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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-06 16:56:15

At 4/5/12 11:30 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote:
Miz vs. CM Punk for the WWE title soon, probably at Extreme Rules. Saw this ever since the pin at mania.

Not that soon, probably a rematch with Jericho at Extreme Rules.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-07 17:18:16

...........Didn't we already do the 'Teddy loses his GM slot; is forced to work for new GM & put through the wringer' storyline once before?

Skip Schoeffield returns. Shame the last way he went off, with the injury ruining a possible good Nexus run. He looks to be a face now, and the crowd reaction wasn't too bad, so that's a good start.

BEST. REFEREE. ASSAULT. EVER. Also, despite Alberto being a heel, the Eddie homage that led to said assault was nice.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-09 00:01:47

Hmmm, been away from here for about a week...so let's touch on a few things that I've been thinking about this week:

Mania was a good show I thought, split it with a friend and felt I got my money's worth. With that said the first hour was complete shit. COMPLETE. UTTER. SHIT. It was everything that is wrong with this company in a microcosm: Only one guy in a match matters, so fuck the other dude because we have some idiotic idea we want to push! (Bryan vs. Sheamus), Young talent? What, we don't need to build that up! Let's just let a fairly meaningless old guy win an even more meaningless title and fuck the young guy so we can lament on a conference call later how we have no young talent! (Cody vs. Show), Champions don't matter people! How many titles are there? Right, well clearly we don't need those meaningless tag titles on this show...and that Divas belt? Means so little we'll let the champ get pinned by a fucking outside celebrity (Divas nonsense). Once we got to Taker vs H we pretty much needed a miracle to save this one...and we got it. That match reminded me of everything I love about pro wrestling and everything that is lost in the frankly shite product we're getting 364 other days out of the year. I'm not sure it was the great epic some people said it was, but it was absolutely fantastic and a clinic in how to tell a story in a match. Punk vs. Jericho was easily the best pure wrestling match on the show and they made the tacked on stip feel organic and used it to actually heighten the drama rather then detract from it. Rock and Cena was actually a much better match then I expected, and the finish was unexpected and in the end I think it was right so long as it's building to Rock jobbing to someone on the roster like Punk or some other headliner that isn't quite pushed as an A+ talent. Brodus was an embarrassment and the GM match was an ok tag bout with a predictably dreadful finish.

RAW was decent. The Punk/Jericho feud already looks like it'll be a classic, and Lesnar's return was...well, I'd love to say shocking but I'd been hearing all weekend it was basically a done deal. Not sure how I feel about it yet, if Brock is here to do business, then fine...but it's Brock, so I have a hard time believing this is anything but a cash grab where he demands to destroy the roster until his last match on the contract at Mania next year.

SD! was a good reminder of my belief that there's no real long term future in WWE. At least not in the current direction...attempt to kill off blossoming support for Daniel Bryan? Check. Place Teddy Long into a sycophant role to Laryngitis until such time as he finds a way to get his job back? Check. Debut one ridiculous character (Ryback...are you fucking kidding me?) and shoot vignettes for another seemingly bad character (look, I understood everything he said sure...but I imagine a good percentage of the audience isn't as intellectual as I am and will be lost by his promos and not care...then again, I'm the guy that thought the Alberto Del Rio character was a bad idea from the opening vignettes).

Quite a week...I'm sure we'll be looking back in a year and seeing who was right in being optimistic, and who was right in feeling like it's just another trek to another poorly built and badly executed Wrestlemania.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-09 22:38:18

I love John Laurinaitis' new theme song. It shows his arrogance quite well.

The Three Stooges being here tonight, I gotta be honest I didn't like. It was just a movie promotion, I mean come on the audience was booing this. I'm happy that Kane ended it. If you're gonna bring in people to promote their movies at least give them something else to do. Like when the Muppets were here.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-12 13:25:04

So yeah, I have never been too fond of Brock Lesnar. He has always struck me as the guy who just doesn't care about the business, he just wants to look good and make money. He had one of the biggest pushes I have ever seen and just walked out wasting all the work WWE had put into him. So that is my pretense of disliking him.

After watching Raw, any excitement I had about him returning is now gone. He has been away from the business for so long, I don't think he remembers how to not hurt people. He has a history of injuring others so I think at the end of the day he is a walking accident just waiting to happen, and either Cena, himself or Brock has a chance to be seriously injured.

Maybe I am over reacting, but that doesn't change the fact that I think Brock Lesnar is an ass.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-13 21:41:53

At 4/9/12 12:01 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Hmmm, been away from here for about a week...so let's touch on a few things that I've been thinking about this week:

I was wondering where the hell ya went.

Mania was a good show I thought, split it with a friend and felt I got my money's worth. With that said the first hour was complete shit. COMPLETE. UTTER. SHIT. It was everything that is wrong with this company in a microcosm: Only one guy in a match matters, so fuck the other dude because we have some idiotic idea we want to push! (Bryan vs. Sheamus),

Well, frankly, I think the whole feud so far has been interesting enough, and maybe he'll be given the title back again. I agree with ya that the way Sheamus got the belt was stupid as fuck, but Bryan hasn't been buried entirely just yet.

