I have a feeling that Orton will be champ soon.
I have a feeling that Orton will be champ soon.
The show started off & ended great. The start couldn't have been better, bringing an entire decade full-circle the same way it started. I even did The (People's) Pledge of Allegiance - something I haven't done in over a decade. And, of course, the early elimination of Cole. The ending was about as big a show of respect as any one WWE wrestler could get, having been delivered by Vince himself.
The only flub in between, although I'm not nearly as irate as most of you are, was the Miz/Cena finish. Yeah, after all of the more blatant cheating throughout the match, to have the decision reversed because the title was merely not where it should've been seemed a tad weak; but it was still feasible since the title was suspiciously out of place.
But yeah, I hope Del Rio or someone else gets to run with it for a while, then drop it back to Cena after a while, just so we're not stuck with another long Cena run again.
Kong is already on fire, as I expected. :P Only, pardon the pun, awesome things lie ahead.
I'm glad Mason's being pushed this way; being believably able to take out both Show & Kane BY HIMSELF shows us he's the material I thought he'd be when he first debuted.
I dare someone to not take Truth seriously anymore. This could be where he actually breaks out; maybe not as a major title holder, but easily as solid mid-card material.
Glad Kofi has a DIFFERENT title...........even if it's basically the same as the one he had. Seriously, it'd be nice to, if they don't unify the two, have some actual distinction between the UD & IC Titles. Although the same argument could be made for the two major ones, too (and might be in the same unification boat).
Ok, so two things about Extreme Rules:
(1) I was confused on the Tag Title situation..........so Wade & Zeke were the contenders, instead? Huh. Not like it matters much, though, since Corre is basically done.
(2) Who won the McCool/Layla match? Or did Kong force a DQ?
At 5/3/11 10:51 PM, Tetris wrote: So.
Super Randy beats Christian for the title on SmackDown this week.YEAH.
So based on the spoilers....yeah, they really are pushing that "new talent" amirightguys?
Seriously...Vince needs to step down, or at least get out of creative and let Triple H try his hand at steering that ship for awhile. I just cannot understand the logic anymore at this point. It's like anybody with power up there has completely forgotten that the more guys that are made and seen as main eventers (vs. going back to the same two or three people over and over) the better the company can do because you can really surprise people and keep the shows interesting. If you don't, and keep kicking guys the fans really like in the nuts, and a lot of times simply BECAUSE those fans DARED to like somebody you didn't tell them to...it's ridiculous.
At 5/3/11 10:51 PM, Tetris wrote: So.
Thanks for making the spoiler so close to the tag that saying "SPOILER" drew more attention to the line below it making it ultimately pointless. I would rather have been furious on Friday rather than this early in the week.
Oh yeah and fuck off Vince. You're turning into the Al Davis of wrestling.
At 5/4/11 04:40 AM, 36Holla wrote: Thanks for making the spoiler so close to the tag that saying "SPOILER" drew more attention to the line below it making it ultimately pointless. I would rather have been furious on Friday rather than this early in the week.
Oh yeah and fuck off Vince. You're turning into the Al Davis of wrestling.
I know that the last time when Orton was the World Heavyweight Champion, he had a really short reign and got destroyed by HHH. Vince probably thinks that he owes Orton a proper reign as the World Heavyweight Champion. But taking the belt off Christian merely days after he won it at Extreme Rules is beyond a joke.
I complete agree with you, 36Holla. EAT SHIT AND DIE, Vince! >:O
I've heard conjecture this could have been a concession thing based on Orton changing his schedule to accomodate the change of brand. But in the end it's the same old song and dance, Vince doesn't see Christian as a top guy. They were backed into a corner by the draft, and they wanted to give him a "lifetime achievement award" plus a happy ending for Edge since he never got that really decisive win on ADR. I still say it's horse shit as the number 1 tool they have for getting new talent over and into the mix is putting those titles on them and then booking them as credible champions who can run with the big dogs.
I know that HHH made Orton his bitch in 2004 after Orton became the youngest WHC. But does Vince really have to give Orton the world title now as the compensation while screw Christian in the process? Pathetic!
At 5/4/11 11:41 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I know that HHH made Orton his bitch in 2004 after Orton became the youngest WHC. But does Vince really have to give Orton the world title now as the compensation while screw Christian in the process? Pathetic!
I don't believe for 1 second that happened. I believe it's down to the fact that Vince has never believed in Christian as a top guy.
At 5/5/11 08:21 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I don't believe for 1 second that happened. I believe it's down to the fact that Vince has never believed in Christian as a top guy.
Whatever the reasons are behind the farce, Vince needs to step down ASAP before he turns away more fans for good.
It really doesn' matter if we found out now or found out on Friday, A STEAMING PILE OF HORSE SHIT IS STILL A STEAMING PILE OF HORSE SHIT.
