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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-14 15:26:19

Wuh-oh, Cena's getting divorced? Shit, he hasn't even been married that long, has he?

My best wishes to him in this eventual moment of being monetarily gutted like a fish - as we all know that the more famous one in a celebrity divorce tends to get screwed. I mean, I understand that the one with the least money feels some entitlement, but they overdo it to ridiculous proportions.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-14 23:29:24

........Wow, is WWE psychic, or something?

I've been imagining, for a while now, a match scenario to eventually get rid of Michael Cole, and also applying it to Laryngitis.

WHADDYA KNOW, IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS TO LARYNGITIS! Right down to 'anyone trying to assist gets immediately fired'.

Bet we can see Teddy grinning like an insane person on Friday.

So, was that Show's retirement?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-15 15:08:37

Only in the WWE do broken bones and other slightly less serious arm injuries heal in about a week or so. Good god. John Cena gets his arm whacked with a chair whilst in a sling, and woop, next week it's fine? Quickly, hit some cancer patients with steel chairs!

Does anyone in Creative have common sense?

Also, what's the deal with Ryder vs Kane at the OTL preshow? Are they going back into that or what?

So, Show's been kayfabe fired. Did they have to drag it out over 20 minutes of baw time just to give Laryngitis some heat going into OTL? I mean, I get the way they're trying to turn him into Vince 2.0 but he seriously gets too much fucking airtime. Aside from John vs John and Punk vs Bryan (Yes vs The Best), what other fucking matches are going on at OTL? Actually, let me specify that. Which other matches have been promoted for OTL?

Well, Cena delivered an admittedly funny promo which hogged up the last....fuck, 15 minutes? 20 minutes? Interesting turn of events with the Board basically putting Johnny over a barrel.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-18 22:52:11

God I can't believe this still even exists.


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-19 02:30:58

FINALLY, SANDOW DID SOMETHING! You have my full attention, sir. Nasty lookin' finisher he's got there.

Sheamus & Orton tore it the fuck up tonight.

At 5/15/12 03:08 PM, Porkchop wrote: Only in the WWE do broken bones and other slightly less serious arm injuries heal in about a week or so. Good god. John Cena gets his arm whacked with a chair whilst in a sling, and woop, next week it's fine? Quickly, hit some cancer patients with steel chairs!

Does anyone in Creative have common sense?

They did explain it as not being broken.........but yeah, we know how they WANT Cena to not sell anything.

So, Show's been kayfabe fired. Did they have to drag it out over 20 minutes of baw time just to give Laryngitis some heat going into OTL? I mean, I get the way they're trying to turn him into Vince 2.0 but he seriously gets too much fucking airtime. Aside from John vs John and Punk vs Bryan (Yes vs The Best), what other fucking matches are going on at OTL? Actually, let me specify that. Which other matches have been promoted for OTL?

There's still the Fatal 4-Way for the World Title, and a Divas Title match between two actually competent Divas.

Honestly, Laryngitis doesn't need any more heat; he's closing in on Cole's level just fine on his own.

Well, Cena delivered an admittedly funny promo which hogged up the last....fuck, 15 minutes? 20 minutes? Interesting turn of events with the Board basically putting Johnny over a barrel.

The fact that it made Cole break character made it funnier. Ace Ventura would be proud. :P

Seriously, I dare someone to not even chuckle just a little at that segment.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-19 06:31:57

At 5/19/12 02:30 AM, Swackman wrote: There's still the Fatal 4-Way for the World Title, and a Divas Title match between two actually competent Divas.

Must have missed those, gawd I hope Beth Phoenix takes it away. <3

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-19 08:25:49

Did anybody hear that Rose Amendas got into a car accident?
She got hit by a car that was going 50 MPH when she was
waiting at a light.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-20 02:53:43

At 5/19/12 06:25 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: They've already built him as a main eventer.

Bryan? Oh hell no. This is the Punk thing all over again. What happened is he got a catchphrase, and a receptive audience and he accidentally got over without them planning for it. It's Austin, Punk, Rock, really just about any headliner they've had since Hogan all over again. WWE seemingly cannot pick a guy, build him up, and get the audience to love him anymore. Clearly that drives them crazy as they almost always screw these guys over in an attempt to then corral them and try to say "look what we made!" after the fact. From what I hear tomorrow could be another prime example...

