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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-28 23:07:53

At 11/28/11 08:37 PM, Porkchop wrote: Any ideas who?

Yes. But I can't say because of my terms of service :)

But I'm sure some folks can already guess correctly.

Guys, I've got this odd feeling as I watch RAW tonight...it's a feeling I haven't had in a long time, I'm not exactly sure what it is....I...oh my god...could it be? It's enjoyment! I'm actually enjoying RAW!

I really loved the opening, not just because I love Hot Rod, but it is SOOOOO great to see him looking fit and healthy after his health scares over the past year here. One of the best. I also thought the segment with Cena was great, and I really hope this is step 1 in taking the character in a different direction. It's no secret that Cena is way stale as a character. If the idea here is to put a little edge on him and make him less white bread, then I am all for it. If this was just a one off that's going nowhere, then they just made Cena look like a pussy in that he got slapped by an old man and did nothing.

Miz vs. Morrison was very good for what it was. I'm liking the idea that WWE is playing Miz as someone who's kind of "lost it" and is going to take people out on his way back up the ladder. An argument could be made Morrison should have been putting someone like Clay over on his way out the door, but I have no problem with using him as a stepping stone for a proven headliner like Miz who has fallen down the ladder some and can use the boost back up.

I LOVED Daniel Bryan's promo! This is the kind of thing I think we all hoped WWE would be doing when he won MITB to begin with. I also like that they didn't ignore the fact that Bryan tried to cash in in total contradiction to his statements about WM. I thought Bryan came off intense, passionate, and he totally put Cole in his place. I still don't expect Daniel Bryan to get the win tomorrow night, but I certainly feel a lot better about his chances to look good in the loss then I did before tonight's show. Something I didn't like, is Mark Henry. They have built this guy up as a monster and a killer...and now he's starting to be the whining heel champion? Bitching about how he's getting picked on while injured? Really? This is not how to book a monster heel WWE! It's not destroying him or anything yet...but I think the sooner we drop that, and go back to what has made Henry a legit headliner at this point, the better.

Lots of very good wrestling on this show too to sink our teeth into, what a welcome change of pace it is to have wrestling on a major wrestling show!

Thank God returning the belt to Punk also seems to be returning Punk to the "revolutionary" character he was doing when he resigned in July. That is what made Punk a star and interesting. I'm also digging the Del Rio/Punk match so far, two very skilled guys having good matches I'll take any day of the week. I just hope this dumb stip (which makes no sense) plays into this not at all. Seriously, if Laurinitis wanted to screw Punk...why not say if he gets DQ'd in ANY WAY he'd lose the belt? It makes no sense to think that a babyface, who's already beaten this challenger clean (via submission no less) would try to get himself DQ'd to keep his title. Also fuck you Michael Cole! Comic nerds are awesome and we love having CM Punk as one of our own, and our champion!! I LOVE that Eddie Guerrero spot!!!! That was great!!! Great false finish sequence!!!! This match is great!!! Great finish...oh fuck wait...it's only 11:06...this isn't gonna go well...ok, maybe I was wrong. Good. Great match, clever finish, I am so very glad I tuned in tonight. Keep it up WWE!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-28 23:21:56

At 11/28/11 11:07 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 11/28/11 08:37 PM, Porkchop wrote: Any ideas who?
Yes. But I can't say because of my terms of service :)

But I'm sure some folks can already guess correctly.


Anyway, I havent read too much into it, but a lot of people think it's Chris Jericho or the Undertaker.

Personally, I figure it doesnt have enough black to be the Undertaker, but I never watched an episode with Chris Jericho, so I have no idea about what gimmicks his character had.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-29 00:54:00

I'm really enjoying this series of vignettes, I sincerely hope they dont fuck it up.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-29 02:37:05

January 2nd 2012.

There's our date...just in time to potentially start a Mania program...a major Mania program even...



You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-29 10:21:11

Time to give the title to Barrett and see what he can do with it. It's long overdue.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-29 11:20:31

While I'm sad to see Morrison go, he and Miz had a great bout as a send off. I hope WWE is serious in building Miz back up. I fued with CM Punk seems like a good idea.

Why do they keep delaying Clay? It's getting a bit irritating now..

