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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-07 14:38:37

Lol post-deletion

But hey. Should be a good raw tonight, although it's probably going to just be a bit of filler up until Survivor Series. Although, they need to figure out the rest of the match card, dont they? I mean, they only have 2 or 3 matches lined up.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-07 19:42:38

At 11/7/11 12:27 PM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: Firstly, it's a Wellness Policy violation. It includes and is not limited to: Steroids, Medical and prescription drugs and illicit and or illegal drugs.

Right, and WWE gets to define the punishments for such things.

Is weed legal? No. Also, RVD hasn't been on WWE for how long? Things chages...

No, weed is not legal. But pot has always been a fine. The last guy I heard of that ran afoul of that was Brian Kendrick and when Kendrick was getting popped, it was a fine. I've never heard or read anything that says the policy was amended to pot being a suspension. Thus I assume pot is still just a fine, ergo, Bourne could not have been popped for pot.

and where the flying fuck are you getting the info that Bourne is pissed?

I'm getting it from reading his twitter comments where he takes obvious and repeated shots at the company. Do you take shots at your place of work when you're happy and content?

All I can find is the day he was suspended he wrote on twitter that he'll be back.

When did you read his twitter?

He either deleted what he said,


or you got it from a different account or read on a dirtsheet website. So, sauce or what?

Or maybe I got it from a very good website (pwinsider) who double check their facts, and Bourne then realized, or somebody told him, he was being a fucking idiot, and he deleted the comments himself. These are the comments I'm talking about:

Evan Bourne posted the following on his twitter: I wonder if WWE '13 will have our twitter handles, random tweet pop ups and Cole talking tweets? Might make gameplay as annoying as viewing. My guess is "WWE 13: The Network". You are Vince and control the WWE with a WWE "Univers(e) al" Remote. Create history and earn money!

Avie, if you have been drinking and reading dirtsheet sites while on newgrounds... Wow.

Hey, I want you to do me a favor...I want you to actually trust that I know what the fuck I'm talking about, based on my track record of doing so, and get off Evan Bourne's dick. Or better yet, prove me wrong with some real evidence. I know most of you love your flippy floppy small guys that can do spots, but won't draw a dime. Don't be a mark just because I said something not nice (yet completely valid and true) about a guy you like

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-07 20:03:10

At 11/7/11 07:42 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:

Petty how you result to calling me a mark. Personally I just wanted to know what the fuck you're talking about. and I don't see how what Evan said was bad... how was THAT bad? wrestlers take potshots at cole all the time. And as for the Vince comment how is what he said bad? hell, Zack Ryder said worse in Z True Long Island Story.

Now Avie, can we be friends? Yes, you do know what you're talking about and I was a little quick to call you out on being a drunk. But this whole taking tweets out of context is silly. Hell, I just read his twitter and those comments are still up. As for getting your sources, PWI is indeed more reliable than most other wrestling websites however if they make an article relating to tweets, I lose interest. It's either Jericho working the the IWC or "my twitter account was hacked." Hell, what Evan tested positive for is still a mystery to me until and official report is issued. So there's really no need to cut the guys balls off. I'm not being a mark, I am being rational and want the truth rather than bullshit.

Now can we get back to talking about oily and greased up men having se.... I mean talking about hyper extended real life comic book characters?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-07 21:38:35

Well, I'll be damned. Job Morrison finally got one over on Ziggler. End of a losing streak, or did they have nobody else to cement a losing streak for Ziggler?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-07 22:42:30


Come on Laryngitis.

Spoken during Raw tonight.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-08 09:58:41

At 11/6/11 09:59 AM, Porkchop wrote: Well, it seems like Mason Ryan, David Otunga and Wade Barrett are safe. The only ones I see getting the boot are the rest of them.

JG is a good wrestler when give the chance. I think that the WWE should bring back the Cruiserweight title and let guys like JG fight for it instead of jobbing them into oblivion.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-08 17:56:48

At 11/7/11 08:03 PM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: Petty how you result to calling me a mark. Personally I just wanted to know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't think it was petty at all. I felt it was exactly what you were acting like at the time. As far as "what the fuck I'm talking about" I posted the evidence (which admittedly I really should have done to begin with. Sometimes I just assume that people have seen what I read I guess, mea culpa).

and I don't see how what Evan said was bad... how was THAT bad? wrestlers take potshots at cole all the time.