They should have moved him slightly down the matchcard so that they could build up a long, heated story angle that involves more time with them talking about how they grew up together, because honestly? They could have saved this feud up for one of the best feuds of all time, and had the match at Wrestlemania.

I will not disagree with that whatsoever. I absolutely hate how this company cannot recognize a marquee feud anymore and how much they just throw out there either for free, or on PPV's that they have to know won't draw flies. This is only going to get worse when Nitro...er uh...I mean RAW, goes to 3 hours in July.

Daniel Bryan isn't winning this match and it's clear.

Well...it was until some of the stuff I heard earlier this week, which shit do I disagree with. Bryan shouldn't win here unless there's a butt ton of interference, and even then, it should not be a win. I'm not normally a fan of doing fucky finishes when the audience pays, but in this case? MAKE THE FINISH AS FUCKY AS FUCK AND UNCLEAR AS YOU CAN WWE!!! This is something that I cannot agree with MudKips more that needs to be saved for later, and you know, if you keep teasing this feud out, but not giving clear finishes, you can come back at it later and use that as fodder for the eventual big money match.

Yes to the having a good match, but again it could have been saved up for such a better time than this show. You're right, the show shouldn't even happen, it's pretty much a waste and I highly doubt that any titles will change except maybe the tag titles.

Again, not what I'm hearing, and good God is that a mistake. Shit I don't even see the tag titles changing here, though they probably should. Ziggler and Swagger need SOMETHING...but at this point I fear they're just jobbers and yearly place holder challengers on shows where the world titles aren't expected to draw (and the world titles not being expected to draw is a completely other kettle of fish that'll drive my blood pressure through the roof.

It really doesn't. I wouldn't be surprised if they had one show on mondays named "WWE Universe". Then again, having two shows makes them so much more money, but we all know that the separation between them is completely fake and surreal. And Punk/Bryan needs to be built up better. Period. That was a dreadful 3 weeks of anticipation. Dreadful.

Agreed, this show is being phoned in and it always begs the question to me "if you don't give a fuck, why should I?" especially with a 45 dollar price tag. You hit the nail on the head though...those television rights are what makes WWE the most money these days. TNA too.

I used to think that this may have been one of the best ways to get Cena over with the fans so far.

Nah, I don't see it. They had a much better opportunity last year with his feud with Punk, or even with the Rock feud. Until they let John Cena grow all the way up and Cena becomes a better actor...he's fucked.

Make John Laurinaitis' guts be hated for a while, make the most obnoxious promo with him firing Big Show where everyone literally wants him killed, make Cena play hero and beat down Johnny Ace with words and, soon to come, beatdowns at OTL where Cena is the reason for Laurinaitis finally being out.

No, the Show thing was horrid. They emasculated Show to build a character with X-Pac heat...WITH X-PAC HEAT!!! Worse? This is supposedly leading to a Show heel turn. So you aren't getting a fired Laryngitis tomorrow. You're most likely getting show running in and this best case becoming Nickolai Volkoff and Ted Dibiase at the start of the Million Dollar Corporation...and worst? Show will willingly sniff Johnny's ass and become his best butt buddy even though he got fired.

But really? I wouldn't be surprised if Brock Lesnar interfered and helped Johnny Ace win just to shock the fans for what we were almost sure was going to be the end of him.

Possible Lesnar could...but I don't see them wasting a date for Lesnar that way...I see him reintroduced in another couple weeks or so. I think this will introduce the newly heel Big Show personally.

After Smackdown and Punk talking about the "parties" that they were going to throw, I have a feeling that WWE will surprise all of the gullible women and stupid kids.

Oh yes, Laryngitis is all over certain lineups, and is advertised for No Way Out which takes place here in Jersey,

I said it before that youre right, they shouldn't have it, kind of like capitol punishm-actually, never mind. NOTHING is as bad as Capitol Punishment. That was a throw-away PPV. This is more of like an enhancement PPV to build up the guys they want and put the other guys in their rightful places.