Are they going to re-broadcast todays SD on Friday as well? I hope so since I have to work tonight and can't watch. :(

I'm also looking forward to Kane coming back. I'm also curiosu about who these promos are for.. Taker seems likely since he shows up around Mania time.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-29 17:02:14

At 11/29/11 11:20 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: While I'm sad to see Morrison go, he and Miz had a great bout as a send off. I hope WWE is serious in building Miz back up. I fued with CM Punk seems like a good idea.

I think that's a solid idea. I'd love to see Miz vs. Punk

Why do they keep delaying Clay? It's getting a bit irritating now..

It's a good question honestly. I have no friggin idea! I keep hearing they keep basically changing their minds at the last minute as they time out the shows and what not.

Are they going to re-broadcast todays SD on Friday as well? I hope so since I have to work tonight and can't watch. :(

I haven't heard that, to be honest I think it runs tonight and it's done and over.

I'm also looking forward to Kane coming back. I'm also curiosu about who these promos are for.. Taker seems likely since he shows up around Mania time.

I think Taker is the back up plan, but the verbiage points in a completely different direction. The imagery though could easily work for Taker if for whatever catastrophic reason plan A doesn't work out. But since they announced a date last night, I'd say it's full steam head there.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-29 22:16:06

Smackdown was fun to watch, you could complain about the lack of solid matches but that wasn't the point today.

In internet years i'm dead. *click sig to zoom zoom*

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-30 10:43:25

Taker vs Kane has been done to death. I'd like to see Barrett facing Taker at WM, keep in mind that the feud has been planted.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-04 01:42:02

At 11/30/11 10:43 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Taker vs Kane has been done to death. I'd like to see Barrett facing Taker at WM, keep in mind that the feud has been planted.

I don't think I want Barrett to be no. 20 to be honest. Especially since if they continue to build him right, he can be in a feud with Sheamus for the belt by the summer (if you don't think they're saving Henry/Sheamus for Mania, and Sheamus isn't getting that belt, you're nuts). As much as I don't want Taker/Kane again, I certainly don't want potential headliners getting slapped around either. They could potentially make him strong in the loss, but the other problem is Taker will most likely need some help getting up to the level people have come to expect over the last 3 years. Is Barrett capable of that? Again, not entirely sure.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-04 03:25:29

At 12/4/11 01:42 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Taker will most likely need some help getting up to the level people have come to expect over the last 3 years.

Taker vs Ziggler?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-04 18:02:32


Hot Rod makes everything better. :P Leave it to him to address the "LET'S GO CENA! CENA SUCKS!" issue. The whole thing, including the recent commercial almost feels like they're planning for Cena to turn heel after WM. I know some of you swear it'll never happen, but look at the setup.

DBD did an excellent promo, with or without Cole's seething hatred.

At least JoMo gave his old partner a boost in probably one of his last matches.....

Punk's title defense went great, including the very Eddie-esque finish w/ using Del Rio's own cheating against him. It was awesome.

If they don't bring Brodus on RAW tomorrow & delay it again, I'm gonna get pissed. He's the prime candidate for taking over Henry's monster heel role once he leaves, so why all the friggin' stupid delays!?


The WHC Steel Cage match was GREAT. Several times, you actually felt like DBD could've won it - but of course, we all know he wouldn't, or else it'd make the MotB briefcase pointless.

FINALLY, the Booker/Rhodes feud has begun.

.........Alright, Hornswaggle just took Suspension of Disbelief to a new low with this gimmick. :/ While I'm glad he's dropped the illegible mute deal........no, that was just dumb. Still laughed at the Vickie interaction, though.

At 11/28/11 08:37 PM, Porkchop wrote: Hey, during last weeks raw, did anyone notice a youtube URL in the bottom of the screen right before Wade Barrett's match?

Apparently, they're doing some kinda shit similar to the vignettes last year for Undertaker's return. Although not quite for undertaker, it's kinda interesting, I suppose someone's coming back right after NYD.

Any ideas who?

Given the previous mention, I can only assume Jericho. ^_^

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-05 03:41:45

At 12/4/11 06:02 PM, Swackman wrote:
Any ideas who?


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-05 23:03:10

Another Look Within video.

This is pretty alright for a series of vignettes. I mean. It's too white for it to be hyping Undertaker, so I guess i'd go with jericho.