Young talent? What, we don't need to build that up! Let's just let a fairly meaningless old guy win an even more meaningless title and fuck the young guy so we can lament on a conference call later how we have no young talent! (Cody vs. Show),

Now this, I'll disagree on. This was a thank-you to Show, who's STILL popular with the crowd and therefore is NOT meaningless, by giving him the last title he hadn't gotten to win yet, putting him in an elite circle. Cody is still feuding with him, and, like Bryan, hasn't been tossed to the wayside yet.

Champions don't matter people! How many titles are there? Right, well clearly we don't need those meaningless tag titles on this show...

Well, we got to see it online, at least. Although, if they weren't going to have it on the actual WM card, it seems pointless to have had the match at all.

and that Divas belt? Means so little we'll let the champ get pinned by a fucking outside celebrity (Divas nonsense).

Yeah, that was unnecessary; HOWEVER, I'll give Maria credit for going through all that with quite a few irl injuries.

Once we got to Taker vs H we pretty much needed a miracle to save this one...and we got it. That match reminded me of everything I love about pro wrestling and everything that is lost in the frankly shite product we're getting 364 other days out of the year. I'm not sure it was the great epic some people said it was, but it was absolutely fantastic and a clinic in how to tell a story in a match. Punk vs. Jericho was easily the best pure wrestling match on the show and they made the tacked on stip feel organic and used it to actually heighten the drama rather then detract from it. Rock and Cena was actually a much better match then I expected, and the finish was unexpected and in the end I think it was right so long as it's building to Rock jobbing to someone on the roster like Punk or some other headliner that isn't quite pushed as an A+ talent.

Certainly agreed on all 3 of those.

RAW was decent. The Punk/Jericho feud already looks like it'll be a classic, and Lesnar's return was...well, I'd love to say shocking but I'd been hearing all weekend it was basically a done deal. Not sure how I feel about it yet, if Brock is here to do business, then fine...but it's Brock, so I have a hard time believing this is anything but a cash grab where he demands to destroy the roster until his last match on the contract at Mania next year.

Y'know what? Even if that's what ends up happening, the way the audience responded to him shows me that they don't care as long as Brock puts on a hell of a show while he's there. He's suffering from Acute Angle-itis, in that, despite trying to act heel, he's been getting nothing but cheers up the ass.

SD! was a good reminder of my belief that there's no real long term future in WWE. At least not in the current direction...attempt to kill off blossoming support for Daniel Bryan? Check. Place Teddy Long into a sycophant role to Laryngitis until such time as he finds a way to get his job back? Check. Debut one ridiculous character (Ryback...are you fucking kidding me?) and shoot vignettes for another seemingly bad character (look, I understood everything he said sure...but I imagine a good percentage of the audience isn't as intellectual as I am and will be lost by his promos and not care...then again, I'm the guy that thought the Alberto Del Rio character was a bad idea from the opening vignettes).

Regarding that last part, well, then, there ya go, because look at where Alberto is right now - basically a ZERO loss of momentum after being gone 6 months.

I swear, Damien Sandow sounds really familiar..........have you guys mentioned him before?

Schoeff........Ryback........seriously, what's up with that name, anyway? Regardless, I wouldn't pass judgment on him just yet. He seems to be slowly getting the crowd on his side, so I'd give him just a little more time.

As mentioned, you did forget the Orton/Kane match, which was far, far better than anticipated, even for me. The continuing feud has gone well so far, and this could be the thing Kane finally needed.

At 4/9/12 10:38 PM, The-Great-One wrote: I love John Laurinaitis' new theme song. It shows his arrogance quite well.

Indeed it does.......

The Three Stooges being here tonight, I gotta be honest I didn't like. It was just a movie promotion, I mean come on the audience was booing this. I'm happy that Kane ended it. If you're gonna bring in people to promote their movies at least give them something else to do. Like when the Muppets were here.

Beeing a Stooges fan, I was a tad pissed off at the reaction, actually. I understand WWE really needs to use the frigging guest spot thing sparingly, but, well, COME ON. These 3 guys have the roles down about as well as it could possibly get, and I'm a fan of Will Sasso from his MAD TV days, so it's even cooler for me to see him doing an iconic role like this. Plus, that was one great Hogan impression he did - not counting the costume part, anyway.

So yeah, going off on a slightly off-topic tangent, here...........

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-14 07:18:33

To the people who haven't been following the farm report, Damien Sandow, is a fantasticly badass wrestler from FCW, he looks, acts and talk crazy and wrestles good.

Waiting on Ambrose though.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-14 20:05:07

Like I said, I'm pretty sure I've heard his name dropped more than a few times before. So far, I'm liking his gimmick, on the account that I can't help but agree with every frigging thing he says about our culture. Ironic thing is, despite his Twitter-bashing in the 2nd promo, HIS FRIGGING TWITTER HANDLE APPEARED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN. Yeah, I know WWE makes it mandatory, but it's still amusing.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-16 03:12:06

At 4/13/12 09:41 PM, Swackman wrote: Well, frankly, I think the whole feud so far has been interesting enough, and maybe he'll be given the title back again.

