hooray flair the chop and backdrop man and batista the clothesline spinebuster and powerbomb only, arent the tag champions Raw tag division sucks who is going to be beniot and edge competitors hurricane and rosey. Also hbk isnt a heel just yet and get over it you stupid cannuck the bret screw job happened over six years ago focus on how beniot is going to get screwed some how. What a good kane promo going satanic he better get a push. I thought he would do something better than chokeslams. screw coach and cade I hope kane tombstones coach on the stairs. Rko the living legend he better compete for the world title. Just imagine beniot as the world title IC and tag title holder it will never happen but it can be imaniged.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)