At 4/26/04 12:33 AM, Redangleking wrote:
Ideal Title Holders
World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H
Benoit, no question involved. Trips does not deserve the title any time soon. He is the most over heel there is and he is the man for a long run but honestly, he held down 2003. Mediocre matches, injuries ect. He also is married to steph which gives him the added bonus of being a Mcmahon. Benoit has worked his ass off for so many years, he has never whined and bitched about not being pushed and he deserves a 8 month reign.
Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho
Jericho or Benjamin deserve this. Jericho could make an exelent fued for the world tital but for now the intercontinental is the best shot. Jericho is a very charismatic preformer who has worked a long time in the buisness and deserves a good push now and then. Benjamin would only need it to be put over. But right now benjamin is the only one whos fued with the tital would make sence. Edge has already won the IC tital enough times and needs to step up to main events.
World TagTeam Champions: Batista and Randy Orton
Tag team division is in chaos, i don't care who has it
Womens Champion: Whoever
Victoria or Molly, those 2 are the best, either one of them deserves it.
WWE Champion: Kurt Angle or Big Show
Eddie Guerrero. Another no brainer, for the same reasons as benoit. At one point eddies carear in everyones mind, was over. Then he came back, got a great character, showed he can have a serious side to his character. He also showed he can carry guys like the big show. He deserves a long tital run till someone like Kurt or possible a heel Cena takes it from him.
U.S. Champion: Rene Dupree
Dupree would make a good US champ because then he could force his french leftwing stuff on us claiming its his duty as the US champ. Cena needs to get edgier and go for the WWE tital. He has the wrestling skills and he completely over with the crowd.
Cruiserweight Champion: Chavo Guerrero
Chavo or Rey or Akio. All of those 3 can put on great matches and could do very well as champion
WWE TagTeam Champions: Akio and Sakoda
WWE TagTeam belts are worthless, the only teams are consisted of brothers and guys who look alike. improve the tagteam division then i will care.