(Note: I tried doing this on the WWE THQ fourm but didn't get enough diversity in the opinions, so I figured "May as well try NG's wrestling club...)
Alright so, I plan on starting up my wrestling corner show on Youtube again(Deathedge's Wrestling Corner, lame, played out name, I know), hopefully this monday, and there is a project that I want to do during off days when no wrestling is on.
I want to take a nice in depth look at the career and booking philsophy of one Vincent J. Russo. The main reason is because, say what you will, he is one of the most well known bookers in the history of professional wrestling, and at one point was one of the biggest names in all of wrestling. I'm going to try and see where it all went wrong, and how much of it was really his fault.
As part of this project, I want to see what the general wrestling viewing public, wether it be casual fans or not, think of Russo.
Now, my personal opinion is tha the seems like a nice enough guy, based on all the interviews I've read with him. The only time I've ever thought he seemed like a jerk was when I read his book "Rope Opera: How WCW Killed Vince Russo", so I can't say I really can bash the guy on a personal level.
That said, his creative philosphy is, when done correctly, a good one. His "crash TV" style can be genuinly entertaining, as demonstrated when he was in WWF and had Vince McMahon as a filter.
Then he went to WCW and TNA and had free creative control. I'm going to be honest, I like his early WCW work, but everything after the early part of regime, after the 2nd PPV he booked, just stunk. When WCW brought him back and did the "re-boot" again, I like the early direction of it but eventually him and Eric Bischoff's differences just became to much and the product suffered because of it. Then, his TNA work, I cannot think of a single thing he did with TNA off the top of my head that I liked, but I do know that he did a good job of pushing young gus like AJ Styles.
That's actually the best thing I can say for Russo, he is about trying to get the younger guys over and to build them up to bigger things. That being said, he does take alot of pride in his work, and though that can be a good thing, it seems that he thinks he is a far better booker then he really is.
My conclusion is that Russo is a great guy to have as a booker, and yes, even has a head guy, but it's not a good idea to give him final say-so. Also, he can write a very strong start to a storyline (for the most part) but soon he will let that storyline get too big, draw it out to long, or just do something that ruins it and forces it to fall under it's own weight.
So, that's my thoughts on the man. But now, I want to hear what the rest of you have to say on Vince Russo. Be as brutally honest as you wish to be.