The problem is they should never have such PPV's. Not with the PPV business flagging, and the price tags being as high as they are. Also it's not like they can claim the DVD releases help justify the loss...because they don't. They've fucked their business with this attitude and still won't see reason and fix it.

Yeah, looks like Sheamus stole Orton's superpowers over the last 7-8 months. This just might cement Sheamus' position as the top dog, unfortunately.

I don't see it as unfortunate at all. Sheamus is talented, looks good in the spot, and isn't injury prone. Unfortunately even though Orton has finally come into his own, he just cannot stay healthy and eventually WWE has to cut bait and move on.

...Well said, my friend

Just so long as it's understood it's not personal for me...I may make it sound that way sometimes...especially if I've been drinking, like tonight...but I'm just passionate about wrestling, I want it to be exquisite always...and lazy, shitty, business destroying booking, ideas, or talent, should never be celebrated or applauded in my mind.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-20 22:42:23

So wait, Christian's a face now?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-20 23:00:50

At 5/20/12 10:50 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote:
At 5/20/12 10:42 PM, Porkchop wrote: So wait, Christian's a face now?
Yeah, and Big Show just turned heel as fuck

Like nobody saw that coming. Still, t'was hoping for Laryngitis to be off my damn TV every week. But hey, from what I heard, Punk vs Bryan was a hell of a match and the Divas match wasnt terrible. Still surprised about Christian scoring the IC championship, but hey.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-21 18:59:45

...........The hell? We're still stuck with Laryngitis!?

And Show's a heel again?


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-21 19:12:28

At 5/21/12 06:59 PM, Swackman wrote: ...........The hell? We're still stuck with Laryngitis!?

And Show's a heel again?


Maybe this is building towards some sort of Corporation-esque stable.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-21 19:58:28

What's this about RAW getting an extra hour permanently in July?

Back to the previous post, I know Show can play either side very well.......but the way the turn was done this time is just so wrong. I didn't get the chance to read all the heel turn mentions till now, so it's all new to me, AND I AIN'T HAPPY.

Luckily, Christian can play either side very well, too. Wonder what he'll say about Laryngitis now, after singing his praises as a heel? Only problem is, now Cody's w/o a title again - so, unless he's gonna be in the major belt hunt immediately, I disapprove of this.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-22 10:27:01

So, wait. If Big Show was rehired on Saturday, doesnt that mean he should be immediately fired again?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-22 10:30:39

At 5/22/12 10:27 AM, Porkchop wrote: So, wait. If Big Show was rehired on Saturday, doesnt that mean he should be immediately fired again?

Disregard that, someone at Creative told the announcers to say he didnt sign until Monday.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-22 21:06:19

AJxPunk is incredible

Cena has been fun lately

Big Show's current heel character is not believable

I know I'm missing something....

Oh yeah, Jericho's three or four mini-feuds are lame

Christian is sort of inbetween right now, because he hasn't done a lot of face stuff yet. Except for coming out to help Sheamus and Cena last night...

Oh, and I hate lumberjack matches with a passion. They are the worst match type the WWE has to offer.

What I lack in accuracy, I make up for in enthusiasm

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-23 04:37:07

Daniel Bryan is getting more and more face reactions

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-23 23:44:33

At 5/23/12 04:37 AM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: Daniel Bryan is getting more and more face reactions

He's going to have to turn soon whether they want to do it or not. He's been a great heel but the fans really like him...which really is a problem for WWE as they try and establish Sheamus as the top dog of SD! and I just think Bryan would be in too crowded a main event class on RAW unless they continue to book John Cena into feuds that do not revolve around the title.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-24 00:02:35

At 5/23/12 11:44 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 5/23/12 04:37 AM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: Daniel Bryan is getting more and more face reactions
He's going to have to turn soon whether they want to do it or not. He's been a great heel but the fans really like him...which really is a problem for WWE as they try and establish Sheamus as the top dog of SD! and I just think Bryan would be in too crowded a main event class on RAW unless they continue to book John Cena into feuds that do not revolve around the title.

