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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-18 01:26:01

At 11/16/11 09:54 PM, LordKooler wrote: Place 2007 John Cena in 2000 WWE and he would have had better matches with everyone HHH wrestled that year.

Nah, I can count on one hand the number of good Cena matches he's had. With the exception of Khali...that's been because, shock of shocks, he's wrestled really good opponents. So wait, maybe Cena would have had great matches in 2000 with all Triple H's opponents...it's just that I don't know how much of the credit for that you'd honestly give John Cena.

For one, John Cena had a better match with Wade Barrett than Jericho did.

Because John Cena and Barrett were actually having a PROGRAM and allowed TIME to have a great match. Barrett and Jericho had what, one match on TV, 10 minutes total including entrances? Wow, what a great and fair comparison that was *eye roll*

John Cena had better matches with both CM Punk and Shawn Michaels.

Punk is because again, difference in terms of what the matches were promoted as, and consequently got more time (notice how I keep having these important qualifiers you seem to like leaving off?) then Jericho and Punk would (since at any time they worked Punk was being treated as something like a mid-card after thought).

I would rate Cena/HBK from the 4/23/2007 episode of RAW above all the Jericho/HBK matches.

I wouldn't. They had a really good match, one of the rare 1 hour contests that doesn't bore me (seriously, I'm sick of people cumming their pants because two guys can work an hour...work an ENTERTAINING hour and then we'll talk!). Otherwise, not impressed. The totality of Jericho/Michaels is world's better then one match. I'd certainly rather go back and watch that, than one Cena/Michaels match...but I appear to be the odd duck on the internet in that I think the only things truly worth going back and watching over and over are well executed feuds and series of matches. Just laying cards and personal bias's on the table.

When compared to both Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio had more good matches and less bad matches than those two and is more adaptable.

Bullshit. You're also completely missing the "drawing money" qualifier again. I know, I know this is a dirty word for the internet marks because then you have to admit Hulk Hogan actually deserves to be thought of as a big legend (even if he is a douchebag who flushed his credibility totally and completely years ago). But Mysterio as adaptable? Bullshit. He relies on that wholly contrived 619 way too much and as his knees have gone to hell he's become increasingly more formulaic and predictable. Taker is working on a replaced hip and his shoulder hung by a thread at this year's Mania and he outworked EVERYBODY on that card with H. That says Taker winds on adaptability. Do I even need to go over the laundry list of injuries Michaels came back from to be one of the greatest performers of all time (including a place in at least the top 5 of all time mechanics)? Don't get me wrong, I like Mysterio....but it'd be like me trying to say that this year's Baltimore Ravens are better then the Packers or 49ers. It's just not something that observation of games played, stats racked, etc. is going to let that assertion stand up.

Rey in main events is usually a breath of fresh air and the promos he cut during his feud against CM Punk from 2010 is proof that Rey is capable of cutting good promos.

Uh huh...but not proof he draws money on top. He's been world champion twice, show me a spike in buyrates, show me merch moved, show me where Rey MADE MORE MONEY then Taker or HBK! Show it to me! Then show me where he's done it over a longer period then they did...oh right, can't be done.

Simply put, Rey was one of the best wrestlers of the last decade.

Oh sure, that I will totally and completely give you...I just won't give you that he's better then two of the greatest to have ever lived.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-18 12:12:03

Unlike avie who replied your nonsense with a long post, LK, I am just going to give you a short one.
If you SERIOUSLY think that Cena and Rey are better than the likes of Taker, HBK and HHH, you need to see a doctor ASAP.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-18 19:09:43

At 11/18/11 12:12 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Unlike avie who replied your nonsense with a long post, LK, I am just going to give you a short one.
If you SERIOUSLY think that Cena and Rey are better than the likes of Taker, HBK and HHH, you need to see a doctor ASAP.

Even though I like John Cena better than HHH, I would rate Rey Mysterio above Cena, HHH, HBK, and Taker. Call me Brandon from now on.

avie, I'm sorry for making that post.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-18 22:12:42

At 11/18/11 07:09 PM, LordKooler wrote: avie, I'm sorry for making that post.