Vince, methinks that was your final strike with this club. STEP DOWN NOW, DAMNIT!
/seething rage
I refuse to watch the WWE on TV again until Vince does the right thing and fucks off.
I wonder if i'll hear a loud "FUCK" from outside on Friday. WWE needs to change things up creatively and new management is the first step. Also lose the Anonymous GM thing on RAW.
In this dark time there is only one man who can bring back a smile to the wrestling world. That man, is Chris JeriThor!
At 5/6/11 12:52 PM, 36Holla wrote: In this dark time there is only one man who can bring back a smile to the wrestling world. That man, is Chris JeriThor!
One of my favorite wrestlers, playing one of my favorite comic characters? The...the win...it...it was almost too much to bear. But bear it I didst! Because JeriThor is the IrvOdin son! Thus was he comedy gold!
Fuck Orton. Fuck Mcmahon. Christian deserved that title. It took him 13 years to get it and 5 days to lose it.
"Holy shit, this place is still around?!?" -Jay
At 5/6/11 10:09 PM, KurtWilder2027 wrote: Fuck Orton. Fuck Mcmahon. Christian deserved that title. It took him 13 years to get it and 5 days to lose it.
Hey, Christian, just flip your middle finger at Vince and go back to the TNA.
While it does seem shitty for this to happen, Jericho actually made a decent point on Twitter that I hope is what happens.
"Hey everyone bitching about @Christian4Peeps losing the title, have u ever thought that maybe it's just the beginning of a bigger storyline?"
God I hope so.
I certainly felt like watching the match tonight we weren't necessarily "done" with this here. Because they had a good competitive match, Christian got protected with the finish being "ah crap, he just got caught off of one mistake" vs. getting just wreckshopped, and they made it a point to end the show with Christian walking out vs. Orton celebrating. I'm not saying this means he's getting the belt back, it probably doesn't. I think end of the day the best he can hope for here is the number 2 babyface (which hey, great work if you can get it) and maybe, just maybe a slight run with the belt down the line. I think Jericho makes a point, and while I still think it was moronic to take the belt that fast, I do agree we have to give them a chance to see if they have some kind of larger plan here, or if this really was just a case of Vince kicking Christian back down the card and reasserting to his fans that he is in the role he's in forever.
I think I can leave this here, it's my belt collection.
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Yes yes we can all talk about Christian, but here are my two highlights of yesterday's Smackdown.
Is that a Jackson push I see? it better be.
And Sheamuse's kick to Bryan from outside the ring.
At 5/7/11 02:35 AM, Grub-Xer0 wrote: I think I can leave this here, it's my belt collection.
You must have a lot of extra cash to burn.
For Christian's sake I do hope Jericho is right and that there will be an ongoing program between the two where they eventually make him the second biggest face on the brand. Having a great spot and the potential to get the belt in thefuture would be a great thing for Christian and I really hope he gets it.
Chavo on tv and away from Hornswaggle is good news to me.
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At first, during Christian's speech, I was still enraged. Now it looks like the title loss may just have been to lead to a heel turn a la Ron, where he blames his 'so-called fans' for wanting the match in the first place. Or at least that's the vibe I got from the ending. So, in other words, Jericho's pretty much right.......I hope. I'm still pissed, though, as it should've been a longer run than FIVE FRIGGING DAYS.
And it WAS a good match.
I expected Michelle would be the one to 'leave WWE'; whether she's retiring or she's simply taking time off to take care of her husband is the question. Regardless, no doubt Layla benefits from this, as she proved last night.
It appears that WWE's latest Indian acquisition is going to be used to rebuild Khali. He may still be somewhat of a fan favorite, but the comedy stuff is best left to Santino & Kozlov. Not to say he should be a heel again, though, because his face run has been way more successful that that; he just needs to be taken more seriously. And Mr. Mahal (who's clearly a wrestler himself) looks like the guy for the job. Not like Runjin needs to be on TV, since he works behind the scenes anyway.
First, they look to be pushing Mason Ryan seperate from the Nexus, and now they've gone through ot with Zeke & The Corre. Not sure what WWE will do with the rest, but Zeke & Ryan are definitely the right choices to push ahead first. Zeke has already proven it enough times, and Ryan really needs no more proof at this point.
Tyson Kidd in a match, and Chavo not stuck in a stupid comedy bit!? MADNESS!!!!! Madness I'm happy with, though.
At 5/7/11 08:04 PM, Swackman wrote: At first, during Christian's speech, I was still enraged. Now it looks like the title loss may just have been to lead to a heel turn a la Ron, where he blames his 'so-called fans' for wanting the match in the first place. Or at least that's the vibe I got from the ending.
I think they really need Christian to be a face though. They have a few people that could become viable top heels, but after Orton, Christian is the number two face on the brand. I'm hoping the backlash from Christian losing the title will be enough to make Vince realise that he could probably get away with giving him a longer title reign next time.