He lost in 18 SECONDS! A guy doesn't lose in 18 seconds unless they don't want to push him. Everything they've done with him since indicates they don't want to push him and now they're mad that the audience is trying to get behind him. I wouldn't be shocked if he loses 2 straight falls at Extreme Rules...don't want it...but I could see it.

I agree with ya that the way Sheamus got the belt was stupid as fuck, but Bryan hasn't been buried entirely just yet.

They're working hard at it though...just ask Zack Ryder about how good they can be at burying a guy if they work at it.

Now this, I'll disagree on.


This was a thank-you to Show,

It's the biggest goddamn show of the year!!! The most eyeballs they'll have all year!!! They have destroyed anybody other then the tippity top guys!!! NOT THE TIME TO BE GIVING THANK YOU WINS TO MID-CARD GUYS WHOSE BEST RUNS ARE BEHIND THEM!!!

who's STILL popular with the crowd and therefore is NOT meaningless,

He ain't drawing money now. He's going to be done within the next five years probably. Cody is going to be there...fucking him over this way keeps him from drawing money. It's WCW thinking and it's retarded. Next!

by giving him the last title he hadn't gotten to win yet, putting him in an elite circle.

Oh bullshit. That belt means nothing. When John Cena is a 10 time champion, holding that belt more times then Hulk Hogan, Rock, or Austin, and in way less time, the idea that winning all the belts matters is laughable. Two belts matter in that company, and even at that they don't matter as much as guys like Cena. It's ridiculous logic, I'm sorry, but it is.

Cody is still feuding with him, and, like Bryan, hasn't been tossed to the wayside yet.

Even if he beats show as ER...he beat Show at ER. Way less people will see it, less people are paying attention to the product, so it's doing the right thing at the wrong time. The Mania outcome was retarded, I stand by it. Watching WWE these days is like watching WCW as it really began to spiral towards the grave...and really prior to the nWo as well.

Well, we got to see it online, at least.

Oh, well if it was online...meaningless!

Although, if they weren't going to have it on the actual WM card, it seems pointless to have had the match at all.

It's a dark match to get some guys a Mania payday and warm up the crowd...but my problem is when you have title matches that aren't on the Mania card, it certainly sends the message that the belts don't matter.

Yeah, that was unnecessary; HOWEVER, I'll give Maria credit for going through all that with quite a few irl injuries.

I'm not questioning the girl's toughness. Bitch is tough...bitch is tough as nails...but she doesn't work there!!! She isn't going into a program with Beth...which means if a heel diva is taking the pin, the heel that should take the pin is EVE!!! It's common damn sense!!!

Y'know what? Even if that's what ends up happening, the way the audience responded to him shows me that they don't care as long as Brock puts on a hell of a show while he's there.

The rating says the audience actually doesn't care all that much...

He's suffering from Acute Angle-itis, in that, despite trying to act heel, he's been getting nothing but cheers up the ass.

That's I think just the showing back up after hiatus and the crowds feeling happy to see him beating the piss out of Cena who they hate. The more he shows up, and the worse the shows are, that'll change.

Regarding that last part, well, then, there ya go, because look at where Alberto is right now - basically a ZERO loss of momentum after being gone 6 months.

I wouldn't say that at all. Del Rio lost momentum badly since being drafted to RAW. Also he was only gone about 3 months. They're in a rebuilding phase with him...but they certainly hurt him since last august.

I swear, Damien Sandow sounds really familiar..........have you guys mentioned him before?

He may have gotten mentioned in some FCW related stuff? Or maybe he was on NXT? I pay virtually zero attention to both.

Schoeff........Ryback........seriously, what's up with that name, anyway?

Have we ever been exposed to T.L. Hopper? Duke "The Dumpster" Drowsey? Because that's where it comes from...no competition means Vince goes right back to the kind of stupid garbage he thought was brilliance before WCW started to beat them.

Regardless, I wouldn't pass judgment on him just yet. He seems to be slowly getting the crowd on his side, so I'd give him just a little more time.

I don't put it on him. He's a guy doing what he's told, he's shown a ton of potential in the past. But if he's aimed improperly...he's like every other guy with a ton of potential they've ruined...

As mentioned, you did forget the Orton/Kane match, which was far, far better than anticipated, even for me. The continuing feud has gone well so far, and this could be the thing Kane finally needed.

For what? To matter until he doesn't again? It's Kane dude...he's like Show...he's mid-card forever, going to be done within 5 years. I don't know why there are still some of you out there waiting for Kane to finally get that big push! That big push is never coming, ok? He got the World title as a thank you and to give him a chance to be something...and it flopped. Hard. He's a monster that'll be built up every once in awhile for some hero on the rise to knock down. That's his job.

Also, the Stooges thing, like the new movie...was an abomination that did not need to be.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-19 23:08:56

This thread could never hold all of my YES!


The Wrestling (WWE) Club

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-19 23:31:50

At 4/19/12 11:08 PM, ViceFullbuster wrote: This thread could never hold all of my YES!



