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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-18 23:31:29

At 5/18/11 06:51 PM, JKMonkey wrote: NO! NO! The magical mexican fairy carries him into the ring on it's wetback

We can do without the racism thanks so very much.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-19 05:40:04

Prepare for Cena's year long reign as the WWE Champion. >:(

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-19 10:16:52

At 5/19/11 05:40 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Prepare for Cena's year long reign as the WWE Champion. >:(

Here's why that year long reign won't last: Money in The Bank. They got to keep that streak alive because the only way someone can lose with that thing is pull an RVD or almost get RKO'd and both times were a success...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-19 12:06:06

With the way Super Cena is booked, he will beat the holy shit of the MITB winner after a 40-minute last man standing match.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-20 15:19:38

Sad news everyone, "Macho Man" Randy Savage died after having a heart attack while behind the wheel of a vehicle.

RIP Macho Man. We'll never forget you buddy.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-20 15:33:58

RIP Macho Man!

It's a shame the WWE and Randy Savage never reconciled, but hopefully they'll finally put him in their hall of fame, at the very least as a sign of respect.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-20 16:26:30

RIP Macho Man.. You will be missed.

He was out of the then WWF by the time I started watching but of what I did see of him in the ring I had always found fun to watch. His role in the Spider-Man movie was a highlight of that as well.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-20 16:29:48

Yeah, I just heard about it on the news a little while ago. Shame I never got to follow his career much, beyond the Slim Jim commercials. In speaking of that, I really should buy one today, in his honor......

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-20 18:18:19

Oh my god.
RIP Macho Man.
I've been watching a bunch of old footage lately, and his matches were some of my favourites.

it seems that any old wrestler that i start to get into dies -- maybe i should stop

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-20 20:56:56

I caught Randy Savage at the tail end of his WWE career and then followed him into WCW. Savage was one of the greatest performers ever and easily one of the top 10 talkers ever. As Rock and Austin defined Attitude, Hogan and Savage defined Rock n Wrestling. Another gone too soon. My thoughts go out to his wife, his brother, and their entire family. We lost a classic performer, but they lost something so much more important.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-20 23:40:46

RIP, Randy Savage. :(
I hope that the WWE does the right thing and introduces him to the HoF for all the years he had with the company.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-21 22:20:25

Been forever since I have been here. If anyone even remembers me it would be funny but more than likely no. New account anyways. SO! Here is to hoping wrestling improves and that this place is still as doubtful of WWE and how good it can be as it ever was.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-22 06:35:49

Over the Limit 2011 predictions:
World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs. Christian

Orton :(

WWE Champion John Cena vs. The Miz ("I Quit" Match)

Cena :(

WWE Tag Team Champions Big Show and Kane vs. CM Punk and Mason Ryan

Punk and Ryan

Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett vs. Ezekiel Jackson


Divas Champion Brie Bella vs. Kelly Kelly

Kelly Kelly

Sin Cara vs. Chavo Guerrero

Sin Cara

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole (Kiss my Foot match)

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

Rey Mysterio vs. R Truth

R Truth as a result of Alberto Del Rio shenanigans.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-22 10:01:38

At 5/21/11 09:41 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Over the Limit 2011 predictions:

World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs. Christian

Probably Orton, I love him but I will hate so see him become a "superman". Though Christian is good enough to make this a very entertaining match.

WWE Champion John Cena vs. The Miz ("I Quit" Match)

I really want to see The Miz win or atleast lose gracefully, this might be fun to watch but considering Cena it will just be a lengthy waste of time.

WWE Tag Team Champions Big Show and Kane vs. CM Punk and Mason Ryan

To be honest I cant see Ryan and Punk as tag team champions, I see this match as another oppertunity to watch The New nexus fall apart.

Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett vs. Ezekiel Jackson

I love Wade Barrett but i'm going for Zeke here.

Divas Champion Brie Bella vs. Kelly Kelly (If I told you I could give one shit more I would be completely lying. Divas are the biggest joke in WWE and should be completely obliterated)

Unless Kharma shows up this will just be a big waste of time, unless they put on a great match (which has happened before with Divas). Then again, this is Kelly kelly and one of the bella twins.

Sin Cara vs. Chavo Guerrero

I'm looking forward to this, they are both solid wrestlers and fun to watch in the ring.

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole (Kiss my Foot match)

If Jerry doesn't win this i'll probably avoid RAW for afew weeks. Seriously, stop it.

