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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-21 21:30:53

At 4/21/04 02:45 PM, Redangleking wrote:
At 4/20/04 05:24 PM, Nicholas_Tsar wrote:
Stupid stuff.
At 4/20/04 04:13 PM, Redangleking wrote:
A great point

I would've left you alone but then you had to go and call me Junior. While I'll admit to the point that Austin had a hand in the Attitude ERA, he was by no means the driving force. And that match at Wrestlemania 13 was an injustice tto The Hitman. Austin could never wrestle, only brawl. The thing that made THAT match good was Brett Hart's extrodinary atleticism and ability to put Austin over. Make no mistake, there'd be no Austin had it no been for Brett Hart.

And I STILL don't see how you could say Kane is doing good work. HENCHMAN! HENCHMAN! HENCHMAN! Not only that, but he's lost a lot of flare since losing the mask. His in ring ability has gone far below that of what he used to do. I don't think even a good feud could save him now.

Stop calling people n00bs and junior. You are a n00b and have no right to be disrespecting the elder members of this club.

Ugg. . . Jesus Christ, you think that because i have only been posting on NG for a little while i am a n00b? I belong to the most intellegent wrestling forums on the net and i was just checking out some of these other sites. . . And i see it is filled with nubs like you who don't know shit. I don't understand alot of the stuff you in particular say. Your quite nubbish. This will be my last post in here. And by the way, i have every right to disrespect you junior.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-21 21:34:42

FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME ITS NOT NUB ITS n00b U STUPID n00b. OK thats it im callin wade since u think this forum is gay then fine hmm wats a good ban number

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-21 23:40:18

LOL good job redangle WOOOOO. U mean sister or cousin not grandfather if he is a southerner and that is sad if u go to different wrestleing forums

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 03:00:28

i have heard that undertaker will start showing up after backlash..... that means he might show up on smackdown and to the n00b are you part of the ign boards? if you do tell me your name and i might know you

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 09:44:49

I got called a craxy cannuk by some dude on here..... ouch.

I think that the wwe would get a lot of money if they bought hbo for a day and let almost all the female stars wrestle each other naked....in whip cream.

just a thought.


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 10:55:14

At 4/22/04 09:44 AM, mallrat867 wrote: I got called a craxy cannuk by some dude on here..... ouch.

I think that the wwe would get a lot of money if they bought hbo for a day and let almost all the female stars wrestle each other naked....in whip cream.

just a thought.

A cannuk lol hey i live in surrey BC so i was rooting for canucks but now go colorado or philly.

West conference: Colorado
East Conference: Phillly
Stanly cup: doesnt matter who as long as its one of my two pics

a little off topic but yeah so i would like to see some women wrestle naked in whip cream, that would be kool if they started licking the whip cream off each other

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 13:33:32

yup, I miss stevie and victoria together...

women naked in whip cream...ohhhh pretty...

Didn't I just say no flaming? I really don't give a damn if a person is a n00b, they have a right to give an opinion. No more of that crap ok guys?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 16:28:52

yay I like rants!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 18:55:05

ill join wwe rocks

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 20:46:40

Rico and Haas tag team champs? Wierd but it should be an interesting tag team.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 20:53:45

At 4/18/04 02:38 PM, Redangleking wrote: O_o
First off, Austin sucks...he will not be missed. We agree on that

I am not even going to touch this festering crap-pile of a statement. Austin/Hart at WrestleMania? Austin/Rock at WrestleMania the first two times? Austin/Dude Love? Ring any bells, fucktard?

What makes you think Triple H will break from Evolution and Manager Benjamin???

Spelling? It's "manage," and you don't need to capitalize it. It is guaranteed that Trips will, at least temporarily, be leaving Evolution, as he is going to make a movie for WWE films.

It's Ludicrous!
Unnecessary Capitalization!

And Flair is an amazing talent even at his age now. He's not there JUST to put over the young talent.
Why else is he there? To build his reputation?

Redangleking, in the long sad history of fucked-up marks, you sir are a FUCKED-UP MARK.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 20:57:05

At 4/22/04 08:53 PM, coolnamehere wrote:
At 4/18/04 02:38 PM, Redangleking wrote: O_o
First off, Austin sucks...he will not be missed. We agree on that
I am not even going to touch this festering crap-pile of a statement. Austin/Hart at WrestleMania? Austin/Rock at WrestleMania the first two times? Austin/Dude Love? Ring any bells, fucktard?