Look, I don't take anything said about wrestling here personal (unless there's a personal attack on me in there somewhere...then obviously I'm going to take it personal). But I do strongly rebut whatever strikes a certain cord on my internal "nonsense meter" and I do so hard. All I expect when that happens is for somebody to either back their assertion, or admit they can't and back off. That's the metric I'd use on myself (kind of like when I got drunk a few months back and tried to posit that Taker was the best performer ever).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-19 04:37:14

LK, what makes you think that Rey is better than Taker, HBK and HHH? Yes, he does some moves that looks fancy, but so do Morrison, Evan Bourne, and Sin Cara. Fancy moves should not be the only things that you look at when you judge wresters' in-ring skills.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-20 02:04:47

At 11/19/11 04:58 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Haha. Interesting discussion actually. There's no direct fact to saying who the best is out of a scripted TV show, but I guess I'll shoot out my opinion.

I think there ARE direct metrics though you can use to judge who is doing their job well, and who isn't. Just like in sports. If you understand what is being asked of the performer/athlete/etc. to accomplish there job, and accomplish it in a meaningful and excellent manner...you can start to make judgements about who is doing that better then others.

Shawn Michaels was probably the best IMO.

I'm going with Flair in his prime. But I'm going to qualify that with Flair was the better draw, and earlier in his career Shawn was not able to be as good a face as I think Flair could be. They asked him to carry the company, and he kind of didn't. Shawn 2.0 though? That was a Shawn that could really give Flair a run on all counts. I'd probably put Funk at a solid 3rd, and certainly number 1 at reinvention and being able to sense a change in the winds so far in advance that it almost looked like he FORCED the change...but Flair and Michaels are the top 2, hell, maybe even tied for 1. A great case can be made for both.

I really thought he had it all; after all he was a light heavyweight, which meant he could moonsault & dive, do several really entertaining lift moves (not powerbombs but suplexes and backdrops, etc.) and his acting persona was tremendous.

Only thing I want to dispute here is big guys, if good enough athletes, can do dives and moonsaults as well. I cite Bam Bam Bigelow (RIP) and Brock Lesnar as prime examples of big men who could fly.

Mic skills, backstage/in-ring promos, everything - best I've ever seen, but hey, that's just me.

I think a good case can be made on all those counts. The ability to draw though is a bit disputed for me. Clearly his first run as champion didn't. He was out of the Attitude era...and he was at or near the top during WWE's decline...maybe I'm using a metric that doesn't necessarily matter in this case since you can't blame the drop in business on Michaels and an argument could probably be made that he was a factor in making the drop less precipitous during his time there (so if not exactly drawing, it's something to be said for stabilizing). Still Shawn is clearly one of the best there has ever been.

I don't know man, over the past few months I think the WWE is doing a great job of making things interesting with Cena.

Really? Because I'd argue the opposite.

Over the Limit was a disaster with that, have to agree with you there.

Yep, can't even remember what his program was...so there you go.

But Money in the Bank, Summerslam, maybe not Night of Champions (but still a good match), Vengeance and a ton of his regular matches on RAW have been pretty interesting.

MITB was Punk, and Cena was smart enough to up his game to match him and not eat his dust, ditto SS. NOC began the regression as he faced uncredible ADR, and BEAT HIM!!! (which was yet another sign that the prior two months were aberration and we were right back to same ol' Cena). After that I just zoned right the fuck out on anything to do with him.

The only criticism I have is that there's no way that Vince will make Cena lose clean, there's always some sort of catch to it.

Yeah, which is ridiculous because even Hogan used to lose clean to build opponents up, then Hogan would win the climactic showdown. But apparently the company is afraid of building heels heat up to any sane degree anymore.

Oh please. Cena may not be the best technical wrestler but he sure does light years ahead of anyone (other than the Rock) on the mic,

Bullshit, CM Punk for one.

he's strong as fuck (for his height and weight), and he writes his owns lines.

Then he needs to stop, because his lines suck, he comes off like an idiot man child and appeals to no one over the age of 10.

So regardless if he's a good wrestler I fucking love Cena because of his character.