Also, are they going back to the whole Cena vs Kane thing? I mean, they're coming to Detroit this monday (and I have fucking stupid jury duty so I cant go), but every so often, they air promos for the Punk/Cena vs Jericho/Kane tag match. Considering it's not just a house show, it leads me to believe that what, they're just gonna pick it up again out of the blue?

Also, when DB lost that quickly, the first thing I thought was that he had popped a piss test and was going the same way as Evan Bourne. Would've preferred it to just blatantly squashing him like it's nobody's business.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-21 07:59:38

At 4/19/12 11:08 PM, ViceFullbuster wrote: This thread could never hold all of my YES!


I have a feeling that the company will demote DB back to the mid card in a few months or so.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-23 01:44:47

At 4/21/12 07:59 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I have a feeling that the company will demote DB back to the mid card in a few months or so.

Certainly seems they'd like to try it...but the YES! thing is catching on and it's out there in public in a big bad way....but of course that doesn't matter. Look at how they squandered The Summer of Punk. Until WWE gets over the idea that if it isn't their vision, it's crap...we're just going to continue to get hit with anytime something gets over, it gets squashed.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-23 08:42:07

.......I think this is the most avie has ever disagreed with me on something.....meh, I can handle it. :P

But first, welcome back, Darren Young, with Titus O'Neil in tow. I have to admit, good match they put on with The Usos; they were actuably believable as a threat.

Wasn't quite expecting THAT to be how AJ would snap (I expected her to go off on Bryan); wonder where they'll go from here........although I'm having a slight sinking feeling.

At 4/16/12 03:12 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 4/13/12 09:41 PM, Swackman wrote: Well, frankly, I think the whole feud so far has been interesting enough, and maybe he'll be given the title back again.
He lost in 18 SECONDS! A guy doesn't lose in 18 seconds unless they don't want to push him. Everything they've done with him since indicates they don't want to push him and now they're mad that the audience is trying to get behind him. I wouldn't be shocked if he loses 2 straight falls at Extreme Rules...don't want it...but I could see it.

I doubt they would be THAT stupid to pull that.....then again.....

But I don't THINK it'll happen; he'll most likely get one win.

I agree with ya that the way Sheamus got the belt was stupid as fuck, but Bryan hasn't been buried entirely just yet.
They're working hard at it though...just ask Zack Ryder about how good they can be at burying a guy if they work at it.

True..........and I hope to hell that isn't the case.

Now this, I'll disagree on.

This was a thank-you to Show,
It's the biggest goddamn show of the year!!! The most eyeballs they'll have all year!!! They have destroyed anybody other then the tippity top guys!!! NOT THE TIME TO BE GIVING THANK YOU WINS TO MID-CARD GUYS WHOSE BEST RUNS ARE BEHIND THEM!!!

Uh, to shoot your own argument in the foot, you probably said that about Mark Henry; look at how horribly wrong ALL OF US were on that. You're basically denying Show what Henry's gotten (except as a face); how is that fair?

who's STILL popular with the crowd and therefore is NOT meaningless,
He ain't drawing money now. He's going to be done within the next five years probably. Cody is going to be there...fucking him over this way keeps him from drawing money. It's WCW thinking and it's retarded. Next!

Continuing my above statement, that's EXACTLY my point. Show ISN'T going to be around for much longer, but Cody will, with pleeeeeeeenty of time to re-establish himself, probably with another title.

Cody is still feuding with him, and, like Bryan, hasn't been tossed to the wayside yet.
Even if he beats show as ER...he beat Show at ER. Way less people will see it, less people are paying attention to the product, so it's doing the right thing at the wrong time. The Mania outcome was retarded, I stand by it. Watching WWE these days is like watching WCW as it really began to spiral towards the grave...and really prior to the nWo as well.

Now that is REALLY pushing it. Like watching WCW? Really?

That being said, yeah, less people will see it........which is why they really need to start stepping up their game on these other shows. But your comparison is still overboard.

Yeah, that was unnecessary; HOWEVER, I'll give Maria credit for going through all that with quite a few irl injuries.
I'm not questioning the girl's toughness. Bitch is tough...bitch is tough as nails...but she doesn't work there!!! She isn't going into a program with Beth...which means if a heel diva is taking the pin, the heel that should take the pin is EVE!!! It's common damn sense!!!

I know that; just trying to give credit where it's due. Still a stupid match, though, no doubt.

He's suffering from Acute Angle-itis, in that, despite trying to act heel, he's been getting nothing but cheers up the ass.
That's I think just the showing back up after hiatus and the crowds feeling happy to see him beating the piss out of Cena who they hate. The more he shows up, and the worse the shows are, that'll change.

......Yeah, you could be right on that.

Regarding that last part, well, then, there ya go, because look at where Alberto is right now - basically a ZERO loss of momentum after being gone 6 months.
I wouldn't say that at all. Del Rio lost momentum badly since being drafted to RAW. Also he was only gone about 3 months. They're in a rebuilding phase with him...but they certainly hurt him since last august.

Huh.....maybe it only FELT like 6 months.......well, anyway, things are going well so far, so that's good.

