, and that he refuses to kayfabe-job to him, probably only for Tito to knock him out cold.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-09-16 00:14:49

Surprised that Daniel Bryan won the WWE title tonight.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-09-16 21:04:12

At 9/16/13 12:14 AM, ToddM wrote: Surprised that Daniel Bryan won the WWE title tonight.

Not surprised they stole it back. If I don't have something to cling to by the end of this show tonight I am going on a hiatus from this clown shoes company until either shit improves, or until I watch the Rumble at a buddy's house in January

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-09-18 19:16:08

Attention anyone who ordered sunday's night of champions ppv: Cox Cable has been issuing refunds to customers who have called requesting them based on monday's overturning of the main event's finish. Cox felt this violated their customers's trust and have acted accordingly. Call your cable provider and calmly, and nicely, explain to them how Monday's broadcast invalidated the PPV's finish thus taking away what you paid your hard earned money to see. You may be rewarded, you may not, but it never hurts to try.

P.S. Suck it WWE.

P.P.S. Lol douchebags!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-09-21 18:05:45

Good thing I only spend money on WM.

Thing is, if one noticed the fast count, then such should be expected, not to mention there's a bigger picture, here, regarding the storyline. Yeah, said storyline hasn't been exactly done in the best way possible, but there's still a point to all this.

Basically, the same thing avie said regarding another storyline quite some time ago......which makes seeing ya saying what you just said quite Twilight Zone-ish. :/

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-09-21 19:36:23

Zero interest in WWE at the minute, which is insane because Bryan-centric wrestling should be incredible. So glad I had to be up early the Monday after Night of Champions, or I'd probably have bought the piece of shit.

Just counting down the days until ICW finally stick Dave's Not Here Man online, so I can watch it while crying over the fact that had my job interview been 3 days earlier I'd have been in Edinburgh the afternoon before and would have stayed the night for it.

Entrances were uploaded nearly a month ago, with the whole show "coming soon".


Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-09-25 02:02:49

Went to the Smackdown taping yesterday. It was my first WWE event. It was an ok show though nothing stood out.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-09-28 16:14:56

Any fans of the WWF Wrestlefest arcade game in here?

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-09-30 22:26:02

Wow I think Los Matadores are going to fail so hard.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-06 23:04:27

What the fuck was that ending at Battleground? I sense Triple H becoming champion soon.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-07 21:22:03

Y'know, the more I continue to think about it, the more irritated I get about how the rest of you guys have been reacting to this whole Corporation 2.0 vs. Bryan angle.

It's YOU GUYS who taught ME that this kind of reaction is stupid. There is a plot. Everything that's happened has happened to advance said plot. It has been done for a reason.

Avie, this is the mentality that ya taught me.......and now I see YOU reacting like how I used to react......and now I can only sit back & question, "WHAT THE FUCK TWILIGHT ZONE SHIT AM I SEEING?".

It's all ben plausibly explained, and the heels in all this are doing their job perfectly. And yet, so many are seriously overreacting to the whole thing, including people here I respect who are NORMALLY level-headed & realize there's a bigger picture.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-07 22:16:38

A huge WTF for HIAC, ADR versus John Cena. I thought Cena was out for a while?

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-14 17:29:19

At 10/7/13 10:16 PM, ToddM wrote: A huge WTF for HIAC, ADR versus John Cena. I thought Cena was out for a while?

Cena always has been one to bounce back from injuries quicker then others. I'm wondering if it's because of the doctors just exaggerating the severity of it, or if he's just that much of a determinator.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-19 21:52:17

At 10/7/13 10:16 PM, ToddM wrote: A huge WTF for HIAC, ADR versus John Cena. I thought Cena was out for a while?

John Cena shocks the WWE Universe with returns.
Like in 2008 when he came in the Royal Rumble and beat Orton's ass.
When he got fired at Survivour Series at 2010 and came back, like the next week I'm pretty sure.
Well, you get the point right?

I don't understand why it had to be Alberto Del Rio to be his opponent, instead of making it a Triple Threat Match between Orton, Bryan, and Cena.
Then replace the World Heavyweight Championship challeger with RVD or something.

But my prediction is that when Alberto loses his title, Damian is gonna cash it in.

I also hate the fact that they concentraiting on one rivalery instead of making another in Smackdown with The World Heavyweight. Curtis Axel isn't even putting his title on the line like every 2 PPV's.