Rey Mysterio vs. R Truth

I like R Truth and his new angle has been very fun, I would like to see him win. Either that or go nuts and pummel Rey.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-22 14:18:20

WWE Champion John Cena vs. The Miz ("I Quit" Match)

There will be much shenanigans in this match on Miz's part.. They just don't book people fighting Cena without them getting desperate and trying something tricky, especially in Miz's case. Cena has not lost a match without shenanigans in quite some time. There's always something.

What I lack in accuracy, I make up for in enthusiasm

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-22 19:50:10

It is too easy to predict the WWE sometimes but I feel that they have something planned for Miz to win the title back. Basically I think he is going to hold Cena's family or some child hostage and if he does not say I Quit then the person(s) will be hurt blah blah cena is a mega face blah blah only quits when others can be hurt.

Trouble is I don't want to see Miz vs Cena anymore as I am sick of it. Miz needs to move onto something better and more interesting if they can write that well anymore and Cena needs to just do something else until Wrestlemania.

As far as the other matches go...looking forward to the Sin Cara match and waiting for Roiid Rage Batista Clone to turn on Punk. We shall see how that progresses. Still mad at the WWE for not letting me have Sin Cara vs. Rey Mysterio yet...bitches.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-22 22:55:16

Well he Super Cena'd it again, what a predictable disappointment.

The other matches were pretty good, the Orton vs Christian match was probably the highlight. And i'm glad Cole lost....horribly, now don't continue this angle.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-23 00:15:28

The Cole angle I'd say has to be done now. He's finally gotten his comeuppance and Lawler and all he's abused have gotten their vengeance. The question now becomes where do you go from here?

The rest of the PPV looked and sounded like meh fodder except for Christian/Orton 2. I am glad they attempted to protect Miz on the finish but WWE is very quickly going to have to figure out if they're willing to pull the trigger on a Riley face turn soon or not. Otherwise they risk losing the moment like they did with Dibiase turning against Orton a year ago.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-23 03:40:44

OH THANK GOD COLE FINALLY LOST!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease tell me how many other people came in to take shots at him, as it sounds like, by avie's comment, that Lawler wasn't alone in the fun that ensued. :P

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-23 06:09:23

Most of the PPV was pretty bad. Orton and Christian was easily the best match of the night (no big surprise) while I found it pretty bad how weak they made Miz look at the end of the match.

He spends 25 minutes beating down Cena all the while using Alex Riley to help, he can't make Cena quit, he fails at cheating to win, and to top it off, Miz quits in about two seconds when in the STF (after Cena went into Superman mode and shook off the whole beating like it never happened of course.) Basically saying, "Nice try Miz, but you can't even put a dent in the guy with the help of your crony." I understand the act of having a heel be cowardly and doing stuff like that to win, but if there was ever a way to make someone look like more of a joke, it was this. Poor ADR is next up to be eaten by Cena I bet.

I didn't see it, but apparently Rey jobbed to R Truth in a very short match so maybe they're going ahead with Truth as a potential main event guy later on. His heel character has been a very pleasant surprise.

Sin Cara vs. Chavo: Yeah who did you think was going to win?

Should have predicted that Barrett was just going to use the Corre to get DQed, but there could be more to feud moving forward.

I really thought that Punk and Ryan could get the tag titles, but then again, with Punk not re-signing yet, maybe that's why he was given the loss.

Diva's match lacked Kharma for some reason. Didn't have an interest in it to begin with.

Thank God, Jerry won. Just thank god. Now maybe we can see the end of this feud and hopefully Cole does a promo where he apologizes for being an ass, stops being in the Cole Mine, and returns to how he was before. Also not sure why Bret Hart actually agreed to make an appearance since he's been criticizing WWE lately, but oh well, not going to complain. Would have made more sense for a Jack Swagger face turn and have him come out and put Cole in the ankle lock at the end while Cole kissed Lawlers foot, but then again, since that makes sense it has no place in a WWE show.

I wasn't really happy since everyone basically knew that Orton would keep the title, but the match they had was very good. A lot of "story telling" in it, especially with things like Christian psyching out Orton by pump faking on the move that lost him the title the first time. God, I hope Christian actually gets a legit WHC title run some time in the future, even if they have to turn him heel.