This isn't new though, it's happened in RoH. . But, it's the same because the more heelish Daniel gets the more people like Daniel so his heel mannerism get over and he becomes a face. Course, getting Brogue Kicked in 18 seconds and then the crowd turning on Sheamus that fast because they know how bullshit it is to fuck with a match at Wrestle Mania. WWE should listen to it's fans when they do something stupid.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-24 12:03:21

I was gone for a month (Europe) and judging by what ive read on numerous wrestling sites I have not missed anything (Except for PAUL FUCKING HEYMAN). But that seems to be the only point of interest. Though I am excited about CM Punk and DB extending their feud.

In internet years i'm dead. *click sig to zoom zoom*

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-25 11:47:10

Lol suspended indefinitely? Seriously?

Well, that's ok, I guess, considering he was kind of just building people as contenders to the WHT. I mean, what was he gonna do after losing the Fatal 4-Way at OTL, go after the IC or US championships?

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-25 19:54:45

Sounds like Jericho got a little too into character, there. He apologized, at least. Hey, it's not the first time a WWE wrestler has made a bad judgment call; Punk's already admitted & apologized for stuff before. (That time he let a gay slur slip, remember?) It happens. I'd rather see something like this than a suspension over drug issues, honestly - we still get entirely too many of those.

As far as Bryan, I don't think the fans are trying to turn him face, as there's still quite a bit of booing towards him; I think it's more of "YES!!!!" becoming a really popular meme.

Christian had better explain his face turn tonight or Monday, or else it's not going to be as believable, after spending so much time "ONE MORE MATCH"-ing & singing Laryngitis' praises, not to mention originally being on Team Johnny, and then just suddenly switching sides.

Hopefully Sandow will be in an actual match tonight; after seeing the assault last week, I'm looking forward to it.

"Y'know, I kinda dig crazy chicks." Lololololol. Here's hoping this goes somewhere good, as they'd be a comic book nerd match-made-in-heaven.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-26 03:01:59

At 5/25/12 07:54 PM, Swackman wrote: Sounds like Jericho got a little too into character, there. He apologized, at least. Hey, it's not the first time a WWE wrestler has made a bad judgment call; Punk's already admitted & apologized for stuff before. (That time he let a gay slur slip, remember?) It happens. I'd rather see something like this than a suspension over drug issues, honestly - we still get entirely too many of those.

Difference is, Jericho BROKE THE LAW. Look, I get what he was doing, he was heeling. I get it...but let's not forget that the law in Brazil says you can't disrespect their flag. Also WWE is a publicly traded company where the owner's wife (and fuck you official FCC filings or whatever jerk off crap they have to file, she's still an owner really) is running for senate again (yay vanity campaign wastes of money!! God I wish I had money to blow that way). I understand there are past examples that say they should have done different...but again, for me what kills it for me is that he broke the law, to try and say Jericho is being unfairly persecuted is to say somebody can break the law. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean you don't have to follow it. The suspension is justified, and it's been amended to 30 days, which to me is reasonable.

As far as Bryan, I don't think the fans are trying to turn him face, as there's still quite a bit of booing towards him; I think it's more of "YES!!!!" becoming a really popular meme.

I think there's that to a degree...but I think the boos are from the younger fans honestly who can still be programmed along face/heel lines.

Christian had better explain his face turn tonight or Monday, or else it's not going to be as believable, after spending so much time "ONE MORE MATCH"-ing & singing Laryngitis' praises, not to mention originally being on Team Johnny, and then just suddenly switching sides.

EXACTLY!!! Thank you!!!! Gotta say I'm baffled by people going "oh fuck it...Christian deserved to go face...oh fuck it, Show is better as a heel". Hey, even if I agree with you...here's the thing...IT NEEDS TO MAKE SENSE IN THE STORYLINES!!! You don't watch a TV show, read a comic, or anything like that and see a villian become sympathetic, or a hero get dirty and not expect a good compelling believable explanation. WWE needs to do the same damn thing. "He's good now!" Is not an acceptable explanation. If you take that as such, you've lowered your standards far too damn much. Demand better.

Hopefully Sandow will be in an actual match tonight; after seeing the assault last week, I'm looking forward to it.