Also, considering I missed 90% of raw tonight, it doesnt look like I missed all too much. I mean, all they did was work out Punk's match at TLC and hopefully hooked Ryder up with a US Title shot. Did I miss anything else?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-05 23:04:14

Also i'm loving Punk on the mic. Good lord he's a riot.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-06 10:54:06

At 12/6/11 12:19 AM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Morrison released.


Also, I fuckin' hate Zack Ryder so much.

JoMo will go to TNA like so many WWE rejects did. You can bet on that.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-07 22:05:24

Anyone else about Kane coming back with a mask on? From what I have heard, they took it off because it really limited him in the ring with how distracting and constricting it was for him. I enjoy Kane, but you have to admit he has really started showing his age and I think putting him back in the mask would just limit him even further.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-08 01:12:18

At 12/5/11 06:01 PM, JohnCena423 wrote: Even CM Punk hates the spinner belt

Well past time to put that terrible idea to bed. But from what I hear, there's no immediate plans to do it anytime soon...still, Punk will walk into Mania as champion, and I don't see him losing it given who his probable opponent is...so wouldn't that be the perfect time for Punk to either the next night, or that very night introduce a new (or old) title design to help cement what he said when his reign began (that the game of hot potato is over)? I've hated that thing since day one, get rid of it NOW!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-09 02:32:44

Say what you will about whether ya like JoMo or not; the resounding boos from the audience when Laryngitis delivered the 'future endeavors' line should tell you all ya need to know about how stupid it was to lose him. I know Melina was a bad influence, but dammit, he had everything necessary to be a major title holder, and you're kidding yourself if you say otherwise, plus, regarding those aforementioned boos, he was massively & undeniably over with the audience.

I sincerely hope he doesn't go to Impact......although I fear he will.......

I like the idea of Cena pushing Ryder; it makes him (Ryder) look like he's worth a damn if Cena, as well as just about every other top guy, gets behind him. I like Dolph, but yeah, let someone who everyone else (except a few here, for silly reasons, no offense) wants to succeed hold the belt.


So that's how the Trips/Nash match will go; sounds like it could work. Speaking of Nash, he still has some fight left in him, regardless of his fucked-up knees. Hell, most people with knee problems that bad wouldn't even bother returning to the ring, so I gotta hand it to him for that. He still believably 'destroyed' someone in the ring (even if it was Santino), so he should be able to pull this match off......I hope.

Watched Miz on Conan tonight; I almost forgot he was going to be a guest again. He grilled Conan for not using the "Ginga Ninja" nickname & catchphrase he gave him during his last appearance, and gave a pair of Ginga Ninja wrestling trunks; then they showed a WWE '12 clip of Miz vs. a Conan CAW wearing said trunks. It was hilariously AAAAAAAAAWESOOOOOOOME, as I thought it would be. Seriously, I enjoy seeing Miz as Mike every once in a while; he seems like a cool guy in real life, and sometimes it's easy to forget that when he plays such an arrogant douche & does it so well (although he DOES seem to actually have a little of that cockiness, just not to those levels).

Also, regarding what avie said to Outlaw about last week's Tuesday show, it WAS on again on Friday - just like it USUALLY IS when something like this is done. Well, at least it was here in the States. I'm willing to bet that the Tribute to the Troops will also be replayed on Friday, too.

I think I've missed the last several (2, at least) TttT's that've been on, as they were obscurely on Saturday on NBC, if memory serves, which is an odd day & station for it; I'm used to an occasional Tuesday showing, so I'll most likely remember this time - and if not, well, like I said, I'm sure it'll be on again on Friday anyway.

I like their choice of theme music for the occasion this year; I've listened to that song at least 20 times in these last 2 days, and the damn song is STILL PLAYING IN MY FRIGGING HEAD RIGHT NOW.........

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-09 02:57:50

Oh, I forgot to mention......seriously does it need to be speculated who the promo's for? First off, Taker doesn't do promos like that; you should absolutely, positively know a Taker promo when you see it, as they've always been done very blatantly & straightforward. Horribly cryptic promos have been Jericho's thing ever since the last 'return promo' he had. Second, Taker ain't one to use the term "prophet"; that word has Jericho written all over it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-09 03:21:52

At 12/9/11 02:32 AM, Swackman wrote: Say what you will about whether ya like JoMo or not; the resounding boos from the audience when Laryngitis delivered the 'future endeavors' line should tell you all ya need to know about how stupid it was to lose him. I know Melina was a bad influence, but dammit, he had everything necessary to be a major title holder, and you're kidding yourself if you say otherwise, plus, regarding those aforementioned boos, he was massively & undeniably over with the audience.