What makes you think Triple H will break from Evolution and Manager Benjamin???
Spelling? It's "manage," and you don't need to capitalize it. It is guaranteed that Trips will, at least temporarily, be leaving Evolution, as he is going to make a movie for WWE films.

It's Ludicrous!
Unnecessary Capitalization!

And Flair is an amazing talent even at his age now. He's not there JUST to put over the young talent.
Why else is he there? To build his reputation?

Redangleking, in the long sad history of fucked-up marks, you sir are a FUCKED-UP MARK.

I Promised I wouldn't come back here but finally someone with intellegence showed up. He does have a point YOU FUCKED-UP MARK! your rants are the worst piece of shit i have ever read and now i am 4% dumber for reading them

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 20:59:49

I Promised I wouldn't come back here but finally someone with intellegence showed up. He does have a point YOU FUCKED-UP MARK! your rants are the worst piece of shit i have ever read and now i am 4% dumber for reading them

Look out, assclowns, the era of CoolTsarHere is upon you.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 21:01:24

At 4/22/04 08:59 PM, coolnamehere wrote:
I Promised I wouldn't come back here but finally someone with intellegence showed up. He does have a point YOU FUCKED-UP MARK! your rants are the worst piece of shit i have ever read and now i am 4% dumber for reading them
Look out, assclowns, the era of CoolTsarHere is upon you.

Me and Coolnamehere will bring you real wrestling news and answer any wrestling related question you may have.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 21:06:41

At 4/22/04 09:01 PM, Nicholas_Tsar wrote:
At 4/22/04 08:59 PM, coolnamehere wrote:
I Promised I wouldn't come back here but finally someone with intellegence showed up. He does have a point YOU FUCKED-UP MARK! your rants are the worst piece of shit i have ever read and now i am 4% dumber for reading them
Look out, assclowns, the era of CoolTsarHere is upon you.
Me and Coolnamehere will bring you real wrestling news and answer any wrestling related question you may have.

Yes, kids, any question you may have. Here are some examples of questions you can and should ask:
- How many times has Mick Foley held the WWF(E) Title? (Answer: 3)
- Where is Rey Mysterio? (Answer: The writing team had nothing for him, so he took a break)
- Should Justin Bradshaw Layfield ever ever ever hold a title? (Answer: FUCK NO)
- Why is Redangleking so ignorant? (Answer: We think it's because he eats lead paint, but we aren't sure.)

Shine on, you crazy diamonds.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 21:14:29

You know what? I am now changing to Fefe fan #1 until taker comes back.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 21:48:06

LordKooler's Smackdown Review
1.Rob Van Dam vs Booker T rating:***
A good rematch to start off Smackdown. This was an action packed match. It looked like RVD was going to win but he was distracted by explosions thus making Booker T win the match. But all of the sudden...
2.Paul Heyman segment rating:***
Paul heyman comes out and says that it is cool that RVD is on Smackdown. But Paul Heyman also says that Rob Van Dam is destroying the ECW image. But then the Dudley boyz come out. Paul heyman calls the Dudleyz Vince Mcmahon's domesticated
pets. After that, the dudleyz start attacking RVD. It was a good segment.
3.Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty vs Charlie Haas & Rico rating:***
A good Tag Team match. It was funny too. My favourite parts were
Scotty 2 Hotty getting kissed by Rico, Rico spanking Rikishi's butt,
and Rico putting on lip balm before he gets a Stinkface by Rikishi.
It was cool to see Haas & Rico win the Smackdown tag team championship.
4.John Bradshaw Layfield vs El Gran Luchadore rating:***
This was a good match. I don't have anything else to say about it.
5.Cafe De Rene rating:**
This is like Chris Jericho's highlight reel. But it isn't as good as the highlight reel. This is a boring interview segment. Rene's guest was Torrie Wilson. Rene spoke to Torrie about laughing at the Big Show. Torrie said no and thought he was going to talk about the 2004 Divas Swimsuit magazine. Then rene spilled wine on Torrie. And then tries to bodyslam her. But John Cena comes out and saves Torrie.
6.John Cena vs Chavo Guerrero Sr & Chavo Guerrero rating:***
A good handicap match. It almost looked like John Cena was going to win the match, But Rene Dupree interferes and attacks cena. Chavo Guerrero ends up pinning John Cena to win the match at the end.
7.Booker T segment rating: ***1/2
It was a decent segment. Booker T talks about taking Smackdown to new heights. But then the lights go out and the Undertaker's gong hits. Undertaker doesn't come out and Booker T runs into the crowd like a scared puppy.
8.Eddie Guerrero vs Dvon Dudley rating:***
A good match to end Smackdown. Both Eddie and Dvon were very
good in this match. Dvon won at the end while Bubba Ray Dudley
was holding Dvon's legs while he was pinning Eddie. JBL attacked Eddie after the match.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 22:59:53

wwe_fan111, you are # 77! Pick a wreslter to reperesent and put him/her in your BBS SSignature..Welcome to the club!

