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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-13 08:19:03

Unfortunately, I forgot it was the Slammys tonight, so I missed the first 52 minutes. Meh, I'm more concerned with catching TttT tomorrow.

To answer the above question, YES DAT WAS. Arguably his best return ever, and possibly the most fucking eerie one of anybody I've ever seen. It also answers the questions about the mask - NEITHER of the two he was wearing were his original one of old, so they were probably designed better than the old one was. The 2nd one (the one under his Iron Mask) looks creepy as hell - or, in other words, perfect. :P

Nice to see Rey again. Any word on when....or IF he's returning to action?

Agreed, Edge's retirement should've won over Rock vs. Cena, and Beth's Glam Slam of Win should've beat out Hot Chick With Lack Of Talent Wins Title. But hey, Punk got his rightful award, so screw the rest of it!

His match was also great, regardless of losing it; the part where he tried to whack/kick Miz upside the head DURING A CROSS ARMBREAKER WITH HIS ARM STUCK IN A LADDER was awesome on multiple levels.

Regarding SD last Friday, THANK GOD LILLIAN GARCIA'S BACK!!!!! YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP, CODY! I'm still a fan of yours, but DON'T YOU DARE TALK SHIT ABOUT HER! (Yes, I know you're in-character, but goddammit!)

In speaking of Cody, the Booker feud continues, right into a title match at TLC. While Booker's proven he's not that rusty, I still see him losing - just because Cody has done that title wonders.

The DBD/Cole feud also escalated. Seriously, this is the one feud involving Cole that I LOOK FORWARD TO.

At 12/9/11 03:21 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: If a guy chooses not to resign, what are you gonna do? Force him? I think WWE has confused people by saying he was released, but the reality is his contract ran out, and he chose not to resign.

I knew his contract was set to expire; WWE made it sound like they let him go beforehand to be assholes. I get it was probably done that way for the storyline's sake, but it still doesn't look good on their part.

WWE tried, Morrison just chose not to stick around. I think the guy is undeniably talented, but all that talent unfortunately seems to be locked up with a guy who doesn't have his priorities in order. It sadly seems that he will indeed be "The Janetty" of his team with Miz. The story is going in a similar direction.

I agree; he DOESN'T have them in order - else he'd either dump Melina outright, or just lay some ground rules regarding his career decisions.....

Still, I think WWE could've stood to overlook more of that when they knew he was over with the fans as much as he was.

The talk I've heard is they have a lot of interest in bringing both he and Melina in, and we all know Impact will tolerate a lot more bullshit and bad behavior from it's talent then WWE ever will.


The belt right now is fairly useless. It's doing nothing for Dolph, it will do more for Ryder to be the underdog, Mikey Whipwreck type character and take it. Then Dolph and Swagger can chase and it can eventually lead into them feuding or what have you. There's just more to do and money to be made with Ryder as champion.

Agreed. Just give Ryder the damn title already - which I think will actually happen this time, since the demand is now just too frigging loud for WWE to ignore.

Nash means nothing. It's also doubtful H can carry him to a good match, and we've seen this feud before and it meant nothing. Let's just have the one match and move on from this ill conceived garbage and re-shelve Nash. It was a bad fucking idea to bring him back in.

I dunno.....I think it COULD work. Will it? That's something else entirely.

Miz is such an asset to the company it's ridiculous that for a bit there they seemed determined to push him down the card. He's one of their most AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWESOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME public ambassadors.

Fixed. :P And true.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-13 08:44:47

*notices error in my above post*

Whoops; I started the post last night, but I just now posted it, and I forgot to fix it.......crap...... So that's why the first two parts of that post are outdated by a day.....

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-13 10:55:51

At 12/12/11 11:32 PM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: Also yeah HOLY SHIT KANE

I can foresee a Kane vs Henry feud in the near future.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-13 16:24:50

I just heard that Kane's back.

Watched it on Youtube.

Got chills.

I like his new outfit. The mask, not so much. BUT WHATEVS, OMG.


Life's a performance, so give it your all like it's your last show.


BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-13 17:08:39

At 12/13/11 04:24 PM, Ryanson wrote: I like his new outfit. The mask, not so much. BUT WHATEVS, OMG.

I loved the dual mask set up. I love that he is back to wearing his mask. When Kane lost his mask he just began a trip downhill. I am SO HAPPY to see Kane back!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-13 18:33:09

In the eyes of most of the WWE Universe (yes i know it is fake) Kane is a monster for chokeslamming John Cena and his new mask. I dislike cena but i like what he stands for so im confused, i love Kane but was it necicassary to punish cena for what Mark henry did? give me your opinion

yes i am back, now bring back my love minons

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-14 03:09:13

At 12/13/11 06:33 PM, zuzing1 wrote: In the eyes of most of the WWE Universe (yes i know it is fake) Kane is a monster for chokeslamming John Cena and his new mask. I dislike cena but i like what he stands for so im confused, i love Kane but was it necicassary to punish cena for what Mark henry did? give me your opinion

I alright brought this up in a PM with you, but I'll post it here in the club. When Kane entered with his mask and throughout wearing his mask, he had no mercy for anybody. Yes Kane is angry with Mark Henry, Mark hightailed it out of the ring, John Cena got up, so he was the poor victim in this.

With The Rock's return and the upcoming Cena vs. Rock match, it's not split down the middle like the Hogan vs. Rock match at WM18, so more people like The Rock over Cena and a lot of people were excited to not only see Kane back, but Masked Kane back. To see him chokeslam Cena was a great way to bring Kane back.

Watch it again and listen to that audience.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-14 10:45:45

At 12/13/11 06:33 PM, zuzing1 wrote: In the eyes of most of the WWE Universe (yes i know it is fake) Kane is a monster for chokeslamming John Cena and his new mask. I dislike cena but i like what he stands for so im confused, i love Kane but was it necicassary to punish cena for what Mark henry did? give me your opinion

Sadly, Cena is going to rape Kane in the next PPV and make all the little kids happy.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-14 11:13:42

Well, if they make Kane vs Henry last till WM, how's that gonna work for Daniel Bryan? I mean, I dont see him cashing in until then, unless Henry and Show have another match that goes batshit. I mean, suppose Kane and Henry have a WM title match, Kane wins, and then what? I dont see DB cashing in on Kane since he really just wants to take the title from Henry and end his whole Hall of Pain thing.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-14 15:40:07

At 12/14/11 11:13 AM, Porkchop wrote: Well, if they make Kane vs Henry last till WM, how's that gonna work for Daniel Bryan? I mean, I dont see him cashing in until then, unless Henry and Show have another match that goes batshit.

Mark Henry vs. Big Show in a Chairs Match at TLC this Sunday. Title could change hands more than once that night. Daniel Bryan is already acceptable with cashing in early.

I mean, suppose Kane and Henry have a WM title match, Kane wins, and then what? I dont see DB cashing in on Kane since he really just wants to take the title from Henry and end his whole Hall of Pain thing.

Yeah I could see Kane and Mark Henry at Wrestlemania.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-14 16:11:17

At 12/14/11 03:09 AM, The-Great-One wrote: With The Rock's return and the upcoming Cena vs. Rock match, it's not split down the middle like the Hogan vs. Rock match at WM18, so more people like The Rock over Cena and a lot of people were excited to not only see Kane back, but Masked Kane back. To see him chokeslam Cena was a great way to bring Kane back.

Really? I've been around Youtube and I've seen it about 50/50 more or less. It's mostly cynics and smarks who like Rock, and while there are lots of them there are still a good number of people who like (or at least, don't dislike) Cena.

Granted, in the arena that might not matter. Like it was when it was Hogan vs Rock, the crowd will probably root for the older wrestler, the classic, the legend.

I think the WWE might have a problem on their hands. Sure, it's a hell of a hyped up match and will guarantee them lots of money. But with the outcome of the match -- or how the match plays out in general -- live up to the hype?

Watch it again and listen to that audience.

