I'm sorry if this has been asked, but is the WWE building up to a guy coming back with this Anonymous Raw GM thing, or is it their way of not having anyone?
At 4/3/11 11:15 PM, ThePhantomGamer wrote: I'm sorry if this has been asked, but is the WWE building up to a guy coming back with this Anonymous Raw GM thing, or is it their way of not having anyone?
Its sort of unclear at the moment, I think most people assume it will be revealed as someone eventually if they fit that role for WWE but I believe they have no clear plans for that at the moment.
For the time being it has been a good tool for getting heel heat for Cole.
not that great a show outside of taker/hhh, although that was just a spotfest/kickoutoffinisherfest
i know, let's bury smackdown
botch in miz/cena was funny, ending was retarded although at least cena didn't go over
adr losing makes no sense
Ok lets recap:
Edge vs ADR: Great match, good opening. I wanted Rio to win though.
Mysterio vs Rhodes: Another good match, it ended pretty much as I expected. Though I hope they follow up on this well.
Eight man tag team match: No comment, seriously.
Orton vs CM punk: Another great match, good enough finish.
Lawler vs Cole: How the hell do you end it with a disqualification? who thought this would be a good idea?
Mixed tag team match: Um...well....Trish Stratus did a good job. Morrisson's intro was great (too bad we didnt see him too much). And am I the only one completely surprised by the thing Snooki did?. Anyway, Morrisson and Ziggler need better then that, even taking out Snooki (and Vickie) would have made this match much better.
Undertaker vs HHH: Great job by both guys, I didnt expect the streak to break anyway. That was one hell of an ending to.
Cena vs Miz: Anyone else hear the boos for Cena? and holy shit what an over-the-top promo. The match wasnt that bad but I was kind of dissapointed for some reason.
I haven't watched all of wrestlemania yet
i started watching at Lawler vs Cole.. which I thought was bullshit, so what we go back to nobody hurting Cole again and he still gets to act like a dickhead because he technically won via DQ?.. nothings been resolved
also damn Cole is sporting a few tats.. not expected of him..
Trips vs Taker was good.. though there were a few moments where i could of gone to the bathroom as one of them was always on the floor for ages, infact taker won and trips is the one who actually walks away.. but none the less, great match.. not as good as michaels/taker though
*snooki tags in*
crowd: boooooooooooooooooo
*snooki backflips*
crowd: what the fuck?! wooooooooooooooo
it kills me to say it, but admit she won the crowd over with that damn backflip
that match wasn't too bad to be honest.. even though morrison and ziggler were pretty much props in that match.. layla too, i don't think she even got tagged in.. but trish and mccool were pretty good together.
the main event was dumb... to be honest during the start of the match someone brought up cena's new t-shirt and said the whole homeless power rangers joke, so for like 3/4 of the match we were talking about the power rangers lol.. then there was that stupid countout bullshit.. i thought i was watching TNA for a second, then the rock pretty much destroys both guys..
i wanna watch the rest, but i actually might give it a few days..
also with del rio losing to edge, that makes the 4th rumble winner in a row to not win at mania... seeing a theme here?
At 4/4/11 10:53 AM, aPerfektFlaw wrote: I'M PISSED!! They made the Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan match, a "Dark" match. That was one title-fight I was actually really looking forward to seeing. ANGER.
Actually... They didn't even do that. Instead of that they had a Battle Royal match that the Great Khali won.
Anyway.. I had fun. I think there must have been some problems with the sound because some of the theme songs were barely audible and a lot of the stuff they showed of the backstage stuff you really couldn't hear either. The crowd was really into the HHH/Taker match. The people around me kept chanting "You can't do it!" every time Taker kicked out.
The crowd was mostly against Cena. Between he and Miz, Cena got far more heat. And of course the Cena fans were booing The Rock. Crazy stuff. That 8 man tag was.. a waste of time.
Yeah, we were all against Snooki the whole time, but when she started backflipping, it wa a jaw dropper. No one expected that.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Mania was a solid show last night. You got some very good matches up to Taker/HHH which was a show stealer and just great (especially when you consider their age, the injuries to Taker, and that H was coming off an uninspired run of house show matches). Either Taker's shoulder really has gotten better, or he's the toughest SOB in the business, or it's both. Really happy to see my all time favorite have a great night when I was almost positive his great matches were behind him.