Don't see how winning the WWE title was a loss in momentum. Maybe he lost some after he dropped the title to Punk, but I don't believe he lost it right after he was drafted.

I swear, Damien Sandow sounds really familiar..........have you guys mentioned him before?
He may have gotten mentioned in some FCW related stuff? Or maybe he was on NXT? I pay virtually zero attention to both.

As mentioned already, it was probably FCW-related.

Honestly, I wish he'd hurry up & get in the ring so I can have a better first impression.

Schoeff........Ryback........seriously, what's up with that name, anyway?
Have we ever been exposed to T.L. Hopper? Duke "The Dumpster" Drowsey? Because that's where it comes from...no competition means Vince goes right back to the kind of stupid garbage he thought was brilliance before WCW started to beat them.

I haven't - although I'm getting the feeling I should be glad about that....

Yeah, I've gotten rather sick of nameless guys being used as cannon fodder - although that's not the first time I've seen that done for someone.

Regardless, I wouldn't pass judgment on him just yet. He seems to be slowly getting the crowd on his side, so I'd give him just a little more time.
I don't put it on him. He's a guy doing what he's told, he's shown a ton of potential in the past. But if he's aimed improperly...he's like every other guy with a ton of potential they've ruined...

Yeah, true, which is why I hope to hell they hurry up & do something good with the guy. Problem is, WHAT do do with him.........

As mentioned, you did forget the Orton/Kane match, which was far, far better than anticipated, even for me. The continuing feud has gone well so far, and this could be the thing Kane finally needed.
For what? To matter until he doesn't again? It's Kane dude...he's like Show...he's mid-card forever, going to be done within 5 years. I don't know why there are still some of you out there waiting for Kane to finally get that big push! That big push is never coming, ok? He got the World title as a thank you and to give him a chance to be something...and it flopped. Hard. He's a monster that'll be built up every once in awhile for some hero on the rise to knock down. That's his job.

.....True, the one time he was given a title didn't work out so well - although the only reason he was given that title was due to the whole "Let's toss Drew down the toilet for the dumbest reason ever!!!!!" fiasco, if memory serves, and really didn't have a shitload of planning put into it.

This, however, was obviously planned.

Also, the Stooges thing, like the new movie...was an abomination that did not need to be.


Are ya trying to piss me off, here?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-24 22:17:27

My god, Punk has now surpassed Jericho in trolling ability. That was AWESOME. Seriously, how many of you also thought (in kayfabe) that jericho succeeded in getting Punk to drink? And then the moonwalk......god that was some hilariously awesome shit.

Weeeeell, I'm sure we'll see Teddy all-smiles on SD, as Laryngitis just massively shot himself in the foot. I'm beginning to think that, with what transpired, that Lesnar isn't planning on sticking around beyond Extreme Rules......

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-25 02:54:36

At 4/24/12 10:43 PM, SCTE3 wrote: When you said shot in the foot, I thought you meant putting up Eve to have more power but that too. Probably end up being something that happens at Extreme Rules or the next PPV where hopefully Long gets his job back.

Nah I'm not seeing a reversal. I'm seeing a Co-General Manager thing happening. Also I don't see Brock Lesnar leaving anytime soon.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-26 00:47:53

At 4/23/12 08:42 AM, Swackman wrote: But first, welcome back, Darren Young, with Titus O'Neil in tow. I have to admit, good match they put on with The Usos; they were actuably believable as a threat.

Probably because the Uso's have been beaten so far down...

Wasn't quite expecting THAT to be how AJ would snap (I expected her to go off on Bryan); wonder where they'll go from here........although I'm having a slight sinking feeling.

That's just your common sense and the fact that they are bound and determined to kill anything the fans like that they didn't tell them to kicking in.

I doubt they would be THAT stupid to pull that.....then again.....

These guys have been using World Titles as proving grounds to see if a guy can "handle" being champion while utterly ruining the person in question, they've destroyed any other belt they currently have...yeah, they could indeed be "that stupid". Don't doubt!

I agree with ya that the way Sheamus got the belt was stupid as fuck, but Bryan hasn't been buried entirely just yet.

Give 'em time, Miz and Ryder will tell you. But Bryan is a guy who's committed heart and soul to wrestling...I can see him being like Punk and toughing it out till he can basically force it down their throats.

True..........and I hope to hell that isn't the case.

Me too. Creative has been a little better of late...so we'll see.

Uh, to shoot your own argument in the foot, you probably said that about Mark Henry; look at how horribly wrong ALL OF US were on that.

Nope, I wouldn't have. I've watched Henry's entire career, his work was worthless until about 4 or so years ago. He had a fantastic run at the end of ECW before they decided to cool him off to the point of being utterly useless. So no, it's not the same at all. Henry was built back into a monster, and did it credibly. That was a slow and focused thing that worked well...with Show they basically just flipped a switch and gave him a useless title and are trading on the fact that it's Big Show. It's not the same at all.

You're basically denying Show what Henry's gotten (except as a face); how is that fair?

The two situations are in no way comparable. Henry was built to be one of the pillars of SD! Show is nowhere near that.

