So, maybe JoMO was never even 'in the doghouse' - avie said that site was shit when it comes to 'reports'. Regardless, that was one of the more interesting heel turns I've seen. Surprised Ron was allowed to smoke on-air for it. Didn't know he smoked - which really isn't good for a pro wrestler (or anybody). Sadly, I don't think Morrison will get the title, but we all know he'll put on a hell of a match anyway like he always does.
Did Cole really get KNIGHTED!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? How much worse can this possibly get before it goes away? And if he really just did, what the hell could he have possibly done worthy of THAT!?
I don't get it; Dolph is still Dolph, just with a new dye-and-cut. No 'new attitude' to be seen. If you're gonna say Dolph's appearance is signifying change, we'd better be seeing something different, here. The new do does make him seem a little more serious, but that's it, really.
To answer avie's drunken rant question (seriously, how do you somehow manage to get MORE intelligent when drunk? I only have the reverse happen to the people around me, dammit!), yes, we are, but just temporarily. We just have to wait out Vince's final years (just in the company, mind you - I didn't mean 'wait till he croaks'). Case in point: The apparent Ryder situation, which I'll get to in a second. We just have to stick with it, and remember that TNA is still worse.
At 4/19/11 08:03 PM, 36Holla wrote:
Speaking of signs:
"WWE ordered 02 Arena officials in London to remove all signs from fans which were directed at Zach Ryder. One sign confiscated read "Ryder =Ratings" and another one "Push Ryder". Ryder in recent weeks has gained a large following who watch his Z! True Long Island Story Episodes on Youtube. Many fans are pushing for him to get more television time which WWE do not seem intent on doing."
Yeah so remind me how it makes sense to try and tone down the exposure one of your performers who is getting over with fans through promotion work. And just because the higher ups don't want a certain guy to get that exposure because to them he's just a pure jobber isn't a good reason in case you were wondering. He's getting fired isn't he?
What the shit? If you have someone who's becoming a fan favorite despite the way he's booked currently, you don't basically tell his fans "He can go fuck himself!", you take that as a hint & PUSH HIM! For bloody shit's sake, that's almost TNA-LEVEL failed logic.
At 4/20/11 12:32 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
I am depressed because God Orton made Punk and the entire Nexus his bitches again.
How? Orton won barely, and then Nexus mauled him. He only RKO'ed Punk after him & Mason took too long debating which one of them would get to punt his skull, and then Punk threw a tantrum of epic proportions. I don't quite see how this equates to what you said.
I'm a little surprised that Punk is still the Nexus leader, though, after that remark from before.