Ok, apparently I'm wrong about that "over 10" comment...unless you lied on the NG sign up page.

I don't give a shit about the PG crap, that's not his fault, yeah you can thank Vince for that one.

Also for why the PG is booked so badly. Honestly, saying the product sucks because it's PG is a misnomer. The product sucks because the head writer is trying his level best not to have a wrestling show and give us his horrible idea of an action adventure series.

I mean, did you see MITB this year when he stopped the match from being thrown away? I think his character is pretty fucking awesome. Oh dear me, I appear to be babbling.

That was a great moment. That cycle from Punk's worked shoot until the final 10 minutes of Summerslam was great wrestling TV...a shame they so thoroughly trashed it.

Yeah, remember the second to last GTS outside the ring, CM Punk caught him in the chest, and even Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler immediately pointed that out. Idk whose fault that was but either way they were probably both just tired.

Selling is not the same as botching. Also I again point to matches like the one with R-Truth before the heel turn where he sat there basically laughing at all his offense and treating him like a joke. Or how about destroying the Nexus all by himself? Or any of the other times he's destroyed a heel or treated them like an utter frigging joke, thus negating any ability or interest for a reasonable person to believe he's ever in any danger or any of his matches are worth watching.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-20 05:19:54

Glad that the WWE is finally pushing Barrett again. A win over team Orton will get Barrett back to where he was last year, I hope that the company does not drop the ball this time.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-20 09:12:29

My two cents about Cena. I don't see what the IWC's hair up the ass of John Cena is. Really. I've said it once, Cena whole 5 moves of doom thing isn't new. HBK, Bret, Hogan, Flair, Rock, Austin all kind of have the whole top babyface formula. Hell, Kofi Kingston has less of an offense then Cena. But, with age comes stagnation, his promos are pretty corny and while he's not a terrible wrester, he's just boring. So the contention that he is better than a guy like Jericho, who has made damn near any wrestler look fucking amazing is kind of just either ignorance or trolling.

Also, Dolph is keeping his belt.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-20 22:12:05

At 11/20/11 09:12 AM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: My two cents about Cena.


I don't see what the IWC's hair up the ass of John Cena is.

I already pointed out what my hair up the ass is. I think it's valid. Don't lump me in with the faceless masses sir! I am an individual capable of formulating his own bile! :)

Really. I've said it once, Cena whole 5 moves of doom thing isn't new.

Nope. Lazy, yes. But not new. Everybody is repetitive to some degree, and if you can get away with doing less and still make money? You is the smart then, because there's less chance of you getting injured and put out for a long time. That's why even though Rock wasn't always my favorite to watch in ring because he didn't always "turn it on" in a way I wanted to see, he was damn smart because he worked a safe style and made the majority of the audience eat that up.

HBK, Bret, Hogan, Flair, Rock, Austin all kind of have the whole top babyface formula.

I'm going to go ahead and disagree that HBK, Bret, and Flair, even Austin or Rock should be dropped into the same list as Hogan. Hogan very much had a formula, he stuck to that formula and routine with very very few exceptions. All the other guys certainly had trademark spots and moves...but didn't tend to retreat into a rigid formula throughout their bouts that they never deviated from. You could expect certain spots at certain points, but they tried to adapt and make it interesting in between and shook it up depending on the opponent.

Hell, Kofi Kingston has less of an offense then Cena.

Well, Kofi gets less time for his matches too. I think it's only fair to point that out if you're going to compare.

But, with age comes stagnation, his promos are pretty corny and while he's not a terrible wrester, he's just boring.

I don't think that's age. I think that's a combination of doing what he's asked, and maybe not giving as much of a crap as he should. I do think Cena works in much the mold of a Rock or Hogan, in that he can be very reptitive and "safe". But where he differs is those guys knew if they wanted to work that way, they best be damn electric on the mic and get the crowd behind them. Also they needed to show vulnerability, like their opponents might beat them. Or else the audience won't care. These are two areas in which the John Cena character falls flat on his face and that's the real reason why people don't like John Cena.

So the contention that he is better than a guy like Jericho, who has made damn near any wrestler look fucking amazing is kind of just either ignorance or trolling.