I like this Sandow guy....of course, he could get in that ring and suck balls and then there goes that...but right now the character is interesting...but yeah, they have to be careful with the begging off...haven't read a SD! report yet...but if he didn't work this week, he should work next week, and creme the local jobber they give him. WWE needs to realize strong heels need to occasionally get strong wins, and that also can result in heat. For example: I am an asshole heel, I tell you I am the greatest thing walking. I then insult you, your family, your hero, etc. Then I get in there with a guy that's maybe not quite on my level...I beat him convincingly, don't you hate me more? Of course you do! Why? Because I'm a complete piece of garbage...but worse? I HAVE A POINT! YOU HAVE TO ADMIT I CAN TALK CRAP!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLJOKESONYOUFUCKER!!! This is not hard to get.

"Y'know, I kinda dig crazy chicks." Lololololol. Here's hoping this goes somewhere good, as they'd be a comic book nerd match-made-in-heaven.

Yep, this is the ONLY thing on WWE I care about right now...which makes me a bit sad.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-26 21:53:18

I hadn't actually sat down and watched smackdown in a few years until last night. I was surprised how much more on-point things seemed to be. Less bullshit filler and repeat promos. This makes me feel like the switch to 3 hour RAWs is going to ruin the show. It seems like their live shows struggle to fill up their allotted time with content.

This Smackdown was very boring to watch, mind you, but I wasn't pissed off by it which is a good thing.

What I lack in accuracy, I make up for in enthusiasm

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-28 22:32:30

They couldn't have picked anyone better for the WWE 13 cover. ^_^ Especially for the 'Attitude Era theme' it has.

Well, Brodus' streak had to end sometime. I say this when the match hasn't even happened yet.

Sin Cara's coming back. Here's hoping he doesn't botch as much as he did last time......

At 5/26/12 03:01 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 5/25/12 07:54 PM, Swackman wrote: Sounds like Jericho got a little too into character, there. He apologized, at least. Hey, it's not the first time a WWE wrestler has made a bad judgment call; Punk's already admitted & apologized for stuff before. (That time he let a gay slur slip, remember?) It happens. I'd rather see something like this than a suspension over drug issues, honestly - we still get entirely too many of those.
Difference is, Jericho BROKE THE LAW. Look, I get what he was doing, he was heeling. I get it...but let's not forget that the law in Brazil says you can't disrespect their flag. Also WWE is a publicly traded company where the owner's wife (and fuck you official FCC filings or whatever jerk off crap they have to file, she's still an owner really) is running for senate again (yay vanity campaign wastes of money!! God I wish I had money to blow that way). I understand there are past examples that say they should have done different...but again, for me what kills it for me is that he broke the law, to try and say Jericho is being unfairly persecuted is to say somebody can break the law. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean you don't have to follow it. The suspension is justified, and it's been amended to 30 days, which to me is reasonable.

First, I'm CERTAINLY NOT condoning lawbreaking, if that's what you implied with that one line. Second, I don't know much about international law, so there's that. Third, I agree that the suspension length is plenty reasonable. All I meant was that I can see how this happened, given how shit happens in the heat of the moment......although, in hindsight, Jericho being the seasoned traveller he is, he should've been aware of that particular law, and it didn't quite sound like he was.

As far as Bryan, I don't think the fans are trying to turn him face, as there's still quite a bit of booing towards him; I think it's more of "YES!!!!" becoming a really popular meme.
I think there's that to a degree...but I think the boos are from the younger fans honestly who can still be programmed along face/heel lines.

Given the Kane situation last Friday, maybe they are planning a turn. Hard to tell, though.

Christian had better explain his face turn tonight or Monday, or else it's not going to be as believable, after spending so much time "ONE MORE MATCH"-ing & singing Laryngitis' praises, not to mention originally being on Team Johnny, and then just suddenly switching sides.
EXACTLY!!! Thank you!!!! Gotta say I'm baffled by people going "oh fuck it...Christian deserved to go face...oh fuck it, Show is better as a heel". Hey, even if I agree with you...here's the thing...IT NEEDS TO MAKE SENSE IN THE STORYLINES!!! You don't watch a TV show, read a comic, or anything like that and see a villian become sympathetic, or a hero get dirty and not expect a good compelling believable explanation. WWE needs to do the same damn thing. "He's good now!" Is not an acceptable explanation. If you take that as such, you've lowered your standards far too damn much. Demand better.