I thought Miz and Cena worked a decent match, I liked that Miz got to kick out of an AA, but I wasn't a fan of the finish. I would rather have had something where Miz won clean and Rock nailed Cena after the fact. It also I think does him a disservice because he had an opponent the fans don't really like, so since I see him staying heel he doesn't really get a lot of heat out of it. The one thing I will certainly say is a positive is the belt wasn't flipped. Miz needs it much much more then Cena, and hopefully they will give us at least one more round of Miz/Cena so Miz can look stronger in a win, then Cena can go off and deal with The Rock.
I hated the Corre thing, simply because it goes back to everything that's wrong about the way young talent and groups are pushed in that company.
If you did what I did, and ordered the show and split it with two or more other people, I think you got your money's worth. If you didn't, and you have no one to split a replay with, just wait for a DVD so you can get the Hall of Fame with it.
I'm watchung RAW right now and I got to say, I won't be surprised if they have Alex Riley go up against The Miz and win. Also, Stone Cold makes me cum
PSN ID: DMANSLAND, Wii number: too lazy to look up, Manliness level: GODLY
Damn, No Face looks amazing. I'm really excited for him.Sure he attacked Sheamus after he beat Bryan (fuck him) but hey, he looked like a formidable wrestler and a step up for the Mysterious King. Let's go Spiderman!
PSN ID: DMANSLAND, Wii number: too lazy to look up, Manliness level: GODLY
Despite some squabbling at home that night, I got to enjoy WM at home with some friends of mine.
I'm going to try out a way of reviewing I haven't done around here before for this particular WM, just because there was quite a bit, what with 4 hours and all:
The Expected:
JoMo/Trish/Snooki winning their match, with some seeds of dissent planted for LayCool to break up, making way for Kong, probably. Seems that Snooki can actually halfway wrestle; it wasn't the best I've ever seen, but whatever.
Orton retains. But, Punk still looked dominant for the most part, so that's good.
The streak continues. But I'll get to the match itself a little further down.
Kane & Show's team winning. Glad Kofi got in there, even if the match was short.
The Unexpected:
Edge retained - and, which I didn't know, makes his first successful retaining of a title (well, at least the World Title, anyway) at WM. I was shocked that Alberto's destiny didn't start that night. I guess they want to keep his hunt going just a tad longer.
Rey putting Cody over. This was actually a great thing, and the match itself was great. Both of them using the other's medically-cleared items against each other just added to it, and it was a great way to put Cody on top going forward.
The way the Cena/Miz match actually went. We all knew Rock was going to get payback on both of them. However, having the actual match end in a draw (before Rock restarted it) was about the best one could hope for as far as a clean finish, and was well-enough executed.
Hornswaggle rapping........not badly, either. I guess his speech impediment is a nervousness issue?
The actual Trips/Taker match itself. The entire match was as great as it could possibly get, with many times I actually thought Trips was going to win, and the ending was perfect, setting up for Taker's eventual retirement. It's been quite a while since we've seen a Devil's Gate finish, especially one that lasted THAT LONG, and the breaking out of the ol' sledgehammer was a nice touch.
Cole having the shit stomped out of him. Lawler putting the Ankle Lock on him & making him whine like a 2-year-old getting spanked......aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.........
Stunners being thrown around like candy. Seriously, that never gets old. :P
The fact that Rock was there. JUST HIS BEING THERE.
The utter BULLSHIT:
THAT FUCKING COMPUTER RUINING ONE OF THE BIGGEST DRAWS THAT NIGHT HAD! Making Cole the winner was like kicking each & every ticket holder & cable buyer in the balls about 50 times. And poor Josh got to be the shot messenger......
The Bryan/Sheamus match being booted out in favor of a Battle Royale dark match? THE FUCK!? That could've been a major draw, but nooooooooo, we got the usual regular bout tonight, instead.
I'll get to tonight's (well, technically yesterday's, where I'm at) RAW & the HoF thing later.
Dear WWE,
Evan Bourne is better than to be in a jobber role. Start putting him in a role to contend for a title or your writer's are far more incompetent that they've already shown themselves to be from Wrestlemania.
Tough Enough was awesome, shits all over NXT
Good to see that it isn't PG, seeing as pretty much every time Austin spoke one part of it was bleeped.
My early guess on who will win is that Luke guy.. seems impressive, even after he got wasted on the first night..
I don't like that chick who has claimed she's been wrestling for 11 years.. she seems really arrogant and kept talking about how hot she is..
"What's your favourite match?"
"Alicia Fox vs Melina"
"oh boy look the Corre doing what they do best, im so excited"
*get beaten up*
*becomes further depressed*
The Rock/Cena promo last night was well done I thought, but the Corre seems a little out of place... However, the two of them will have an uneasy alliance for the next year. Then something will happen to respark the feud closer to WM.