Continuing my above statement, that's EXACTLY my point. Show ISN'T going to be around for much longer, but Cody will, with pleeeeeeeenty of time to re-establish himself, probably with another title.

You can't keep shitting on and yo-yo'ing guys and expecting them to draw. Show doesn't have much time, that means he needs to use his name value to MAKE young guys. Not beat them. This is the retarded logic WWE and WCW used for years. Old guys need to put over young guys. It has always been except for the last 20 years or so that you left the business on your back, you lost in your final years more because you needed to make the next batch of talent and keep the business going. That unfortunately has been lost in the cult of personality that has sprung up since WWE went national.

Cody is still feuding with him, and, like Bryan, hasn't been tossed to the wayside yet.

Hopefully takes the win sunday. But the problem is, it's a show that won't be as watched as Mania, though Lesnar might be good for an above average buyrate.

Now that is REALLY pushing it. Like watching WCW? Really?

Bad creative that drives people off? Check.

Burying young talent and feeding them recklessly to already made stars? Check.

Tag wrestling is meaningless? Women's wrestling meaningless? Too many belts that matter too little? All checks.

Not allowing anyone to break out that the office didn't decide can break out? Check check. Sorry, how are they not like WCW again?

That being said, yeah, less people will see it........which is why they really need to start stepping up their game on these other shows. But your comparison is still overboard.

It really is not. For the reasons I listed.

I know that; just trying to give credit where it's due. Still a stupid match, though, no doubt.

Yeah, it's a celebrity crossover that did nothing I think. Normally you can at least say "I know it'll suck, but it should mean some buys" I think the show would have done the exact same number without it.

......Yeah, you could be right on that.

There's also the fact that a lot of people are still pissed at how he left 8 years ago. I'm still seeing and hearing that, and I have a problem with that myself...but so far he's been absolutely excellent in his role.

Huh.....maybe it only FELT like 6 months.......well, anyway, things are going well so far, so that's good.

Going back to SD! will be good for him. He'll be better able to make his mark without having to worry about getting the belt only to job it to Cena or Punk in a month or two. WWE really fucks their heels royally.

Don't see how winning the WWE title was a loss in momentum.

The way he won it was atrocious. The fans hated it, and not in the "oh that dastardly bastard heel!" way. But in the "wow, way to fuck up something I enjoyed, time to click off this again". The fact that he then quickly lost it hurt him as well...then he got it back...only to quickly lose it again. It's maybe the one time an injury actually HELPED a guy, because it basically forced them to have time to reset him.

As mentioned already, it was probably FCW-related.

I know he's still working the character down there.

I haven't - although I'm getting the feeling I should be glad about that....

Fuck yes you should. Those characters were awful...and going to marathon house shows (they used to tape tv at the house shows) was a bit of a drain. Lucky I was very young then.

Yeah, I've gotten rather sick of nameless guys being used as cannon fodder - although that's not the first time I've seen that done for someone.

I'm fine with having jobbers in there for new characters to destroy as they get established. It's better then taking marginal, or other emerging talents and beating them down repeatedly. It doesn't help anybody. The quick squash is a lost art, and very useful for introducing new characters until they're ready for their first feuds.

Regardless, I wouldn't pass judgment on him just yet. He seems to be slowly getting the crowd on his side, so I'd give him just a little more time.

I have ALWAYS felt Ryback had amazing potential, ever since his Nexus run before he got hurt. What I'm annoyed at is the stupid name. Put a ridiculous gimmick on a fantastic worker, and you can kill him off. Just ask Terry Taylor.

Problem is, WHAT do do with him.........

They have time. Give him a couple more squashes, maybe transition him up to a guy like Tyler Reks whose bigger but doing nothing, let him wreck him...then maybe he can work with some mid-level heel on the brand...honestly the roster is so thin and fucked at this point, not sure where to go with this guy.

.....True, the one time he was given a title didn't work out so well - although the only reason he was given that title was due to the whole "Let's toss Drew down the toilet for the dumbest reason ever!!!!!" fiasco, if memory serves, and really didn't have a shitload of planning put into it.

Doesn't matter. Belt was on Kane, ratings went down, Kane didn't draw. That is a fact.


Are ya trying to piss me off, here?

If you actually liked that, then I think you're trying to piss ME off. Those guys were geniuses who got fucked and abused before and after their deaths...this is just another insult to them from where I'm sitting.

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The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-27 09:21:08

Hey guys, whats going on? Normally that's just a polite greeting, but in this case I mean it. I have been so damn busy that I haven't watched wrestling at all in over a month. Can someone bring me up to speed on things? I'm assuming Cena/Lesnar is going to be the main event at the next PPV. What is Punk doing?

So it looks like Rey Mysterio has been suspended for 60 days... Yup. Not too smart Rey. Was he even back at this point or was he still recovering?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-27 14:52:04

At 4/24/12 10:17 PM, Swackman wrote: My god, Punk has now surpassed Jericho in trolling ability. That was AWESOME. Seriously, how many of you also thought (in kayfabe) that jericho succeeded in getting Punk to drink? And then the moonwalk......god that was some hilariously awesome shit.