Or a situation where it seems like the forums LK hangs out on are determined to be counter to the prevailing internet opinion and try to mine gold from coal or some such. The thing of it is that it's really not that hard to determine what's good work, and what isn't. It's not that hard to watch this stuff over the course of years, and realize who's doing their job right, and who isn't. Who is a guy that can carry a show, and add enjoyment...and who's overpushed and the promoter needs to wake up and realize they're dream guy isn't all he's cracked up to be.

Also, Dolph is keeping his belt.

I like Dolph, I do. Very talented...he needs to drop that belt. Let him drop it to Zack Ryder already and have Dolph and Swagger chasing. The fans love Ryder, the belt as stands is meaningless, and it would put Dolph and Jack into a feud the audience would actually care about.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-20 23:00:50

I liked this PPV, all of the matches were good (even the Divas). Too bad there were two disappointing finishers (Mark vs Big Show) (Cena/Rock vs Awesome Truth). Delrio vs CM Punk was the highlight match for me.

In internet years i'm dead. *click sig to zoom zoom*

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-20 23:05:11

Well, I gotta say, the Rock/Cena bit was pretty meh. I mean, the match itself was pretty good, but the postgame was really meh. I dont wanna spoil it for those of us who havent watched it, however, so i'll wait around for the debate to get started later this week to get all into it.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-20 23:11:33

Based on my readings, this is a show that I'm glad I kept the money in the wallet on. I'm glad Miz and Truth got some rub, but I'm afraid that'll be negated by tomorrow. Punk winning the belt is great...but they have been slowly but surely neutering that character for awhile now...I'm afraid that's only going to continue as they try and mold him into what a WWE top guy and champion in the current era is in their eyes.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-21 10:33:22

At 11/20/11 11:05 PM, Porkchop wrote: Well, I gotta say, the Rock/Cena bit was pretty meh. I mean, the match itself was pretty good, but the postgame was really meh. I dont wanna spoil it for those of us who havent watched it, however, so i'll wait around for the debate to get started later this week to get all into it.

You know...99% of Cena's matches ended in cheesy fashion that only little kids like.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-21 12:01:29

At 11/21/11 10:33 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
At 11/20/11 11:05 PM, Porkchop wrote: Well, I gotta say, the Rock/Cena bit was pretty meh. I mean, the match itself was pretty good, but the postgame was really meh. I dont wanna spoil it for those of us who havent watched it, however, so i'll wait around for the debate to get started later this week to get all into it.
You know...99% of Cena's matches ended in cheesy fashion that only little kids like.

Nah, I dont mean the actual match, I mean the post-match where everyone gets Rock Bottomed and nothing happens at all. Booooooring. Yawn. I mean, this was supposed to be some kinda big deal, and the match actually happens, which wasnt all too bad of a match, really, and the part where the results of their feud or whatever would actually get fleshed out a bit and boom, a cheap Rock Bottom and that's it.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-22 01:46:20

At 11/21/11 12:01 PM, Porkchop wrote: this was supposed to be some kinda big deal

The big deal is Rock / Cena at wrestlemania, this was just a teaser.
Showed how good shape the Rock is in and how he is DOMINANT over Cena.
Now when he puts Cena over at WM it is a bigger deal ;)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-22 06:43:17

Great crowd at Survivor Series.



English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-22 13:54:37

At 11/22/11 11:25 AM, JohnCena423 wrote: R truth suspended

I guess that somewhat explains the end or Raw last night huh?

The crowds seem to back Zack Ryder like crazy. I wonder how long it will be before they just give him the U.S. Title and see what he can do?

From what I've heard it looks like Morrison has not resigned with WWE and doesn't intend to. Shame really...

I'm all for a CM Punk title run. I'm looking forward to seeing if he can in fact make the title interesting again.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-23 11:00:20

At 11/22/11 11:25 AM, JohnCena423 wrote: R truth suspended

Why do wrestlers always do something stupid in the middle of a mega push? First it was Jeff Hardy, then we got Sin Cara, and now R Truth crossed the line...
Oh well...there goes his push. Considering his age, he may never get another push.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-24 00:38:06

I cant imagine what these guys are getting popped on. I mean, was there any source of the WWE banning Synthetic Marijuana publically? And if there wasnt, what would likely cause this string of suspensions?