Tough Enough has too many elements from MTV to be even close to acceptable in my eyes.
Triple H will retire soon. Undertaker will go 20-0. Degeneration X will never exist again.
What I lack in accuracy, I make up for in enthusiasm
Raw last night was an ok follow up. Cena-Rock at WM28 is very much like Rock-Hogan that happened 10 years prior. Hopefully everything stays in place for that to happen.
Randy and Punk's angle should be closing and I've also noticed that Punk is still wearing the Nexus arm band. Could be hinting that they're going to build up the stable again or add some new talent to it. Or maybe they'll finally kill it off for good.
At least we did get the US title match that was supposed to be at Mania and it ended how I pictured it would. Sin Cara debuting though was a surprise and that guy should be one of the most exciting guys on the roster now. His moves were insane.
Otherwise, I'm kind of curious to see who the WWE cuts from the roster. I know a lot of them will be no name people, but I can't help but think that there will be one person who is a surprise cut. I'm also very interested to see how the draft goes. Smackdown needs another big name on their roster and I've also heard a rumor about Sin Cara and Bourne teaming up which would be very exciting.
At 4/5/11 11:28 AM, kill343guiltyspark wrote: Triple H will retire soon. Undertaker will go 20-0. Degeneration X will never exist again.
They hinted that he would be going to face Taker again at WM28. I'm not sure if he'll be around anymore for week to week activity but he'll at least be there on a temporary basis, plus he's guaranteed a job behind the scenes. I think having HHH being a GM would be a decent idea. Having him still be apart of storylines and have a minimum of activity for PPVs would be cool.
At 4/4/11 09:44 PM, Tetris wrote: If you like the new Nexus shirt, get it quick, it's limited edition only.
Like Nexus themselves *snare drum*
I also thought Tough Enough is off to a great start and it's good to see them using actual training drills and shiz (I'll never forget I met Hall of Famer Ted Dibiase about 15 or 16 years ago, and someone asked him what the hardest thing to get used to was and without hesitation he said running the ropes).
I thought that Ariana girl proves everything that's wrong about the WWE system these days. It's people who have no concept of shit, seeing some 10 minute means nothing match and saying "oh, I want to do that too!". She got eliminated but already has a contract. Can't see her sticking with it for too long if last night was any indication.
Dear 36Holla,
Hi, I have it on good authority WWE doesn't give a shit about Evan Bourne. They see him as a flying little bumper they'll have around for a few years, his knees will go to shit and he'll retire. Sad but true, not everybody is going to get to headline.
Some people probably said the same thing about Rey when he came into the company. I wasn't saying anything about a main title run either but even a run in the currently dead tag division would be welcome.
At 4/6/11 12:00 AM, 36Holla wrote: Some people probably said the same thing about Rey when he came into the company. I wasn't saying anything about a main title run either but even a run in the currently dead tag division would be welcome.
Doubt it. I recall people with positions of power were very keen to push him and saw him as a "get". These same type of people feel just the opposite with Bourne. Can he turn it around? Sure, but he's got a lot working against him:
1. High spot machine in a company that discourages such things
2. Small, small, small, hard to ever take him seriously with some of the monsters they have around
3. Indy name and boy do they hate and penalize guys that dared make their name on the indys.
One thing is Bournes favour is that John Cena is a huge fan of his, so if Bourne is patient and stays healthy he could be in the main event at some point.
I keep missing parts of WWE programming I really want to see.
Caught the start of RAW but had to leave before Sin Cara debuted which I really wanted to see.
Ah well, should be able to catch superstars and smackdown tomorrow between going to the gym and rugby training hopefully.
At 4/6/11 11:33 AM, Shaun wrote: I keep missing parts of WWE programming I really want to see.
Caught the start of RAW but had to leave before Sin Cara debuted which I really wanted to see.
I'm a little late, but as promised, here's what I thought about the HoF thing:
The Road Warriors: Unfortunately, the only time I got to see them was the............Heidenreich version. Which was ok, but I'm certain nowhere near as good as when Hawk was still alive. Eventually, I'll get around to seeing them in their prime. I have to admit, I frigging love their attire. :P And that opening line, of course.
Drew Carey: Huge fan of his. Never knew he was a Royal Rumble participant, so I was shocked to see him in the ring with Kane back when he still had a mask. DAMN, he really has lost a shitload of weight, hasn't he? I have one of his books, actually (Dirty Jokes & Beer: Stories of the Unrefined), but I haven't finished reading it yet (and I've had that book for several years.....yes, I'm that lazy). The intro by Kane was hilarious. Drew himself was almost at a loss for words - although I'd be too if I were a non-wrestler being inducted over one appearance ON THE SAME NIGHT as Shawn Friggin Michaels.