Also missing from action in the whole PPV was ADR (promo doesn't count) Sheamus, and Cody. This is a situation that should never, ever, repeat itself in any capacity.

3/10 for the whole thing. Easily the worst PPV so far this year.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-23 09:45:34

The Miz said "I Quit" TWO SECONDS after the STF was locked, WTF?! I mean, at least make him struggle a while before uttering the words!
Sadly, ADR will be the next guy who gets RAPED by Super Cena.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-23 13:25:28

Glad the Cole angle is done...hope he still ridicules the divas like he has been until the womens' wrestling in the WWE is no longer a joke. May take a bit.

Also, Super Cena is getting stupid. Seriously...give the guy a fatal flaw! Maybe he will have one when he goes to face The Rock. Either way, fuck that PPV.

Here is to hoping that the WWE does something unpredictable and interesting soon. At least Sin Cara can do something amazing to keep me watching in the meantime.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-23 14:28:07

At 5/23/11 01:25 PM, BibbyNey wrote: Also, Super Cena is getting stupid. Seriously...give the guy a fatal flaw! Maybe he will have one when he goes to face The Rock. Either way, fuck that PPV.

It's been stupid for the past couple of years. I agree that he should have a Spider Man 2 moment where somebody finds a way to beat him and he has a big doubting himself moment. He'll win out in the end, because WWE law dictates it, but at least you get someone else over doing this. Or do the unthinkable and have him actually lose a feud and have him be in "exile" for a month like what should have happened when he was "fired." And when he faces the Rock, people are going to be begging for Rock to win, but I would bet that it doesn't happen, just like with a younger Rock beating the older Hogan and passing the torch at WM 18. At least with that match, nobody was duel chanting "Let's go Rocky!" "Rocky sucks!" or vice versa for Hogan.

Problem is, as long as people, i.e. kids and women, will buy all the merchandise for Cena and Orton, they will be the top guys that destroy and bury everyone else, and that isn't good for business in this business. And Vince probably wonders why he's losing money, and people aren't watching as much anymore.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-23 14:51:13

At 5/23/11 06:09 AM, 36Holla wrote: He spends 25 minutes beating down Cena all the while using Alex Riley to help, he can't make Cena quit, he fails at cheating to win, and to top it off, Miz quits in about two seconds when in the STF (after Cena went into Superman mode and shook off the whole beating like it never happened of course.) Basically saying, "Nice try Miz, but you can't even put a dent in the guy with the help of your crony." I understand the act of having a heel be cowardly and doing stuff like that to win, but if there was ever a way to make someone look like more of a joke, it was this. Poor ADR is next up to be eaten by Cena I bet.

It's not great, but Miz is such a great heel that I think like Jericho he can come out tonight and do a promo, do an attack, and whatever else have you and get all his heat right back. That doesn't excuse the idiocy of the booking, no. But at least it was done to a guy who knows how to shrug that off his character.

I didn't see it, but apparently Rey jobbed to R Truth in a very short match so maybe they're going ahead with Truth as a potential main event guy later on. His heel character has been a very pleasant surprise.

He's been very good and WWE really needs to stick behind him long term and see how far he can go. I heard the crowd wasn't exactly into him early on, but by the end he'd converted them. WWE needs to realize they can't just flip a switch and have a character be over, it's going to take time and patience to make that sort of thing happen.

Sin Cara vs. Chavo: Yeah who did you think was going to win?

I heard the finish unfortunately went to hell on this one. You know that is going to do Cara absolutely no favors in rehabbing his image in the back.

Should have predicted that Barrett was just going to use the Corre to get DQed, but there could be more to feud moving forward.

Absolutely. You have to see what you've got in all 4 of these guys, and that means patience and giving the audience a chance to invest in them. They made the absolute right call in this situation.

I really thought that Punk and Ryan could get the tag titles, but then again, with Punk not re-signing yet, maybe that's why he was given the loss.

Absolutely it is. Until Punk has a new deal, and with the prevailing opinion right now being it will not happen, WWE simply can't afford to invest in, or build up a character they won't have around long term. This however makes it more baffling then as to why he was allowed to beat Kofi last week.

Diva's match lacked Kharma for some reason. Didn't have an interest in it to begin with.

I was really shocked that Kharma didn't interfere here at all. I can only assume it was because WWE was trying not to do the expected thing...but then, what the hell is the point of doing it really?