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-24 10:30:04

At 11/24/11 12:38 AM, Porkchop wrote: I cant imagine what these guys are getting popped on. I mean, was there any source of the WWE banning Synthetic Marijuana publically? And if there wasnt, what would likely cause this string of suspensions?

Although the WWE does not ban Synthetic Marijuana publically, it must be a common sense that a ban will be served if a wrestler is tested positively because of Marijuana.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-25 19:31:44


Sad Wocky's missing this....... :(

Yeah, I know I haven't posted in about 3 weeks. And in those 3 weeks, our new champ has continued to voice our voiceless concerns - the constant, unnecessary flipping of the belt all the time, the fact that Michael Cole needs to retire due to his X-Pac Heat, and, most importantly, WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR ICE CREAM BARS!? :P

Yes, I believe Cole has officially achieved X-Pac Heat, and there's absolutely no way anyone will ever like him again for any reason. He's always had the actual talent for his job; he's just become so annoying that he's liable to start driving people away from the franchise, if he hasn't already. It's THAT BAD.

Nash......well, look, he's not great in the ring (or at least, not anymore), but he's done excellent mic work since his return, and he still sells that Jacknife like no one else. That being said, I'm still expecting a Trpis/Nash match soon, as I think we all are, and I'm curious as to how it'll be done; hopefully Trips'll carry Nash through it. The best way I can see this going is a Street FIght / LMS / other match in which technical wrestling is tossed out the window.

Sooooo, Kane's on his way back. I guess he wants to finish things up with Henry or something once Show's done with the feud first, before he hangs it up. (Is it wrong that I'm actually excited to see Kane return for once, just to see him go apeshit on Henry?)

I was going to comment on how I wasn't particularly happy on Awesome Truth splitting so soon, but then I saw that Ron got suspended.......DAMMIT, THE LIL' JIMMIES ARE NOT AMUSED!!!!

Oh, Foley.......I'm assuming that wasn't the first time he's done that bit. At first, I thought it was going to suck, but by the time B2 - the LAST former WWE wrestler I'd ever expected to see again - and Cena's dad showed up, I was laughing my ass off.

I applaud the company for letting Hunico stick around, after showing he can hang with the rest of the roster. I'm also glad they took this opportunity to give Primo something to do with himself, and bringing in a new guy who, if his debut match was any indication, is pretty damn good. That Codebreaker-Backstabber-Kenton in succession was friggin' awesome.

I'm happy that Barrett is getting pushed again. He's got what it takes.

Unfortunately, I keep forgetting ROH is on TV now, so I've missed all of the shows since when I first mentioned it. >_<

At 10/28/11 11:27 PM, idiot-buster wrote: WWE announced today the release of Maryse.

Their official statement reads: "WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Raw Diva Maryse as of today, October 28, 2011. WWE wishes Maryse the best in all of her future endeavors."

Meh. She was a good heel, but, well, how long has it been since she was on-air last? Yeah, I can't remember, either. So, rather than waste any more of her time, they let her off the hook.

At 10/31/11 02:44 PM, The-Great-One wrote: I don't understand what everyone's problem with Booker T being on the announce table. I love listening to Booker T on SmackDown. I don't like Michael Cole with Jerry Lawler, yet I love hearing Michael Cole and Booker T together. Will never be the same as Tazz and Michael Cole, but still pretty damn good.

As incoherent as he can sound sometimes, he's still enjoyable to listen to. But, I guess Your Mileage May Vary.

I still want JBL to come back to announcing though.


At 10/31/11 05:17 PM, Porkchop wrote:
At 10/31/11 02:44 PM, The-Great-One wrote: I don't understand what everyone's problem with Booker T being on the announce table.
There's rumors abound that he's going to enter into a feud with Cody Rhodes.

If last week was any indication, it appears they're finally going to go through with it; guess we'll see for sure tonight.

At 10/31/11 08:37 PM, Porkchop wrote:
At 10/31/11 08:35 PM, The-Great-One wrote: Are you ready for The Muppets?