Shawn Michaels: In speaking of him, well, I don't have to tell anyone here that he's arguably the most deserving guy to get inducted ever. The intro by Trips nearly had me falling out of my seat laughing, even more so when Shawn commented on walking into a roast instead. :P Lol. Then at the end, the little DX reunion WITH DIESEL and who I think was X-Pac (it wasn't Hall, that's for sure) was pretty damn cool.
The Other 3 Guys Who Only Got Blurbs: First time actually seeing Abdullah; all I knew about him, really, was that restaraunt he now has. As far as Hacksaw & Bullet Bob, I haven't seen either in their prime yet, either. And, in Hacksaw's case, I've only seen his stooge jobber role he had before he retired, which is a sad thing for the very first RR winner. :/
I wasn't expecting Sin Cara's debut to be on RAW; I was hoping him & Rey would team up on SD instead. Regardless, it's obvious they're sticking him directly in the US Title hunt, which promises to be INSANE. That guy's got moves that I don't think Rey could even pull off BEFORE his knee situation. Any WM match this guy could have in the future should be awesome!
So, we now have a WM28 match AN ENTIRE YEAR before it even happens. I can't recall a match ever being planned that far in advance before.
Cole's going to be wearing that shittyass orange ring gear from no on!? Aw, shit this fuck. If they keep him in the Cole Mine (which is getting old FAST) for much longer, people might actually start turning the station just because he just won't shut the hell up. At least Vickie doesn't spend the WHOLE DAMNED SHOW & EVERY 5 MINUTES OF IT irritating everyone within a 5-mile radius of either him or the TV. It was a good idea at first, but now it's being overdone to a point where it could very well kill ratings - especially with what I now dub "The Atlanta Screwjob". Seriously, this shit has to stop before it becomes unsalvagable.
Why the hell are The Corre being booked so horribly? It's an insult to all 4 of them to be smushed like that. I mean, the best 3 guys of the original Nexus (not counting Bryan in that, since he didn't stay long), plus Big Zeke, and while they're not getting buried, per se, they're being booked to lose enough to kill their credibility for the most part. And that's even with 3 out of 4 of them with titles! Let's hope that, when Zeke gets the World Title (which is very possible),things pick up on the booking side of things. We SHOULD have Evolution 2.0, here, but we don't yet.
@kill343: Welcome; didn't know you were a wrestling fan.
At 4/5/11 11:31 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Dear 36Holla,
Hi, I have it on good authority WWE doesn't give a shit about Evan Bourne. They see him as a flying little bumper they'll have around for a few years, his knees will go to shit and he'll retire. Sad but true, not everybody is going to get to headline.
Which is unfortunate when Cena tried to get him noticed. >:(
Looks like someone is in the dog house again:
PWTorch.com is reporting that there is backstage heat on WWE Diva Melina and John Morrison as a result of their treatment of Trish Stratus during her return time to WWE.
It's being said that Melina and Morrison feel Trish Stratus took Melina's spot in the 6 person tag match at WrestleMania, and as a result they've been giving Stratus the cold shoulder over the course of the past few weeks. Additionally, it's being reported that John Morrison rejected several story line ideas that Trish Stratus pitched for their program against Dolph Ziggler and LayCool. This did not go over well with management as Trish Stratus is highly regarded amongst the top WWE brass.
Jeeze Morrison.... You should know better by now. Just shut up and maybe your push would be consistent.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Hey, JoMo...dump Melina and you will be the WWE champion within a year.
On a side note, if you are only the No. 2 heel in a brand, you are treated like a little b*tch. Look at CM Punk, look at Wade Barrett. I am sick and tired of talented heel wrestlers like them jobbing week in and week out.
Smackdown was underwhelming, especially that finish. Didn't think an Enziguri kick from the top rope would be enough to get Christian on.
At 4/8/11 10:54 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Hey, JoMo...dump Melina and you will be the WWE champion within a year.
On a side note, if you are only the No. 2 heel in a brand, you are treated like a little b*tch. Look at CM Punk, look at Wade Barrett. I am sick and tired of talented heel wrestlers like them jobbing week in and week out.
The Big Show/Kane vs. Corre thing needs to die. There's nothing interesting going on with that right now. Punk and Orton SHOULD be done and I hope to see that by next Raw.
