At 4/23/12 08:42 AM, Swackman wrote:
But first, welcome back, Darren Young, with Titus O'Neil in tow. I have to admit, good match they put on with The Usos; they were actuably believable as a threat.
Probably because the Uso's have been beaten so far down...
Wasn't quite expecting THAT to be how AJ would snap (I expected her to go off on Bryan); wonder where they'll go from here........although I'm having a slight sinking feeling.
That's just your common sense and the fact that they are bound and determined to kill anything the fans like that they didn't tell them to kicking in.
I doubt they would be THAT stupid to pull that.....then again.....
These guys have been using World Titles as proving grounds to see if a guy can "handle" being champion while utterly ruining the person in question, they've destroyed any other belt they currently have...yeah, they could indeed be "that stupid". Don't doubt!
I agree with ya that the way Sheamus got the belt was stupid as fuck, but Bryan hasn't been buried entirely just yet.
Give 'em time, Miz and Ryder will tell you. But Bryan is a guy who's committed heart and soul to wrestling...I can see him being like Punk and toughing it out till he can basically force it down their throats.
True..........and I hope to hell that isn't the case.
Me too. Creative has been a little better of we'll see.
Uh, to shoot your own argument in the foot, you probably said that about Mark Henry; look at how horribly wrong ALL OF US were on that.
Nope, I wouldn't have. I've watched Henry's entire career, his work was worthless until about 4 or so years ago. He had a fantastic run at the end of ECW before they decided to cool him off to the point of being utterly useless. So no, it's not the same at all. Henry was built back into a monster, and did it credibly. That was a slow and focused thing that worked well...with Show they basically just flipped a switch and gave him a useless title and are trading on the fact that it's Big Show. It's not the same at all.
You're basically denying Show what Henry's gotten (except as a face); how is that fair?
The two situations are in no way comparable. Henry was built to be one of the pillars of SD! Show is nowhere near that.
Continuing my above statement, that's EXACTLY my point. Show ISN'T going to be around for much longer, but Cody will, with pleeeeeeeenty of time to re-establish himself, probably with another title.
You can't keep shitting on and yo-yo'ing guys and expecting them to draw. Show doesn't have much time, that means he needs to use his name value to MAKE young guys. Not beat them. This is the retarded logic WWE and WCW used for years. Old guys need to put over young guys. It has always been except for the last 20 years or so that you left the business on your back, you lost in your final years more because you needed to make the next batch of talent and keep the business going. That unfortunately has been lost in the cult of personality that has sprung up since WWE went national.
Cody is still feuding with him, and, like Bryan, hasn't been tossed to the wayside yet.
Hopefully takes the win sunday. But the problem is, it's a show that won't be as watched as Mania, though Lesnar might be good for an above average buyrate.
Now that is REALLY pushing it. Like watching WCW? Really?
Bad creative that drives people off? Check.
Burying young talent and feeding them recklessly to already made stars? Check.
Tag wrestling is meaningless? Women's wrestling meaningless? Too many belts that matter too little? All checks.
Not allowing anyone to break out that the office didn't decide can break out? Check check. Sorry, how are they not like WCW again?
That being said, yeah, less people will see it........which is why they really need to start stepping up their game on these other shows. But your comparison is still overboard.
It really is not. For the reasons I listed.
I know that; just trying to give credit where it's due. Still a stupid match, though, no doubt.
Yeah, it's a celebrity crossover that did nothing I think. Normally you can at least say "I know it'll suck, but it should mean some buys" I think the show would have done the exact same number without it.
......Yeah, you could be right on that.
There's also the fact that a lot of people are still pissed at how he left 8 years ago. I'm still seeing and hearing that, and I have a problem with that myself...but so far he's been absolutely excellent in his role.
Huh.....maybe it only FELT like 6 months.......well, anyway, things are going well so far, so that's good.
Going back to SD! will be good for him. He'll be better able to make his mark without having to worry about getting the belt only to job it to Cena or Punk in a month or two. WWE really fucks their heels royally.
Don't see how winning the WWE title was a loss in momentum.
The way he won it was atrocious. The fans hated it, and not in the "oh that dastardly bastard heel!" way. But in the "wow, way to fuck up something I enjoyed, time to click off this again". The fact that he then quickly lost it hurt him as well...then he got it back...only to quickly lose it again. It's maybe the one time an injury actually HELPED a guy, because it basically forced them to have time to reset him.
As mentioned already, it was probably FCW-related.
I know he's still working the character down there.
I haven't - although I'm getting the feeling I should be glad about that....
Fuck yes you should. Those characters were awful...and going to marathon house shows (they used to tape tv at the house shows) was a bit of a drain. Lucky I was very young then.
Yeah, I've gotten rather sick of nameless guys being used as cannon fodder - although that's not the first time I've seen that done for someone.
I'm fine with having jobbers in there for new characters to destroy as they get established. It's better then taking marginal, or other emerging talents and beating them down repeatedly. It doesn't help anybody. The quick squash is a lost art, and very useful for introducing new characters until they're ready for their first feuds.
Regardless, I wouldn't pass judgment on him just yet. He seems to be slowly getting the crowd on his side, so I'd give him just a little more time.
I have ALWAYS felt Ryback had amazing potential, ever since his Nexus run before he got hurt. What I'm annoyed at is the stupid name. Put a ridiculous gimmick on a fantastic worker, and you can kill him off. Just ask Terry Taylor.
Problem is, WHAT do do with him.........
They have time. Give him a couple more squashes, maybe transition him up to a guy like Tyler Reks whose bigger but doing nothing, let him wreck him...then maybe he can work with some mid-level heel on the brand...honestly the roster is so thin and fucked at this point, not sure where to go with this guy.
.....True, the one time he was given a title didn't work out so well - although the only reason he was given that title was due to the whole "Let's toss Drew down the toilet for the dumbest reason ever!!!!!" fiasco, if memory serves, and really didn't have a shitload of planning put into it.
Doesn't matter. Belt was on Kane, ratings went down, Kane didn't draw. That is a fact.
Are ya trying to piss me off, here?
If you actually liked that, then I think you're trying to piss ME off. Those guys were geniuses who got fucked and abused before and after their deaths...this is just another insult to them from where I'm sitting.