Thank God, Jerry won. Just thank god. Now maybe we can see the end of this feud and hopefully Cole does a promo where he apologizes for being an ass, stops being in the Cole Mine, and returns to how he was before.

Cole's been a good heel, I'd like the character to continue, but if it's going to then WWE has to pull him out of the announce booth and give him some other role. If not the anonymous GM, then maybe he could be some sort of representative for the anonymous GM.

Also not sure why Bret Hart actually agreed to make an appearance since he's been criticizing WWE lately, but oh well, not going to complain.

He was in town for a show the night before, so they got him as a surprise. Also Bret is still on good terms with WWE but that doesn't mean he can't speak out when they're doing something dumb every once in awhile. Steve Austin has done it recently too and WWE still has no problem using him as a prominent part of their "family".

Would have made more sense for a Jack Swagger face turn and have him come out and put Cole in the ankle lock at the end while Cole kissed Lawlers foot, but then again, since that makes sense it has no place in a WWE show.

The problem to me is they seem to have crushed the idea of a Swagger face turn Monday when he was Cena's opponent. WWE apparently is of the mindset that Swagger getting away from Cole doesn't automatically mean Jack Swagger as a face.

I wasn't really happy since everyone basically knew that Orton would keep the title, but the match they had was very good. A lot of "story telling" in it, especially with things like Christian psyching out Orton by pump faking on the move that lost him the title the first time. God, I hope Christian actually gets a legit WHC title run some time in the future, even if they have to turn him heel.

I figured Christian wasn't winning, but I'm glad that WWE isn't tossing the baby out with the bath water here and is still keeping him strongly in the main event picture. You should never, ever, discard viable options, and Christian may be a viable title option down the line. In the mean time being seen as a top guy will mean when other guys are able to beat him that they get a rub from it. Smart booking there.

Also missing from action in the whole PPV was ADR (promo doesn't count) Sheamus, and Cody. This is a situation that should never, ever, repeat itself in any capacity.

I tend to agree, but this was a very B show that I expect most people won't see anyway. I don't think any of those talents are in any danger right now.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-24 02:59:24

What happened with Kharma tonight on RAW?
Don't see her for 2 weeks then.. that..
What the fuck?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-24 06:57:06

This Raw, wasn't bad because you can't get much worse than the PPV the night before, and there are finally signs of CHANGE with the feuds. Don't feel like going match by match now, but here's a list of the new stuff that's being teased.

-Cena and R Truth
-Miz and A Ri
-Kane and ADR
-Bourne and Swagger (Swagger can't just let that kick at the end go right?)

Also I'm surprised that my prediction that Cole would apologize came true. No more Cole Mine, no more 30 minute promos, and he keeps his semi heel announcing style. You know what? I'll take it.

At 5/24/11 02:59 AM, Shaun wrote: What happened with Kharma tonight on RAW?
Don't see her for 2 weeks then.. that..
What the fuck?

They're building towards something. Just watch it unfold.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-24 08:24:59

Loved the Macho Man Attire that CM Punk wore, great way to pay tribute, but I found it questionable that they showed a car accident angle with Big Show at this Raw.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-24 09:40:54

First of all.. RIP Macho Man, you were an icon and will definately be remembered in the wrestling industry forever.. you will be missed.

Good to see Bret Hart make some more appearances, he's been gone for a while now so I was starting to think that we wouldn't see him for a long time..

I liked that segment with Alex Riley completely destroying The Miz, They've been teasing it for a while and I didn't think it was gonna be such a big deal when it finally happened.. but man, he absolutely fucked Miz up.. and got a pretty good reaction from the crowd, he was drafted to SD so I dunno if that's his way of saying goodbye to RAW or if they've turned him into a babyface to have a little mini fued with Miz.. time will tell..

Kharma crying?... I found that weird, but kinda interested to find out what that was all about..

I was gonna be so pissed if they didn't show a video tribute to Savage because I've noticed they haven't acknowleged a lot of dead wrestlers lately.. probably because of most of the deaths recently had drugs involved.. but anyway, I'm happy they did it and the video package was excellent.

Punk's Macho Man gear was pretty awesome too.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-24 11:11:46

If tapping out 2 seconds after Cena's STF was locked in was not bad enough, getting destroyed by Alex Riley was even worse and it made the Miz look like a more pathetic bitch than he already is.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-05-24 12:37:24

New stories started, old stories made good progression, and other old stories ended all together. It was a good RAW this week.

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