As for Coolnamehere and Nicholas_Tsar you never specificly said you wanted to join, so I have yet to add you guys to the list..I want it to be as acurate as possible.

If you do wish to stay, please stop trying to start flame wars. Red can say what he likes as can you. You may have different opinions about certain wrestlers, which is one of the reasons we have a club..Also, I am not stupid or ignorant, I helped re-build this club and I will keep the peace..

On a lighter note: I saw "The Punisher" today..Kevin Nash is a hit man but get killed..He had his short haircut and had no facial hair. It was a good movie, but I missed SD..Didn't Rico beat Hass? Why did they tag?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 22:59:55

I want ecw back as well.

I think i caught a glimpse of what i think was TWA wrestling on Tv somewere the other day.

I seen Jeff Jerrad and Sting, thats all I could make out.

Is it going to get a TV deal?


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-22 23:04:09

They should have some sort of deal by june or july.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-23 01:16:27

is john cena tooken?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-23 02:10:56

hey the undertaker is back hell yeah. Damn these stupid noobs and there flaming. lets contact wade to IP ban those fags. I mean if you call a noob a nub your retard. alt_accounts are fun.
guess who this is one hunred dollars for the winner.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-23 04:47:06

i doubt ECW will be back as a roster but instead......

the dudley boyz heel? i like it dudleys winning tag titles as faces is getting boring. i like dudleys and paul attacking people and maybe some of the hardcore guys could come back id like an ECW faction.

finnaly stoner cold is gone i respect the guy and all but he cant wrestle like he used to. i recently watched dude vs SCSA and it was a great match and once again he was good but hes not anymore

whoever said mick is only good at bumps have you seen a foley interview? i mean the good ones? back in ECW? Cane Dewey? that is on my best interview list and to think people wanted cacts jack to be a crazy guy who doesnt talk.

RAW is on tonight i want to see this Sean O Haire guy you were talking about before.
well im off to the general boards

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-23 07:46:49

Dudleyz as a heel again..well at least they are giving us some variety.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-23 12:26:57

Some big news: Jeff Hardy may be back with WWE very soon! They are having talks and are steadaly working up to a deal..Now heres a question..should he re-unite with Matt and lita for team extream or should he head to SD for the Cruserweight division? Or should he fued with Matt?

The Hardy Boyz together again would be cool.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-23 13:17:36

At 4/22/04 10:45 PM, Redangleking wrote: Red's Rant

When will ECW return in full force? We all know it's bound to happen but when? I want to see hardcore matches again!!!

I agree. Heyman should bring over Tommy Dreamer with him, and they could build him into a main eventer with a disgruntled ECW star gimmick. After all, in seriousness, which sounds better? Eddie Guerrero vs. Bradshaw, or Guerrero vs. Dreamer?

No. NO!!!! Haas's carrer has officially gone down the shitter. I don't care if he's the Tag Team Champ HIS PARTNER IS RICO!!!! >_<

That's a bit harsh. Rico is a great talent in the ring, and now that he is one half of the tag team champs, he can finally get over. And his gimmick is actually pretty good, except for Haas OVER-selling his disgust. I'm hoping they beat The Dudleyz when they inevitably clash, thus cementing themselves as a legit tag team.
And let's tally up: Inring skills -Rico and Haas are two of the best workers. Too Cool sucks in the ring
Mic skills - Rico is exceptionally charismatic and portraits his gimmick well, Haas is mediocre on the mic. Too Cool can't speak for shit.
Gimmick - they have one, Too Cool doesn't.
May Rico and Haas have a long title reign.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-23 13:42:25

Rico is funny as hell if not a bit disturbing.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-24 02:15:55

At 4/23/04 01:17 PM, -Rook- wrote: Eddie Guerrero vs. Bradshaw, or Guerrero vs. Dreamer?

um the second one.

, except for Haas OVER-selling his disgust.

yeah when he tried to puke and just spit. I wouldnt be surpise if some people call him a homophobe

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-24 07:21:48

yeah go rico haas better then too cool by alot

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-04-24 12:07:19

It's another odd couple type team..but I think it could be ok..

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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