If a guy chooses not to resign, what are you gonna do? Force him? I think WWE has confused people by saying he was released, but the reality is his contract ran out, and he chose not to resign. WWE tried, Morrison just chose not to stick around. I think the guy is undeniably talented, but all that talent unfortunately seems to be locked up with a guy who doesn't have his priorities in order. It sadly seems that he will indeed be "The Janetty" of his team with Miz. The story is going in a similar direction.

I sincerely hope he doesn't go to Impact......although I fear he will.......

The talk I've heard is they have a lot of interest in bringing both he and Melina in, and we all know Impact will tolerate a lot more bullshit and bad behavior from it's talent then WWE ever will.

I like the idea of Cena pushing Ryder; it makes him (Ryder) look like he's worth a damn if Cena, as well as just about every other top guy, gets behind him.

The problem was Ryder gets the shot because Cena made sure he won. So Ryder didn't get anything on his own, and really? They're trying to glom Ryder's popularity onto Cena, which is not going to help Cena at all because it's so transparent even the most dimwitted of fans can see it.

I like Dolph, but yeah, let someone who everyone else (except a few here, for silly reasons, no offense) wants to succeed hold the belt.

The belt right now is fairly useless. It's doing nothing for Dolph, it will do more for Ryder to be the underdog, Mikey Whipwreck type character and take it. Then Dolph and Swagger can chase and it can eventually lead into them feuding or what have you. There's just more to do and money to be made with Ryder as champion.

So that's how the Trips/Nash match will go; sounds like it could work. Speaking of Nash, he still has some fight left in him, regardless of his fucked-up knees. Hell, most people with knee problems that bad wouldn't even bother returning to the ring, so I gotta hand it to him for that. He still believably 'destroyed' someone in the ring (even if it was Santino), so he should be able to pull this match off......I hope.

Nash means nothing. It's also doubtful H can carry him to a good match, and we've seen this feud before and it meant nothing. Let's just have the one match and move on from this ill conceived garbage and re-shelve Nash. It was a bad fucking idea to bring him back in.

Watched Miz on Conan tonight;

Miz is such an asset to the company it's ridiculous that for a bit there they seemed determined to push him down the card. He's one of their best public ambassadors.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-10 07:39:17

At 12/7/11 02:59 AM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Probably.
Also, I sense a face turn for Jack Swagger reeeaaalll soon.

Does it really matter? I mean, he has not been the same since he dropped the WHC belt to Rey.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-12 01:21:05

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-12 06:48:58

At 12/12/11 01:21 AM, Porkchop wrote: So, what do you guys think of this?

Oh god, good thing I could see the URL before I clicked.

In internet years i'm dead. *click sig to zoom zoom*

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-12 20:23:08

I'm going to agree with Cole here for a bit.. I didn't want to see a rap off or JR do a sad spinaroonie.. Slammys are know for not being the best of shows but I just hope we get a few matches.

Oh yeah.. Reminder.. Raw is on now. :P

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-12 22:35:34

Why the fuck did Edge not get the Slammy? Fuck Cena and fuck Rock. Whoever decides these things are idiots.

"Holy shit, this place is still around?!?" -Jay

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-12 23:04:09


"Holy shit, this place is still around?!?" -Jay

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-12 23:06:43

At 12/12/11 10:35 PM, KurtWilder2027 wrote: Why the fuck did Edge not get the Slammy? Fuck Cena and fuck Rock. Whoever decides these things are idiots.

This times 100.
I was actually a bit surprised that Beth Phoenix didnt take the slammy for the Glam Slam off the top rope at Survivor Series

Aside from that, it was nice to see Mysterio and Trips during tonights little farce.


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-12 23:32:13

*First 30 minutes* "What the fuck is this shit?"

Then CM Punk came out and everything was better.


In internet years i'm dead. *click sig to zoom zoom*

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-12 23:44:24

Only caught some of Raw. The trending match was a stupid premise, but was an awesome match. Four great talents showing off what they can do when given enough time.

Also, I will probably be meeting CM Punk on Thursday.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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