Weeeeell, I'm sure we'll see Teddy all-smiles on SD, as Laryngitis just massively shot himself in the foot. I'm beginning to think that, with what transpired, that Lesnar isn't planning on sticking around beyond Extreme Rules......

I caught a rerun of RAW this morning before work... anyone else notice that Punk actually screwed up reciting the alphabet backwards at the end? I'm sure he got S and T the wrong way round, though the crowd just cheered along anyway so no damage done...

Just goes to show what a daft way to prove sobriety that is!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-28 10:53:03

At 4/27/12 09:21 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Hey guys, whats going on? Normally that's just a polite greeting, but in this case I mean it. I have been so damn busy that I haven't watched wrestling at all in over a month. Can someone bring me up to speed on things? I'm assuming Cena/Lesnar is going to be the main event at the next PPV. What is Punk doing?

So it looks like Rey Mysterio has been suspended for 60 days... Yup. Not too smart Rey. Was he even back at this point or was he still recovering?

Punk is facing Jericho in a Chicago Street Fight. The build for the match has revolved around Jericho trying to lead Punk down the path of alcohol... That's pretty much it.

Also, no love for Antonio Cesaro's (CLAUDIO!!!!) debut last night?!? The Swiss Death (The pop-up uppercut he did) is easily my favorite move in wrestling. And has ADR always been this much of a heat vacuum or is this just a recent thing?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-30 00:55:33

So...I gotta say. I was really really fuckin stoked on some of the matches tonight.

Hell of a show.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-30 15:14:46


I was trying to remember where I heard the name Antonio Cesaro before; then pepe reminded me - he's one of the Kings of Wrestling, correct? About time they finally brought the guy in; he's looking pretty impressive. Also nice to give Aksana a believable boyfriend, as we all know Teddy's kayfabe attempts to date a far younger woman end up in disaster. :P

Hm, you're probably right; I guess having Skip (I'M NOT USING HIS NEW RING NAME...........) squash nobodies for the time being is probably the better way to go, and hopefully they'll give someone else something to do to feud with him soon. They can't keep this up for too long, though, or it'll get stale.

Not sure how I like either one of the Bellas holding the title, but whatever. HOWEVER, there could be a good reason for that - we remember Kharma's last interation with them, don't we? I'm betting Nikki's just a 'meaningful placeholder' for KHARMAGEDDON!!!!!!!

(Assuming this didn't happen last night already....)

Sooooo, seeing Porkchop's reaction, I gotta ask how things went last night.

At 4/27/12 02:52 PM, Sentio wrote: I caught a rerun of RAW this morning before work... anyone else notice that Punk actually screwed up reciting the alphabet backwards at the end? I'm sure he got S and T the wrong way round, though the crowd just cheered along anyway so no damage done...

Just goes to show what a daft way to prove sobriety that is!

Yeah, I think he got a few letters screwed up somewhere, which actually proves that people really CAN'T do it backwards sober!

But it was only 2 letters, and I assume they'd let ya slide on just 2 anyway, as long as you've got most of em right.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-04-30 23:15:25

Huh, so I was sorta right on Nikki being a placeholder.......just wrong on which Diva was returning. Geez, it seems like longer than just a year; nice to see her back finally - even if the Divas title still gets treated like crap. As far as both twins getting 'fired'......meh, they've not done much worth it beyond an overused gimmick since they've been there.

Well, Cody's got the title back again.......but really? Show losing by technicality........that REALLY doesn't help Cody's credibility any, winning it back that way. :/ I was hoping Show would at least hang onto it for one more PPV, at least, THEN lose it back to Cody, IN A GOOD WAY.


Bryan vs. Punk has all the potential makings of awesomeness - assuming they don't have Punk beat him in under a minute, but something tells me, that with Punk's supposed backstage pull, that he wouldn't allow Bryan to get buried on his accord.

.....Wow, even COLE thinks Laryngitis has gone too far.......

Finally we get to see Sandow on Friday; let's see what Mr. Enlightenment can do in that ring, eh?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-03 19:14:10

Adding to what I said previously, given Cole's reaction to what happened towards the end, could they actually be attempting to turn Cole face again? I say 'attempting', as I sincerely doubt it's going to work at this point; X-Pac's heat still hasn't worn off after all these years, and Cole has reached that point - or, maybe he hasn't, and there actually IS a chance the damage is undoable.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-05 03:55:09

I have nothing to complain about from WWE television this week. I really don't. I enjoyed everything I watched.

Keep it up fuckers...keep it up. It's not that hard.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-08 09:35:30

At 5/5/12 11:41 AM, MudkipsPiano wrote:
At 5/5/12 03:55 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I have nothing to complain about from WWE television this week. I really don't. I enjoyed everything I watched.

Keep it up fuckers...keep it up. It's not that hard.
Disagree, disagree.

How the fuck do you put Daniel Bryan right in with the WWE Championship directly after he lost to Sheamus for the world title? They want to move him to RAW that's fine but forreal? Why would you make him switch major title main events for back to back PPV's? He's on smackdown anyway.