Bourne is way down that totem pole. He's a tag champion, meaning his value to the company is only slightly less then zero in their eyes. Fair? No. Justified? I also think no. Reality? Absolutely. He's also suspended right now and they monitor the guys's twitters. Suspended guys should sit out the suspension and be quiet if they like their job at that company, is my point.

And as for the Vince comment how is what he said bad? hell, Zack Ryder said worse in Z True Long Island Story.

The difference is that twitters are monitored, and the company pays lots of attention to what the guys do. I'd be shocked if any of them really paid attention to Zack Ryder's show...hell that's probably why he gets away with as much as he does. Also a reason why they seem to refuse to push him.

Now Avie, can we be friends? Yes, you do know what you're talking about and I was a little quick to call you out on being a drunk.

Yes you were. :)

But this whole taking tweets out of context is silly.

How am I taking them out of context when I've read the full tweets, and know his situation with the company right now? It's absolutely not a leap whatsoever for me to assume these tweets can and may get him into even more trouble and lower his stock that much more when he gets back. Thus putting him into a more favorable position to be a guy they'd look to cut.

Hell, I just read his twitter and those comments are still up.

Then he's willing to deal with the consequences I guess. To each their own. I just think it's a bad idea for him if he values his spot.

As for getting your sources, PWI is indeed more reliable than most other wrestling websites however if they make an article relating to tweets, I lose interest. It's either Jericho working the the IWC or "my twitter account was hacked."

"my twitter was hacked" is the worker equivalent of "the dog ate my homework". Sometimes I think it's funny to watch people torpedo themselves and say stupid things. All I'd say is in this environment people need to think about what they put out there in the world because someone you may not want reading it might.

Hell, what Evan tested positive for is still a mystery to me until and official report is issued.

Which I don't think ever will be because last I checked they're only required to report a failure and issue the talent's name. They do not have to disclose what he failed for. I have a few likely guesses myself.

So there's really no need to cut the guys balls off.

If he says stupid things, that can potentially hurt him at his job. I'm going to point out he shouldn't be stupid. Especially because he's part of a tag team, and his stupidity can potentially hurt his partner (see The Uso's situation). Apparently that's not been the case, so that's good at least.

I'm not being a mark, I am being rational and want the truth rather than bullshit.

Where's the bullshit? Nothing I said is bullshit. That's my whole point. To start saying "oh avie is being drunk or reading crummy sites that make things up" is the bullshit. It isn't rational. It leads me to think that because I see so many people here that go "oh Evan Bourne...he's so awesome with his dives and flips...why isn't he WWE Champion?" that my assertions that his behavior isn't really a good idea is being met with a markish response of trying to defend "your guy".

Now can we get back to talking about oily and greased up men having se.... I mean talking about hyper extended real life comic book characters?

Sure thing. I understand your points, hopefully you now understand mine.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-09 10:16:53

You don't have to be the best wrestler in the ring in order to become the WWE champion nowdays. All you need to do is kissing Vince's ass and going to bed with him like nobody else can. Just ask Cena.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-09 16:44:43

At 11/9/11 10:16 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: You don't have to be the best wrestler in the ring in order to become the WWE champion nowdays. All you need to do is kissing Vince's ass and going to bed with him like nobody else can. Just ask Cena.

Come on you guys, Cena's a really talented wrestler and he's probably one of the best in our generation. He didnt get there cause he kissed ass like it was nobody elses business. He got there on pure determination, skill, and overall awesomeness.


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-09 17:31:02

Evan born as WWE Champion? No. Not right now atleast. People ride on Bryan Danielson for his "lack of charisma"... which is an outright lie as DBD can be if you let him, great on the mic. Tap or snap baby.

But Evan... no, the guy is in need of a promo coach... he's still incredibly young and has a fuckload of talent. But, he's got a promotion and JoMo is being demoted. And Jomo is a lot dumber than Evan. But yeah, Evan is right now just a younger and more talented JoMo right now.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-10 10:51:54

At 11/9/11 08:05 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Chris Benoit needs a push.

Eddie Guerrero deserves a push.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-11 01:17:40

At 11/9/11 04:44 PM, Porkchop wrote: Come on you guys, Cena's a really talented wrestler and he's probably one of the best in our generation.