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-24 06:15:53

At 10/19/13 09:52 PM, Wavepad wrote:
At 10/7/13 10:16 PM, ToddM wrote: A huge WTF for HIAC, ADR versus John Cena. I thought Cena was out for a while?
John Cena shocks the WWE Universe with returns.
Like in 2008 when he came in the Royal Rumble and beat Orton's ass.
When he got fired at Survivour Series at 2010 and came back, like the next week I'm pretty sure.
Well, you get the point right?

I don't understand why it had to be Alberto Del Rio to be his opponent, instead of making it a Triple Threat Match between Orton, Bryan, and Cena.
Then replace the World Heavyweight Championship challeger with RVD or something.

But my prediction is that when Alberto loses his title, Damian is gonna cash it in.

I also hate the fact that they concentraiting on one rivalery instead of making another in Smackdown with The World Heavyweight. Curtis Axel isn't even putting his title on the line like every 2 PPV's.

Im really glad you mentioned Curtis Axel as im a huge CM Punk fan, and when he was wwe champion he had loads of difficult title fights and his title always seemed to be on the line, where as now no one seems to be in any danger of losing there belt, its just daft, if you ask me this crap with daniel brian needs to be put to rest, along with the heyman fued and Cm Punk needs to regan the title that is ritetfully his.


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-24 15:43:01

At 10/24/13 06:15 AM, SKORGE wrote: Im really glad you mentioned Curtis Axel as im a huge CM Punk fan, and when he was wwe champion he had loads of difficult title fights and his title always seemed to be on the line, where as now no one seems to be in any danger of losing there belt, its just daft, if you ask me this crap with daniel brian needs to be put to rest, along with the heyman fued and Cm Punk needs to regan the title that is ritetfully his.

Wanna be friends?! lol

I agree, CM Punk is my favorite right now also. He had to fight a lot. Like I said before, Alberto Del Rio is just playing Patty Cake with the World Heavyweight Championship. He is never defending it. It's pissing me off. Same with The Shield (Thank god they lost the titles) Dean Ambrose and AJ Lee.

WWE needs to get a lot more exciting and make us on the edge of our seats every night.
That's how I remembered it.

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-26 10:38:28

I'm really hating this shit with the Wyatt family. They think they're the shit after beating one guy when there's three of them. The Miz needs allies. Maybe the Usos should've saved them? I don't know. It would've been better for buissness? Right?
Anyways, I just want one Tag Match to happen.

The Wyatt Family vs. The Sheild

At 9/28/13 04:14 PM, ZJ wrote: Any fans of the WWF Wrestlefest arcade game in here?

This game actually started the whole gaming history they have today. WWE 2K14, WWE' 13, Raw vs. Smackdown 2011, etc. I remember playing this as a kid at the arcade and it was so fun. Thanks for bringing me this video, my childhood has been reclaimed.

So back to Smackdown,

How do you guys feel about Bryan pinning Ortan?

What are your predictions for Hell In a Cell?

Do you think the Los Materdors have a chance of getting Tag Team gold?

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-27 12:20:07

At 10/24/13 09:49 AM, SCTE3 wrote: I agree. Either stop forcing the title off Daniel Bryan or give it back to CM Punk, one or the other.

Giving the title back to CM Punk would actually fit all the puzzle pieces together actually.
Let's see we have,
Rey Mysterio who is near close to coming back.
Cena coming back today.
After this PPV, there has to be like a Fatal-4 Way match or something.
John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk vs. Randy Orton/Daniel Bryan.

But still things where more interesting with Punk champion than this rivalry.

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-28 00:26:18

So that's it for the Daniel Bryan experiment, right?

The fact that there was absolutely NO REACTION to the finish of the main event should let WWE know how the fans feel.. But who cares about them?

I find it funny that after all this, we have Cena as the World Heavyweight champion and Orton as the WWE champ... Scratch that, I don't find it funny at all.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-28 07:12:44

At 10/28/13 12:26 AM, pepeatumi wrote: So that's it for the Daniel Bryan experiment, right?

The fact that there was absolutely NO REACTION to the finish of the main event should let WWE know how the fans feel.. But who cares about them?

I find it funny that after all this, we have Cena as the World Heavyweight champion and Orton as the WWE champ... Scratch that, I don't find it funny at all.

I hear what your saying dude, its just so annoying that Cena has come back and straight away he has a new title, what is the point in that, he never has to fight to become the number one competitor, but instead is given a title shot again and again.

