At 9/20/11 11:44 PM, LordKooler wrote:At 9/20/11 11:37 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Ok, and here is where I get pissed off with some of your posting. Mark Henry is the champion of the B brand. CM Punk is challenging for the main title of the A brand. He headlined the last PPV, he is STILL involved in the top storylines on RAW, the A Brand. Punk has, and continues to draw money. Mark Henry with all due respect has not been shown to draw money or ratings. How about we pull our head out of the smart mark boards which do not seem to deal with reality, and start dealing with actual proven facts again? Pretty please?Don't get me wrong. I am a fan of CM Punk but I feel HHH dragged him down badly in their feud and the match they had at Night Of Champions was ruined by the interferences.
It took 3 Pedigrees, a Jackknife, various interferences multiple beat downs, Miz ate a GTS, Truth ate a GTS, and it took everything for Punk to be put away. lets face it, he wasn't going to win that match, but he was SOOOO not buried... The match wasn't as good as should have been, but, HHH wasn't ring ready at that point but fuck, it was better than Punk jobbing to Nash.
Daniel Bryan is being treated like CM Punk when he initially won MITB, not used too well, and there's too much going on to REALLY fit him in. Speculation is that DBD will be the guy who becomes the first guy to lose with the MITB contract, which would be inept booking. There's nothing they have for the guy with the MITB. plus, as a gimmack, people are tired of the MITB, eventually someone has to waste the contract. But, if Henry does hold that belt till mania, he needs to drop it to Bryan. Because Mark Henry fucking blows.