I've been looking back at my recordings of the FCW promos and matches, and I just noticed...
FCW has better storylines than the actual WWE. The wrestlers and Divas are more talented than some main-event wrestlers.
There are less 'comic' wrestlers. And the few that are there actually have talent, and win/lose matches.
I've seen that there's a sort of template for the comic wrestlers in the WWE. They either win, or they lose. There's no real in-between.
There are no real babyfaces, which I see as a good thing.
The regular faces are less sappy, and they aren't Superman/Wonder Woman. They don't immediately regain health and power.
Let's just say it's less like a video-game.
The heels get over with the crowd. Along with the villains, they're more serious than their WWE counterparts.
The villains actually make you go, "Oh, this guy is fucking serious, let's see what he does next." They make you want to keep watching, since they don't just constantly lose matches against the faces. Which brings me to the next part...
There are less jobbers in FCW. In the rare case that there is one, they at least put up a decent fight, instead of just being beat down immediately.
The Divas are better-looking. They're stronger, and are talented in-ring. They cut better promos. They do scream and wail as much as their WWE counterparts, though. But at least they aren't comparable to twigs!
I can't really say anything about the commentators. For all I know, they could be worse than Cole.
I seriously doubt that, though.
Also, Sin Cara looks promising. Rey-Rey finally has some competition. I'd like to see a match between the two of them.
Who's that jumpin' out the sky? Mistico, here we go...I had to do this. I'm so sorry.
They changed the band for Corre's theme AGAIN........why do they keep doing that!?
I wanted Christian to win; I knew Alberto would.
Uh, which show is Sin Cara on, now?
At 4/7/11 11:19 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Looks like someone is in the dog house again:
PWTorch.com is reporting that there is backstage heat on WWE Diva Melina and John Morrison as a result of their treatment of Trish Stratus during her return time to WWE.
Y'know, I wish backstage politics didn't dictate WWE careers - at least not as much as they do right now.
At 4/9/11 12:34 PM, JabberWocky wrote: I've been looking back at my recordings of the FCW promos and matches, and I just noticed...
Probably because Vince doesn't care about FCW. Otherwise, it'd still have all the same problems.
At 4/9/11 12:34 PM, JabberWocky wrote: Also, Sin Cara looks promising. Rey-Rey finally has some competition. I'd like to see a match between the two of them.
I don't understand why people want to see a match between these two.
I think they should be kept as far apart as possible.
They are far too similar. As you can see Sin Cara has gone after sheamus and jack swagger, two big power wrestlers who can support sin caras moveset.
Mysterios best matches are against wrestlers in the same vain - undertaker, kane or jericho.
It is the same with people who want to see matches between Cena/Rock, Stone cold/Orton, etc. etc.
A mix of styles works better then someone trying to wrestle a mirror of themself.
At 4/9/11 10:39 PM, Swackman wrote: Y'know, I wish backstage politics didn't dictate WWE careers - at least not as much as they do right now.
IF the Torch is correct (and I really don't trust them too much since they've always been one of the dirtiest of dirt sheet types, looking to get wrestlers to burn bridges, or sabotaging guys and promotions), then frankly Morrison and Melina SHOULD be reprimanded for their silly and ignorant complaining. Trish Stratus is a million percent better and more of a draw then Melina will ever be. Just because she fucked a headliner, does not make her a headliner (and no, I do not mean Morrison...). Trish is one of the girls that set the table for people like Melina to come in, show some goddamn respect. Also, Melina is a fucking heel last I checked...so how exactly did Trish "steal her spot"? Also, even if she did turn face again and I missed it, so? Trish is part of Tough Enough, which WWE and USA are rightly pushing to the moon (the ratings out of the gate are fantastic) and therefore it makes all the sense in the world to plaster those personalities into high profile spots. I don't care how talented they are, if they don't "get it" in terms of what is best for the overall health of the company, then they really should be downgraded and left in the spots their in right now.
Probably because Vince doesn't care about FCW. Otherwise, it'd still have all the same problems.
Ding ding ding! If Vince had a direct hand in it, you'd see all the same stuff. The Attitude Era was an aberration because Vince was more focused on being a character, and because he needed to step away from his comfort zone to make money. But when it comes right down to it he always loves faces who are like unbeatable super heroes (and so did his father). That's just how that company/territory has functioned for it's entire existence really. Also such characters seem to defy "wrestling logic" and that must make Vince thrilled since he's going more out of his way then ever to make sure his company isn't a "wrestling" company. I mean, WWE Inc. is now the official name. He's finally dropped Wrestling from the title.