I did. I heard some cheers and some boos, all of it loud. It was pretty cool nonetheless.


Life's a performance, so give it your all like it's your last show.


BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-14 22:31:36

Slammy's sucked, as usual. I seriously wish WWE would drop that theme and find something else to do for a three hour RAW. It's easily the among the worst shows they do all year, and to run that against and MNF football game that was an utter dog and guaranteed to have a good deal of people looking for something else to watch Monday is inexcusable.

Kane? Eh, not sure I love the new duds and all that...plus, no offense to Glen Jacobs or what he brings but...it's Kane. He's going to be a bad ass for a couple months or so (though probably not even since he's got a program with Cena and Cena will have to look strong for Rock! Which means Kane gotta get buried in their mind) then he'll be back on the treadmill, switching between face and heel, waiting for the next time WWE needs him to matter and be a monster again, chipping away at his aura a little more all the time. It's a testament to the guy that their shit booking hasn't completely wiped out any value or impact he and the character have long ago. Because Kane is one of the most abused (yet still over) characters ever on their roster I think.

Tribute was a much better and more enjoyable show. More wrestling then RAW (2 minutes of wrestling in the first hour? Suck it Vince, suck it hard...why is it so hard to make someone understand what the fuck it is they're putting on? I mean, you watch a Ravens vs. Steelers game, they don't run one play then stop and do fucking show tunes and conga lines with each other for the next half hour...fuck!), enjoyable performances (I'm not a big Mary J fan, but it was really nice to see how obviously emotional and choked up she was to be there). You can hate the product, you can hate the decisions, you can even hate some of the talents, but WWE deserves nothing but credit for putting on that show every year and giving back to those who give so much.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-14 22:46:12

Well, I think that the Slammys sum up the wwe pretty well. Its ridiculous, over-hyped, predictable, and yet entertaining.

It may have sucked, but we all still watched it. And thats what counts.

"Holy shit, this place is still around?!?" -Jay

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-14 23:08:25

At 12/14/11 03:40 PM, The-Great-One wrote:
At 12/14/11 11:13 AM, Porkchop wrote: Well, if they make Kane vs Henry last till WM, how's that gonna work for Daniel Bryan? I mean, I dont see him cashing in until then, unless Henry and Show have another match that goes batshit.
Mark Henry vs. Big Show in a Chairs Match at TLC this Sunday. Title could change hands more than once that night. Daniel Bryan is already acceptable with cashing in early.

Yeah, but he seems like he really wants to cash it in against Henry as opposed to Show, who's been helping him not get buttslammed after the matches he lost against Henry. I see one of two things happening. Show wins, loses the rematch, and feuds till the next PPV. OR. Show loses, DBD Cashs in, retains and goes into a three way feud with Kane and Henry till the next PPV/WM.

Unless anyone sees any sort of alternative.

I mean, suppose Kane and Henry have a WM title match, Kane wins, and then what? I dont see DB cashing in on Kane since he really just wants to take the title from Henry and end his whole Hall of Pain thing.
Yeah I could see Kane and Mark Henry at Wrestlemania.

If it's built well, yeah. If Mark Henry is getting chokeslammed eternally until he finally drops the title, then fuck it.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-15 05:03:40

only watched a little bit of RAW inbetween jobs, shaemus kicking that indian blokes head off was brilliant.
that is all.

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BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-15 12:08:42

Kane vs Henry for the WHC at WM? Please no, I'd rather see Sheamus vs Barrett instead.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-15 12:34:53

I haven't watched WWE in quite a while. Is the great khali still active? He is my favorite.

You can solve pretty much any problem you may have with AS3 by consulting the AS3 Language reference.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-15 15:41:11

At 12/15/11 12:08 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Kane vs Henry for the WHC at WM? Please no, I'd rather see Sheamus vs Barrett instead.

Sheamus vs Henry, better choice.


Life's a performance, so give it your all like it's your last show.


BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-15 16:24:47

kane is old. it is depressing.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-15 21:39:30

Kane's return was incredible. RAW has actually been really good lately.

