I apologize for the tardiness around here; preoccupation and my own lazy ass as usual.
These last several weeks have been AWESOME. It's been some ungodly while since 'compelling' could be used to describe a storyline, but they have pulled it off. While it's been obvious for a while now that Laryngitis is responsible for Trips' predicament, there's still been a shitload of twists & turns to keep one on the edge of one's seat. This whole story puts the entire whole of the franchise - not just Trips - center stage.
As far as how RAW ended, avie & I will have to agree to disagree, here. It sets up a major situation that has lots of potential behind it.
I get the feeling that Punk and/or Cena will try to form their own group akin to Del Rio's group, to try and save RAW and/or help Trips uncover who's actually behind the conspiracy.
Regarding Henry, regardless of why he's holding the title, it's clear that he could've easily been a title holder quite some time ago, and his performance of late proves that. This just proves to me how much booking plays into the careers of the talent. In the short time he's been on this roll, he's become both this century's best monster heel & its 2nd best giant. (Feel free to bitch & moan that I'm wrong about that, but that's the way I see it.) That should never be the case; if he had that much potential waiting over a FIFTEEN YEAR SPAN, why should it only get utilized at the end of his run? That's just wasting a career.
I'm enjoying the hell out of the 'Dueling Sin Caras' feud. The only thing that had annoyed me at first is that everyone was acting like they were almost twins, when the now 'Negro' one is both taller and more muscular than the 'Azul' one. Plain as dias. *shot*
Good god, Laryngitis was a wrestler once? Never would have guessed that in a gazillion years.
At 10/3/11 12:28 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
Good Closing angle, idiotic Cell finish on the RAW side. It also seems completely counter productive to what I understand their plans to be...but then again, they've probably decided to change them again (especially since they leaked to the net).
At 10/7/11 02:49 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
I've heard Punk is definitely in a top singles match with the belt involved...and if the stars align right his opponent could be something truly amazing...a real crossover star...an ayatollah if you will...
It makes sense; Punk has stolen Jericho's tagline of "Best In The World", and now he wants to face Punk for the rights to use it, in what would be nothing short of epic.
Btw, I feel like a loser for not having any Punk merch at this point........good thing I have a b-day next month. :P
At 10/8/11 12:24 PM, boloneyman wrote:
Speaking of Punk here is a really good interview he just did while in Australia for the Nickelodeon Awards. He discusses what he loves about the business, its past and future, and his love of ice cream.
Holy shit, HE'S ALREADY DESIGNED THE FRIGGING ICE CREAM BAR OF HIMSELF! That's awesome. I 100% agree - who the fuck doesn't like ice cream?
Anyway, great interview; they had an actual intelligent interviewer doing it, too - which is more than I can say for most non-pundit ones nowadays.