Cena is talented. He can do way better then what he's doing now. One of the best of our generation? Hell fuck no. He's always been pretty mechanical and limited. He's a better promo then mechanic. Very good, but I can think of at least 4 to 5 guys that are better all around then he is (two of them with his current job right now)

He didnt get there cause he kissed ass like it was nobody elses business.

This I do agree with completely. Although he is staying there in part because he's not challenging the company or trying to use his power in any way. He's doing what he's told, regurgitating the garbage they give him. That I will criticize him for all day long, because he certainly doesn't have to. But yeah, if we're going to criticize this guy, let's criticize him for legitimate things.

He got there on pure determination, skill, and overall awesomeness.

He does have skill. If you don't remember how he took that dead end millie vinillie gimmick and turned it into his first WWE title win is impressive. It's a shame such opportunities have vanished for other talents. Even worse that WWE destroyed all that momentum and decided that they'd rather draw less money with him and marginalize him. Cena could be drawing more, that's his and WWE's fault that he doesn't.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-11 12:11:53

Real wrestling fans are boo Cena because they are tired of Cena winning matches in the same manner.
You look at Cena's matches, he basically takes a beating for about 15 minutes and then hulks up out of nowhere, hits his five moves of Doom and puts his opponent away with the STFU.
He will be a whole lot more popular if he wins matches via other ways and loses cleanly once in a while.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-11 22:34:18

At 11/11/11 12:11 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Real wrestling fans are boo Cena because they are tired of Cena winning matches in the same manner.

I also don't like his very very shitty character and the fact that he is lazily just going through the motions with it and delivering the soft ball crap they give him. I know he's capable of better, we saw that over the summer...he doesn't try and that's totally on him.

You look at Cena's matches, he basically takes a beating for about 15 minutes and then hulks up out of nowhere, hits his five moves of Doom and puts his opponent away with the STFU.

Part of that is the way his matches are laid out by the office. Remember, almost nobody is allowed to call it in the ring any more. So to me that's a 50/50 blame situation. They want Hulk Hogan 2. Cena could say something and pretty easily gain more control over his matches I think, but he doesn't. He's happy trying to be Hulk Hogan 2. 50/50.

He will be a whole lot more popular if he wins matches via other ways and loses cleanly once in a while.

It would help, but he'd still have that lame ass character. Showing more versatility, losing every once in awhile, actually showing a heel to be a threat...these things would help. But if his character is still basically the dork that says dumb things? Any gain he gets is always going to be marginal.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-12 09:41:35

To me, Cena's character has been stale for a long while. Far too much of "more of the same" and no real character growth for several years. Thats my biggest problem here, I'm bored with his antics. While I do at least applaud being consistent, it has taken some of the fun out of watching his fueds and matches. It tends to be so one-sided in his favor anyway that it doesn't leave a whole lot to the imagination.

I enjoyed SD last night. The opening match with Christian was awesome and seeing Barrett continue to get wins gives me some hope that WWE may finally get on the right track with him.

I have to admit something here.. When I saw the guys the Usos were fighting I was like.. "Who the hell are these guys? I know Primo... but who are the other two?" I know I missed a few shows so I think one of them was the former Sin Cara 2 dude.. Who is the other guy?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-12 10:51:20

For Vince, it is all about the kids taking their parents to the show which means money, he does not take what the real wrestling fans want anymore.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-12 14:13:54

At 11/11/11 01:17 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 11/9/11 04:44 PM, Porkchop wrote: Come on you guys, Cena's a really talented wrestler and he's probably one of the best in our generation.
Cena is talented. He can do way better then what he's doing now. One of the best of our generation? Hell fuck no. He's always been pretty mechanical and limited. He's a better promo then mechanic. Very good, but I can think of at least 4 to 5 guys that are better all around then he is (two of them with his current job right now)

He didnt get there cause he kissed ass like it was nobody elses business.
This I do agree with completely. Although he is staying there in part because he's not challenging the company or trying to use his power in any way. He's doing what he's told, regurgitating the garbage they give him. That I will criticize him for all day long, because he certainly doesn't have to. But yeah, if we're going to criticize this guy, let's criticize him for legitimate things.