Uh, to quote Sandow, "You're welcome.".

There are some things that don't bother me as much as everyone else here; all I ask is for shit to make some level of sense & not just feel like an asspull.

Show has at least offered an explanation that makes sense; this is what Christian needs to do.......although I'm beginning to think we're not going to get one, unfortunately.

Hopefully Sandow will be in an actual match tonight; after seeing the assault last week, I'm looking forward to it.
I like this Sandow guy....of course, he could get in that ring and suck balls and then there goes that...but right now the character is interesting...but yeah, they have to be careful with the begging off...haven't read a SD! report yet...but if he didn't work this week, he should work next week, and creme the local jobber they give him. WWE needs to realize strong heels need to occasionally get strong wins, and that also can result in heat. For example: I am an asshole heel, I tell you I am the greatest thing walking. I then insult you, your family, your hero, etc. Then I get in there with a guy that's maybe not quite on my level...I beat him convincingly, don't you hate me more? Of course you do! Why? Because I'm a complete piece of garbage...but worse? I HAVE A POINT! YOU HAVE TO ADMIT I CAN TALK CRAP!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLJOKESONYOUFUCKER!!! This is not hard to get.

He did have an actual match, finally. So far, he seems to be pretty good in the ring, so I'm not worried about that.

"Y'know, I kinda dig crazy chicks." Lololololol. Here's hoping this goes somewhere good, as they'd be a comic book nerd match-made-in-heaven.
Yep, this is the ONLY thing on WWE I care about right now...which makes me a bit sad.

Her in a CM Punk shirt? How awesome is that!?

The story got even more interesting tonight. Keep it up, guys.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-29 15:23:37

Well, they kept Brodus' streak intact, while still making Show look like a monster.

I forgot to mention Skip's match last Friday. Seriously, if you didn't think that him going to the ring with a massive shiner on his left eye (wonder how he got that) and being completely unphased by it whatsoever, and then massacring two jobbers simultaneously, including using his finisher on both of em at the same time (yes, both hoisted on his shoulders & smushed into the mat), wasn't entertaining, then something's seriously wrong with ya. That night was definitely his night.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-30 11:51:50

I can honestly say I have absolutly no idea what is going on in the WWE right now. I'm still working monday nights so Raw is still out, but thankfully Friday is now free for me. I just went to the web site to see who the champs still are... The bigh change I see is that Christian is the IC champ now.

Christian turned face? Jericho suspended? Show a heel?

Details please. And anything else of note going on. What are the current fueds?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-30 21:03:28

At 5/30/12 12:13 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Helpful things

Thanks! Who is fueding for the World Heavyweight title? What are guys like Miz, Kofi, Swagger, and Ziggler up to?

WWE.com is reporting that WWE Superstar Randy Orton has been suspended for 60 days.

Orton has failed the company's Wellness Policy for the second time in his career.

Great going Randy...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-31 03:23:19

At 5/30/12 09:03 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: WWE.com is reporting that WWE Superstar Randy Orton has been suspended for 60 days.

Orton has failed the company's Wellness Policy for the second time in his career.

Great going Randy...

Yep, considering what's happened to other guys with two strikes on them (Regal) I can see Orton coming back to basically be jobbed out and pushed down the card as they try to get Sheamus to step up...what a shame. I've often been critical of Orton but this is a bad blow for WWE and really something they could have avoided if they didn't treat so much of their talent as disposable. Now they have to choose between running the risk of pushing Orton as a major commodity and pray he doesn't get popped a 3rd time, or they push him down the card and have one less established headline guy on the roster. Also going to be interesting to see how Rey gets used when he comes back as he's in a very similar boat to Orton.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-31 19:28:02

Gahdammit, Randy........

This better be a case of 'he has a legal prescription for it, and it just shows up on the test due to a technicality', or something........