I think CM Punk said it best in his pipe bomb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ms0DFxpptk its just not right


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-28 16:32:07

At 10/28/13 07:12 AM, SKORGE wrote: I think CM Punk said it best in his pipe bomb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ms0DFxpptk its just not right

Let CM Punk speak, he's always making WWE fun and sticking with the fans. I like that.
It's weird though, he had a point about Cena kissing Vince's ass and him keep on getting the title.
But still, Alberto Del Rio as the champ is the boringist shit ever. But, does this mean that Cena is on
Smackdown now? Since you know World Heavyweight is a Smackdown championship.

CM Punk needs his title back. Fuck you Orton and Bryan, you stupid animals. Goats and Vipers, WHO THE FUCK WANTS THAT NAME?!

At 10/28/13 12:26 AM, pepeatumi wrote: So that's it for the Daniel Bryan experiment, right?

I pray that it is, maybe one of the worst championship challenges I have ever fucking seen.
I want it to end and see some crazy fucking shit happen like they did last year.
Like Kevin Nash coming out of nowhere.

Speaking of coming out of nowhere, I loved it when I saw Kane come back and ass rape the fuck out of everyone.
I loved it so much. Oh god that sounded like I was talking about porn. Oh whatever. Anyway, I was pretty fucking happy
when that happened. You have no idea. It was so boring without Kane and Cena. Kane is freaking unpredictable. That's what I love about him. That's what I want back in WWE. To make us dream big.

The fact that there was absolutely NO REACTION to the finish of the main event should let WWE know how the fans feel.. But who cares about them?

Maybe the fans hated this whole rivalry. They love Shawn Micheals more then Daniel and Orton.
I just don't understand why Daniel KO'd the fuck out of Triple H. It was a stupid thing that he did though.
I'm still mad at the fact that Orton is the WWE Champ now. He doesn't derserve it. Shawn handed it to him.
But I know the reason. That was his best friend. Shawn had to react. He had too. I feel bad. I feel really bad that
they put him in that possition. Honestly, I want to see Orton vs. Cena one more time. I loved their rivalry.

Big E. Langston as the United States Champ would've been quite interesting. Fuck you Dean Ambrose, you don't deserve shit.

My favorite match is pretty obvious.
CM Punk vs. Ryfag and Heygay. Craziest match ever.
I loved how Heyman was too pussy to go in the ring with punk and had to go on top of the cell.
Would've been cool if Punk threw Heyman off and broke the annouce table like they did in 1999 I think
with Undertaker and Mankind. It was so cool. I wanted Punk to do more damage though. I don't think
he remembered what he did in Summerslam and every other paper-view and on Raw. But I still
loved the match. Better than the other matchs. More creative too.

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-28 17:06:22

I bought Hell in a Cell because I refuse to learn my lesson.

At least the tag team triple threat match was really cool, but I'd still rather have Cody back in singles.

I wish this fucking Bryan/Orton thing would end, too. This can't be the finish of it, another dirty win for Orton. I figured they'd have Bryan win clean again and then throw a few more Triple H-chosen guys at him, building up to a Bryan/Triple H match a few months down the road, but I guess not.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-28 17:25:09

At 10/28/13 05:06 PM, TheMaster wrote: At least the tag team triple threat match was really cool, but I'd still rather have Cody back in singles.

But one thing you have to admit. Cody and Goldust make a pretty damn well tag team and gave The Sheild a challenge and showing them how the Tag Team championship has to be earned.

I wish this fucking Bryan/Orton thing would end, too. This can't be the finish of it, another dirty win for Orton.

The only one thing I actually liked about this feud was when Bryan wrote "YES!" Orton's new car.
I was so happy you have no idea.

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-28 23:29:44

Well Daniel Bryan is done for right now. Big Show vs Randy Orton for the WWE title?

Kevin Nash said it right that vanilla midgets don't sell.

Well we were dumb enough to think it was gonna happen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-10-29 07:37:33

At 10/28/13 11:29 PM, ToddM wrote: Well Daniel Bryan is done for right now. Big Show vs Randy Orton for the WWE title?

I hope Kane and Daniel come back as Hell No and kick the Wyatt Family's ass.

Kevin Nash said it right that vanilla midgets don't sell.

He's a goat too. Don't forget that.

Big Show vs. HHH? Maybe?
Big show fucked up Orton good. Would've been nice to see HHH not
be a pussy and actually fight him. It actually would've been great.

Orton vs. Big Show is now the new era now I guess.

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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