He got there on pure determination, skill, and overall awesomeness.
He does have skill. If you don't remember how he took that dead end millie vinillie gimmick and turned it into his first WWE title win is impressive. It's a shame such opportunities have vanished for other talents. Even worse that WWE destroyed all that momentum and decided that they'd rather draw less money with him and marginalize him. Cena could be drawing more, that's his and WWE's fault that he doesn't.

I was kind of being sarcastic/trollin the last time I posted. Quite frankly, I do enjoy Cena on the mic, but every time he has a match that either ends the feud or drives it, it's usually a match at a PPV that involves some aspect of endurance, on top of being blown way higher than any other match on the card. Survivor series, for example. I didnt even know what the hell was going on aside from Show vs Henry. The way they book his matches usually drowns out any other matches that make a good show. My problem with any of his PPV matches is the whole match, he gets his ass kicked, then the last 5 minutes, he Hulks out and either wins or gets his balls licked by commentary for the beating he's delivering on said opponent.

I do agree with all the other points of Cena's character, though.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-13 01:25:31

Epico is apparently a Lucha guy they had in FCW they called up. Don't know much about him really.

Hunico was indeed the second or "fake" Sin Cara. Nice to see that his efforts were rewarded and WWE didn't just give him a "thanks for coming and helping out...back to nowheresville for you sir".

Although I fear this group may get built up just to have Cara tear them down.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-13 04:33:45

I predict that Sin Cara will reward the WWE's push with another failed wellness test.
He is fuck up just like Jeff Hardy.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-14 01:04:05

At 11/13/11 04:33 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I predict that Sin Cara will reward the WWE's push with another failed wellness test.

Not sure what he got popped for or what his history is with drugs beforehand. So I'd like to know what you base this off of? Though I'll admit my own personal bias, especially when it comes to smaller guys getting wellness popped the first time is that it's probably a steroids infraction.

He is fuck up just like Jeff Hardy.

I'm gonna call bullshit till you have a rap sheet. Hardy has a long and prestigious history with drugs that is very very public. Cara as far as I know only ever got tagged once. It seems pretty clear it's not an ongoing issue since WWE would have administered a test and a physical prior to his signing with the company. If he was doing something he shouldn't then, it would have popped up and blocked his signing.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-14 10:54:11

At 11/11/11 01:17 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 11/9/11 04:44 PM, Porkchop wrote: Come on you guys, Cena's a really talented wrestler and he's probably one of the best in our generation.
Cena is talented. He can do way better then what he's doing now. One of the best of our generation? Hell fuck no. He's always been pretty mechanical and limited. He's a better promo then mechanic. Very good, but I can think of at least 4 to 5 guys that are better all around then he is (two of them with his current job right now)

You know, I personally think that John Cena is a better wrestler than Triple H, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Edge, and Chris Jericho. That awful "Cena has 5 moves" meme should have never become popular in the first place and what all the Cena haters fail to realize is that John Cena is excellent at selling, great at timing, and can make any match feel like a big deal. Cena/Umaga from Royal Rumble 2007 was the best WWE PPV match of the last decade and Cena was also one of the best wrestlers in the world in 2007.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-14 11:08:24

LK, if you think that Cena is a better wrestler than HHH, Edge, and Y2J, three of the best wrestlers in the last 20 years along with HBK and Taker, you are out of your mind.
Then again, all the cool kids who jerk off to Cena think that he is the best.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-14 14:44:12

Yeah, I wouldnt say he's BETTER than any of those wrestlers. I'd probably say he's at least on par with them.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-14 18:27:19

At 11/14/11 11:08 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: LK, if you think that Cena is a better wrestler than HHH, Edge, and Y2J, three of the best wrestlers in the last 20 years along with HBK and Taker, you are out of your mind.

Have to agree there. Cena by the way is shite at selling 9 times out of 10 because he doesn't sell. Hell, look at that match he had with Truth before the heel turn where he's smirking and acting like all of Truth's offense is just the funniest thing!

Cena can be better then he is. But he's not better then any of those guys mentioned here. I could give you RVD though. Rob's a very good spot machine and that helped him connect with the crowd. But unless he's basically breaking character about ECW (like at the original ONS) his promos have never been money to me, and while his work is very very good, he's not a guy I'd build a company around.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-14 21:38:50

Cena selling? Did you see MITB this year? Jerry Lawler pretty much called him out on not selling while the match was still in progress.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-15 02:44:00

At 11/14/11 11:08 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: LK, if you think that Cena is a better wrestler than HHH, Edge, and Y2J, three of the best wrestlers in the last 20 years along with HBK and Taker, you are out of your mind.
Then again, all the cool kids who jerk off to Cena think that he is the best.