Watching TNA right now for the first time in probably a year. These guys can't cut promos to save their lives.

Also, WWE retirement club. 'Nuff said.

What I lack in accuracy, I make up for in enthusiasm

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-16 00:39:04

Tried my best not to come across like an idiot today. I explained to him who the other signatures on my hat were and asked if we would ever see the Pepsi Plunge in the WWE. He said there wasn't any need to have it. Then I wished him luck and an injury free match for this Sunday. I was a little disappointed he didn't have the belt with him since I brought the toy version that I owned and was hoping to get a picture of us posing with them, but he left his in the fridge. Also, I didn't pay much attention to the girl in the background while I was up there, she photo bombed the other picture I got and I think that might be his sister.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-16 11:37:24

What was he like in person, as far as his personality goes?

Also so jealous, that must've been awesome. :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-16 16:40:07

At 12/16/11 11:37 AM, Porkchop wrote: What was he like in person, as far as his personality goes?

He was nice, I was surprised by his interest of who the other signatures on my hat were and what there band name was. He cam off as really casual and that he enjoyed being there. To be honest though, I think the best sample of his real personality comes from his twitter page. Going off of that, he seems like a guy I could hold a conversation with for an hour just discussing wrestling and comics.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-16 21:56:30

At 12/15/11 03:41 PM, Ryanson wrote:
At 12/15/11 12:08 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Kane vs Henry for the WHC at WM? Please no, I'd rather see Sheamus vs Barrett instead.
Sheamus vs Henry, better choice.

Why Henry? I do not think that he is good enough to be in the WHC match at WM.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-17 02:02:33

At 12/16/11 09:56 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
At 12/15/11 03:41 PM, Ryanson wrote:
At 12/15/11 12:08 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Kane vs Henry for the WHC at WM? Please no, I'd rather see Sheamus vs Barrett instead.
Sheamus vs Henry, better choice.
Why Henry? I do not think that he is good enough to be in the WHC match at WM.

They had a great opportunity for a feud... and they're putting that on hold for Big Show, and now Kane.

It's just a hope though.


Life's a performance, so give it your all like it's your last show.


BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-17 05:03:41

Look at this way Mudkips, when Ziggler drops the belt, he'll be ready to chase punk for the belt.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-17 22:26:36

I can't see Henry dropping the belt until WM against Sheamus. If they go that road, there's a possibility they could turn DB heel by having him cash in on Sheamus after the match playing the "I said I'd cash in at Wrestlemania...what, you thought I'd do it when the guy saw it coming?" thing. Though honestly I'm getting tired of everybody always doing that. It was clever and unique when Edge did it...but I think we've hit the saturation point now and unless it's a guy the fans really and truly want to get behind (or it's a case of the belt coming off of a guy who doesn't need it like Cena onto somebody new) it's just a crutch and we should see more RVD like cash in's where the MITB winner challenges the champion to an actual match under conditions he thinks will favor him and then wins.

As far as the Khali question, all signs point to him being basically retired. If he does any appearances or matches going forward, they will most likely be one offs.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-18 09:21:50

Cena not in a PPV? Fuck yeah!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-18 22:56:40

My final thoughts on TLC is that it was just okay. At the end of the day, most of the matches weren't anything amazing. The only ones that I was really caught up in was Ziggler/Ryder, Rhodes/Booker T and the TLC match. DB cashing Money in the Bank was a nice treat, but history has proven that MITB winners don't have great runs as champ.

Also, did anyone else notice that Cole and King both mentioned that pinfall or submission victories were possible in the TLC match at separate points this last week?

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-12-19 00:56:56

I didn't see all the matches, but it doesn't really matter. From what I did see:

Booker can still work a match better than half the roster, while Cody doesn't know how to sell jack shit.

Henry vs. Show was the most boring match I've seen in a long time. DB cashing in was bound to happen sooner or later, but I've never liked the cashing in of MITB...

From what I heard, Haitch is really out of shape. Fat bastard.

TLC match was pretty cool, but nothing particularly special.

What I lack in accuracy, I make up for in enthusiasm

BBS Signature