It appears that WWE's latest Indian acquisition is going to be used to rebuild Khali. He may still be somewhat of a fan favorite, but the comedy stuff is best left to Santino & Kozlov. Not to say he should be a heel again, though, because his face run has been way more successful that that; he just needs to be taken more seriously. And Mr. Mahal (who's clearly a wrestler himself) looks like the guy for the job. Not like Runjin needs to be on TV, since he works behind the scenes anyway.
Anything which puts Khali in a more prominent role in your show is a bad thing, in my opinion. If this new guy can actually wrestle though, a team between them could maybe take the focus off how awful Khali is...
First, they look to be pushing Mason Ryan seperate from the Nexus, and now they've gone through ot with Zeke & The Corre. Not sure what WWE will do with the rest, but Zeke & Ryan are definitely the right choices to push ahead first. Zeke has already proven it enough times, and Ryan really needs no more proof at this point.
Mason Ryan is awful! He has a good monster look (In fact, he looks identical to Batista but without the stupid belly button tattoo...), but from what I saw of him, he needs a hell of a lot of improving in the ring.
At 5/7/11 08:26 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: I think they really need Christian to be a face though. They have a few people that could become viable top heels, but after Orton, Christian is the number two face on the brand. I'm hoping the backlash from Christian losing the title will be enough to make Vince realise that he could probably get away with giving him a longer title reign next time.
I could see turning Christian from the perspective of he could wind up top heel, but I'm not down with that because I'd rather Sheamus programmed into that spot (building a young guy who's ready and all that). I also don't want him turning based on the R-Truth logic because it would dilute both characters I think. I'm reminded also of the fact that WWE has the Fatal Four Way PPV and such coming up (I think anyway) and some other matches that would require a multi-man bout for contention or a shot at the belt. I think right now WWE could build four contenders on SD! (Christian, Orton, Henry, Sheamus) that would be credible, while they work on establishing guys like what's left of the Corre, Zeke, and Sin Carra on the undercard.
Anything which puts Khali in a more prominent role in your show is a bad thing, in my opinion. If this new guy can actually wrestle though, a team between them could maybe take the focus off how awful Khali is...
I agree. Khali is always going to be part of TV so long as they have clearance in India. The Indian fans will want "one of their own" on the shows to relate to and that is what Khali gives. This new guy using Khali more as his "muscle" vs Khali being the focus could be a big win if the kid has real talent. That's how I'd book it anyway. Khali as the heavy, the "Diesel" if you will, and this kid as the smaller cockbag heel he's protecting.
Mason Ryan is awful! He has a good monster look (In fact, he looks identical to Batista but without the stupid belly button tattoo...), but from what I saw of him, he needs a hell of a lot of improving in the ring.
Ryan is too green, they are pushing him simply because he looks a fuck of a lot like Batista but I think they're going to quick here striking him out on his own. With Batista they took their time and had him around two of the best ever in the business (Flair and H). Ryan has been around Punk, who's great and all and I know he tries to help any stable mates he's given...but again, this guy is too green and I think this will most likely backfire on WWE and they'll be having to take him off TV to return a year or two down the line.
At 5/6/11 11:30 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:At 5/6/11 10:09 PM, KurtWilder2027 wrote: Fuck Orton. Fuck Mcmahon. Christian deserved that title. It took him 13 years to get it and 5 days to lose it.Hey, Christian, just flip your middle finger at Vince and go back to the TNA.
Okay, no. As much as this is shit, going to TNA is worse than losing a title in 2 days. Fuck TNA.
Turning Christian heel won't be a bad idea, let me explain:
If he stays face, he will be No. 2 face behind Orton at best. Orton is a face which means that he will be feuding against heels in the future for the title. There are plenty of heels on SD!, but none of them can be viewed as top heel, take a look:
Sheamus: still recovering from the losing streak
Henry: has not beaten anyone good to be a top heel
Zeke: too green
Barrett: dead and buried
With that being said, Christian can easily be No. 1 heel of the brand if built properly. For me, No. 2 face < No. 1 heel.
At 5/8/11 04:43 PM, JKMonkey wrote: SO Christian left TNA to win the WWE Heavyweight championship for 5 days?
And if he stayed in TNA he wouldn't even get a wiff of their belt. TNA has become WCW redux where if you're not friends with the right people, and happen to be of a certain generation, you'll be bumping your head against a glass ceiling. Hell, they weren't pushing Christian BEFORE Hogan and Bischoff came in so he left. I think even if he never gets the belt again, he's better off in WWE since it's not like he can go and headline in TNA.
From what I keep hearing about TNA, nobody who has the chance to stay in WWE would touch them with a fifty foot pole.
The rest of the show could have been King slamming Cole's face and I'd be content. Someone post a screen shot of his face against the glass, please please please.
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