HHH, Edge, and Y2J have never had a year as impressive as John Cena's 2007. The reason why I like John Cena better than Chris Jericho is because Cena gets more out of lesser workers than Jericho does and gets more out of other good workers than Jericho does. Since you mentioned both Shawn Michaels and Undertaker, I just want to say that Rey Mysterio is a better wrestler than both HBK and Taker.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-15 04:30:24

At 11/15/11 02:44 AM, LordKooler wrote: Cena gets more out of lesser workers than Jericho

I think you have it all completely wrong, but regardless, Kurt Angle is better then all of them ;)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-15 18:29:02

At 11/15/11 02:44 AM, LordKooler wrote: HHH, Edge, and Y2J have never had a year as impressive as John Cena's 2007.

Bullshit. Triple H drew way more money in 2000 as WWE's top heel then John Cena drew in 2007. Edge proved he equaled ratings as champion when the belt was briefly on him in 06. Y2J has, and always will be a guy that equals money and interest from an audience.

The reason why I like John Cena better than Chris Jericho is because Cena gets more out of lesser workers than Jericho does

Examples? Pick an opponent that Cena and Jericho have both wrestled, and prove Cena had the better match with him. That's apples to apples.

and gets more out of other good workers than Jericho does.

Again, examples please.

Since you mentioned both Shawn Michaels and Undertaker, I just want to say that Rey Mysterio is a better wrestler than both HBK and Taker.

Really? Really? Look, I hate to accuse somebody of being impaired and all but...are you? HBK is worlds better then Mysterio. Taker is better then Mysterio. What do you base "better" on? Because I'm looking at the whole picture, which includes ability to draw money over time (which I think is the dominant factor whether the IWC likes it or not). Mysterio fails hard on the big qualifier, and is not the promo either man was, and as a mechanic? Waaaaaaaaay down over time from where he was years ago. He's lost some steps, and did not compensate as well as HBK and Taker did.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-16 10:21:38

At 11/14/11 06:27 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Cena can be better then he is. But he's not better then any of those guys mentioned here.

Cena can be better if he decides to stop being phony and telling gay jokes.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-11-16 21:54:11

At 11/15/11 06:29 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 11/15/11 02:44 AM, LordKooler wrote: HHH, Edge, and Y2J have never had a year as impressive as John Cena's 2007.
Bullshit. Triple H drew way more money in 2000 as WWE's top heel then John Cena drew in 2007. Edge proved he equaled ratings as champion when the belt was briefly on him in 06. Y2J has, and always will be a guy that equals money and interest from an audience.

Place 2007 John Cena in 2000 WWE and he would have had better matches with everyone HHH wrestled that year.

The reason why I like John Cena better than Chris Jericho is because Cena gets more out of lesser workers than Jericho does
Examples? Pick an opponent that Cena and Jericho have both wrestled, and prove Cena had the better match with him. That's apples to apples.

For one, John Cena had a better match with Wade Barrett than Jericho did.

and gets more out of other good workers than Jericho does.
Again, examples please.

John Cena had better matches with both CM Punk and Shawn Michaels. I would rate Cena/HBK from the 4/23/2007 episode of RAW above all the Jericho/HBK matches.

Since you mentioned both Shawn Michaels and Undertaker, I just want to say that Rey Mysterio is a better wrestler than both HBK and Taker.
Really? Really? Look, I hate to accuse somebody of being impaired and all but...are you? HBK is worlds better then Mysterio. Taker is better then Mysterio. What do you base "better" on? Because I'm looking at the whole picture, which includes ability to draw money over time (which I think is the dominant factor whether the IWC likes it or not). Mysterio fails hard on the big qualifier, and is not the promo either man was, and as a mechanic? Waaaaaaaaay down over time from where he was years ago. He's lost some steps, and did not compensate as well as HBK and Taker did.

When compared to both Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio had more good matches and less bad matches than those two and is more adaptable. Rey in main events is usually a breath of fresh air and the promos he cut during his feud against CM Punk from 2010 is proof that Rey is capable of cutting good promos. Simply put, Rey was one of the best wrestlers of the last decade.

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