Like what they did to Alberto Del Rio a while back? He gets injured and tehn he comes back and goes "LOL I'm on Smackdown now!"

Plus YES! Vs The Best? Sign me up!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-08 10:57:51

At 5/8/12 09:35 AM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: Like what they did to Alberto Del Rio a while back? He gets injured and tehn he comes back and goes "LOL I'm on Smackdown now!"

With the Super Show status and one GM, does the brand recognition really even matter anymore?

Also seeing Paul Heyman come back was AWESOME!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-08 17:21:25

At 5/8/12 10:57 AM, The-Great-One wrote:
With the Super Show status and one GM, does the brand recognition really even matter anymore?

Also seeing Paul Heyman come back was AWESOME!

Yeah Paul Heyman! and Brock quit, I say he was scared to suffer the consciences with Triple H just like when he suffered from John Cena.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-08 21:37:38

5-8-12: The day His Royal Extremeness descended upon the WWE once again to deliver his awesome rhetoric.

He voiced the opinions of the masses and played the heel SIMUL-FUCKING-TANEOUSLY. Because he is awesome. I doubt Brock has really quit; they wouldn't pass up a future Brock vs. Trips PPV match.

Goddammit, Sandow, WE WANTED TO SEE YA IN ACTION! +1 for trolling skills, though.

They've really done a good job at building Train-sai up as a monster heel. His wins haven't been clean, but that isn't the point with him - it's all about mauling the fuck out of the top faces & doing a good job of it.

The last 2 Divas matches have proven that Layla deserves to have that title as much as Beth does. Whaddya know, WE HAVE ACTUAL WRESTLING IN OUR DIVAS DIVISION! Kudos to our 'little english muffin' for making recent Divas matches watchable, instead of seeing overdone twin bullshit or really stupid moves that no one takes seriously.

I highly expect the John vs. John match to play out similar to the Hart Family vs. Vince match, with a bunch of disgruntled wrestlers and Teddy Long to take turns mutilating Laryngitis at some point.

Oh, about that.......look, if your voice problems were a result of injury, NORMALLY I'd be nice; however, unlike Stevie Richards, YOU'RE NOT LIKED.

I've spent the last several days watching various ScR 2011 / WWE '12 created storylines on YouTube; it's amazing the shit that people will come up with - some of it better than what we've been currently watching.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-05-14 03:04:35

At 5/5/12 11:41 AM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Disagree, disagree.

Oh rly?

How the fuck do you put Daniel Bryan right in with the WWE Championship directly after he lost to Sheamus for the world title?

Because they want to build him and are actually behind him and don't want to put him in with Sheamus who they're still trying to get over as maybe the top face on SD!? Working with a beloved heel like Bryan is counter productive to that. Plus OTL is going to be a hard sell...it's coming off a huge Mania, and the first Brock Lesnar WWE match in 8 years. It's going to be hard to get people to shell out again, so I don't blame WWE for playing it safe on this show and deciding to keep Bryan in the main event picture without having to get him into a big new feud. Plus you know Punk and Bryan will have a fantastic match, they always have before.

They want to move him to RAW that's fine but forreal?

I don't know that they're moving him to RAW...this feels very much like a "one off" to me.

Why would you make him switch major title main events for back to back PPV's? He's on smackdown anyway.

The brand extension doesn't matter anymore, I wouldn't be shocked to see it over with in a year or two to be honest. I don't see any harm for Bryan or Punk in this. To me this is nothing but a positive for both guys to have a great match coming off a PPV where both men had fantastic bouts.

John Cena's opponent is John Laurinaitis, this isn't even going to be a wrestling match, it's going to be drama packed, which isn't a bad thing but i'm not sure if real wrestling fans will enjoy it.

It's not there for real wrestling fans. It's going to be a overbooked piece of crazy and I imagine Lord Tenzai will be all over it. This is about giving Cena an out if he needs it while he goes through all the nasty that his divorce seems to promise to be.

That RAW seemed to me like a perfect example of WWE not knowing what the fuck to do with the roster.

It's a holding place PPV. Honestly they shouldn't even have this show. Extreme Rules needs to be moved to May already and that's that. We do not need a PPV follow up from Mania anymore, it's no the Attitude era, it's not doing insane buys, and honestly I think they kick their own asses this time of year when they do that kind of stuff.

Sheamus and Del Rio I cannot complain about. I've been waiting for this match for a while, I'm glad that this is a golden match on the match card at OTL.

And then it became a 4 way...oh well, makes sense to me. Del Rio is still getting back into the swing of things and getting rebuilt, he doesn't need to be doing a clean job to Sheamus, and it gives them the ability to set up a Sheamus/Orton program so Orton can help cement Sheamus as "the guy" on SD!.

Waiting for avie to quote me and absolutely destroy my input

I don't try to "destroy" people's input. Everybody has a right to their opinions, I just disagree with what you're saying in this case, and really? I disagree with a lot of people who like the current product, I've seen some of the greatest bookers, workers, etc over the 20 years I've been a fan...I just want a great show every week, same as anybody else. I just have very clear, and strong ideas about what constitutes such a thing :)

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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