Never thought I would say that in THIS thread.
During Cole and JR's match, Statler and Waldorf are on commentary.

I'm not gonna lie, that's kinda cool.




Then there was the Sheamus/Beaker moment....... :P

And Kermit thinking Vickie was Swagger's mother...... :P :P

One would think that this wouldn't turn out that well, but it did.

At 11/4/11 12:30 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: WWE.com has announced that Tag Team Champion Matthew Korklan (Evan Bourne) has been suspended for 30 days for his first wellness policy violation.

Pretty stupid Bourne. Stupid indeed.


That's why he hasn't been on TV lately? FOR FUCK'S SAKE, MAN; YA GET YOUR FIRST BIG PUSH, AND YA FUCK IT UP THIS SOON? Ugh.

At 11/14/11 01:04 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 11/13/11 04:33 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I predict that Sin Cara will reward the WWE's push with another failed wellness test.
Not sure what he got popped for or what his history is with drugs beforehand. So I'd like to know what you base this off of? Though I'll admit my own personal bias, especially when it comes to smaller guys getting wellness popped the first time is that it's probably a steroids infraction.

Wasn't it already stated that it was regarding something he had a valid prescription for?

At 11/22/11 01:54 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
At 11/22/11 11:25 AM, JohnCena423 wrote:
From what I've heard it looks like Morrison has not resigned with WWE and doesn't intend to. Shame really...


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-25 22:24:24

Got my ticket for the Smackdown tapings on the 28th of December in Detroit.

Any ideas on what sign I should hold up so you guys can see me on TV? :D

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-26 06:17:26

The fate of Morrison was sealed when his gf was fired for running her mouth.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-26 10:50:03

At 11/25/11 10:24 PM, Porkchop wrote: Any ideas on what sign I should hold up so you guys can see me on TV? :D

As long as it says Newgrounds on it or there's a Newgrounds tank I will be sure to look for you. Got an idea of where your seat is?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-26 10:58:28

At 11/26/11 10:50 AM, The-Great-One wrote:
At 11/25/11 10:24 PM, Porkchop wrote: Any ideas on what sign I should hold up so you guys can see me on TV? :D
As long as it says Newgrounds on it or there's a Newgrounds tank I will be sure to look for you. Got an idea of where your seat is?


Section 127 on that chart. It's not bad, for less than 30 bucks.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-26 19:34:25

At 11/26/11 10:58 AM, Porkchop wrote: Section 127 on that chart. It's not bad, for less than 30 bucks.

Nice. I'll be on the look out for you. I think you'll be behind the announce table.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-26 20:07:02

At 11/26/11 07:34 PM, The-Great-One wrote:
At 11/26/11 10:58 AM, Porkchop wrote: Section 127 on that chart. It's not bad, for less than 30 bucks.
Nice. I'll be on the look out for you. I think you'll be behind the announce table.

Fair warning. I cant draw for shit, so it's gonna be a really shitty tank.

I'll write Porkchop on it too, just in case it comes out horribly.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-28 03:26:14

At 11/27/11 03:50 PM, bhsqad15 wrote: Did anyone get the new wwe 12 video game?

I only have a wii. Not making that mistake again.

I do want it though, considered buying a ps3 just for it.
Brock Lesnar, yes please.

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-28 11:41:50

At 11/28/11 03:26 AM, Shaun wrote:
At 11/27/11 03:50 PM, bhsqad15 wrote: Did anyone get the new wwe 12 video game?
I only have a wii. Not making that mistake again.

I do want it though, considered buying a ps3 just for it.
Brock Lesnar, yes please.

Yeah, I heard the Wii edition of the game was epic fail, but for the 360 and PS3, it was actually really good and well executed.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-28 20:37:00

Hey, during last weeks raw, did anyone notice a youtube URL in the bottom of the screen right before Wade Barrett's match?

Apparently, they're doing some kinda shit similar to the vignettes last year for Undertaker's return. Although not quite for undertaker, it's kinda interesting, I suppose someone's coming back right after NYD.

Any ideas who?

Link to youtube channel and video

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