Another thing you need to do is really try to dig and find out what is actually a Russo idea, and what may have come from elsewhere. Because again, the guy blew and still blows a lot of smoke and inflates his WWE influence.
I'll try to figure that out... Know any resources that may help me?
Yeah, I'm not even sure what a "casual" TNA fan looks like to be honest.
I'd imagine they walk around Universal Studios alot.
Like I say, here's a guy that wants to talk about his Christian values...yet certainly missed the sermon on being humble and admitting one's mistakes...
Oh dear lord YES! The guy enjoys talking about how he found god and what not, but it really hasn't seem to change his attitude any for the better. If anything, it just made him MORE high and mighty.
Then that one will probably continue to be a skip for me :)
Can't say I blame you. Hm, you can actually find an audiobook on YouTube that hits most of the high points and where the reader calls out alot of the BS. If you are interested but don't want to get the sick feeling, or waste money out of your wallet, I would suggest looking that up.
Uh huh. Russo is on record as being very much like McMahon in trying to elevate wrestling and turn it into something else. But the problem with that is wrestling is like a fictional genre, and as a sports related fiction, when you take too much of the sport aspect away you lose the principle thing that runs the shenanigans and makes them work. Russo and McMahon think the sizzle is more important then the steak and their respective failures should be a cautionary tale to anyone thinking you can go down that road.
Agreed. I believe that the "Entertainment" in "Sports Entertainment" is more important, but WWE tends to do it in such away that it undermines the sport. Russo's booking, although to be fair he does allow the term "wrestler" to be used, is just as bad.
It's true, the sources I have are at They were very involved with ECW and all the major promotions of that era. They know of what they speak.
Yup. I remember him and Ferrera both had bit parts in that "Forever Hardcore" documentary that Jeramy Borash did.
You're welcome.
Yeah, Russo was definitely not playing well with others at that point, he was at the height of believing his own BS I guess and probably figured if he pulled a power play, as bad off as the company was at the time, they'd beg him to come back.
Well... he was never ACTUALLY fired. He was under contract with a concussion when WCW went out of business. Might of been for the best though, as most believe WCW's product was slowly getting better in 01, and I must agree.
Like I say, the guy rips off whatever he and/or his kid like on television, wrestling or otherwise.
Hm, actually the more and more I think about it... his booking style is very reminecesent to a very fast paced TV show. I also PARTIALLY blame the fact that Russo has admitted that he never thought wrestling was real, and that he got brought in by the entertainment. When he talks about "giving the fans what they want" what he REALLY means is "Giving what I would of wanted when I was little".
Ah crud, I accidently deleated the Lance Storm thing... Ah, you'll know that's what I'm responding too now. I am sorry about using that term, as I too think that Lance Storm was very talented and poorly use. That said, I would argue that Storm was never really a "focal point". It seems that Russo gave him the belts to make internet fans happy, make the part of WCW fans that were leaving due to less emphisis on wrestling happy, but more importantly, shock value. Had he gone on to win the World Title, I would probably not have that opinion. He went on too give up two of the belts, to Elix Skipper and Carl Oulette if I recall, and then him and Team Canada would be put in a never ending, decent but seemingly going nowhere feud with the Misfits in Action. Who, even I will admit, got some of the worst treatment under Russo, all talented performers who were given a VERY goofy gimmick, with inneundo names to boot. I don't remember where I read this, but I once read that group was made because Russo felt none of them would get over on there own, and that they outperformed his expectations, and I wouldn't doubt that that was true.
Even if he isn't, it's better to at least TRY and elevate your younger talents, and promote that you have a style that's different then WWE. Something Russo and bookers like him that are stuck with a past idea of how the business works won't get. The future is now, and the best thing TNA can do is try to find a flag bearer, a "franchise" for their promotion...a lot of times that happens by blind luck and not through careful promoter design.
True. I hope it is A-Double, as I really think he has superstar potential. If he was in WWE, he'd be one of those guys I could seeing joining CM Punk and Daniel Brian in the "I jumped here from ROH and made an impact" scene.
Which shows that Russo's priorities are in entirely the wrong place. Since none of that stuff really made money, and Flair was never better then average.
Definatly true. The one thing I think Russo did do a good job of and could take pride in is... Um... I'm not sure about his WCW stuff. 3 Count maybe? xD The first thing that jumped out to be was that he pumped new blood into Sid's career, but... well... that was already in place when he got there.
Probably Scott Steiner's push... and now I have to wonder if that was his or Bischoff or someone else's idea.
I can get behind that.
Yeah. The only real reason people trashed on him so bad was that he was getting compared to his pops... and WCW didn't help things by always trying to make that comparision.
Crowbar was leaps and bounds more talented then Flair, and a lot of other people in WCW at the end. Daffney was always a great talent that never reached her full potential for a variety of reasons.
Agreed. I honeslty didn't see the big deal about Crowbar until I started to watch some of him and David's tag matches, and became astounded by just how talented he was. Daffney is awesome, not the best wrestler, but can play her typical role to a tee. Shoot, there was a time where Daffney showing up = ratings, then she got let go by the company. Alrighty then. =/
Mmm hmmm. One of the reasons the Memphis territory has survived where all other territories failed is Jerry Lawler has always had a good instinct for when he needs to take a break, or bring in help. At it's height Jerry Jarrett and Lawler would do six month booking stints, when one completed their six months, the other did their six, keeping the territory and the booking fresh. This is one of the principle things that killed ECW as well. Even great bookers like Paul Heyman get burnt out, especially if they shoulder other responsibilities.
Yeah. If you're burnt out you're burnt out. The only way a booker could probably go a year booking a show for one promotion without getting burnt out is if that company is small and on a "one show per month" schedule.
No, what I actually understand to have happened was they brought him in as someone to read the TV scripts and offer suggestions...and they felt his suggestions were so completely whacked out that they released him double quick
Well, what he likes to say is that he was demoted to consultant after pitching his idea (though I don't believe he's ever confirmed it was that WCW Invasion 2.0 idea), but due to him wanting to be more hands on with the product, he took a job with TNA that would give him more creative control.
He didn't in the WWF, and he had some really shit ideas. He didn't have it at times in WCW, produced shit. He didn't this last time in TNA, and the TV was shit. Russo just doesn't have anything to offer anymore. If he ever really did to begin with.
Maybe it's just that his stuff, though "new" (to average fans who didn't have ECW access) just wore off over time?